- add: Tutorial for saving live timeseries data (e.g., forecast) in context broker and timeseries database (#363)
- add: Tutorial for using session object (#370)
- add: Validation of quotation mark in
strings for NGSI-LDget_entities_list
(#383) - fix: Addition of trailing slash if missing from base url (#371)
- fix: Serialization error for custom datamodels during batch operation (#376)
- update: omit invalid entities in
What's Changed
- 341 introduce pre commit hook and formatter by @djs0109 in #364
- chore: include example for session object by @sbanoeon in #370
- 352 new tutorial for saving forcast data by @djs0109 in #363
- enable 312 tests by @djs0109 in #366
- 360 urllib parse misimplementation of urljoin by @djs0109 in #371
- fix error handling in by @paul-l1 in #378
- Add: get entity list should ignore bad entity if the validation is failing by @djs0109 in #375
- 377 fix error handling in context broker client by @djs0109 in #382
- batch operation cannot post attribute for custom datamodels by @djs0109 in #376
- chore: remove deprecated functions in NGSI-LD models by @djs0109 in #389
- Added single quote check and test for ngsi ld query string by @SystemsPurge in #383
- 391 release preparation v0 6 1 by @djs0109 in #392
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.6.0...v0.6.1