The PuncherBot, written in Go, helps you to clock-in and clock out automatically.
- performs auto clock-in and clock-out
- provides a frendly CLI interface
- integrates with calendar database to store the dates to clock-in and clock-out
- integrates with Telegram for real-time notification
Before you start, you need to
- Install the go package. Install link
- Obtain telegram chatbot token and chat ID
- Download Taiwanese goverment calendar from Ruyut's calendar API
- Install this project
git clone
- Buid the source code into binary
go build
- Load the calendar into PuncherBot
./puncherbot load <year>.json
- Edit the
to your own credentials
username = "YOUR USERNAME"
password = "YOUR PASSWORD"
chat_id = "CHATID"
chatbot_token = "CHATBOTTOKEN"
- Start the PuncherBot
./puncherbot run --config config.toml