A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred.
- Assembly
- Astro
- AutoHotkey
- AutoIt
- Batchfile
- C
- C#
- C++
- CMake
- Clojure
- CoffeeScript
- Common Lisp
- Crystal
- Dart
- Dockerfile
- Elixir
- Elm
- Emacs Lisp
- Fluent
- GDScript
- Go
- Haskell
- Haxe
- HolyC
- Inno Setup
- Java
- JavaScript
- Jupyter Notebook
- Just
- Kotlin
- Less
- Lua
- Makefile
- Markdown
- Meson
- MoonScript
- Nim
- OCaml
- Objective-C
- Others
- Pascal
- Pawn
- Perl
- PowerShell
- Python
- Reason
- Ren'Py
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- Shell
- SourcePawn
- Svelte
- Swift
- TypeScript
- Vala
- Valve Data Format
- Vim Script
- Visual Basic .NET
- Vue
- Xtend
- ZenScript
- Zig
- mcfunction
- MaximumADHD/Roblox-Client-Tracker - An automated repository that extracts and displays information about the current version of Roblox. Most of the information is miscellaneous, but it provides insight to changes that are being made wit
- microsoft/MS-DOS - The original sources of MS-DOS 1.25, 2.0, and 4.0 for reference purposes
- Sanqui/2048-gb - a gameboy (and SMS) port of 2048
- VojtaStruhar/steam-review-template - Checklist review template from Steam that we all know and love.
- rdwz/freesubdoma.in - 🆓 Free Domain Directory - Comprehensive list of 24 Subdomains to choose from!!
- umageddon/namDHC - Windows frontend for CHDMAN - written in Autohotkey
- Bioruebe/UniExtract2 - Universal Extractor 2 is a tool to extract files from any type of archive or installer.
- Pahiro/AutoIT-Scripts - All of my AutoIT Scripts
- SegoCode/AutoWall - 🌌 Live wallpapers on Windows 7/8/10/11 using open-source wallpaper engine
- TheAlienDoctor/minecraft-resource-pack-converter - Converts Minecraft resource packs between versions (Bedrock and Java)
- PaperMC/Folia - Fork of Paper which adds regionised multithreading to the dedicated server.
- btdig/dhtcrawler2 - dhtcrawler is a DHT crawler written in erlang. It can join a DHT network and crawl many P2P torrents. The program save all torrent info into database and provide an http interface to search a torrent
- JarateKing/CleanTF2plus - Clean TF2's sequel
- Alex313031/Snippets - Various little snippets, scripts, binaries, and batch files, usually having something to do with Chromium or Windows.
- Alex313031/Thorium-Win-AVX2 - Repo to serve AVX2 Windows builds of Thorium. https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium/
- Alex313031/Thorium-Win - Chromium fork for Windows named after radioactive element No. 90; Windows builds of https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium
- eppic/ytBATCH - An easy to use Batch Script for downloading Audio and Video using yt-dlp.
- exrodev/voidclicker - Void Clicker is an autoclicker in a batch file that uses some trickery to run Powershell code in the same file which then runs C# code making it able to simulate a click.
- oxters168/Pluvia - Lightweight unofficial Steam client for Android
- ValveSoftware/wine - Wine with a bit of extra spice
- xiph/flac - Free Lossless Audio Codec
- lvgl/lvgl - Embedded graphics library to create beautiful UIs for any MCU, MPU and display type.
- espressif/esp32-camera -
- git/git - Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository but pull requests can be turned into patches to the mailing list via GitGitGadget (https://gitgitgadget.github.io/). Please follow Documentat
- pgvector/pgvector - Open-source vector similarity search for Postgres
- gentilkiwi/mimikatz - A little tool to play with Windows security
- BasedHardware/omi - AI wearables. Put it on, speak, transcribe, automatically
- Lefraudeur/Mujina-Public - A cross-platform injectable cheat base for minecraft made in java, loaded with c++
- apache/nuttx - Apache NuttX is a mature, real-time embedded operating system (RTOS)
- open-quantum-safe/liboqs - C library for prototyping and experimenting with quantum-resistant cryptography
- nanopb/nanopb - Protocol Buffers with small code size
- SanderMertens/flecs - A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++
- arthenica/ffmpeg-kit - FFmpeg Kit for applications. Supports Android, Flutter, iOS, Linux, macOS, React Native and tvOS. Supersedes MobileFFmpeg, flutter_ffmpeg and react-native-ffmpeg.
- eclipse-mosquitto/mosquitto - Eclipse Mosquitto - An open source MQTT broker
- ffmpegwasm/ffmpeg.wasm - FFmpeg for browser, powered by WebAssembly
- meetecho/janus-gateway - Janus WebRTC Server
- xiaoweime/WProtect -
- confluentinc/librdkafka - The Apache Kafka C/C++ library
- skeeto/w64devkit - Portable C and C++ Development Kit for x64 (and x86) Windows
- radareorg/radare2 - UNIX-like reverse engineering framework and command-line toolset
- eanema/graph89 - A fork of Graph89 with UI and UX tweaks and fixes for modern Android versions. Graph89 is an emulator targeting the Android platform for TI89, TI89T, TI92, TI92+, V200, TI84+, TI84+SE, TI83, TI83+ and
- ImageMagick/ImageMagick - ImageMagick is a powerful, open-source software suite for creating, editing, converting, and manipulating images in over 200 formats. Ideal for web developers, graphic designers, and researchers, it o
- illiliti/ssu - Extremely simple su utility
- MrGlockenspiel/activate-linux - The "Activate Windows" watermark ported to Linux
- mgba-emu/mgba - mGBA Game Boy Advance Emulator
- sumatrapdfreader/sumatrapdf - SumatraPDF reader
- Adamcake/Bolt - An alternative launcher for your favourite MMO
- erincatto/box2d - Box2D is a 2D physics engine for games
- Audio4Linux/JDSP4Linux - An audio effect processor for PipeWire and PulseAudio clients
- yzzyx/dwb - git repo for dwb browser
- davatorium/rofi - Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
- bol-van/zapret - DPI bypass multi platform
- curl/curl - A command line tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax, supporting DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, GOPHERS, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, MQTT, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTMPS, RTSP, S
- alkom/droidzebra - DroidZebra Reversi for Android
- mpv-player/mpv - 🎥 Command line video player
- bilibili/ijkplayer - Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
- FFmpeg/FFmpeg - Mirror of https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git
- sahib/glyr - Glyr is a music related metadata searchengine, both with commandline interface and C API
- ravachol/kew - A terminal music player.
- godotjs/GodotJS - Add TypeScript/JavaScript Support for Godot 4.x with v8/QuickJS/JavaScriptCore/Browser
- vittorioromeo/SSVOpenHexagon - C++20 FOSS clone of "Super Hexagon". Depends on SSVStart, SSVEntitySystem, SSVLuaWrapper, SSVMenuSystem, JSONcpp, SFML2.0. Features JSON/LUA customizable game files, a soundtrack by BOSSFIGHT, pseudo-
- taisei-project/taisei - A free and open-source Touhou Project fangame
- jart/cosmopolitan - build-once run-anywhere c library
- Novum/vkQuake - Vulkan Quake port based on QuakeSpasm
- ptitSeb/box64 - Box64 - Linux Userspace x86_64 Emulator with a twist, targeted at ARM64, RV64 and LoongArch Linux devices
- Gcenx/game-porting-toolkit - Apple's Game Porting Toolkit
- carl-vbn/opengl-portals -
- dxx-redux/dxx-redux - Descent 1&2 source port based on DXX-Retro
- videogamepreservation/descent - Descent (1995) by Parallax Software Corp.
- CameraKit/camerakit-android - Library for Android Camera 1 and 2 APIs. Massively increase stability and reliability of photo and video capture on all Android devices.
- 0xf4b1/bsod-kernel-fuzzing - BSOD: Binary-only Scalable fuzzing Of device Drivers
- ohasanov-hbrw/osus-revented - The sussy osu clone named osus, revamped!
- MathIsFun0/Immolate - An OpenCL seed searcher for Balatro.
- celluloid-player/celluloid - A simple GTK+ frontend for mpv
- ducalex/retro-go - Retro emulation for the ODROID-GO and other ESP32 devices
- eukara/freecs - Clean-room Counter-Strike 1.5 in QuakeC, using Nuclide SDK. Previously known as OpenCS! (2016)
- fabiangreffrath/crispy-doom - Crispy Doom is a limit-removing enhanced-resolution Doom source port based on Chocolate Doom.
- glouw/littlewolf - A tiny software graphics and game engine
- SuperIlu/DOjS - A MS-DOS Creative Coding IDE/platform based on JavaScript
- chocolate-doom/chocolate-doom - Chocolate Doom is a Doom source port that is minimalist and historically accurate.
- iCatButler/pcsxr - https://pcsxr.svn.codeplex.com/svn/pcsxr
- unicorn-engine/unicorn - Unicorn CPU emulator framework (ARM, AArch64, M68K, Mips, Sparc, PowerPC, RiscV, S390x, TriCore, X86)
- ish-app/ish - Linux shell for iOS
- etlegacy/etlegacy - ET: Legacy is an open source project based on the code of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory which was released in 2010 under the terms of the GPLv3 license.
- danielkrupinski/VAC - Source code of Valve Anti-Cheat obtained from disassembly of compiled modules
- cmus/cmus - Small, fast and powerful console music player for Unix-like operating systems.
- s-macke/SAM - Software Automatic Mouth - Tiny Speech Synthesizer
- mirror/pcsxr - https://pcsxr.svn.codeplex.com/svn/pcsxr
- yquake2/yquake2 - The Yamagi Quake II client
- FeralInteractive/gamemode - Optimise Linux system performance on demand
- raysan5/raygui - A simple and easy-to-use immediate-mode gui library
- OpenDriver2/REDRIVER2 - Driver 2 Playstation game reverse engineering effort
- kondrak/vkQuake2 - id Software's Quake 2 v3.21 with mission packs and Vulkan support (Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, Raspberry Pi 4)
- TheTumultuousUnicornOfDarkness/CPU-X - CPU-X is a Free software that gathers information on CPU, motherboard and more
- Xtr126/wayland-getevent -
- tomwillow/2048 - No Ads, More Advanced 2048 Game
- mikkokko/csldr - Client-side enhancements for CS 1.6 and Condition Zero
- open-ribbon/open-ribbon - vib-ribbon decompilation (PAL version)
- Genymobile/scrcpy - Display and control your Android device
- Maxr1998/SimpleShutdownDialog - A simple dialog to shutdown, reboot, suspend or logout, built with GTK
- emileb/Freedoom-for-Android - Freedoom with GZDoom for Android
- foobnix/LibreraReader - Book Reader for Android
- viti95/FastDoom - Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible!
- Psiphon-Inc/psiphon-android - Psiphon client for Android
- lucianoforks/falling-block-puzzle-game-os - An operating system, but it only plays Tetris.
- jdah/minecraft-weekend - Minecraft, but I made it in 48 hours.
- ventoy/Ventoy - A new bootable USB solution.
- haiwen/seafile - High performance file syncing and sharing, with also Markdown WYSIWYG editing, Wiki, file label and other knowledge management features.
- adamharrison/lite-xl-terminal - A terminal plugin for lite-xl.
- tsl0922/ttyd - Share your terminal over the web
- Aetopia/AppLifecycleOptOut - A tool to prevent UWP apps from being suspended.
- bradharding/doomretro - The classic, refined DOOM source port. For Windows PC.
- Awesome-HarmonyOS/HarmonyOS - A curated list of awesome things related to HarmonyOS. 华为鸿蒙操作系统。
- tiehuis/2048-cli - The game 2048 for your Linux terminal (https://github.com/gabrielecirulli/2048)
- mevdschee/2048.c - Console version of the game "2048" for GNU/Linux
- bvschaik/julius - An open source re-implementation of Caesar III
- Provenance-Emu/Provenance - iOS & tvOS multi-emulator frontend, supporting various Atari, Bandai, NEC, Nintendo, Sega, SNK and Sony console systems… Get Started: https://wiki.provenance-emu.com |
- fogleman/Craft - A simple Minecraft clone written in C using modern OpenGL (shaders).
- torvalds/linux - Linux kernel source tree
- pbatard/rufus - The Reliable USB Formatting Utility
- AppImage/AppImageKit - Package desktop applications as AppImages that run on common Linux-based operating systems, such as RHEL, CentOS, openSUSE, SLED, Ubuntu, Fedora, debian and derivatives. Join #AppImage on irc.libera.c
- mrkite/minutor - Mapping for Minecraft
- valinet/ExplorerPatcher - This project aims to enhance the working environment on Windows
- robiot/xclicker - XClicker - Fast gui autoclicker for x11 linux desktops
- obsproject/obs-studio - OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording
- henrypp/memreduct - Lightweight real-time memory management application to monitor and clean system memory on your computer.
- ironmansoftware/powershell-pro-tools - Scripting, automation, and development tools for professionals working with PowerShell.
- JosefNemec/Playnite - Video game library manager with support for wide range of 3rd party libraries and game emulation support, providing one unified interface for your games.
- Dentrax/Z00bfuscator - Z00bfuscator is the simple, open-source, cross-platform obfuscator for .NET Assemblies built on .NET Core
- Radarr/Radarr - Movie organizer/manager for usenet and torrent users.
- Washi1337/AsmResolver - A library for creating, reading and editing PE files and .NET modules.
- sunnamed434/BitMono - Obfuscator for .NET and Mono, with a customizable engine for building your own obfuscators.
- DmitriySalnikov/GodotPCKExplorer - Small program for exploring and extracting files from the Godot Engine PCK
- UnderminersTeam/UndertaleModTool - The most complete tool for modding, decompiling and unpacking Undertale (and other GameMaker games!)
- Otiel/BandcampDownloader - A Windows app used to download albums from Bandcamp.
- RonSijm/ButtFish - Effortlessly transmitting Morse Code of chess moves to your butthole 💝
- weespin/KhinsiderDownloader - A simple Bulk Khinsider downloader with GUI, better and faster than all implementations on python 👀
- TelegramBots/Telegram.Bot - .NET Client for Telegram Bot API
- Stability-AI/StableSwarmUI - StableSwarmUI, A Modular Stable Diffusion Web-User-Interface, with an emphasis on making powertools easily accessible, high performance, and extensibility.
- Masquerade64/SuperSteamPacker - Packing tool for Steam games.
- HouraiTeahouse/FantasyCrescendo - A 2.5D Touhou Platform Fighter, By the fans, for the fans.
- outfox/fennecs - ... the little C# ECS that loves you back!
- bbradson/Performance-Fish - Performance Mod for RimWorld
- nager/Nager.PublicSuffix - .NET public suffix domain parser
- jooapa/jammer - light-weight CLI music player with Soundcloud & Youtube built-in. Effects, Themes, Midi Support for Win & Linux
- git-ecosystem/git-credential-manager - Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage with authentication to GitHub, Azure Repos, and other popular Git hosting services.
