Releases: SCADA-LTS/linux-installer
The changelist is listed below:
📄️ GitHub issues/pullrequest list overview:
- Added the ability to set the database name with special characters;
MD5 ( = 641fae7d73caf6a46700aaf752df690b
MD5 ( = d4ff9aeeb18bfffea6701d7e62bf95af
MD5 ( = fbb26e3969232be52f0b868f352f6cc3
Full Changelog: v1.4.2...v1.4.3
The changelist is listed below:
📄️ GitHub issues/pullrequest list overview:
-added ability setting database name;
-upgrade v2.6.18 to new build 3789793770;
MD5 ( = abbc9bddc3187bc6586cfe0d6a2b8138
MD5 ( = 7b413651d0e463b574e1692122b18369
MD5 ( = 4dcb3396f55a40cd33e4a0e572310473
The changelist is listed below:
📄️ GitHub issues/pullrequest list overview:
-refactoring bash scripts;
-fixed macos version;
-recompilation replace-1.0.jar on jdk version 11;
-added manifest file;
MD5 ( = e7aca44e6b5596bde844bdab62bd9a5b
MD5 ( = 4ad33d587d2ff64a0d5c827c7b11fe7b
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1
The changelist is listed below:
📄️ GitHub issues/pullrequest list overview:
- tomcat to v9.0.86;
- java to v11.0.22+7;
- mysql server to v8.0.36;
- moved from tomcat64 to tomcat;
MD5 ( = 60d1f1eb371dd888a3279cf1927b95b8
MD5 ( = 79241d600d7c33244fe5825e85724268
Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v1.4.0
The changelist is listed below:
📄️ GitHub issues/pullrequest list overview:
- supported Apple Silicon M1/M2/ MacOS >= v13
- fixed regexs (hostname as ip)
MD5 ( = bbaf75cec98ae696e8dfe40934f71418
MD5 ( = ac50896103642eb256a77e9b475de69c
MD5 ( = c10b6f0646912d8e56bd97967f8d8a4c
Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v1.3.3
The changelist is listed below:
📄️ GitHub issues/pullrequest list overview:
- set hostname, corrected set password, corrected whitespace
MD5 ( = f6cc1c67db1ae084628bfe14fb4aed5c
MD5 ( = 53d6e0242a38fd2f69bd11e3b5948d22
What's Changed
- #2747 Updated installer for Ubuntu Server by @Patrykb0802 in #3
New Contributors
- @Patrykb0802 made their first contribution in #3
Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.2.2
The changelist is listed below:
📄️ GitHub issues/pullrequest list overview:
- update to 2.7.6/
MD5 ( = fc73ef8997fb6ad8a0b602cd09adf024
MD5 ( = c27e40a41fbe34ddbdf42ccd8fb85ee1
MD5 ( = a0691cf57acd81ba8752855b69346127
The changelist is listed below:
📄️ GitHub changes list overview:
- refactor,;
- extract version config for: java, tomcat, mysql server;
- replacing the pwd command with dirname, realpath;
- created
MD5 ( = d5baecf4a55d6895330a5feba6c59da6
Full Changelog: v1.1.2...v1.2.0
The changelist is listed below:
📄️ GitHub changes list overview:
- parameterization of the installer (ports for database/tomcat, username/password tomcat);
- tomcat downloaded from the Internet;
- raspberry pi support (java, mysql server, tomcat);
MD5 ( = 3125a779f4dfec2c9efb65c322e330fc
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0