We requires wheel to create built distribution
We requires twine to upload the package into https://pypi.org/manage/project/python_packaging_distribution/releases/
Command to install wheel and twine
$pip install wheel
$pip install twine
Command to create source distribution
$python setup.py sdist
Command to create the built distribution
$python setup.py bdist_wheel
Command to upload everything under dist once above both source and build package is created to pypi
$twine upload dist/*
The file .travis.yml is created for integrating the Travis CI into the github
The doc under docs/ will be used to create documentation https://readthedocs.org/, which you can integrate with the github
You also can use below project to create the folder structure + the setup.py and setup.cfg file + configuration which will be required for packaging and distribution
Command to run Cookiecutter
$cookiecutter https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage
Once you run the above command it will ask for some values, provide those and it will create the structure with configuration files.
We requires travis-encrypt to encryt the password
$pip install travis-encrypt
Once above done, run the below commnand to update the file .travis.yml with encrypted password, premvikash is my github username and python_packaging_distribution is the github repo name
$travis-encrypt --deploy Premvikash python_packaging_distribution /Users/prem/Desktop/codebase/python_packaging_distribution/.travis.yml