- TorniX0/OpenTimerResolution - OpenTimerResolution is a lightweight open-source application that changes the timer resolution of the Windows system Timer to a specified value.
- insomniachi/Totoro - A Windows 10/11 only application that is a go to for all things anime.
- AssetRipper/AssetRipper - GUI Application to work with engine assets, asset bundles, and serialized files
- cspotcode/brc-animate-on-twos - Mod that makes players and pedestrians animate on twos, as popularized by the SpiderVerse movies.
- sim0n00ps/OF-DL - C# console app to download all of the media from Onlyfans accounts with DRM video downloading support
- jekyllgrim/Beautiful-Doom - Beautiful Doom mod for GZDoom
- Beamographic/rush - Rush! custom ruleset for osu!lazer
- LumpBloom7/sentakki - An attempt to recreate maimai gameplay within osu!lazer
- ycarowr/UiCard - Generic UI for card games like Hearthstone, Magic Arena and Slay the Spire...
- CitiesSkylinesMods/TMPE - Cities: Skylines Traffic Manager: President Edition
- atom0s/Steamless - Steamless is a DRM remover of the SteamStub variants. The goal of Steamless is to make a single solution for unpacking all Steam DRM-packed files. Steamless aims to support as many games as possible.
- BeyondDimension/SteamTools - 🛠「Watt Toolkit」是一个开源跨平台的多功能 Steam 工具箱。
- mrousavy/ImgurSniper - 📷 A quick and easy Image, Screenshot and Screen recording sharing tool
- MathewSachin/Captura - Capture Screen, Audio, Cursor, Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes
- files-community/Files - A modern file manager that helps users organize their files and folders.
- blake502/balatro-mobile-maker - Create a mobile Balatro app from your Steam version of Balatro
- space-wizards/space-station-14 - A multiplayer game about paranoia and chaos on a space station. Remake of the cult-classic Space Station 13.
- Bioruebe/godotdec - An unpacker for Godot Engine package files (.pck)
- stratumauth/app - 📱 Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) client for Android + Wear OS
- Facepunch/Facepunch.Steamworks - Another fucking c# Steamworks implementation
- tooll3/t3 - Tooll 3 is an open source software to create realtime motion graphics.
- foxypiratecove37350/NBTExplorer-2.0 - A graphical NBT editor for all Minecraft NBT data sources. New UI using Microsoft Fluent Design and new features !
- tryashtar/nbt-studio - An up-to-date NBT viewer and editor with lots of new features
- etaxi341/FreeSteamGames-TelegramBot - A Telegram Bot that sends you a message when a game on steam is free
- PowerShell/PowerShell - PowerShell for every system!
- Quaver/Quaver - The ultimate community-driven, and open-source competitive rhythm game available on Steam.
- CacahueteSansSel/mcLaunch - A Minecraft launcher that puts your Minecraft in a box 📦
- DevToys-app/DevToys - A Swiss Army knife for developers.
- Klocman/Bulk-Crap-Uninstaller - Remove large amounts of unwanted applications quickly.
- marmust/internet-scanner - see the internet as a physical network of web pages
- 0x7c13/Notepads - A modern, lightweight text editor with a minimalist design.
- ddevault/TrueCraft - Minecraft for hipsters
- PixiEditor/PixiEditor - PixiEditor is a pixel art editor made with .NET 8
- DaxEleven/Rule34.xxx-Downloader - The program for downloading content from the rule34.xxx
- microsoft/PowerToys - Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
- dotnet/dotnet-console-games - Game examples implemented as .NET console applications primarily for providing education and inspiration. :)
- ssannandeji/Zenject-2019 - Dependency Injection Framework for Unity3D
- tModLoader/tModLoader - A mod to make and play Terraria mods. Supports Terraria 1.4 (and earlier) installations
- sschmid/Entitas - Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
- OpenRA/OpenRA - Open Source real-time strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert written in C# using SDL and OpenGL. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X.
- Technoguyfication/Minecraft-Unity3D - Vanilla-compatible Minecraft multiplayer client written from scratch in C#
- ConcreteMC/Alex - A Minecraft client written in C# aimed at compatibility with MC:Java & MC:Bedrock
- ppy/osu - rhythm is just a click away!
- PintaProject/Pinta - Simple GTK# Paint Program
- Founderroni/Kaffee - Kaffee Utility - An open-source MCBE injector and multi-tool.
- LowLevelLemmy/Blind - A game even blind people can play!
- ShareX/ShareX - ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of file
- SebLague/Geographical-Adventures -
- u16rogue/csgo_external_cs - External CS:GO cheat written in C#. Comes with Trigger-bot, Radar ESP, and Glow ESP. Uses pattern scanning for offsets to lessen maintenance every update of the game.
- Yoticc/MinecraftESP - Internal ESP hack in C# for Java Minecraft
- quasar/Quasar - Remote Administration Tool for Windows
- Pickleft/Window-Manager - Window Automation & Management for .Net C#
- Pickleft/HCF-Switcher - Armor Set Switcher For HCF / Similar Mini-Games. (Macro-Switch)
- BedrockLauncher/BedrockLauncher -
- MCMrARM/mc-w10-version-launcher - Windows 10 Multi-Version launcher.
- Pickleft/EasyHook - A Simple GUI App To Control Your Discord Webhook
- Pickleft/MC-Grabber - Minecraft & Lunar Grabber For : Session ID & UUID & Username & Access Token
- Pickleft/Animator - C# Form Display Animation.
- Pickleft/Imgur-Downloader - Downloads Pics & Gifs & Videos From Imgur With Specific Keywords.
- oriash93/AutoClicker - AutoClicker is a useful simple tool for automating mouse clicks.
- Lufzys/MinecraftAutoClicker - Minecraft - Auto Clicker (Source & Release)
- robiot/AlphaClicker - 🖱️ Windows Autoclicker with a modern ui
- Pickleft/Swift - A Semi Advanced Minecraft AutoClicker || http://getswift.tk/
- feticks/Web-Executable-Loader - This is a basic "loader", which simply decodes Base64 encoded strings that are the download links for executables, that are then placed into a file path as .scr (screen saver file) extension and then
- maximmax42/Discord-CustomRP - Simple custom Rich Presence manager (Playing status) for Discord. Only supports Windows 7 and above. Features running on startup and minimizing to tray. Translated to multiple languages.
- hellzerg/optimizer - The finest Windows Optimizer
- ReClassNET/ReClass.NET - More than a ReClass port to the .NET platform.
- alfaaarex/Fluent-Media-Player-Dev - The modern replacement for Windows Media Player
- Perfare/AssetStudio - AssetStudio is a tool for exploring, extracting and exporting assets and assetbundles.
- dnSpy/dnSpy - .NET debugger and assembly editor
- jaquadro/NBTExplorer - A graphical NBT editor for all Minecraft NBT data sources
- kavan010/gravity_sim -
- ashishps1/awesome-low-level-design - Learn Low Level Design (LLD) and prepare for interviews using free resources.
- zhongyang219/TrafficMonitor - 这是一个用于显示当前网速、CPU及内存利用率的桌面悬浮窗软件,并支持任务栏显示,支持更换皮肤。
- jomjol/AI-on-the-edge-device - Easy to use device for connecting "old" measuring units (water, power, gas, ...) to the digital world
- NVIDIA/nccl - Optimized primitives for collective multi-GPU communication
- abseil/abseil-cpp - Abseil Common Libraries (C++)
- nomic-ai/gpt4all - GPT4All: Run Local LLMs on Any Device. Open-source and available for commercial use.
- meshtastic/firmware - This repository contains the official firmware for Meshtastic, an open-source, off-grid mesh communication system.
- ClickHouse/ClickHouse - ClickHouse® is a real-time analytics database management system
- microsoft/terminal - The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place!
- praydog/REFramework - Scripting platform, modding framework and VR support for all RE Engine games
- SoftFever/OrcaSlicer - G-code generator for 3D printers (Bambu, Prusa, Voron, VzBot, RatRig, Creality, etc.)
- ValveSoftware/halflife - Half-Life 1 engine based games
- ValveSoftware/Proton - Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
- ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013 - The 2013 edition of the Source SDK
- unicode-org/icu - The home of the ICU project source code.
- tdlib/td - Cross-platform library for building Telegram clients
- electron/electron -
Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- ApolloAuto/apollo - An open autonomous driving platform
- koide3/glim - GLIM: versatile and extensible range-based 3D localization and mapping framework
- NVIDIA/cutlass - CUDA Templates for Linear Algebra Subroutines
- BaumFX/cpp-anti-debug - anti debugging library in c++.
- TixiaoShan/LIO-SAM - LIO-SAM: Tightly-coupled Lidar Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping
- CollaboraOnline/online - Collabora Online is a collaborative online office suite based on LibreOffice technology. This is also the source for the Collabora Office apps for iOS and Android.
- facebookresearch/faiss - A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.
- google/benchmark - A microbenchmark support library
- gem5/gem5 - The official repository for the gem5 computer-system architecture simulator.
- facebook/folly - An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.
- NVIDIA/TensorRT - NVIDIA® TensorRT™ is an SDK for high-performance deep learning inference on NVIDIA GPUs. This repository contains the open source components of TensorRT.
- catboost/catboost - A fast, scalable, high performance Gradient Boosting on Decision Trees library, used for ranking, classification, regression and other machine learning tasks for Python, R, Java, C++. Supports computa
- fmtlib/fmt - A modern formatting library
- wolfpld/tracy - Frame profiler
- nlohmann/json - JSON for Modern C++
- hyprwm/Hyprland - Hyprland is an independent, highly customizable, dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks.
- o3de/o3de - Open 3D Engine (O3DE) is an Apache 2.0-licensed multi-platform 3D engine that enables developers and content creators to build AAA games, cinema-quality 3D worlds, and high-fidelity simulations withou
- carla-simulator/carla - Open-source simulator for autonomous driving research.
- 78/xiaozhi-esp32 - Build your own AI friend
- kiwibrowser/src.next - Source-code for Kiwi Next, a Kiwi Browser auto-rebased with latest Chromium
- ggml-org/ggml - Tensor library for machine learning
- k2-fsa/sherpa-onnx - Speech-to-text, text-to-speech, speaker diarization, speech enhancement, and VAD using next-gen Kaldi with onnxruntime without Internet connection. Support embedded systems, Android, iOS, HarmonyOS, R
- ml-explore/mlx - MLX: An array framework for Apple silicon
- mixxxdj/mixxx - Mixxx is Free DJ software that gives you everything you need to perform live mixes.
- alibaba/MNN - MNN is a blazing fast, lightweight deep learning framework, battle-tested by business-critical use cases in Alibaba. Full multimodal LLM Android App:[MNN-LLM-Android](./apps/Android/MnnLlmChat/README.
- grpc/grpc - The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
- ggerganov/whisper.cpp - Port of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++
- WasmEdge/WasmEdge - WasmEdge is a lightweight, high-performance, and extensible WebAssembly runtime for cloud native, edge, and decentralized applications. It powers serverless apps, embedded functions, microservices, sm
- DreamSoule/ollvm17 - Obfuscation LLVM 17
- ggml-org/llama.cpp - LLM inference in C/C++
- 0xZ0F/Z0FCourse_ReverseEngineering - Reverse engineering focusing on x64 Windows.
- kernelwernel/VMAware - VM detection library and tool
- GDRETools/gdsdecomp - Godot reverse engineering tools
- zenorogue/hyperrogue - A SDL roguelike in a non-euclidean world
- Panguins/OneTap -
- mltframework/shotcut - cross-platform (Qt), open-source (GPLv3) video editor
- mrpond/BlockTheSpot - Video, audio & banner adblock/skip for Spotify
- hasherezade/pe-bear - Portable Executable reversing tool with a friendly GUI
- Maplespe/ExplorerBlurMica - Add background Blur effect or Acrylic (Mica for win11) effect to explorer for win10 and win11
- weak1337/Alcatraz - x64 binary obfuscator
- yvt/openspades - Compatible client of Ace of Spades 0.75
- widelands/widelands - Widelands is a free, open source real-time strategy game with singleplayer campaigns and a multiplayer mode. The game was inspired by Settlers II™ (© Bluebyte) but has significantly more variety and d
- KDE/elisa - Simple music player aiming to provide a nice experience for its users
- omeryusufyagci/fast-music-remover - A C++ based, lightweight music and noise remover for YouTube and other internet media, using DeepFilterNet for audio enhancement.
- spacecamper/miny - A minesweeper clone for Linux.
- strawberrymusicplayer/strawberry - 🍓 Strawberry Music Player
- alex47exe/gse_fork - Fork of https://gitlab.com/Mr_Goldberg/goldberg_emulator
- ramensoftware/windhawk - The customization marketplace for Windows programs: https://windhawk.net/
- HIllya51/LunaTranslator - Galgame翻译器,支持HOOK、OCR、剪贴板等。Visual Novel Translator , support HOOK / OCR / clipboard
- boehs/Lightly - A modern style for qt applications.
- Bali10050/Darkly - A modern style for qt applications.
- openblack/openblack - openblack is an open-source game engine that supports playing Black & White (2001).
- quotient-im/libQuotient - A Qt library to write cross-platform clients for Matrix
- reburndev/reburn3 - An open source reimplementation of Burnout 3: Takedown
- love2d/love - LÖVE is an awesome 2D game framework for Lua.
- facebook/react-native - A framework for building native applications using React
- Lyall/WukongTweak - An ASI plugin for Black Myth: Wukong that features expanded ultrawide support and graphical tweaks.
- johang/vlc-bittorrent - A bittorrent plugin for VLC.
- Cubitect/cubiomes-viewer - An efficient graphical Minecraft seed finder and map viewer.
- wheremyfoodat/Panda3DS - HLE 3DS emulator
- shadps4-emu/shadPS4 - PlayStation 4 emulator for Windows, Linux and macOS written in C++
- Brendan-Kirtlan/Video-Encode - Encodes a file into a video format to store on a cloud video hosting service
- AaronFeng753/Waifu2x-Extension-GUI - Video, Image and GIF upscale/enlarge(Super-Resolution) and Video frame interpolation. Achieved with Waifu2x, Real-ESRGAN, Real-CUGAN, RTX Video Super Resolution VSR, SRMD, RealSR, Anime4K, RIFE, IFRN
- aristocratos/btop - A monitor of resources
- TCB13/LoFloccus - Sync Floccus' browser bookmarks to a local folder / any cloud.
- erengy/taiga - A lightweight anime tracker for Windows
- openblox/libopenblox - mirrored from https://git.openblox.org/openblox/libopenblox.git
- tsujan/Kvantum - A Linux SVG-based theme engine for Qt and KDE
- njtan142/Checkers-Flutter- - A flutter casual board game "Checkers"
- r266s/GuessTheNumber - C++ coding
- rhalbersma/scan - Mirror of Fabien Letouzey's international draughts engine Scan
- kiwix/libkiwix - Common code base for all Kiwix ports
- cutechess/cutechess - Cute Chess is a graphical user interface, command-line interface and a library for playing chess.
