MTB is a fast, customizable, useful telegram bot for your Minecraft server.
- Number of online users
- Usernames of online users
- Merging and sending pictures of online users
MTB only and only requires Docker to run.
Install Docker and start the bot, docker takes care of other dependencies.
apt install docker-ce
Now clone the repo:
git clone
cd minecraft-telegram-bot
Let's take care of .env files...
cp mc_bot/.env.example .env
.env file contains your minecraft server and your telegram bot data. fill it like this:
You can add pictures of your Minecraft server users in the users_pictures
directory. Create a subdirectory for each user with their username and add their pictures there. For example:
rev.jpg another_pic.jpg
mehrshad.jpg photo_2024-01-31_10-31-26.jpg
The bot will automatically merge these pictures and send them when requested.
Make sure that you have done all installation steps and made .env files. then, build it and run it.
docker build -t mc_bot .
docker run -d mc_bot
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome.
Feel free to check issues page if you want to contribute.
Please ⭐️ this repository if this project helped you!
Free Software, Hell Yeah!