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Configuration Files

Robin edited this page Jan 21, 2024 · 1 revision

File Structure

The plugin will load any configuration files that are located within the /vouchers/ folder in your plugin. This is to allow you to keep all your vouchers carefully organized.

Example Configurations

Here are some examples on how you can configure the plugin

Money Pouches

Here is a very basic example for a money pouch voucher

  item: # The item that will be given to the player
    material: SUNFLOWER
    name: '&eSmall Money Pouch'
      - ''
      - '&f| &7This voucher will give you'
      - '&f| &7a small amount of money!'
      - '&f| &7[1,000 - 5,000]'
      - ''
    glow: true
  commands: # The commands that will be executed if the player redeems the voucher
    - '[console] eco give %player_name% %rng_1000,5000%'

Temporary VIP Rank Voucher

Here is a more advanced example for a temporary VIP rank voucher

  item: # The item that will be given to the player
    material: DIAMOND
    name: '&#b00b1eVIP Rank'
      - ''
      - '&f| &7This voucher will give you'
      - '&f| &7the VIP rank for 1 hour!'
      - ''
    glow: true
  requirement-min: 1 # The amount of requirements needed to meet to redeem the voucher
  cooldown: 1h # The cooldown of the voucher (1h = 1 hour, 1m = 1 minute, 1s = 1 second)
  on-cooldown: # The commands that will be executed if the player is on cooldown
    - '[message] &cYou can use this again in %cooldown%!'
  deny-commands: # If the player does not meet the requirements, these commands will be executed
    - '[message] &cYou already have the VIP Rank!'
    no-vip: # The name of the requirement
      type: '!permission' # The type of requirement
      input: '' # The input of the requirement
  commands: # The commands that will be executed if the player meets the requirements
    - '[console] lp user %player_name% parent addtemp vip 1h'
    - '[message] &aYou now have VIP Rank for an hour!'