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Releases: Rivukis/Spry

Swift Package Manager Support Added, Cocoapods dropped.

23 Apr 22:24
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Merge pull request #9 from paulhise1/master

Add small change explanation text to README

3.2.3 Release

01 May 22:44
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Bug Fixes

  • (full-fix) Fixed an issue where stubs that specified arguments would not allow andReturn(nil)

3.2.2 Release

06 Apr 21:57
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Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where changes to HaveReceivedMatcher.swift weren't taking affect
  • Fixed an issue where stubs that specified arguments would not allow andReturn(nil)

3.2.1 Release

02 Apr 20:19
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Bug Fixes:

  • fixed an issue that prevent Swift 4.0 to compile

3.2 Release

26 Mar 02:17
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New Features:

  • Added array of calls to all Spyable fakes. The calls in this array are in chronological order. Calls will be removed from this array when resetCalls() is called.
  • Added array of stubs to all Stubbable fakes. The stubs in this array are in chronological order. Stubs will be removed from this array when resetStubs() or stubAgain() is called.
  • Changed SpryEquatable to default to Equatable function when an object is a reference type and conforms to Equatable. This was changed to match how Swift and other frameworks handle this scenario.
  • Minor clean up to a few fatal error messages, including adding more information to a couple fatal error scenarios.
  • added Nimble matcher haveRecordedCalls() to Spyable. This checks to see if any calls have been recorded on a Spyable fake. This matcher uses the calls array and therefore will report out no recorded calls if resetCalls() regardless if calls have been made beforehand.
  • Added SpryConfiguration class. Added fatalErrorClosure to SpryConfiguration which defaults to printing out the fatal error message. This was added because current versions of Xcode don't always print out fatal error messages.

Helpful Hints:

  • Spryable conforms to both Stubbable and Spyable.
  • Can put a breakpoint on fatalError() line in FatalError.swift to prevent Xcode from executing the fatal error. This can be helpful if Xcode sometimes crashes when executing fatalError().

3.1.1 Release

24 Dec 23:33
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New Features:

  • Added default value of Void() to andReturn()

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue that prevented testing of the same function being called with different types. This was introduced as a new feature that fatal error'd when the wrong type was used as an argument. As such, this feature has been removed.

3.1 Release

18 Dec 00:22
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New Features:

  • changed Argument.pass to Argument.validator
  • improved fatal error messaging when no function is found (can now go straight to offending line using provided route)

Bug Fixes:

  • fixed issue where Argument.captor() was not public

3.0.1 Release

11 Dec 04:05
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Bug Fixes:

  • fixed the issue where the default implementation for StringRepresentable was not public
  • fixed the file to use ClassFunction instead of StaticFunction

3.0 Release

20 Nov 00:34
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New Features:

  • .stub() for the same function with the same argument specification now fatalError()s.
  • can use stubAgain() when needing to stub the same function with the same arguments
  • associated type StaticFunction has been renamed to ClassFunction, since static functions can not be subclassed
  • passing in the incorrect number of arguments now fatalError()s instead of failing silently
  • rewrote all the fatal error messaging, should be easier to read
  • rewrote how stubs are held to improve performance
  • rewrote how recorded calls are held to improve performance

Bug Fixes:

  • fixed an issue where certain stubs that were specified to return nil behaved as if it wasn't stubbed.
  • fixed an issue where some dictionaries were incorrectly equating to false

2.2.4 Release

14 Sep 00:38
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Fixed issue where SpryEquatable would override NSObject's isEqual function