The Parking Lot Management System is a web-based application implemented using the Ruby on Rails framework. It serves as a browser-based solution designed to work locally on a system. The system provides comprehensive features for managing and organizing parking lots efficiently. This README document provides an overview of the project and guides developers through the setup process.
Ruby Version - 3.1.2
Rails Version - 7.0.4
PostgreSQL - 15.3
To clone the project:
git clone [email protected]:Pratham16121/parking_lot.git
To navigate to the project
cd parking_lot
Install Dependencies
bundle install
create a new PostgresSQL Database
raild db:create db:migrate
Note If this gives error make sure to setup the database.yml file. Copy the text from the database.yml.example in a new config/database.yml file and set the username and password of the postgres.
Decide a finite number of slots for implementing the project
rails create_slots_data:generate_slots[5,4]
Note In the above example: 5 is the number of columns. And, 4 is the number of cars in each columns. The above command will make 20 slots, named: A1-A4, B1-B4, C1-C4, D1-D4, E1-E4.
- Start the server
rails s
It has been evaluated that the test cases written for the application cover all possible scenarios with 98.72% coverage.
For detailed coverage information, please refer to the Coverage Report.