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Two Forks VR 0.0.15

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@Raicuparta Raicuparta released this 16 Feb 16:58
· 136 commits to main since this release
  • Show ghost hands during some animations. Firewatch has a lot of player animations. Player animations (especially the ones affecting hands and the camera) are inherently incompatible with VR gameplay. But without rewriting huge portions of the game, I can't just disable those animations and replace them with proper VR gesture interactions. Up until now, Two Forks VR would always override Henry's hand positions with the VR hand controller positions, retaining only the animations within the hand itself (the fingers). This of course breaks a lot of animations that rely on the hands being in certain positions. It's particularly noticeable when an animation involves Henry picking up and handling large objects, you'd often see the objects floating around your VR hands as you move them. With 0.0.15 you'll now see a pair of ghost arms whenever some larger animations are playing, and these ghost arms will show the original animations. There's still an option in the VR settings menu to revert to the old ways of always using the tracked VR hands only, but that will of course bring back the broken animations.
  • Show ghost lower body while teleporting. The ghost look and the lack of that weird broken upper body makes the teleport locomotion a bit less disconcerting.
  • Show ghost lower body instead of just feet, if option is on. All of these ghost body parts use the same shader for consistency. But I'll try to improve the look in future updates, because this one is way too bright during night time.
  • Fixed reticule being visible under some conditions.
  • Fixed some broken transitions with the "static camera during animations" option. With this fix, this option becomes a lot more stable. People who suffer from motion sickness might be able to play the full game at a decent comfort level using static camera during animations, teleport locomotion, and snap turning. There are still some small transitions where the camera moves a bit after animations, and hopefully I'll be able to fix those too soon.