Two Forks VR 0.0.12
Two Forks VR 0.0.12 with comfort options and headless Henry
- Add setting for snap turning. Configuration for the snap rotation angle will come in a future update;
- Add setting for "teleport" locomotion. Similar to games like VR Chat: aim an arc with a controller, the camera stays put, while the player body moves towards the target. Unfortunately Henry doesn't have a head, sorry;
- Add setting for showing the player body. Looks ugly and there's no IK, you'll clip through the body if you move your head down;
- Add setting for keeping the camera static during big animations. Some of the animations move the camera around a lot, so if you enable this you'll just see a headless Henry doing those broken animations from the initial point. This can be unstable since the game relies on animations to move the player around a lot;
- Move to interaction targets instantly to prevent a bug where the player would some times slide away from the interaction target;