pock for a multiplayer game
TODO Upgrade :
- Clean entity folder
- Handle generation of StaticEntity with update and streaming
- Batch RPC Message from stream
- Put Mutex where it's needed (worldService, chunkService, DynamicEntityService)
- Move Player between world service when they change world
- Batch client request and proccess ?
- Start/Stop world service by the player count
- Create Equipment, Inventory and Stats fonctionality
- Create ennemy dynamic entity and add AI
- Upgrade world generation
TODO Fonctionality:
- Interactable Entity Generation
- Enemy Entity Generation
- Enemy AI
- Player Movement
- Player Attack
- Collision system
- Inventory
- Equipment
- Skill
- Player Interaction With Interactable Entity
- Building Creation
Route :
- /auth/login
- /auth/logout
- /auth/refresh
- /auth/reset_password
- /auth/register
- /world/user
- /world/list
- /world/join
- /world/delete_user
Cassandra Database : // write it down you lazy bastard
SQL Database : - users - user_world_affs - connexions - worlds
Create databases with this command (need docker)
- docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d
- connect to pock_multiplayer-DC1N1-1 docker container :
- cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra
- enter this command : ''' CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS game WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; '''
- brew install golang-migrate
- create migration file : migrate create -ext sql -dir migrations -seq create_users_table
- migrate -database "cassandra://" -path cmd/world/migrations up
- migrate -database "cassandra://" -path cmd/world/migrations down
- migrate -database "cassandra://" -path cmd/world/migrations drop
Generate Proto for GRPC Command
SERVER -> protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative
--go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative
CLIENT -> protoc --csharp_out=proto/ --grpc_out=proto/ --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=proto/grpc_csharp_plugin proto/world.proto
INSERT INTO game.chunks_by_world (world_uuid,chunk_uuid,x,y,tiles,created_at) VALUES (e0a44f54-b4de-11ec-9e28-367dda4cfa8c, 813e3fac-b4de-11ec-be67-367dda4cfa8c, 1, 1, [{tile_type : 1,elevation:0}], '2018-02-07 14:07:00');
SyntaxException: line 1:124 no viable alternative at input ',' (...y,tiles,created_at) VALUES (["e0a44f54-b4de-11ec-9e28-367dda4cfa8]c",...)