Welcome to your project tracker! Project for AU by QCSolutions Devs: QC / KC
7/10/24 3:30 PM Added base files // QC
Added base files X2 // QC
Design team (HN) Currently working on design for website 12:39 PM 7/11/2024 Design Team (HN) Completed nav bar and footer design for website 2:10 PM 7/11/2024
Dev Team (QC) Started building functions of nav bar (Note: This is not the DESIGN of the navbar just building functionality of it)
NEW: actual navbar design, 78% finished 9:34 PM 7/11/24 (QC)
7/15/24 3:52 Created discount popup //qc Created footer //qc Created Login and register options //qc Photo updates will be done tonight //qc