- fairy-stockfish/Fairy-Stockfish - chess variant engine supporting Xiangqi, Shogi, Janggi, Makruk, S-Chess, Crazyhouse, Bughouse, and many more
- lichess-org/stockfish.js - The strong open source chess engine Stockfish compiled to JavaScript and WebAssembly using Emscripten
- lichess-org/stockfish.wasm - WebAssembly port of the strong chess engine Stockfish
- hi-ogawa/Stockfish - stockfish-nnue.wasm
- quotient-im/Quaternion - A Qt-based IM client for Matrix
- official-stockfish/Stockfish - A free and strong UCI chess engine
- luciusDXL/TheForceEngine - Modern "Jedi Engine" replacement supporting Dark Forces, mods, and in the future Outlaws.
- KDE/plasmatube - Kirigami YouTube video player based on QtMultimedia and youtube-dl
- audacious-media-player/audacious - A lightweight and versatile audio player
- Bithack/principia - Open source physics-based sandbox game.
- TokisanGames/Terrain3D - A high performance, editable terrain system for Godot 4.
- GodotSteam/GodotSteam - An ecosystem of tools for Godot Engine and Valve's Steam. For Linux, Mac, and Windows.
- lettier/3d-game-shaders-for-beginners - 🎮 A step-by-step guide to implementing SSAO, depth of field, lighting, normal mapping, and more for your 3D game.
- FEX-Emu/FEX - A fast usermode x86 and x86-64 emulator for Arm64 Linux
- LizardByte/Sunshine - Self-hosted game stream host for Moonlight.
- hhyyrylainen/GodotPckTool - Standalone tool for extracting and creating Godot .pck files
- godotengine/godot - Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
- stuntrally/stuntrally3 - 3D racing game with Sci-Fi elements and own Track Editor. The main repository with sources and data. Using Ogre-Next 3.0 and VDrift.
- RedTopper/Super-Haxagon - A Super Hexagon Clone
- TheBakaRem/TouhouRPC - TouhouRPC is a program that creates a Discord Rich Presence status for Touhou games.
- ProjectBorealis/PBCharacterMovement - HL2-style, classic FPS movement for Unreal Engine implemented in C++
- LadybirdBrowser/ladybird - Truly independent web browser
- momentum-mod/game - Momentum Mod - Standalone Source Movement Speedrunning (READ README)
- 3dfxdev/EDGE - EDGE Source Code
- ZDoom/Raze - Build engine port backed by GZDoom tech. Currently supports Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Redneck Rampage and Powerslave/Exhumed.
- ZDoom/gzdoom - GZDoom is a feature centric port for all Doom engine games, based on ZDoom, adding an OpenGL renderer and powerful scripting capabilities
- sogilis/qt2048 - 2048 for desktop, iOS and Android
- niedev/RTranslator - Open source real-time translation app for Android that runs locally
- Nheko-Reborn/nheko - Desktop client for Matrix using Qt and C++20.
- melonDS-emu/melonDS - DS emulator, sorta
- Vita3K/Vita3K - Experimental PlayStation Vita emulator
- amhndu/SimpleNES - An NES emulator in C++
- azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk - Complete Open Source and Modular solution for MMO
- stenzek/duckstation - Fast PlayStation 1 emulator for x86-64/AArch32/AArch64/RV64
- microsoft/calculator - Windows Calculator: A simple yet powerful calculator that ships with Windows
- TeamHypersomnia/Hypersomnia - Multiplayer top-down shooter made from scratch in C++. Play in your Browser! https://hypersomnia.io Made in 🇵🇱
- daniele-rapagnani/alephone-android - Port of the AlephOne engine on Android
- TASEmulators/fceux - FCEUX, a NES Emulator
- dxx-rebirth/dxx-rebirth - Descent-Rebirth and Descent II-Rebirth
- SourMesen/Mesen2 - Multi-system emulator (NES, SNES, GB, GBA, PCE, SMS/GG, WS) for Windows, Linux and macOS
- KD-lab-Open-Source/Perimeter -
- transmission/transmission - Official Transmission BitTorrent client repository
- cvet/fonline - FOnline Engine is a flexible cross-platform isometric game engine
- alexbatalov/fallout2-ce - Fallout 2 for modern operating systems
- alexbatalov/fallout1-ce - Fallout for modern operating systems
- odamex/odamex - Odamex - Online Multiplayer Doom port with a strong focus on the original gameplay while providing a breadth of enhancements.
- amroibrahim/DIYDoom - An attempt to understand how DOOM engine works
- byteduck/duckOS - An x86 monolithic kernel and operating system written in modern C++. Comes with in-house graphical applications and command line utilities, plus ports of existing software. And yes, it runs DOOM!
- DustinHLand/vkDOOM3 - Vulkan DOOM 3 port based on DOOM 3 BFG Edition
- Farama-Foundation/ViZDoom - Reinforcement Learning environments based on the 1993 game Doom
- Luwx/Lightly - A modern style for qt applications.
- wwmm/easyeffects - Limiter, compressor, convolver, equalizer and auto volume and many other plugins for PipeWire applications
- keshavbhatt/whatsie - Feature rich WhatsApp Client for Desktop Linux
- touhouworldcup/thprac -
- N64Recomp/N64Recomp - Tool to statically recompile N64 games into native executables
- mkckr0/audio-share - Audio Share can share Windows/Linux computer's audio to Android phone over network, so your phone becomes the speaker of computer. (You needn't buy a new speaker😄.)
- oguzhaninan/Stacer - Linux System Optimizer and Monitoring - https://oguzhaninan.github.io/Stacer-Web
- 4t-2/EvolutionSimulator -
- etternagame/etterna - Advanced cross-platform rhythm game focused on keyboard play
- MaartenBaert/ssr-packages - Packages for SimpleScreenRecorder
- MaartenBaert/ssr - SimpleScreenRecorder, a screen recorder for Linux
- cemu-project/Cemu - Cemu - Wii U emulator
- xenia-project/xenia - Xbox 360 Emulator Research Project
- PCSX2/pcsx2 - PCSX2 - The Playstation 2 Emulator
- dolphin-emu/dolphin - Dolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC with improvements.
- RPCS3/rpcs3 - PlayStation 3 emulator and debugger
- mastercomfig/tf2-patches-old - Team Fortress 2, but with a lot of fixes, QoL improvements and performance optimizations!
- d99kris/namp - Terminal-based audio player for Linux and macOS
- DescentDevelopers/Descent3 - Descent 3 by Outrage Entertainment
- alexey-lysiuk/OpenChasm - Free software reconstruction of Chasm: The Rift game
- DadSchoorse/vkBasalt - a vulkan post processing layer for linux
- sirjuddington/SLADE - It's a Doom editor
- musescore/MuseScore - MuseScore is an open source and free music notation software. For support, contribution, bug reports, visit MuseScore.org. Fork and make pull requests!
- tomlooman/ActionRoguelike - Third-person Action Roguelike made in Unreal Engine C++. Project for Unreal Engine C++ Course & Stanford University
- diasurgical/DevilutionX - Diablo build for modern operating systems
- R3nzTheCodeGOD/R3nzSkin - Skin changer for League of Legends (LOL)
- ocornut/imgui - Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
- NBlood/NBlood - Reverse-engineered ports of Build games using EDuke32 engine technology and development principles (NBlood/Rednukem/PCExhumed)
- jvaelen/2048 - A C++/Qt clone of the popular 2048 game
- Fundynamic/RealBot - Counter-Strike 1.6 - AI Opponent
- danielkrupinski/Osiris - Cross-platform game hack for Counter-Strike 2 with Panorama-based GUI.
- barry-ran/QtScrcpy - Android real-time display control software
- mumble-voip/mumble - Mumble is an open-source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software.
- SwiftAndroid/swift - Port of Apple's reference Swift toolchain to Android; doesn't quite work yet
- Floorp-Projects/Floorp - All of source code of version 10 or later of Floorp Browser, the most Advanced and Fastest Firefox derivative 🦊
- uncrustify/uncrustify - Code beautifier
- FreeCAD/FreeCAD - This is the official source code of FreeCAD, a free and opensource multiplatform 3D parametric modeler.
- alexdantas/yetris - Customizable Tetris(tm) for the terminal.
- taylorconor/tinytetris - 80x23 terminal tetris!
- sz3/libcimbar - Optimized implementation for color-icon-matrix barcodes
- monkeycz/python.js - Call python code from node.js
- axstin/rbxfpsunlocker - FPS Unlocker for Roblox
- TheAlgorithms/C-Plus-Plus - Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science and physics implemented in C++ for educational purposes.
- kefir500/apk-icon-editor - APK editor to easily change APK icons, name and version.
- kefir500/apk-editor-studio - Powerful yet easy to use APK editor for PC and Mac.
- iamlooper/Android-Enhancer - A revolutionary android optimizer.
- CattoDev/GatoBot - A cross-platform Geometry Dash step-based macro bot with an internal renderer.
- qimiko/gdrpc - geometry dash 2.1 rich presence
- maxnut/gdrender - rendering gd levels
- matcool/ReplayBot - a replay bot for gd
- geode-sdk/geode - The ultimate Geometry Dash modding framework
- Open-GD/OpenGD - Open source implementation of Geometry Dash powered by a fork of cocos2dx 4.0.
- absoIute/Mega-Hack-v5 -
- maxnut/GDMegaOverlay - Free geometry dash mod menu with useful features such as: startpos switcher, show hitboxes, internal recorder, macro bot, clickbot and much more
- TobyAdd/GDH - Mod menu for Geometry Dash
- vnotex/vnote - A pleasant note-taking platform in native C++.
- cuberite/cuberite - A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft
- LibreSprite/LibreSprite - Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool -- Fork of the last GPLv2 commit of Aseprite
- aseprite/aseprite - Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool (Windows, macOS, Linux)
- aria2/aria2 - aria2 is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source, cross platform download utility operated in command-line. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink.
- OpenSteamClient/OpenSteamClient - Partially open-source alternative Steam Client for Linux.
- Alex313031/thorium-legacy - Repo for Windows XP/Vista & 7/8/8.1 Thorium Builds
- Alex313031/thorium - Chromium fork named after radioactive element No. 90. Windows and MacOS/Raspi/Android/Special builds are in different repositories, links are towards the top of the README.md.
- tensorflow/tensorflow - An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
- neutralinojs/neutralinojs - Portable and lightweight cross-platform desktop application development framework
- nodegui/nodegui - A library for building cross-platform native desktop applications with Node.js and CSS 🚀. React NodeGui : https://react.nodegui.org and Vue NodeGui: https://vue.nodegui.org
- luanti-org/luanti - Luanti (formerly Minetest) is an open source voxel game-creation platform with easy modding and game creation
- plibither8/2048.cpp - 🎮 Fully featured terminal version of the game "2048" written in C++
- Warzone2100/warzone2100 - Command the forces of The Project in a battle to rebuild the world after mankind has been nearly destroyed by nuclear missiles. A 100% free and open source real-time strategy game for Windows, macOS,
- tomlooman/EpicSurvivalGame - Third-person Survival Game for Unreal Engine (Sample Project)
- ketoo/NoahGameFrame - A fast, scalable, distributed game server engine/framework for C++, include the actor library, network library, can be used as a real time multiplayer game engine ( MMO RPG/MOBA ), which support C#/L
- urho3d/urho3d - Game engine
- endless-sky/endless-sky - Space exploration, trading, and combat game.
- wesnoth/wesnoth - An open source, turn-based strategy game with a high fantasy theme.
- diasurgical/devilution - Diablo devolved - magic behind the 1996 computer game
- CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA - Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
- mapeditor/tiled - Flexible level editor
- atxi/Polymer - In-development Minecraft client using C++ and Vulkan.
- subsurface/subsurface - This is the official upstream of the Subsurface divelog program
- babbaj/nether-pathfinder -
- kotatogram/kotatogram-desktop - Experimental Telegram Desktop fork.
- telegramdesktop/tdesktop - Telegram Desktop messaging app
- fligger/WurstAutoBuildGen - A simple GUI application to generate Wurst compatible autobuild json file templates.
- fligger/FateInjector - The Fate Client Themed UWP app dll Injector
- grialion/rpcpp - RPC++ is a tool for Discord RPC (Rich Presence) to let your friends know about your Linux system
- PrismLauncher/PrismLauncher - A custom launcher for Minecraft that allows you to easily manage multiple installations of Minecraft at once (Fork of MultiMC)
- horionclient/Horion - Horion - A Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Utility Mod.
- PacketDeveloper/Packet-Source - All of Packet Client's source code (check the branches)
- supsm/MCPPPP - A resource pack converter from Optifine/MCPatcher formats to other formats
- git-eternal/osu-cheat - osu cheat with some decent features
- NotTolon/Vega.wtf - old autoclicker worked on by RuneGaming and sometimes me he quit tho so src
- mapcrafter/mapcrafter - High Performance Minecraft Map Renderer.
- SkidwareMC/Skidware-Client - Minecraft Injection Client
- discord/discord-rpc -
- Open-Shell/Open-Shell-Menu - Classic Shell Reborn.
- stuffbydavid/Mine-imator - 3D movie maker based on the sandbox game Minecraft
- dillongoostudios/goo-engine - Custom build of blender with some extra NPR features.
- notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus - Notepad++ official repository
- b1scoito/clicker - Advanced Minecraft auto-clicker made in C++
- nicolascarlino/Minecraft-Autoclicker - A simple autoclicker in C++ with randomization, undetected.
- m9nd/lithium.rip - the official source-code leak of lithiumclient.wtf
- IoeCmcomc/MCDatapacker - A Minecraft datapack maker and editor for 1.15 – 1.20.4 data packs
- MultiMC/Launcher - A custom launcher for Minecraft that allows you to easily manage multiple installations of Minecraft at once
- UltimMC/Launcher - Offline Minecraft launcher.
- WerWolv/ImHex - 🔍 A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.
- myNameIsArdens/Pulse-Project - I used a combination of tools to build a website that displays my heart rate in real time
- M2TeamArchived/NSudo - [Deprecated, work in progress alternative: https://github.com/M2Team/NanaRun] Series of System Administration Tools
- SeriousCache/UABE - Asset Bundle Extractor
- minecraft-linux/mcpelauncher-manifest - The main repository for the Linux and Mac OS Bedrock edition Minecraft launcher.
- ultralight-ux/Ultralight - Lightweight, high-performance HTML renderer for game and app developers.
- akshat46/FlyingFox - An opinionated set of configurations for firefox.
- muckSponge/MaterialFox - A Material Design-inspired userChrome.css theme for Firefox
- st1020/kita - Kita is a clean, elegant and simple blog theme for Zola.
- ibra-kdbra/Paginis - A PDF flipbook that can be useful for viewing a PDF file as a book with a realistic experience.
