PSA Code Sprint Hackathon 2024
NAVIHEALTH is a predictive model that leverages the power of data and AI, to create resilient port operations globally. It has 2 key features: SmartNavigator+ and SmartFleet.
1. SmartNavigator+ 🧠 [Resilience]
SmartNavigator+ is an upgraded system incorporates AI predictive analytics to identify potential risks such as geopolitical tension and weather anomalies, before they occur, making it proactive rather than reactive.
2. SmartFleet 💡 [Proactive]
SmartFleet digitally replicates vital port facilities, including quay cranes and AGVs, by utilising sensors and IoT devices to collect real-time data. By incorporating AI health monitoring, machine learning can be employed to proactively predict potential failures before they happen.
- Damian Liew Cho Xiang
- Rayner Sim Zhi Heng
- Sheila Chen Sing Hui
- Wang Yifei
- MongoDB
- React.js
- Express.js
- Node.js
In this section, these are the steps required to setup NAVIHEALTH locally to try it out.
- Go to the server directory:
npm install
node --env-file=config.env server
- Go to the client directory:
npm install
npm run dev
npm install
npm run dev