Robotics assignment, western university of applied science.
- Torsdag 17/11-22 11:15 Final presentation, Zoom
- Torsdag 03/11-22 11:15 CDR, Zoom
- Tirsdag 18/10-22 14:00 Discord
- Tirsdag 11/10-22 14:00 Discord
- Torsdag 6/10-22 11:00 Zoom PDR breif
- Tirsdag 4/10-22 14:00 Discord
- Tirsdag 27/9-22 12:00 Discord
- Tirsdag 20/9-22 14:00 oppstart
- Publish tasks.
- Interface topology (All)
- Kinematic modeling (Mathias)
- Kinematic model
- Model Simulation Matlab
- Motion algorithm (Mathias)
- Sensor package (Fredrik F.)
- Make Model(Fredrik F.)
- Make 3D model of assignment
- Model simulation Gazebo
- Rviz
- Robot arm (Fredrik, Lars, Sander)
- Moveit implementation
- Preplaned Navigation Planning (...)
- Develop the table of DH parameters
- Develop the transformation mapping end-effector to base (for the first 4 joints only)
- Draw a model of the mobile robot with the necessary variables defined (see Fig. 4.1 in Corke for inspiration)
- Develop the kinematic equations of motion for the mobile robot
- Discuss whether the mobile robot is holonomic or non-holonomic
- Develop the transformation from the chosen sensor system to the relevant coordinate system on the robot (world, end-effector, mobile robot, etc)
- Demonstrate equivalence of the forward kinematic solution obtained previously in Matlab (not Toolbox) or by hand
- Develop the differential kinematics (i.e. relating joint and Cartesian velocities), and demonstrate how it could be used
- Develop the inverse kinematics, and demonstrate how it could be used
- Demonstrate example motion planning, on a task relevant to your robot design challenge (or similar)
- Determine suitable controller(s) to control the mobile robot for your chosen challenge
- Implement the kinematic model and the controller(s) in Matlab(/Simulink)
- Demonstrate using the sensory system to command the robot, according to the task chosen. That is, show the calculations necessary to make the sensory data (e.g. an apple detected at an arbitrary location from a static 3D camera) useful to the robot (e.g. calculate the joint angles to put the tool point of the end-effector at the apple’s location).
- Use motion planning to move the robot end-effector through the required positions/orientations for the task chosen, or
- Use differential kinematics to move the end-effector using velocity commands according to the task chosen
- Simulate your chosen challenge, and discuss the simulation results in terms of chosen control strategy and performance
- Discuss and implement a navigation strategy for the mobile robot for your challenge
- Discuss how you would implement a localization strategy for the mobile robot for your challenge
- Model your complete robot system using URDF and visualize the robot in Gazebo
- Your robot arm(s) mounted on your mobile platform
- Your mobile platform, with wheels, sensors etc
- Demonstrate controlling your robot arm(s) in Gazebo over ROS from Matlab, by following along a trajectory calculated in Matlab, or controlled using your differential kinematics implemented in Matlab.
- Demonstrate controlling your mobile robot platform in Gazebo over ROS from Matlab.
- Control a physical UR, Turtlebot, or other robot using coordinates calculated with your Matlab code through ROS.