- cascadefox/cascade - A responsive One-Line CSS Theme for Firefox.
- FQQD/MCServer-Web-Template - A template for a modern looking website to promote your Minecraft server
- vinceliuice/WhiteSur-firefox-theme - Mac OS Safari theme for Firefox on Linux
- Bali10050/FirefoxCSS - Custom firefox interface
- catppuccin/youtubemusic - 🎧 Soothing pastel theme for YouTube Music
- EliverLara/firefox-sweet-theme - 🍬 A dark and modern theme for firefox with vibrant colors
- Godiesc/firefox-one - Firefox Theme for Opera One skin Lovers
- soulhotel/FF-ULTIMA - The Firefox theme with too many options.. FF Ultima.
- Aris-t2/CustomCSSforFx - Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox
- HritikVaishnav/Myanimelist-Redesigned - Myanimelist extension under Project Redesign
- RemyIsCool/AnimatedFox - A minimal Firefox theme with a hidden popup URL bar and satisfying animations
- learningequality/kolibri - Kolibri Learning Platform: the offline app for universal education
- Godiesc/firefox-gx - Opera GX Skin for Firefox
- amnweb/firefox-plus - CSS tweaks for Firefox
- castdrian/mw-native - The native app version of movie-web
- katorlys/rweb.site - Free
subdomain for personal websites, open-source projects and more. - QNetITQ/WaveFox - Firefox CSS Theme/Style for manual customization
- Rejdesu/AMOLEDdit - Save your eyes with this dark theme for Old Reddit. Compatible with RES.
- catppuccin/whoogle - 🔍 Soothing pastel theme for Whoogle
- rafaelmardojai/firefox-gnome-theme - A GNOME👣 theme for Firefox🔥
- uszie/firefox-breeze-theme - A Breeze theme for Firefox🔥
- PrismLauncher/Themes - Community themes for Prism Launcher
- catppuccin/prismlauncher - 🧱 Soothing pastel theme for Prism Launcher
- lassekongo83/zuki-themes - Themes for GTK, gnome-shell and more.
- vinceliuice/Matcha-gtk-theme - Matcha is a flat Design theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell
- Zwork101/xfce4-notifyd-themes - 🔔 Soothing pastel theme for xfce4-notifyd
- carlelieser/flixerr - The best free movie torrent streaming app.
- andyngojs/crush-love - a gift for your crush on valentine's day , 8/3 or april fools day
- HermanMartinus/bearblog - Free, no-nonsense, super fast blogging.
- panr/hugo-theme-terminal - A simple, retro theme for Hugo
- roanuz/cricket-html-template - HTML template for Cricket Score and Stats
- TechShreyash/AnimeDex - Watch Animes Online For Free animedex.live
- slashedzer0/nobara-dotfiles - I believe in Nobara supremacy
- owl4ce/dotfiles - 🌸 Aesthetic OpenboxWM Environment
- LemmyNet/lemmy-ui - The official web app for lemmy.
- Spelis123/MC-NewTab-for-Firefox - a custom UserContent.css file for Mozilla Firefox
- Astromations/FlyingFox - FlyingFox Revamped
- seylorx1/slide - A TreeStyleTab and userChrome.css configuration to make your Firefox better. :)
- AmadeusWM/dotfiles-hyprland -
- khuedoan/one-line-firefox - Compact and minimal interface for Firefox
- migueravila/SimpleFox - 🦊 A Userstyle theme for Firefox minimalist and Keyboard centered.
- mgastonportillo/gale-for-ff - CSS files to theme Firefox with Sidebery
- BlueFalconHD/SimpleFox-Feather - 🦊 A Userstyle theme for Firefox minimalist and Keyboard centered.
- Gentleman2292/Blueish-grey - a custom theme for MultiMC/PolyMC/PrismLauncher
- evelyn-gosselin/haarper.github.io - If you know, you know.
- Kiyoshi-23/BD-Custom-CSS - Some of the custom CSS snippets that I have created for betterdiscord.
- ryanoasis/nerd-fonts - Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
- RikisuT/Youtube-Fluent-Theme - Youtube Css with Windows Fluent Theme
- LawOff/YouTubeFluent - A Fluent Theme for YouTube, using css and js code.
- StylishThemes/GitHub-Dark -
Dark GitHub style
- MrOtherGuy/firefox-csshacks - Collection of userstyles affecting the browser
- ThemerCorp/github - A little project to easily create custom github themes using refined github
- datguypiko/Firefox-Mod-Blur - Firefox CSS Theme - For dark theme lovers / More compact / Modular / Blur
- metabase/metabase - The easy-to-use open source Business Intelligence and Embedded Analytics tool that lets everyone work with data 📊
- logseq/logseq - A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. Download link: http://github.com/logseq/logseq/releases. roadmap: http://trello.com/b/8txSM12G/roadmap
- Glavin001/atom-beautify - 📣 Help Wanted - Looking for Maintainer: Glavin001/atom-beautify#2572 | 💄 Universal beautification package for Atom editor (
⚠️ Currently migrating to http - minefold/hubot-minecraft - A Minecraft hubot adapter
- radian628/lispsmos - A LISP-y language that compiles to Desmos expressions.
- iv-org/invidious - Invidious is an alternative front-end to YouTube
- FriesI23/mhabit - Our app helps you form and track micro habits with easy-to-use 📈 charts and tools, making it simple to establish healthy habits that stick 🌱. Start your personal growth journey today 🚀!
- amugofjava/anytime_podcast_player - Simple, easy to use Podcast player app written in Flutter and Dart.
- SongTube/SongTube-App - Simple & Beautiful App (Tool) made in Flutter to Download Media from YouTube
- Predidit/Kazumi - 基于自定义规则的番剧采集APP,支持流媒体在线观看,支持弹幕,支持实时超分辨率。
- dstark5/Openlib - An Open source app to download and read books from shadow library (Anna’s Archive)
- flutter/gallery - Flutter Gallery was a resource to help developers evaluate and use Flutter
- KaringX/karing - Simple & Powerful proxy utility, Support routing rules for clash/sing-box
- imaNNeo/fl_chart - FL Chart is a highly customizable Flutter chart library that supports Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Chart, and Radar Chart.
- jonataslaw/getx - Open screens/snackbars/dialogs/bottomSheets without context, manage states and inject dependencies easily with Get.
- pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappwebview - A Flutter plugin that allows you to add an inline webview, to use a headless webview, and to open an in-app browser window.
- singerdmx/flutter-quill - Rich text editor for Flutter
- ReVanced/revanced-manager - 💊 Application to use ReVanced on Android
- chen08209/FlClash - A multi-platform proxy client based on ClashMeta,simple and easy to use, open-source and ad-free.
- DJDoubleD/refreezer - An alternative Deezer music streaming & downloading client, based on Freezer.
- guozhigq/pilipala - PiliPala 是使用Flutter开发的BiliBili第三方客户端,感谢使用。
- niuhuan/jasmine - A comic browser,support Android / iOS / MacOS / Windows / Linux.
- anandnet/Harmony-Music - A cross platform App for streaming Music
- nubank/nuvigator - A powerful routing abstraction over Flutter Navigator, with nested Navigator and Deeplinks
- fluttercommunity/plus_plugins - Flutter Community Plus Plugins
- flutter/packages - A collection of useful packages maintained by the Flutter team
- lollipopkit/flutter_server_box - ServerBox - server status & toolbox
- jameskokoska/Cashew - 💸 An app created to help users manage a budget and purchases
- Mobile-Artificial-Intelligence/maid - Maid is a cross-platform Flutter app for interfacing with GGUF / llama.cpp models locally, and with Ollama and OpenAI models remotely.
- enrique-lozano/Monekin - A 100% Open Source app that tries to make personal finances easier. Fast, simple, without ads, without the need for an Internet connection and with a groundbreaking design, that's Monekin.
- miguelpruivo/flutter_file_picker - File picker plugin for Flutter, compatible with mobile (iOS & Android), Web, Desktop (Mac, Linux, Windows) platforms with Flutter Go support.
- FuturisticGoo/emotic - Reignite the love for emoticons
- hiddify/hiddify-app - Multi-platform auto-proxy client, supporting Sing-box, X-ray, TUIC, Hysteria, Reality, Trojan, SSH etc. It’s an open-source, secure and ad-free.
- darkmoonight/Rain - 🌦️ Weather application
- mateusz-bak/openreads - A mobile books tracker written in Flutter that respects your privacy.
- khaled-0/Syncara - Carry your playlists everywhere, even when offline
- deckerst/aves - Aves is a gallery and metadata explorer app, built for Android with Flutter.
- HemantKArya/BloomeeTunes - 🌸Bloomee is a cross-platform music app designed to bring you ad-free tunes from various sources. 🌼🎵
- kodjodevf/mangayomi - Free and open source application for reading manga, novels, and watching animes available on Android, iOS, macOS, Linux and Windows
- ImranR98/Obtainium - Get Android app updates straight from the source.
- ente-io/ente - End-to-end encrypted, FOSS cloud for Photos, 2FA secrets and more!
- wgh136/PicaComic - A comic app built with Flutter, supporting multiple comic sources.
- mulaRahul/keyviz - Keyviz is a free and open-source tool to visualize your keystrokes ⌨️ and 🖱️ mouse actions in real-time.
- gvenusleo/MeRead - A RSS reader built with Flutter and designed with Material You. 简洁、易用的 RSS 阅读器,使用 Flutter 构建和 Material You 设计
- kra-mo/Sly - Friendly image editor
- maelchiotti/LocalMaterialNotes - Simple, local, material design notes
- RyanYuuki/AnymeX - An Open Source app for Tracking Multi Service (AL, MAL, SIMKL)
- liftoff-app/liftoff - 🐒 A mobile client for lemmy
- miru-project/miru-app - 🎉 A versatile application that is free, open-source, and supports extension sources for videos, comics, and novels, available on Android, Windows, and Web platforms.
- Mosc/Glider - Glider is an opinionated Hacker News client. Ad-free, open-source, no-nonsense.
- jerichoi224/Nothing-Gallery - Gallery for Nothing Phone with effort to follow the Nothing Design Language
- smokelaboratory/fludo - A ludo board game developed in Flutter using canvas.
- nizwar/ludo_flutter - Ludo game with Flutter
- mirarr-app/mirarr - Mirarr, FOSS Movie App
- mirarr-app/qBitRemote - A remote app for qBitTorrent webUI
- lucinhu/bili_you - 一个用flutter制作的第三方B站客户端.
- K3vinb5/Unyo - 🐙 Anime streaming and Manga reader desktop app without ads.
- pd4d10/git-touch - An open-source app for GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Gitea, and Gitee(码云), built with Flutter
- bmaroti9/Overmorrow - minimalist colorful weather app
- lichess-org/mobile - Lichess mobile app v2
- harmonoid/harmonoid - 🎵 Plays & manages your music library. Looks beautiful & juicy. Playlists, visuals, synced lyrics, pitch shift, volume boost & more.
- vovagorodok/ble_ota_app - Upload firmware over Bluetooth
- nullxception/boorusphere - Simple, content-focused booru viewer for Android
- XxA7med66xX/forwardious - A Chrome extension to redirect YouTube URLs to an Invidious instance.
- Drarox/Flutter_2048 - Simple 2048 game made with Flutter for iOS, Android and Web.
- famedly/matrix-dart-sdk - Matrix SDK written in pure Dart.
- TheSunCat/Sudoku - FOSS Sudoku, made with 💜 (and Flutter).
- commetchat/commet - Your space to connect
- Spsden/Drip - A Youtube Music client for Desktop. (in Development)
- KRTirtho/spotube - 🎧 Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium nor uses Electron! Available for both desktop & mobile!
- saltymaccas/muffed - A Lemmy client for Android and iOS with focus on usability and privacy
- thunder-app/thunder - Thunder - A fully open-source, cross-platform Lemmy client for iOS and Android
- SAGARSURI/MyMovies - A Flutter app which shows a list of popular movies.
- gita/Bhagavad-Gita-App - Flutter app for Bhagavad Gita
- AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy - Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI. AppFlowy is the AI collaborative workspace where you achieve more without losing control of your data. The leading open source Notion alternative.
- alexcmgit/kanade - Android app to extract apks from installed apps.
- namidaco/namida - A Beautiful and Feature-rich Music & Video Player with Youtube Support, Built in Flutter
- localsend/localsend - An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop
- boeledi/flutter_crush - How to build a Match-3 game, like Candy Crush, Bejeweled, FishDom… in Flutter.
- gumbarros/DevWidgets - DevWidgets is a Flutter application with several tools such as generators, formatters and converters for developers. It's directly inspired by DevToys.
- laiiihz/alga - A powerful tool app for all developers.
- gokadzev/Musify - Unlock the full potential of music: Stream effortlessly with one app!
- GopeedLab/gopeed - A modern download manager that supports all platforms. Built with Golang and Flutter.
- yubo725/flutter-tetris - 基于Flutter的俄罗斯方块小游戏
- boyan01/flutter-tetris - a tetris game powered by flutter. 使用flutter开发俄罗斯方块。
- jiangtian616/JHenTai - A cross-platform manga app made for e-hentai & exhentai by Flutter
- tommy351/eh-redux - A E-Hentai reader written in Flutter.
- lotusprey/otraku - An unofficial AniList client for Android and iOS
- jwr1/interstellar - An app for Mbin and Lemmy, connecting you to the fediverse.
- jhelumcorp/gyawun - Immerse yourself in the world of Gyawun, where music knows no bounds. Enjoy uninterrupted, ad-free streaming with an extensive library of songs spanning genres and artists from every corner of the glo
- boredcodebyk/mintcalc - A simple calculator and unit converter app with Material Design 3 inspired by Windows Calculator
- BeamlakAschalew/flixquest - Open-source Android app made with Flutter with functionality of watching movies and tv series for free.
- JideGuru/FileX - Simple File Explorer made with Flutter(WIP)
- namanshergill/diohub - An open-source unofficial GitHub mobile client, that aims to deliver the ultimate GitHub experience on mobile devices.
- krille-chan/fluffychat - The cutest instant messenger in the [matrix]
- flutter/flutter - Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond
- Solido/awesome-flutter - An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
- anuranBarman/2048 - Famous 2048 Game in Flutter
- flame-engine/flame - A Flutter based game engine.
- LemmurOrg/lemmur - 🐒 A mobile client for lemmy
- yewtudotbe/invidious-custom - Invidious with some git patches (mostly from existing PRs)
- requarks/wiki-heroku - Heroku deploy manifest for Wiki.js
- ashley0143/poke - They made youtube front-ends woke.... (mirror from https://codeberg.org/ashley/poke)
- d3ward/toolz - Project Archived - Easy-to-use interface and extensive collection of testing tools for optimizing performance and user experience.
- algora-io/tv - Open source Twitch for developers
- dwayne/elm-2048 - A 2048 clone written in Elm.
