Releases: RatzzFatzz/MKVAudioSubtitleChanger
Releases · RatzzFatzz/MKVAudioSubtitleChanger
- Replace custom parameter engine with picocli
- Config file capability changed completely and is now only supported via picocli format
- Improved help information
- Add windows installer (installs application bundled with java and adds it to PATH making it available to command line)
- Add debian package
- Removed -fk, -ck and -ps (the long versions --forced-keywords, --commentary-keywords and --preferred-subtitles are still available)
- Fix empty parameter input
- Improve logging and log file management
- Add .deb build
- Improve log file management
- Fix empty parameter input
- Removed -fk, -ck, -ps (the long parameter version is still available)
- Replace custom parameter engine with picocli
- Remove config file capability
- Add windows installer (installs the application bundled with java and adds it to the user PATH variable making it available to cli)
- Remove forced flag from audio tracks
- Fix bug where setting of default audio track is faulty when file has no default subtitle track
- Coherent feature: Match a whole directory / series / season with the same config
- Date Filter: Only update files which are newer than the entered date
- Only New Files: With this parameter only files newer than the last successful execution are updated
- Attribute Config via CLI: Easily pass your mapping config via CLI
- Now all parameters can be passed by CLI and a config file is not necessary anymore
- Improve subtitle selection
- Statistic counts are now calculated properly
- OFF for subtitles now works properly
- Add coherent feature (try to match a whole series to the same config)
- Fix excluded files count
- Improve subtitle selection
- Add date filter (only files newer than specified date are considered)
- Add only new files filter (remember last successful execution and only consider files newer than that; works great with a cron job)