This product is currently in development and highly experimental.
Its goal is to improve the performance and resilience of pas.plugins.ldap.
Some implementations may be debatable and have specific prerequisites and conditions.
We strongly recommend reviewing the code and its implemented functionalities carefully before using this product. — or not using it at all. :)
- Check the pas.plugins.ldap configuration for best practices, such as read/connection timeouts, memcached usage, handling many users, etc.
- Log LDAP queries to investigate long processing times and unnecessary operations (ensure passwords are not logged for security).
- Make LDAP operations resilient by persistently caching certain queries (opinionated suggestion).
- Intercept errors such as "Problems getting group_ids!" caused by misconfigurations.
- During testing I saw some call to enumerateUsers with
criteria:{'id': '[email protected]*'} exact_match:False
, ... - ...
We need a profile installation here? (maybe not)
We need restapi here? (maybe not)
pas.plugins.ldap hidden gems
os.environ.get("PAS_PLUGINS_LDAP_ERROR_LOG_TIMEOUT", 300.0)
Install redturtle.pasldap with pip
pip install redturtle.pasldap
And to create the Plone site:
make create_site
Local ldap server:
cd tests/docker-test-openldap
docker compose build
docker compose up
Verify that ldap is working:
LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never ldapsearch -H ldap://localhost:10389 -ZZ -x -b "ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com" -D "cn=admin,dc=planetexpress,dc=com" -w GoodNewsEveryone "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)"
make buil-dev
PLONE_REGISTRY_YAML=tests/docker-test-openldap/regenv.yaml LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never make start
The project is licensed under GPLv2.
Crafted with care by Generated using Cookieplone (0.8.2) and cookiecutter-plone (d9b5293) on 2025-01-15 23:35:38.896932. A special thanks to all contributors and supporters!