A react-mobx responsive application, where buyer can see the details of sellers and book an appointment with the seller. A buyer needs to sign up and login to book/delete/view an appointment And s/he should wait the seller to approve the reservation other wise it will be delete.
Also, there is a seller view, where seller will be able to view the reservations, approve or reject them. Also s/he will be to add new available slots, view/delete the added ones
- About the Project
- Installation
- Test
- Live Link
- Built With
- Nice to have features
- Potential Future Updates
In this project I have developed a booking application with react and mobx libraries. App name is Booky. A user can sign up/login to see the details of sellers and book/view/delete an appointment.
App uses react router to route to different components.
There is no backend in this project, its totally depending in localStorage.
Click here to see live version
To run the app locally, clone the repository, navigate to it's directory.
git clone https://github.com/RahafTahayneh/booking-app.git
cd booking-app
npm install
npm start
Now go to localhost:3000 in your browser.
- ReactJs
- Mobx
- React Router
- Material-ui
- ES6
- Font-Awesome
- Material-Icons
- Responsive to mobile and desktop screens
- Add backend services
- Add notifications
- Develop the user interface with a help from a UI/UX engineer