A 64 Bit kernel patcher based on xerub's patchfinder64, forked to have all of these options.
./Kernel64Patcher <kernel_in> <kernel_out> <args>
-a Patch AMFI
-f Patch AppleFirmwareUpdate img4 signature check
-s Patch SPUFirmwareValidation (iOS 15 Only)
-r Patch RootVPNotAuthenticatedAfterMounting (iOS 15 Only)
-o Patch could_not_authenticate_personalized_root_hash (iOS 15 Only)
-e Patch root volume seal is broken (iOS 15 Only)
-u Patch update_rootfs_rw (iOS 15 Only)
-p Patch AMFIInitializeLocalSigningPublicKey (iOS 15 Only)
-h Patch is_root_hash_authentication_required_ios (iOS 16 only)
-l Patch launchd path
-t Patch tfp0
-d Patch developer mode
- xerub for patchfinder64
- iH8sn0w for code