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Source Engine Strike

Information from wikipedia:

Source is a 3D game engine developed by Valve. It debuted as the successor to GoldSrc with Half-Life: Source in June 2004, followed by Counter-Strike: Source and Half-Life 2 later that year. Source does not have a concise version numbering scheme; instead, it was released in incremental versions

Source code is based on TF2 2018 leak. Don't use it for commercial purposes.

This project is using waf buildsystem. If you have waf-related questions look


  • Android, OSX, FreeBSD, Windows, Linux support
  • Arm support (except windows)
  • 64bit support
  • Modern toolchains support
  • Fixed many undefined behaviours
  • Touch support
  • VTF 7.5 support
  • PBR support
  • bsp v19-v21 support
  • mdl v46-49 support
  • Removed useless/unnecessary dependencies
  • Fixed many bugs
  • Server Browser and Achievements working without steam

Current tasks

  • Should fix the texts
  • Fix fov makes the viewmodel invisible
  • Third Person walking animation broken, needs to be fixed.

Cooking Book for Windows

  1. Download Python 3 and Git if necessary
  2. Clone the repo via git clone --recursive or just download as a zip if you want to
  3. Open a command prompt inside the folder
  4. Type waf configure -T release --prefix=cstrike --build-games=cstrike --disable-warns
    • You can add some additional parameters for example:
    • --enable-opus / activates voice chat, did'nt tested.
    • --32-bits / compiles 32-bit binaries
    • You can change the build type by just changing -T release with -T debug
  5. Wait until the command finishes
  6. Type waf build -p -v and wait until compiling process being finished
    • Tooks about 15-20 minutes but it depends on your specs
  7. When everythings done, just enter waf install to obtain the game binaries
    • All the files should be in a folder called "cstrike", inside of the root
  8. Acquire CS:S files and put it into source-engine-strike\cstrike except bin files
  9. Download HL2 Pre-anniversary branch and copy the files inside hl2 folder that starts with hl2_misc_***.vpk
  10. Put that files into source-engine-strike\cstrike\hl2
  11. Copy gameinfo.txt from cstrike and paste into hl2
  12. Start the game, and have fun!

Creating Solution for VS2022

  • Creating a solution is more easier than you think, heres the steps to reproduce:
  1. Open a command prompt inside the repository folder
  2. Type waf msvs and wait till you get a success message.
  3. Enter the solution named source-engine.sln
  4. Set Startup Project as hl2_launcher project
  5. Go into Properties of it
  6. Enter Debugging tab and change Command to $(ProjectDir)..\cstrike\hl2_launcher.exe
    • You can also add launch parameters through the properties.


  • Make sure everytime when you editing the code, you need to type waf install to the command prompt to apply the changes.


A CS:S Revival Project







  • C++ 80.0%
  • C 17.8%
  • SWIG 0.8%
  • C# 0.4%
  • Perl 0.3%
  • Python 0.3%
  • Other 0.4%