go get -u github.com/paulvasilenko/discordbot
go get -u github.com/paulvasilenko/chrisify
Also requires installed MongoDB and File Server (apache/nginx/any) to return images generated by !confify
via http
- Answers !pandabot
!confify [imageurl]
- Replaces faces on image to faces from folder, uses Google Vision API.
All commands require game code. Currently supported gamecodes
- lol (League of Legends)
- ow (Overwatch)
!subscribegame | !subg
- Subscribe to game highlights!unsubscribegame | !unsubg
- Unsubscribe from game highlights!startsession | !starts
- Start game session, highlights all subscribed!stopsession | !stops
- Stop session!joingame | !jg
- Join game!leavegame | !lg
- Leave game!currentplayers | !cp
- Shows list of playing people!highlightforlobby | !hfl
- Highlights all playing people!highlightnotinlobby | !hfnl
- Highlights all playing people who aren't in game
- No, thanks, i like women.
Calculate the number of Smileys Used in messages
- Prints Top 10 the most popular emojis!pts [emoticon]
- Prints Top 10 users of emoji
Provides quoting feature to discord
When someone writes message (or block of messages) and you want to quote it,
you should react to first message in block using copyright emoji (:copyright:
or ©)
Then bot reads 100 messages after this and prints only block of messages, which are belonged to only one user Algorithm stops when appears message which is not belonged to user.
Provides functionality to compete in a speed of wheelchair.
- Joins to races!rleave
- Leaves from races!rstart
- Starts race!rjoined
- Prints list of joined people!rreset
- Removes all people from joined list