PostgreSQL Restful Client that can be used from io.js/nodejs or browsers.
NOTE: This project is currently in a volatile state and will get fully documented once the postgreSQL REST service has been realased.
var postrest = require('postrest');
// Connect to database and perform some actions
postrest.Connection('http://tester:[email protected]:8080/testdb')
function listDatabases(db){
return [db,db.database.list()];
function selectLast(db,res){
console.log("status:", res.status); // http status code
console.log("headers: %j", res.headers);// server headers
console.log("count:", res.count); // result count
console.log("result: %j", res.result); // result items (undefined if count == 0, array if count > 1)
var database = res.result[res.count-1].database; // pick last result list item
return db.useDatabase(database); // create and return new database session
function showTables(db){
console.log("tables: %j", res.result);
return db;
function onError(error){
console.log("error:", error);
Postrest returns bluebird promises, read more about the bluebird API here:
var postrest = require('postrest');
// connect to database 'bookstore' using schema 'v1' and with credentials passed in separately
postrest.Connection('',{username:'librarian', password:'monkey'}).then(bookstore);
raw sql query
function bookstore(db){
db.sql('select row_to_json(t) from books as t')
console.log("books: %j",res.result);
select shorthand using get method
console.log("books: %j", res.result);
console.log("error: %j", error);
using postgresql json operators with limit option
.then(function(res) {
// iterate over rows
console.log("book %s: %j", index, book);
}, function(error){
console.log("error", error);
using the query builder (squel)'data').from('books').exec()
Postrest uses the SQuel SQL builder, read more about that here:
This client uses a postgreSQL REST adapter which translates queries from http REST format to postgreSQL native protocol. It is run as a REST servlet in the excellent gwan web/application server. The gwan servlet is open sourced and can be found here.