- catppuccin/emacs - 🍄 Soothing pastel theme for Emacs
- an-anime-team/an-anime-game-launcher - An Anime Game launcher for Linux with telemetry disabling
- don-tnowe/godot-resources-as-sheets-plugin - I needed to edit many Resource files, so figured someone would too.
- Alexofp/BDCC - Text based game about being a prisoner in a space prison with a lot of adult themes. Working title is Broken Dreams Correctional Center or BDCC for short. Test the latest version here: (could be unsta
- Ark2000/PankuConsole - Feature-packed real-time debugging toolkit for Godot Engine.
- Zylann/godot_heightmap_plugin - HeightMap terrain for Godot implemented in GDScript
- Quaint-Studios/Reia - RPG game action-adventure MMO built with Godot, Rust, and Zig.
- godotengine/tps-demo - Godot Third Person Shooter with high quality assets and lighting
- git-learning-game/oh-my-git - An interactive Git learning game!
- HungryProton/scatter - Godot engine addon to randomly fill an area with props or other scenes
- pablogila/TileMapDual - An automatic, real-time dual-grid tileset system for Godot
- derkork/godot-statecharts - A state charts extension for Godot 4
- Phazorknight/Cogito - Immersive Sim Template Project for GODOT 4
- MewPurPur/GodSVG - A vector graphics application for structured SVG editing, available on all major desktop platforms and on web. Currently in late alpha.
- bitbrain/beehave - 🐝 behavior tree AI for Godot Engine
- Maaack/Godot-Game-Template - Godot template with a main menu, options menus, pause menu, credits, scene loader, extra tools, and an example game scene.
- godotengine/godot-demo-projects - Demonstration and Template Projects
- RodZill4/material-maker - A procedural textures authoring and 3D model painting tool based on the Godot game engine
- mbrlabs/Lorien - Infinite canvas drawing/whiteboarding app for Windows, Linux and macOS. Made with Godot.
- lampe-games/godot-open-rts - Open Source RTS game made in Godot 4
- face-hh/wattesigma - An overly dramatic Web Browser made with Godot. Shaders, bugs, and obscure search engines!
- thegatesbrowser/thegates - 3D internet browser build with Godot Engine
- unfa/liblast - A libre multiplayer FPS game created in Godot Engine
- endlessm/godot-block-coding - Block-based visual programming plugin for Godot
- YuriSizov/boscaceoil-blue - A beginner-friendly music making app.
- Praytic/youtd2 - Classic community-driven session-based Tower Defense game with RPG elements.
- BonelessWater/Parasite - Rogue-like single player game w/ Godot game engine
- m-canton/godot-scene-manager - Scene Manager Plugin for Godot.
- Ranger-NF/BlastOff - 🚀 BlastOff is a casual endless runner game featuring vector graphics. Built using Godot v4.2.2
- ramokz/phantom-camera - 👻🎥 Control the movement and dynamically tween 2D & 3D cameras. Built for Godot 4. Inspired by Cinemachine.
- dulvui/pocket-broomball - The world's first broomball video game, made with Godot Engine for iOS, Android and Web
- dulvui/99managers-futsal-edition - [mirror] 99 Managers Futsal Edition, is a futsal manager game made with Godot Engine 4
- charlesmaddock/fishards - An action-packed multiplayer game, made in Godot, where you can battle friends as a fish wizard.
- QodotPlugin/qodot-plugin - (LEGACY) Quake .map support for Godot 3.x
- enderprism/godot-dash-v2 - A Geometry Dash fangame and rewrite of Godot Dash V1.
- HarmonyHoney/ROTA - Godot 3.6 / ROTA /Gravity Bending Puzzle Platformer Game / Open Source Fork
- a-little-org-called-mario/a-little-game-called-mario - open source collective hell game
- popcar2/CleanDoom - The Clean and Modern Doom Mod Launcher
- gdquest-demos/godot-shaders - A large library of free and open-source shaders for the Godot game engine. Here, you'll get 2D and 3D shaders with playable demos.
- Blobfish-Games/godot-workshop-utility - Small utility used to upload content to Steam Workshop with Godot
- GodotModding/godot-mod-loader - A general purpose mod loader for GDScript based Godot Games [3.x/4.x]
- BrotatoMods/Darkly77-ShowModSource - Shows where modded content comes from. Works with characters, items, and weapons
- BrotatoMods/KANA-Pototo - [KANA] Collection of my Content Mods
- BrotatoMods/KANA-ModLoaderPatcher - [KANA] Patches the ModLoader to the latest version. 🔼
- BrotatoMods/KANA-BFX - [KANA] Library of effects 🧪
- BrotatoMods/Darkly77-LimitProjectiles - Limits the number of enemy projectiles that can be onscreen at once. Aka "Less Enemy Bullets"
- BrotatoMods/Brotato-Mod-Options - An in-game UI to view and edit mod configurations
- BrotatoMods/Darkly77-ExpandedChallenges - Gives you lots more options for your custom challenges, including D5 unlocks
- dannygaray60/localization-editor-g3 - A tool for adding/editing/deleting translations in .csv files made with Godot Engine
- BrotatoMods/Darkly77-TranslationsDemo - Demo for making a custom translations mod
- otDan/Brotato-WeaponExplorer - Adds a menu to show and manage weapons
- Nailim/brotato-mod-secondchance - A Brotato mod that gives the player a second chance on death by returning him one wave back instead of ending the run.
- otDan/Brotato-RollsLeft - Adds roll counter in the shop menu
- bene-labs/Brotato-WeaponDpsDisplay - A mod for Brotato that displays the DPS of all weapons.
- bene-labs/Brotato-FullyArmed - Custom Character mod for Brotato
- SteveSmith16384/TinyTrainsToy - A simple version of Mini Metro. Build trains and tracks to connect stations
- Sajeg/falling-blocks - A mobile Game, where you need to collect the blocks matching your colour
- popcar2/GodotOS - A Fake Operating System Interface made in Godot!
- dulvui/ball2box - Casual ball game created with Godot Engine for iOS, Android, Linux and Web
- Orama-Interactive/Pixelorama - Unleash your creativity with Pixelorama, a powerful and accessible open-source pixel art multitool. Whether you want to create sprites, tiles, animations, or just express yourself in the language of p
- kermeow/RhythiaRewrite - Rhythia is an aim-based rhythm game
- David20122/sound-space-plus - Rhythm-based aim game
- dialogic-godot/dialogic - 💬 Create Dialogs, Visual Novels, RPGs, and manage Characters with Godot to create your Game!
- nebuIr/Default-Dark-Mode - 🌙 The Dark Mode Resource Pack for Minecraft: Java Edition
- PoeticRainbow/golden-days - Golden Days is a Minecraft resource pack meant to bring back old textures, lighting, names, and sounds from older versions of Minecraft.
- ComplementaryDevelopment/ComplementaryReimagined - Complementary is a graphical rework pack for Minecraft with exceptional quality, detail, and performance.
- BalintCsala/VanillaPuddingTart - Path tracing shaders for vanilla minecraft 1.17+
- spf13/cobra - A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions
- yorukot/superfile - Pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager
- sundowndev/phoneinfoga - Information gathering framework for phone numbers
- DiceDB/dice - DiceDB is an open-source, fast, reactive, in-memory database optimized for modern hardware.
- Malwarize/retro - 📼 play musics with command line on linux
- danielmiessler/fabric - fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts that can be used anywhere.
- Jguer/yay - Yet another Yogurt - An AUR Helper written in Go
- xvzc/SpoofDPI - A simple and fast anti-censorship tool written in Go
- maaslalani/gambit - Play chess in your terminal
- rclone/rclone - "rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob, Azure Files, Yandex Files
- samber/lo - 💥 A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contains, find...)
- hashicorp/vault - A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management
- matrix-org/dendrite - Dendrite is a second-generation Matrix homeserver written in Go!
- go-shiori/shiori - Simple bookmark manager built with Go
- maxence-charriere/lofimusic - Lofimusic.app is an installable Progressive web app (PWA) that lists and displays famous YouTube Lo-Fi radios.
- 42wim/matterbridge - bridge between mattermost, IRC, gitter, xmpp, slack, discord, telegram, rocketchat, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip, whatsapp, keybase, matrix, microsoft teams, nextcloud, mumble, vk and more with REST API (m
- GetStream/stream-cli - Configure & manage Stream applications from the command line. 🚀
- yudai/gotty - Share your terminal as a web application
- dirien/minectl - minectl 🗺 is a cli for creating Minecraft server on different cloud provider.
- getlantern/systray - a cross platfrom Go library to place an icon and menu in the notification area
- energye/systray - Support for Windows, Linux, and MacOSX system trays
- mudler/LocalAI - 🤖 The free, Open Source alternative to OpenAI, Claude and others. Self-hosted and local-first. Drop-in replacement for OpenAI, running on consumer-grade hardware. No GPU required. Runs gguf, tr
- Elara6331/lemmy-reply-bot - A customizable Lemmy bot that replies to comments
- darkhz/bluetuith - A TUI bluetooth manager for Linux.
- iawia002/lux - 👾 Fast and simple video download library and CLI tool written in Go
- andrewrk/jamulator - (unmaintained) recompiling NES roms into native executables
- brianstrauch/solitaire-tui - Klondike solitaire for the terminal
- adrg/libvlc-go - Handcrafted Go bindings for libVLC and high-level media player interface
- giongto35/cloud-game - Web-based Cloud Gaming service for Retro Game
- sachaos/go-life - Terminal based Conway's Game of Life. Implemented in Go.
- HFO4/gameboy.live - 🕹️ A basic gameboy emulator with terminal "Cloud Gaming" support
- jkawamoto/go-pixeldrain - Share files with decentralized cloud storage.
- kopia/kopia - Cross-platform backup tool for Windows, macOS & Linux with fast, incremental backups, client-side end-to-end encryption, compression and data deduplication. CLI and GUI included.
- stashapp/stash - An organizer for your porn, written in Go. Documentation: https://docs.stashapp.cc
- tusharsadhwani/recv - A super simple, super fast way to share files, links and text between devices.
- darkhz/invidtui - A TUI based Invidious client
- EverythingSuckz/TG-FileStreamBot - A telegram bot that will give instant stream links for telegram files without the need of waiting till the download completes.
- gohugoio/hugo - The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
- diamondburned/dissent - Tiny native Discord app
- df-mc/dragonfly - Minecraft Bedrock Edition server software written in Go
- syncthing/syncthing - Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
- charmbracelet/glow - Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻
- usememos/memos - An open-source, lightweight note-taking solution. The pain-less way to create your meaningful notes. Your Notes, Your Way.
- ollama/ollama - Get up and running with Llama 3.3, DeepSeek-R1, Phi-4, Gemma 3, and other large language models.
- vinegarhq/vinegar - Run Roblox Studio on Linux.
- ayn2op/discordo - A lightweight, secure, and feature-rich Discord terminal client.
- tmrts/go-patterns - Curated list of Go design patterns, recipes and idioms
- alyyousuf7/twenty48 - 2048 game on CLI
- xwjdsh/2048-ai - An simple AI for the 2048 game.
- hajimehoshi/ebiten - Ebitengine - A dead simple 2D game engine for Go
- OpenDiablo2/OpenDiablo2 - An open source re-implementation of Diablo 2
- rystaf/mlmym - a familiar desktop experience for lemmy
- mrusme/neonmodem - Neon Modem Overdrive
- BentonEdmondson/servitor - A command-line Fediverse client that doesn’t require a server
- gokcehan/lf - Terminal file manager
- YABOIpy/GoDm - The Fast And Advanced Discord Multi-Tool
- v2fly/v2ray-core - A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
- ruanbekker/golang-autoclicker - Auto Clicker in Golang to Simulate Mouse Clicks
- Olivr/free-domain - Get a cluster.ws & wip.la domain for free and instantly
- mozilla/bedrock - Making mozilla.org awesome, one pebble at a time
- nndl/nndl.github.io - 《神经网络与深度学习》 邱锡鹏著 Neural Network and Deep Learning
- web-infra-dev/midscene - Let AI be your browser operator.
- styluslabs/Write -
- juxtopposed/touchgrass - touch grass online. no need to go outside.
- robinmoisson/staticrypt - Password protect a static HTML page, decrypted in-browser in JS with no dependency. No server logic needed.
- TandoorRecipes/recipes - Application for managing recipes, planning meals, building shopping lists and much much more!
- open-emojify/emojify - Emojify is a customizable emoji trail javascript library that follows your mouse cursor, embedding playfulness and personality into any webpage.
- filipedeschamps/tabnews.com.br - Conteúdos para quem trabalha com Programação e Tecnologia.
- hummingbird-me/kitsu-tools - 🔨 The tools we use to build Kitsu, the coolest platform for anime and manga
- wdhdev/free-for-life - A massive list including a huge amount of products and services that are completely free!
- hfg-gmuend/openmoji - Open source emojis for designers, developers and everyone else!
- jmstfv/rectangles - Visualize your day as 144 rectangles, where each rectangle represents 10 minutes.
- BlossomDNS/register - BlossomDNS - Giving Away pro-dev.app, py-dev.io, cool-web.site and pro-dev.site subdomains
- namdevel/jsid.dev - A free subdomain for developers.
- Trixarian/NetherSX2-classic - NetherSX2 based on AetherSX2 3668
- Trixarian/NetherSX2-patch - Unofficial Patches for NetherSX2
- krzemienski/awesome-video - A curated list of awesome streaming video tools, frameworks, libraries, and learning resources.
- readtedium/udm14 - Code for udm14.com, a site with an easily-accessible AI-free Google search. This has a CC0 license so consider the code public domain.
- r-Roms/r-Roms.github.io -
- DecodersCommunity/animepedia - A website ( should we say paradise? ) for all the Anime hunters out there!
- keiyoushi/extensions - Source extensions for the Mihon/Tachiyomi app.
- kevquirk/512kb.club - Website for the 512 KB Club
- semanticdata/firefox-discord-in-sidebar - Firefox extension to display Discord within the Firefox sidebar. This extension adds a new section to the sidebar which contains the Discord web app. It also adds a shortcut, and a button toggle withi
- u8views/go-u8views - GitHub-profile views tracker: displaying monthly view statistics
- Myuui/Free-Minecraft-Hosts - Free Minecraft Hosting List aka. FMHL
- du82/privacyspreadsheet.com - The Privacy Spreadsheet HTML and raw CSV data
- thedev-id/thedev.id - Identity for developers on the web.
- edent/SuperTinyIcons - Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Icons are miniscule SVG versions of your favourite website and app logos
- jonschlinkert/gulp-htmlmin - Minify HTML
- httpsecure/hugo-cat - hugo theme
- clente/hugo-bearcub - 🐻 A lightweight Hugo theme based on Bear Blog and Hugo Bear Blog
- janraasch/hugo-bearblog - 🧸 A Hugo theme based on »Bear Blog«. Free, no-nonsense, super-fast blogging. This theme now includes a dark color scheme to support dark mode 🦉 ⬛️!
