Missing data, also known as missing values, is where some of the observations in a data set are blank.
- At age feature womens hesitate to put down their age
- Men hesitate to show their salary
- informations are not that valid
1. Categorical Data:
It is a string type of data such as Gender, Sex, education, etc.
2. Discrite Data:
It is a number type data which is whole number only such as How many bank account you have,How many bike you have, etc.
3.Continous Data:
It is a number type data such as Age, Height, Profit, etc.
1. Missing Completely at Random (MCAR)
- The variable is missing completely at random (MCAR) if the probability of being missing is the same for all the observations.
- When data is MCAR, there is absolutely no relationship between the data missing and other values.
2. Missing Data Not at Random (MNAR)
- There is absolutely some relationship between the data misssing and any other feature's values in dataset.
3. Missing at Random(MAR)
- If the propensity for a data point to be missing is't related to the missing data, but it's related to some of the observed data.
- When Data is MAR, The data is missing but can be predicted from other information.
1. Mean/Mode/Median replacement
2. Random sample imputation
3. Capturing NAN values with a new feature
4. End of Distribution imputation
5. Arbitrary imputation
6. Frequent categories imputation