Our goal is to port William Sharpe's RISMAT retirement income analysis package from its original Matlab language to python. Those not familiar with that work are directed to the source: https://web.stanford.edu/~wfsharpe/RISMAT/
Initially we seek only to achieve parity between the original Matlab RISMAT and pyRISMAT, but are entertaining possible future enhancements to include:
- improved graphics
- inclusion of the impact of income tax
- restructured directories to separate code, common data, clients and scenarios
- possibly some sort of a GUI interface
The original Matlab code will be modified to only to ensure enduring compatibility with the always evolving Matlab environment, bugfixes (if any), and a small modification to save validation data sets from the original code.
Note that we are maintaining two main branches:
- mlMain--a branch with the original ML code and a few updates
- main--the main development branch with only the python code
It is envisioned that most users will be interested only in the code on main