- colorchestra/smol - A minimal, monospaced blogging theme for Hugo that respects your privacy and is easy on your bandwidth.
- jakesgordon/javascript-tetris - A simple javascript tetris game
- inulute/unlim-cloud - UnlimCloud provides unlimited cloud storage for your files, utilizing Telegram as the storage solution. Simply log in using your Telegram ID, and you are good to go.
- techchipnet/CamPhish - Grab cam shots & GPS location from target's phone front camera or PC webcam just sending a link.
- vikhyatsingh123/Naruto-Shippuden - Naruto Anime Characters
- SchoolIzBoring/Unblocked-Websites - Website That Hosts Loads Of Websites Including Proxies, Games, Exploits, And Tools For School
- f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts - This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT and other LLM tools better.
- FossifyOrg/fossifyorg.github.io - The projects' website
- EbookFoundation/free-programming-books - 📚 Freely available programming books
- Flexiston/homepage - Flexistonの个人主页
- mixmark-io/turndown - 🛏 An HTML to Markdown converter written in JavaScript
- docker/awesome-compose - Awesome Docker Compose samples
- terkelg/awesome-creative-coding - Creative Coding: Generative Art, Data visualization, Interaction Design, Resources.
- you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-JavaScript - CSS is powerful, you can do a lot of things without JS.
- sethcottle/littlelink - A lightweight DIY Linktree alternative.
- Bugswriter/simple-base64-upload -
- Bugswriter/iiser-poc -
- Bugswriter/ecomsite -
- Bugswriter/zola-journal-template -
- swagkarna/Nivistealer - steal victim images exact location device info and much more
- ThatOneCalculator/DiscordRPCMaker - The best way to make and manage custom Discord Rich Presences with buttons!
- Amitabha37377/HomePage -
- AhmadIbrahiim/Website-downloader - 💡 Download the complete source code of any website (including all assets). [ Javascripts, Stylesheets, Images ] using Node.js
- eralp232/BozeClient-Web - @boze.dev website source & other files.
- aakhilv/runs-on.tech - Free 'runs-on.tech' subdomains for personal sites, open-source projects, and more.
- eralp232/InertiaClient-Web - @inertiaclient.com website source & other files.
- eralp232/ImpactClient-Web - @impactclient.net website source & other files.
- eralp232/AbyssClient-Web - @abyssclient.com website source & other files.
- eralp232/PyroClient-Web - @pyroclient.com website source & other files.
- twitter/twemoji - Emoji for everyone. https://twemoji.twitter.com/
- davidrazmadzeExtra/Linktree_HTML_CSS -
- hitthemoney/krunker-logo-maker -
- LambdAurora/optifine_alternatives - A list of recommended OptiFine alternatives.
- EddieHubCommunity/awesome-github-profiles - List of GitHub profiles that have awesome customisation, that you can use for inspiration
- allo-/ffprofile - A tool to create firefox profiles with personalized defaults.
- samtay/tetris - A terminal interface for Tetris
- FunkinCrew/Funkin - A rhythm game made with HaxeFlixel
- cia-foundation/TempleOS - Talk to God on up to 64 cores. Final snapshot of the Third Temple.
- mentebinaria/retoolkit - Reverse Engineer's Toolkit
- upptime/upptime - ⬆️ GitHub Actions uptime monitor & status page by @AnandChowdhary
- dozingcat/Vector-Pinball - Pinball game for Android.
- TeamMidnightDust/MidnightLib - Lightweight annotation-based config library for Minecraft Java mods. Compatible with Fabric, Quilt and NeoForge!
- HeliosMinecraft/HeliosClient - Fabric anarchy utility mod for the latest Minecraft version.
- Team-xManager/xManager - Ad-Free, New Features & Freedom
- PortSwigger/http-request-smuggler -
- TangyKiwi/KiwiClient - Minecraft Utility Mod
- Glitchfiend/TerraBlender - TerraBlender is a library mod for adding biomes in a simple and compatible manner with Minecraft's new biome/terrain system.
- hufrea/keysh - Handle volume buttons on Android
- openjdk/jdk - JDK main-line development https://openjdk.org/projects/jdk
- apache/hertzbeat - Apache HertzBeat(incubating) is a real-time monitoring system with agentless, performance cluster, prometheus-compatible, custom monitoring and status page building capabilities.
- bepass-org/oblivion - Unofficial warp client for android
- keycloak/keycloak - Open Source Identity and Access Management For Modern Applications and Services
- MeteorClientPlus/ProTrainer - An addon for Meteor client adding parkour to any server
- vanilla-music/vanilla - Vanilla Music Player for Android
- langchain4j/langchain4j-examples -
- tronprotocol/java-tron - Java implementation of the Tron whitepaper
- qualterz/lookaround - Minecraft mod that allows you to look around using headlock
- Killetx/TridentDupe - Meteor Client Addon - Developed by Killet, Laztec, and Ionar. This works on all servers currently, for all versions with tridents. (Also works for arrows!)
- Jipok/website-to-apk - Easy create Android app for website. Wrapper for WebView with userscripts
- ashishps1/awesome-leetcode-resources - Awesome LeetCode resources to learn Data Structures and Algorithms and prepare for Coding Interviews.
- langchain4j/langchain4j - Java version of LangChain
- zaproxy/zaproxy - The ZAP by Checkmarx Core project
- chainbase-labs/manuscript-core - Manuscript is a revolutionary blockchain data streaming framework. With Manuscript, you can seamlessly integrate on-chain and off-chain data into target data storage for unrestricted querying and anal
- google/gson - A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back
- synthetichealth/synthea - Synthetic Patient Population Simulator
- ReactiveX/RxJava - RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.
- xpipe-io/xpipe - Access your entire server infrastructure from your local desktop
- DependencyTrack/dependency-track - Dependency-Track is an intelligent Component Analysis platform that allows organizations to identify and reduce risk in the software supply chain.
- traccar/traccar - Traccar GPS Tracking System
- 3arthh4ckDevelopment/3arthh4ck-Fabric - 3arthh4ck is a 1.12.2 Utility Mod, now ported to Fabric 1.20.4!
- MyCoRe-Org/mycore - MyCoRe (acronym for My Content Repository) is an open source repository software framework for building disciplinary or institutional repositories, digital archives, digital libraries, and scientific
- nextcloud/android - 📱 Nextcloud Android app
- ThatJadenXgamer/Jadens-Nether-Expansion -
- Exopandora/ShoulderSurfing - Shoulder Surfing Reloaded is a highly configurable third person camera mod for minecraft.
- SmartPack/PackageManager - Source code of Package Manager, an Application to Manage your Apps.
- juliand665/Dynamic-FPS - Improve performance when Minecraft is in the background
- bcgit/bc-java - Bouncy Castle Java Distribution (Mirror)
- team-abnormals/blueprint - Library that implements the framework of all Abnormals mods
- rdoeffinger/Dictionary - "QuickDic" offline Dictionary App for Android. Provided downloadable dictionaries are based on Wiktionaries but can also be created from other sources (see DictionaryPC). Remember to use --recursive w
- nhirokinet/bluelineconsole - Blue Line Console, keyboard based launcher for Android
- LeoMinecraftModding/eternal-starlight - A minecraft mod that adds the magical and mysterious starlight dimension.
- WangDaYeeeeee/GeometricWeather - A Material Design Weather Application
- PrivacyDragon/Bookwyrm_Android - An Android application for Bookwyrm. Basically, it is just bookwyrm put into a 'webview' element.
- patzly/tack-android - Beautiful metronome for Android with a powerful Wear OS experience
- DynamicTreesTeam/DynamicTrees - Minecraft Forge mod providing dynamic trees that progressively grow from seed to maturity.
- eszdman/PhotonCamera - Android Camera that uses Enhanced image processing
- mirfatif/PermissionManagerX - eXtended Permission Manager for Android - view, set, watch Manifest Permissions and AppOps
- robolectric/robolectric - Android Unit Testing Framework
- watea/RadioUpnp - Android RadioUpnp application.
- umutcamliyurt/IrisChat - An IRC client for Android
- CreativeMD/AmbientSounds -
- Fuzss/puzzleslib - Why's it called Puzzles you ask? That's the puzzle!
- gohj99/Telewatch - Telegram for Android watch & wearos
- Delta-Icons/android - 🤖 Icon Pack for Android
- iron431/irons-spells-n-spellbooks -
- Telegram-FOSS-Team/Telegram-FOSS - Unofficial, FOSS-friendly fork of the original Telegram client for Android
- cryptomator/cryptomator - Cryptomator for Windows, macOS, and Linux: Secure client-side encryption for your cloud storage, ensuring privacy and control over your data.
- isXander/Debugify - A mod aimed at fixing bugs found on the Mojang Bug Tracker
- team-abnormals/atmospheric - Fills the world with fleshed out & diverse landscapes
- satisfyu/Bakery -
- cylonid/NativeAlphaForAndroid -
- 117HD/RLHD - Old School RuneScape GPU renderer with a suite of graphical enhancements.
- runelite/runelite - Open source Old School RuneScape client
- araafroyall/Cleaner-Royall - 🚀 𝗔 𝗠𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗔𝗱𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗖𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗿𝗼𝗶𝗱 [Root]
- BlackyHawky/Clock - Customizable and privacy-conscious open-source clock, based on AOSP Clock
- RattlesHyper/lyra-addon - Lyra Addon is a Meteor Client add-on specifically designed for Creative Mode and Creative servers.
- Flowit-Game/Flowit - Minimalistic puzzle game
- LonamiWebs/Klooni1010 - libGDX game based on the original 1010!
- AndreiNekrasOn/keyboard_heatmap - keylogger and an app to visualize its results
- stipple-effect/stipple-effect - Stipple Effect is a pixel art editor that supports animation and scripting (available on Windows, macOS and Linux)
- itkach/aard2-android - Aard2 for Android, a simple dictionary app
- noties/Markwon - Android markdown library (no WebView)
- pelya/screen-dimmer-pixel-filter - Android screen dimmer, which disables individual pixels, for AMOLED screens
- code-crusher/Dimmer - Android app to provide Blue-Light filter to reduce strain on eyes.
- Tropicraft/Tropicraft - A Minecraft: Java Edition mod that adds a tropical vacation dimension to your world
- iterate-ch/cyberduck - Cyberduck is a libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, Backblaze B2, Microsoft Azure & OneDrive and OpenStack Swift file transfer client for Mac and Windows.
- pufmat/skillsmod - A Minecraft mod that adds a fully configurable skill system to the game.
- xoureldeen-dev/Winux-VM - Boxvidra is an Android application designed to bring Debian, XFCE4, Wine, Box86, and Box64 environments to your Android device using Proot. It allows you to run Linux applications and Windows binaries
- Snownee/Jade - Minecraft mod that shows what you are looking at. (Hwyla fork)
- FrozenBlock/WilderWild - A Minecraft mod that overhauls the Wild Update
- peterosterlund2/droidfish - DroidFish Android Chess App
- jcarolus/android-chess - Chess game for Android.
- TeamNewPipe/NewPipe - A libre lightweight streaming front-end for Android.
- absolutelyaya/ultracraft - A Minecraft mod recreating the game Ultrakill
- akhilkedia/AllTrans - Completely Translate Android apps in-place aka Google translate in Chrome
- pxlsspace/Pxls - Open-source expansion of /r/place
- McVader34/Serious-Player-Animations - Serious Player Animation Mod Source
- krahets/hello-algo - 《Hello 算法》:动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程。支持 Python, Java, C++, C, C#, JS, Go, Swift, Rust, Ruby, Kotlin, TS, Dart 代码。简体版和繁体版同步更新,English version ongoing
- Juuxel/Adorn - A decoration mod for Minecraft 1.14+.
- Grasscutters/Grasscutter - A server software reimplementation for a certain anime game.
- AlmostReliable/almostunified - A Minecraft mod to unify resources.
- MarcusWolschon/osmeditor4android - Vespucci is a OpenStreetMap editor for Android
- 3000IQPlay/HashChecker - Scans hashes of files in a specific directory at once using the SHA-256 algorithm. Useful for verifying backups, checking for file corruption, and ensuring file integrity.
- DimensionalDevelopment/DimDoors - A rewrite of the classic mod: Dimensional Doors
- rubenlagus/TelegramBots - Java library to create bots using Telegram Bots API
- dkrivoruchko/ScreenStream - ScreenStream Android App
- dulvui/sn4ke - Snake game with 60 levels, made with libGDX for iOS and Android
- AntennaPod/AntennaPod - A podcast manager for Android
- simple-last-fm-scrobbler/sls - Simple Scrobbler, for Android -- last.fm, libre.fm & ListenBrainz
- OctoGramApp/OctoGram - OctoGram is an unofficial messaging app that uses Telegram's API.
- chronosacaria/MCDungeonsWeapons - Bringing the weapons and tools of Minecraft Dungeons to Minecraft
- TelepathicGrunt/RepurposedStructures - Reusing and modifying vanilla structures for extra variety!
- FTBTeam/FTB-Quests - Quests is one of the best Questing mods for Minecraft out there. It has a highly customisable questing system and an easy to use interface.
- SammySemicolon/Malum-Mod - A minecraft mod about dark magic.
- bazelbuild/bazel - a fast, scalable, multi-language and extensible build system
- team-abnormals/upgrade-aquatic - Further upgrades the Update Aquatic with more aquatic additions!
- Darkhax-Minecraft/BotanyPots - Adds some flower pots that can be used to grow various crops.
- Shadows-of-Fire/Placebo - A library mod
- Xed-Editor/Xed-Editor - Advanced Text Editor for android
- xHookman/IGexperiments - Enable dev menu & experiments for Instagram!
- DHD2280/Oxygen-Customizer - Customize Oxygen OS
- MoriyaShiine/bewitchment - A Minecraft mod that aims to add witchcraft.
- Pandarix/BetterArcheology - Fabric Mod that enhances the boring archeology-system in 1.20
- FileContainer/iAdb-api -
- tr7zw/EntityCulling - Using async path-tracing to hide Tiles/Entities that are not visible
- wanam/YouTubeAdAway - Xposed module to block YouTube ads on the official YouTube Android App
- Lightman314/LightmansCurrency - Lightman's Currency Minecraft Mod
- mariumbacchus/Soulslike-Weaponry - A minecraft mod that adds new bosses and legendary weapons
- NextAlone/Nagram - The third-party Telegram android app.
- mezz/JustEnoughItems - Item and Recipe viewing mod for Minecraft
- ReplayMod/ReplayMod - Minecraft ReplayMod
- BuildCraft/BuildCraft - BuildCraft
- nisrulz/easydeviceinfo - 📱 [Android Library] Get device information in a super easy way.
- IzzelAliz/Arclight - A Bukkit(1.20/1.21) server implementation in modding environment using Mixin. ⚡
- EssentialsX/Essentials - The modern Essentials suite for Spigot and Paper.
