|---📂 src
|---📂 @app -> Shared modules here
|---📂 admin -> Admin module
|---📂 csyt -> All of other modules for hospital listed above
| |
| |---📂 catalog -> Catalog module
| | |
| | |---📂 doctor -> Doctor Page
| | | |
| | | |---📂 components -> Components for module
| | | |
| | | |---📄 doctor.model.ts -> Model for Catalog/Doctor module
| | | |
| | | |---📄 doctor.service.ts -> Service
| | | |
| | | |---📄 doctor.slice.ts -> Redux slice
| | | |
| | | |---📄 index.ts -> Doctor page
| | |
| | |---📂 service
| | |
| | |---📂 other sub modules...
| |
| |---📂 working-schedule
| |
| |---📂 other modules...
| |
|---📂 smd -> All of other modules for subcontract monitoring dashboard
| |
| |---📂 components -> SMD Components
| | |
| | |---📂 cbo-table -> CBO Table
| | | |
| | | |---📄 cbo-table.tsx -> Components for module
| | | |
| | | |---📄 index.ts -> Index file
| | |
| | |---📂 contract-table -> Contract Table
| | |
| | |---📂 dashboard -> Dashboard
| | |
| | |---📂 efficiency-table -> Efficiency Table
| | |
| | |---📂 implement-package-table -> Implement Package Table
| | |
| | |---📂 kpi-table -> KPI Table
| | |
| | |---📂 package-table -> Package Table
| | |
| | |---📂 personal-data-table -> Personal Data Table
| | |
| | |---📂 project-table -> Project Table
| | |
| | |---📂 report-table -> Report Table
| | |
| | |---📂 target-table -> Target Table
| |
| |---📂 models -> Includes all models used in SMD Module
| | |
| | |---📄 cbo.ts -> CBO model
| | |
| | |---📄 contract.ts -> Contract model
| | |
| | |---📄 implement-package.ts -> Implement Package model
| | |
| | |---📄 index.ts -> Index file
| | |
| | |---📄 indicator.ts -> Indicator model
| | |
| | |---📄 kpi.ts -> Kpi model
| | |
| | |---📄 patient-info.ts -> Patient Info model
| | |
| | |---📄 project.ts -> Project model
| | |
| | |---📄 report.ts -> Report model
| | |
| | |---📄 shared.ts -> Shared model
| | |
| | |---📄 smd-package.ts -> Package model
| | |
| | |---📄 target.ts -> Target model
| |
| |---📂 pages -> All SMD's pages
| | |
| | 📂---cbo -> CBO Page
| | | |
| | | |---📄 cbo.tsx -> CBO Page
| | | |
| | | |---📄 index.ts -> Index file
| | |
| | 📂---dashboard -> Dashboard Page
| | |
| | 📂---indicator -> Indicator Page
| | |
| | 📂---kpi -> KPI Page
| | |
| | 📂---personal-data -> Personal Data Page
| | |
| | 📂---project -> Project Page
| | |
| | 📂---report -> Report Page
| | |
| | 📂---smd-package -> Package Page
| |
| |---📂 redux -> Component's Redux
| | |
| | |---📄 cbo.ts -> Cbo redux
| | |
| | |---📄 contract.ts -> Contract redux
| | |
| | |---📄 implement-package.ts -> Implement Package redux
| | |
| | |---📄 index.ts -> Index file
| | |
| | |---📄 indicator.ts -> Indicator redux
| | |
| | |---📄 kpi.ts -> Kpi redux
| | |
| | |---📄 patient-info.ts -> Patient Info redux
| | |
| | |---📄 project.ts -> Project redux
| | |
| | |---📄 report.ts -> Report redux
| | |
| | |---📄 shared.ts -> Shared redux
| | |
| | |---📄 smd-package.ts -> Package redux
| | |
| | |---📄 target.ts -> Target redux
| |
| |---📂 utils -> All SMD's Utils
| | |
| | |---📄 helper.ts -> SMD's helper
- Every modules/sub-module should have:
- An index page file (
) - A redux slice file (
) - A service file (
) - A model file (
) - A components folder
- An index page file (
- Folders and Files naming convention: kebab-case
- TypeScript: ESLint with Airbnb' rules (Please DO NOT disable ESLint extension)
- Git: Conventional Commits with GitFlow
- All API links should be declare inside
- Only use
for TypeScript supports - Don't touch folder
(this folder is for UI customization) - Declare all pages in
- Every page has its own
declared in enums for app tab interaction and app tab refresh - Use
for authorization in UI componentTree
also use thehasPermission
to display corresponding menu for each permission list- Permissions should be declare in the state of
slice from'src/@app/slices/auth.ts'