This application was created for our bootcamp's second project. This will showcase our acquired skills and knowledge to build a web application from scratch. Our focus is to execute a design that solves a real-world problem by creating a hub for groups of people to communicate.
This project was created using agile development methodologies and implementation of feature and bug fixes using Git branch workflow and pull requests.
User Story
As a user I want to be able to share my schedule and communicate with my social group so that I can plan events around our busy schedule.
Github repository:
Heroku deployment:
To use this application, simply sign up for an account. You will be redirected to the homepage once signed in. You can then navigate to the dashboard. Once you are done, simply sign out or close the browser.
Works with both desktop browsers as well as is mobile friendly.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Day.js
Additional Framework used: Bulma
NPM Packages:, dotenv, express, mysql2, sequelize, bcrypt, connect-session-sequelize, express-handlebars, express-session
Kanban Board: Trello
Wireframe: Figma
Fab Team 5
Patrick Mengler
Nick Morris
Helen Evans
John Nelson