- Luohuayu/CatServer - 高性能和高兼容性的1.12.2/1.16.5/1.18.2版本Forge+Bukkit+Spigot服务端 (A high performance and high compatibility 1.12.2/1.16.5/1.18.2 version Forge+Bukkit+Spigot server)
- LuckPerms/LuckPerms - A permissions plugin for Minecraft servers.
- Querz/mcaselector - A tool to select chunks from Minecraft worlds for deletion or export.
- IrisShaders/Iris - A modern shaders mod for Minecraft compatible with existing OptiFine shader packs
- MohistMC/Mohist - Minecraft Forge Hybrid server implementing the Spigot/Bukkit API, formerly known as Thermos/Cauldron/MCPC+
- BlouFlin/Photography - Yet another Minecraft camera mod to take photos of your world on maps!
- Rollczi/LiteCommands - ☄️ LiteCommands - Command framework for Velocity, Bukkit, Paper, BungeeCord, Minestom, Sponge, Fabric, JDA and future implementations.
- thePolocloud/polocloud-v2 - PoloCloud is the simplest and easiest Cloud for Minecraft
- AdamCalculator/DynamicPack - This minecraft mod will automatically update your resource packs!
- TudbuT/ttc - TTC Client
- MuntashirAkon/SetEdit - Open source version of the original Settings Database Editor
- PreviousAlone/Nnngram - Another gram by NextAlone
- ChoiceTheorem/ChoiceTheorem-s-overhauled-village - Enhances and creates new villages and pillager outposts, that perfectly fit into your Minecraft world.
- satisfyu/Meadow - A Mod offering a slight overhaul for the meadow biome by adding two new sub biomes and introducing the process of crafting cheese.
- Patbox/UniversalGraves - Grave mod for Fabric!
- Darkhax-Minecraft/Enchantment-Descriptions - Displays descriptions about an enchantment on the tooltip.
- cinit/TMoe - An Xposed module for Telegram clients
- MehVahdJukaar/WoodGood -
- FTBTeam/FTB-Teams - Teaming system for Minecraft, create a team, claim chunks with FTB Chunks or share progress with FTB Quests, and much more.
- TeamLapen/Vampirism - A Minecraft mod called Vampirism
- McJtyMods/TheOneProbe - This simple mod adds a probe and an API for other mods to show information with that probe
- HypixelDev/ResourcePackConverter - Hypixel's 1.13 Resource Pack converter.
- quek04/undergarden - Repository for the Undergarden, a Minecraft dimension mod.
- Shadows-of-Fire/Apotheosis - All things that should have been.
- CalebFenton/simplify - Android virtual machine and deobfuscator
- Team-Hibiscus/NaturesSpirit -
- mortuusars/Exposure - Camera mod for Minecraft with focus on process and aesthetics.
- drtshock/Potato - If you fork this then you can say you forked a potato.
- FxMorin/MoreCulling - Stop rendering things you can't see. A mod that changes how multiple types of culling are handled in order to improve performance
- Dev4Mod/WaEnhancer - WhatsApp tools for Android
- NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra - Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
- RedCarlos26/WiderTab - A mod that extends the tablist to fit more players.
- alRex-U/ParCool - A Minecraft Forge Mod for action of Cool Parkour
- j-hc/FlagSecurePatcher - Magisk module to patch service.jar on device to disable secure lock and screenshot listeners
- xCollateral/VulkanMod - Vulkan renderer mod for Minecraft.
- GlowstoneMC/Glowstone - A fast, customizable and compatible open source server for Minecraft: Java Edition
- FiguraMC/Figura - Extensively customize your character with Figura!
- PaperMC/Paper - The most widely used, high performance Minecraft server that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies
- samolego/FabricTailor - A server-side or singleplayer skin changing mod for fabric.
- stormcoph/LuminaClient - Introducing Lumina Client - the best 1.19 open-source Minecraft ghost client / hacked client designed to boost your gameplay experience. With Lumina Client, access powerful features like KillAura, cry
- Pan4ur/ThunderHack-Recode - 1.21 minecraft client for Crystal / Sword hvh
- Haptic-Apps/Slide - Slide is an open-source, ad-free Reddit browser for Android.
- QuantumBadger/RedReader - An unofficial open source Android app for Reddit.
- Docile-Alligator/Infinity-For-Reddit - A Reddit client for Android
- lukeaschenbrenner/TxtNet-Browser - An app that lets you browse the web over SMS
- mastodon/mastodon-android - Official Android app for Mastodon
- patrickfav/uber-apk-signer - A cli tool that helps signing and zip aligning single or multiple Android application packages (APKs) with either debug or provided release certificates. It supports v1, v2 and v3 Android signing sche
- R2bEEaton-Minecraft/CoreProtectTimeLapse - A first-of-its-kind Minecraft plugin that enables performant, extremely long-term world timelapses.
- BloCamLimb/ModernUI-MC - Minecraft mod that embeds Modern UI into Minecraft, providing modding API, text layout engine and some widgets.
- wmora/martianrun - An Open-Source Running Game with libGDX
- agateau/pixelwheels - A top-down retro racing game for PC (Linux, macOS, Windows) and Android.
- himekifee/MCMTFabric - Minecraft Multi-Threading Mod Fabric Version
- osudroid/osu-droid -
- kiooeht/ModTheSpire - External mod loader for Slay The Spire
- bttv-android/bttv - A mod of the Twitch Android Mobile App adding BetterTTV, FrankerFaceZ and 7TV emotes
- amitshekhariitbhu/Android-Debug-Database - A library for debugging android databases and shared preferences - Make Debugging Great Again
- MoriyaShiine/enchancement - A Minecraft mod that completely overhauls the vanilla enchanting system.
- r266s/GDP - my first ever minecraft plugin
- vhaudiquet/BladePlayer - Android music player that plays from multiple sources
- tonikelope/megabasterd - Yet another unofficial (and ugly) cross-platform MEGA downloader/uploader/streaming suite.
- 00-Evan/shattered-pixel-dungeon - Shattered Pixel Dungeon is an open-source traditional roguelike dungeon crawler with randomized levels and enemies, and hundreds of items to collect and use. It's based on the source code of Pixel Dun
- miao1007/AnimeWallpaper - [Android] Konachan wallpaper downloader
- saulmm/Material-Movies - [Deprecated] An application about movies with material design
- qwq233/Nullgram - 3rd party client of Telegram
- Xtr126/XtMapper - Keyboard and mouse input mapper
- MrSparsh/2048 - Implementation of popular 2048 game on Android using Android Studio
- GamEditor/2048-Android - This game has published in google play store and cafe bazaar (an iranian app store). now we publish the full source code of this game with any permission. just have fun and enjoy <3
- bulenkov/2048 - Java implementation of 2048
- veryyoung/2048 - 2048 for Android(2048 安卓版)
- tito/2048 - 2048 Game with Kivy
- uberspot/2048-android - The android port of the 2048 game (for offline playing)
- MuntashirAkon/AppManager - A full-featured package manager and viewer for Android
- Etar-Group/Etar-Calendar - Android open source calendar
- TeamAmaze/AmazeFileManager - Material design file manager for Android
- Nonononoki/Hendroid - Doujinshi Android App
- TerraformersMC/ModMenu - A menu for, you guessed it, mods!
- Kaiserdragon2/IconRequest - An Android app to get unthemed icons and their activity names
- larvalabs/boo - An Android Experiment that uses face detection to model shy little creatures.
- Trambled/OzarkClient - very sexy client
- RealzPrestige/health-indicators - Simple health indicators for fabric 1.19.2
- AnOpenSauceDev/Methane-mod - A 1.19+ performance mod for the Fabric and Quilt modloaders.
- AndroidIDEOfficial/AndroidIDE - AndroidIDE is an IDE for Android to develop full featured Android apps.
- fengdai/AlertDialogPro - [Deprecated] This project can make it easy to theme and custom Android's dialog. Also provides Holo and Material themes for old devices.
- termux/termux-app - Termux - a terminal emulator application for Android OS extendible by variety of packages.
- magicsih/AndroidScreenCaster - Efficient, low-latency Android screen casting with H.264 and WebM encoding via TCP and UDP.
- rom1v/sndcpy - Android audio forwarding PoC (scrcpy, but for audio)
- neoblackxt/AnyWebView - Any WebView is OK!
- TheAlgorithms/Java - All Algorithms implemented in Java
- yuliskov/SmartTube - Advanced player for set-top boxes and tvs running Android OS
- Helium314/HeliBoard - Customizable and privacy-conscious open-source keyboard
- FabricMC/yarn - Libre Minecraft mappings, free to use for everyone. No exceptions.
- codehasan/Current-Activity - 📱 A floating window that can be moved freely and displays the package and class name of the active application
- zhuowei/MCPELauncher - Source code for BlockLauncher, a launcher that patches Minecraft for Android
- skywardmc/threadtweak - Improve and tweak Minecraft thread scheduling (again!)
- UltimateBoomer/mc-smoothboot - Improve and tweak Minecraft thread scheduling.
- spring-projects/spring-boot - Spring Boot helps you to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss.
- MeteorDevelopment/meteor-addon-template - A template project to help people use the Meteor Client Addon API.
- slapperwan/gh4a - Github client for Android
- akanshSirohi/ShareX - 🚀 Send and receive files in hassle-free way with fast speed!
- PaperMC/Velocity - The modern, next-generation Minecraft server proxy.
- gazlaws-dev/codeboard - Codeboard App
- AbdElAziz333/Canary - A performance mod designed to optimize Minecraft's general performance and unofficial fork of Lithium mod for Minecraft Forge.
- IamTheDefender/Bedwars-Cosmetics - An plugin that adds various sets of cosmetics to enhance the gameplay of bedwars
- ACGaming/UniversalTweaks - Consolidates various bugfixes and tweaks into a single solution for Minecraft 1.12.2
- AOF-Dev/MCinaBox - MCinaBox - A Minecraft: Java Edition Launcher for Android. An Encapsulation of CosineMath's BoatApp.
- PurpurMC/Purpur - Purpur is a drop-in replacement for Paper servers designed for configurability, and new fun and exciting gameplay features.
- FabricMC/fabric - Essential hooks for modding with Fabric.
- Minestom/Minestom - 1.21.3 Lightweight Minecraft server
- PojavLauncherTeam/PojavLauncher - A Minecraft: Java Edition Launcher for Android and iOS based on Boardwalk. This repository contains source code for Android platform.
- HMCL-dev/HMCL - A Minecraft Launcher which is multi-functional, cross-platform and popular
- RakambdaOrg/FallingTree - Minecraft mod to make the trees fall in one cut
- Pritish-git/new-dark-theme-implementation - New dark theme implementation features which were added in android 10 and later
- KhunHtetzNaing/ADB-OTG - Android Debug Bridge On The Go.
- neeyatl/DarkModePreferenceTutorialJava - Part of a tutorial that shows how to create Dark Mode in Android. This project is written in Java and is a counterpart to DarkModePreferenceTutorial, the Kotlin version.
- achmadqomarudin/NightMode - 🌓 Enabling switching between Dark Mode and Light Mode in an Android app using Java code base in a few seconds.
- leibnitz27/cfr - This is the public repository for the CFR Java decompiler
- deltazefiro/Amarok-Hider - Hide your private files and apps with a single click.
- Nekogram/Nekogram - Open-source third-party Telegram client with not many but useful modifications.
- Mercurygram/Mercurygram - Unofficial, FOSS-friendly fork of the original Telegram client for Android
- SpartanB312/Cursa - An opensource Minecraft utility mod for Anarchy and CrystalPVP
- Aizistral-Studios/No-Chat-Reports - Disable Player Chat Reporting and make user messages untrackable.
- henrichg/PhoneProfilesPlus - Profile manager for Android - event triggered
- farmerbb/Taskbar - PC-style productivity for Android
- DP-Hridayan/aShellYou - A material you designed app for your ADB needs
- amitshekhariitbhu/from-java-to-kotlin - From Java To Kotlin - Your Cheat Sheet For Java To Kotlin
- Stirling-Tools/Stirling-PDF - #1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files
- polymorphicshade/Tubular - A fork of NewPipe that implements SponsorBlock and ReturnYouTubeDislike.
- Chisel-Team/Chisel - A builder's best friend
- gsantner/memetastic - Meme Creator for Android - Simple & Ad-Free
- KosmX/minecraftPlayerAnimator - Minecraft 1.16+ player animation library
- SeleniumHQ/selenium - A browser automation framework and ecosystem.
- abh80/smart-edge - Alternative to dynamic island for android.
- RaphiMC/JavaDowngrader - Standalone program and library which can downgrade Java classes/programs down to Java 8
- openintents/filemanager - OpenIntents file manager
- Polyfrost/CrashPatch - Stop crashes from closing your game!
- pgp/XFiles - A general-purpose file explorer for (rooted) Android, with support for compressed archives, remote file servers, device-to-device file transfers, checksums, etc...
- romainhry/MiniMetro_Game - Java educational project with JavaFX
- DynamXInc/DynamX - A Minecraft mod that aims to add realistic physics to Minecraft
- patzly/doodle-android - Colorful live wallpapers with auto dark mode and power-efficient animations
- tr7zw/NotEnoughAnimations - Brings the First-Person animations to the Third-Person and tries to fix other animation issues of the Third-Person.
- tr7zw/WaveyCapes - The cape shouldn't be a static slab
- tr7zw/3d-Skin-Layers - Renders the player skin layer in 3d
- TachibanaGeneralLaboratories/download-navi - Free and Open Source software download manager
- smanikandan14/ThinDownloadManager - To download files and to avoid using DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION permission if you are using Android's DownloadManager in your apps.
- majidgolshadi/Android-Download-Manager-Pro - Android/Java download manager library help you to download files in parallel mechanism in some chunks.
- tpcstld/Jetris - A simple tetris clone for android.
- weijifen/AndroidTetris - Android使用GridView实现简单的俄罗斯方块
- PSNB92/Tetris - Tetris Project
- vocollapse/Blockinger - Tetris clone for Android
- juancarloscp52/BedrockIfy - A Minecraft mod that implements some Minecraft Bedrock features into Java edition.
- mekanism/Mekanism - A mod for Minecraft
- TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample - Working sample code for the basic concepts in Minecraft and Forge.
- MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge - Modifications to the Minecraft base files to assist in compatibility between mods. New Discord: https://discord.minecraftforge.net/
- Tutorials-By-Kaupenjoe/Minecraft-1.16.5 - Repository for my 1.16.5 Minecraft Modding Tutorial Series. Different Videos will be in different branches. Master branch should always be the newest published video. Check out the playlist below.
- beemdevelopment/Aegis - A free, secure and open source app for Android to manage your 2-step verification tokens.
- ZsoltMolnarrr/BetterCombat - ⚔️ Easy, spectacular and fun melee combat system from Minecraft Dungeons.
- ZsoltMolnarrr/Archers - 🏹 Draw, Release, Conquer - Master the art of Archery!
