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Telegram music bot with Serverless framework and Node.js

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Telegram Music Bot

Telegram Music Bot made with Serverless framework and Node.js in AWS.

Bot can be used to add music links to a queue, which then be periodically sent to Telegram channel.

Initial boilerplate generated with serverless framework by running npx serverless create -t aws-nodejs-typescript.


Infrastructure Diagram

Architecture diagram is created with diagrams python library. To update diagrams, install dependencies (graphvizrequired to be installed in system globally) and run the python script:

python3 -m pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
(cd docs && python3

Telegram configuration


For the bot you need a channel to send scheduled messages to. Create a channel and grab its id.


  1. You need to create a bot. More info here.

    send a POST request to<YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>/setWebhook with body:

    	"url": "<YOUR_LAMBDA_ENDPOINT>"

    More info about setWebook here.

  2. Add bot to a channel as admin so it can send messages there.

  3. Optionally you can use BotFather's commands to make your bot more appealing with added description, about text, user pic and commands.

Currently bot supports /start, /about and /q commands. Bot is only handling private messages, everything else gets ignored (see src/functions/processMessages/handler.ts).

AWS Systems Manager - Parameter Store configuration

You need following parameters to be stored in the same region as the application. Note that these should be set before the deployment and if you need to update them, redeployment is required:

  • telegram-music-bot-token, as a secure string
  • telegram-music-channel-id, as a string
  • telegram-music-cron-schedule, as a string e.g. 0 7 ? * MON-FRI *
  • telegram-music-bot-sentry-dsn, as a secure string (optional)

Install locally

  • npm ci


  • aws-vault exec <PROFILE> -- npm run deploy


In order to test the given function locally, run the following command:

  • aws-vault exec <PROFILE> -- npx serverless invoke local -f <FUNCTION_NAME> --path src/functions/<FUNCTION_NAME>/mock.json

Error handling / logging

Exceptions are sent to Sentry on top of them being stored in CloudWatch Logs.

Project structure

  • functions - containing code base and configuration for your lambda functions
  • libs - containing shared code base between your lambdas


Telegram music bot with Serverless framework and Node.js







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