- comp500/Indium - Sodium addon providing support for the Fabric Rendering API, based on Indigo
- RyanFehr/HackerRank - HackerRank solutions in Java/JS/Python/C++/C#
- sxmurxy0/CustomHitboxes - The mod for Minecraft to customize entities hitboxes with simple GUI.
- frknkrc44/superboard - A mirror of https://gitlab.com/frknkrc44/superboard. Please do everything on my GitLab repository.
- mim1q/MineCells - Minecraft mod which adds content from the game Dead Cells.
- Dark-Developments/Zewo2-MeteorAddon - Addon for meteor client
- nproth/pin - A minimalistic note-taking app for android utilizing your phone's notification area.
- khuttun/NotificationNotes - Notification Notes is a simple note taking Android app that lets you display your notes as native Android notifications
- SaharshPandey/Messenger - Messenger(Chat app) is a real time one to one chat application with Push Notifications made using Firebase...
- XeraPlugins/8b8tCore - Folia Core Plugin for 8b8t and Anarchy Servers
- klikli-dev/modonomicon - Data-driven minecraft in-game documentation with progress visualization.
- woheller69/Level - Android spirit level & ruler
- woheller69/huggingassist - Simple WebView Wrapper for huggingChat
- apache/cassandra-java-driver - Java Driver for Apache Cassandra®
- Everyday-Programmer/Android-Stopwatch - This repository contains code of android stopwatch made using java.
- sinkillerj/ProjectE - ProjectE. A complete rewrite of EE2 for modern Minecraft versions.
- SKRInternationals/TouchDroid - An Android App that can be used as laptop touchpad via local Network
- Aefyr/SAI - Android split APKs installer
- martinmimigames/tiny-music-player - Android 1.0+ <20KB minimal notification based audio player
- martinmimigames/little-music-player - Android 1.0+ mini notification based audio player
- martinmimigames/little-file-explorer - Android 1.0+ mini file explorer and manager
- Rosemoe/sora-editor - A multifunctional Android code editor library. (aka CodeEditor)
- timscriptov/ApkEditor -
- apk-editor/APK-Explorer-Editor - Source code of APK Explorer & Editor (AEE), an open-source tool to explore the contents of an installed APK!
- REAndroid/APKEditor - Powerful android apk editor - aapt/aapt2 independent
- rebane2001/cr3stal - A Minecraft mod that turns End Crystals into Rubik's Cubes
- Leawind/Third-Person - A practical, smooth, feature-rich third person mod for Minecraft
- zixpo/candybar - Dashboard for Android Icon Packs. Supported by the community.
- Arcticons-Team/Arcticons - A monotone line-based icon pack for android
- ghmxr/ftpshare - an android application using to share files through ftp
- ghmxr/apkextractor - an android application using to extract app packages installed on the device
- Litarvan/OpenAuth - Java Yggdrasil library.
- Neamar/KISS - Lightning fast, open-source, < 250kb Android launcher
- arsLan4k1390/Cherrygram -
- antoniolg/MaterializeYourApp - Example of a Material App for Android
- KingContaria/FastQuit - Lets you return to the title screen early while your world is still saving in the background
- k0shk0sh/FastHub - FastHub the ultimate GitHub client for Android.
- thermatk/FastHub-Libre - Libre fork of FastHub, the ultimate GitHub client for Android.
- micdoodle8/Galacticraft - An advanced Space Dimension Mod for Minecraft
- SpigotMC/BungeeCord - BungeeCord, the 6th in a generation of server portal suites. Efficiently proxies and maintains connections and transport between multiple Minecraft servers.
- EngineHub/WorldEdit - 🗺️ Minecraft map editor and mod
- essentials/Essentials - Essentials - Minecraft server command mod - Adds over 100 commands for use in-game to help manage a server
- pixelcmtd/CXClient - The CXClient Minecraft Hacked Client. (O++ S++ I+ C E- M V? !PS D+)
- mycodedoesnotcompile2/jdownloader_mirror - JDownloader open-source code mirror
- mirror/jdownloader - JDownloader mirror
- Aliucord/Aliucord - A modification for the Discord Android App
- RacoonDog/Tokyo-Client - Anarchy tool of the future.
- MrStahlfelge/lightblocks - Falling Lightblocks. Falling block game for Android (Mobile and TV), iOS, Web browsers. Works on desktops, too.
- sk22/megalodon - Pink modification of the official Mastodon for Android app
- ThirtyDegreesRay/OpenHub - An open source GitHub Android client app, faster and concise.
- owenlongbo/android2048 - Android 2048
- tpcstld/2048 - Porting 2048 to android
- MovingBlocks/Terasology - Terasology - open source voxel world
- libgdx/libgdx - Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
- Coffee-Client/Coffee - A multipurpose Minecraft client mod, focussing on utilities to make the game easier.
- MrKinau/FishingBot - 1.8 - 1.21.4 Fishing bot for Minecraft
- Anuken/Mindustry - The automation tower defense RTS
- skyecodes/IBE-Editor - A simple GUI mod to edit an item, a block or an entity in your current world.
- WildfireRomeo/WildfireFemaleGenderMod - A Fabric Minecraft Mod - Minecraft's Most Popular Female Gender Mod!
- pycatmc/TotemChanger - Changes totem pop animation and particles.
- pycatmc/TotemParticlesChanger - Changes size, velocity multiplier, gravity, lifetime and color of totem particles.
- mioclient/hitbox-desync - private russian exploit that uses 1.19 swimming mechanics to phase
- babbaj/nether-pathfinder-mod -
- ElijahBare/baritone - google maps for block game
- 3arthh4ckDevelopment/3arthh4ck-Client - Utility mod and proxy server for 1.12.2 - now continued
- 3arthh4ckDevelopment/3arthh4ck-Plugins - Earthhack Plugins
- maxsupermanhd/meteor-villager-roller - Module for Meteor Client that continiously breaks and places work block of villager until it has desired trade
- AlexProgrammerDE/SoulFire - 🧙 Advanced Minecraft Server-Stresser Tool. Launch bot attacks on your servers to measure performance.
- Tectato/BetterCommandBlockUI - A fabric mod providing a more usable UI for Bommand Blocks
- TechAle/minecraft-irc - A ""serverless"" minecraft irc
- RedstoneTools/redstonetools-mod - A Redstone Quality of Life mod.
- ZeonDevelopment/Zeon - An addon for Meteor Client
- HouseHouseHause1/DomainWhitelist - Qbasty's shit OpenAnarchy Domain Whitelist (Old as shit)
- PK2-Stimpy/HOT___TOPIC- -
- VVriter/Firework-client-public -
- TheMosKau/LiquidBouncePlusPlusOLD -
- Hypnotic-Development/Hypnotic-Client - gamer client pvp
- BlockhostOfficial/CrashTheServer - Core plugin for CrashTheServer.net
- clickcrystals-development/ClickCrystals - Your ultimate crystal PvP assistance, ClickCrystals at your service.
- femhack/CwHack -
- KgDW/MadCat-deobf-decomp-buildable - M3dC3t
- tr7zw/FirstPersonModel - Enables the third person Model in firstperson
- Catuquei/cascade - I love vape v4 crack
- Volcan4436/Syracuse-3.0-source-leak - Thanks Pathos For Giving Source and thanks to exit scamming I have posted this
- PianoPenguin471/RavenWeave -
- Neptunium-Development/neptunium-client -
- jagrosh/GiveawayBot - 🎉 Hold giveaways quickly and easily on your Discord server!
- Col-E/Recaf - The modern Java bytecode editor
- TheKisDevs/LavaHack-Public - #ZaПобеду
- cqb13/Numby-hack - A simple Meteor addon focused on giving users more customization options. Made in honor of Number81.
- LXYan2333/Fabric-Bedrock-Miner - A fabric client mod to mine bedrock!
- thebest9178/Unminable-Meteor - A port of LXYan2333's Fabric-Bedrock-Miner to Meteor addon.
- PoopenfartenDevelopment/BedrockMinerAddon -
- BuildTheEarth/terraplusplus - A feature-rich fork of Terra121 focusing on performance.
- DaMatrix/SaveSearcher - scan a minecraft world for various things
- jaquadro/StorageDrawers - A mod adding compartmental storage for Minecraft Forge
- toolbox4minecraft/amidst - Advanced Minecraft Interface and Data/Structure Tracking
- 19MisterX98/DiamondSim -
- 19MisterX98/Atomic - based client the 2nd, for 1.17
- 19MisterX98/SeedcrackerX -
- mircokroon/minecraft-world-downloader - Download Minecraft worlds, extend server's render distance. 1.12.2 - 1.21
- RedCarlos26/HIGTools - Highway Tools for Meteor Client.
- Sjnez613/RenoSense-Rewrite - Rewrite with oyvey
- moneymod/moneymod - 1.12.2 crystalpvp modification (especially for non strict servers like cc)
- ShinyDragon96/ShiNeaL -
- leijurv/MineBot -
- SIMULATAN/meteor-notifications-addon - An addon for the MeteorClient that displays various notifications on the HUD | still WIP, code might be messy
- AstralDB/ItemFrameDupe - Dupes shit in item frames
- NDCFL/JavaToDll - java调用动态库文件
- AntiCope/reaper-addon -
- funtimeonly990/Public-nhack4 - pobos火卫一打滑
- unnamedlife/bbcware - Strongest Minecraft PVP Utility for 1.19.2
- Hackerokuz/meteor-litematica-printer -
- kkllffaa/meteor-litematica-printer -
- Zgoly/Meteorist - ☄️ Add-on for Meteor that adds useful utilities for non-vanilla anarchy servers ☄️
- KassuK1/BlackOut - Plugin for meteor client adding more features mostly focusing on CPVP
- Carlox1/Toro-Dupe - Dupe for 6b6t.org created by Carlox and Colonizadores
- BedTrap/PenisESP-addon - Prolly the best Meteor Addon ever, change my mind.
- AntiCope/orion - Continuation of GhostTypes' Orion
- Crimply/Claudius - Claudius 1.12.2 Mod
- Ai2473/1.8.7-earthhack - Utility mod and proxy server for 1.12.2
- GameboyVlol/Rat - A Tool To Get Another Computer’s Information And Send It Via A Webhook To Your Discord Server
- CDAGaming/CrystalOptimizer - Inspired from Marlow's Crystal Optimizer, now open-sourced and for more MC Versions! For Research Purposes!
- Nooniboi/Public-Ikea - Public Ikea Addon
- FxMorin/carpet-fixes - fabric-carpet extension mod which attempts to fix as many vanilla minecraft bugs as possible. Feel free to add as many fixes as you want! Currently 220+ Fixes!
- altrisi/FastOpenLinksAndFolders - A lightweight mod to make the game not block when opening a chat link, a screenshot or the resourcepacks or datapacks folder.
- s7n1ax/XuluPlus - this is version 1.0.6 not the old 1.0.5
- HoseanRC/ifpeek-meteor-addon - item frame shulker viewer
- Gav06/Moonlight -
- jabronyyy/Quantium-addon -
- UltimateBoomer/mc-no-fade - Remove all fade out animations from Minecraft
- Zane2b2t/Phobos-1.1.0 - Phobos 1.0.4 buildable src.
- eralp232/ChipsHack-Rewrite - ChipsHack is an Anarchy crystal pvp utility mod client for 2b2t.org , previous private but now open source & free.
- doctor-swag/moneymod-rewrite - block game client made by ruskis
- eralp232/KonasClient - Unofficial Konas Client Archive: A complete collection of all versions along with a working source code.
- AntiCope/meteor-rejects - An addon to Meteor Client with features that won't be added to Meteor. Because they were either rejected or are ports from other clients.
- nerdsinspace/nocomment-master - block game military grade radar
- BebraHack/BebraHackAddon - Meteor addon dedicated to Bebra
- XatzClient/PenisESP - Not made by us, but since we use, we may aswell give its src
- AlexProgrammerDE/PistonChat - An advanced chat plugin for survival/anarchy servers.
- BleachDev/BleachHack - block game utility mod that makes you a cool kid
- sigmaclientwastaken/Raven-bPLUS - Raven b+ : Raven b3 but better.
- Based-devs/Lynx - Lynx client is a utility mod for 1.12.2 anarchy servers.
- Pr3roxDLC/Catalyst - Open Source Catalyst Client
- bebeli555/CookieClient - CookieClient is a utility client for anarchy servers
- anOtherAnalyse/FamilyFunPack - Family Fun Pack utility mod for 2b2t
- seppukudevelopment/seppuku - Lightweight, dependency-free Minecraft 1.12.2 hack
- CreepyOrb924/creepy-salhack - Minecraft utility mod (real)
- cabaletta/baritone - google maps for block game
- egirlfrosty/ClientBase - A simple mixin client base for beginners.
- MaikeMota/robot - A library for build Robots with Java
- Bonfire/JClicker - An extremely lightweight Java auto-clicker
- WurstPlus/wurst-plus-three - forge mod for 1.12.2 minecraft
- fr1kin/ForgeHax - A Minecraft cheat that runs as a Forge mod
- colorblindness/3arthh4ck - The real phobos recode. Brought to you by oHareDaBoss himself.
- SkinsRestorer/SkinsRestorer - The most popular skin plugin for Minecraft
- zPeanut/Hydrogen - An open source, mixin based ghost client for Minecraft 1.8.9 built on Minecraft Forge.
- MongusOrg/LiquidBouncePlusPlus - Minecraft client based on LiquidBounce+
- 3arthqu4ke/3arthh4ck - Utility mod and proxy server for 1.12.2
- pkst-bta-stuffs/BTAModList - A GUI of loaded Babric mods, for Better than Adventure
- Flamarine/BTAModList - A GUI of loaded Babric mods, for Better than Adventure
- Flamarine/BTAExampleMod-babric - BTA Example Mod but with Babric
- Wurst-Imperium/Wurst7 - Minecraft Wurst Hacked Client v7
- MeteorDevelopment/meteor-client - Based Minecraft utility mod.
- CaffeineMC/sodium - A Minecraft mod designed to improve frame rates and reduce micro-stutter
- Sol-Client/client - A fairly good Minecraft client I guess!
- ponei/elixe - minecraft 1.8.9 utility modification
- K-ov/Raven-bPLUS - Raven b++ : Raven b+ but better.
- pesshown/Skilled-Client-v3 - Forge Ghost client 1.8.9
- Kopamed/Raven-bPLUS - Raven b+ : Raven b3 but better.
- pkst-bta-stuffs/InventoryPausing-bta - Pause the game when displaying player inventory, for Better than Adventure
- thealpinegoat/Excavate -
- thealpinegoat/Feller -
- Guichaguri/TickrateChanger - A mod that changes the game speed
- MinecraftTAS/TASmod - Minecraft Tool-Assisted Speedrun (TAS) Tools with input playback
- nodusclient/girlboss -
- carl-vbn/minecraft-voxel-loader - A Fabric Mod and a set of Python scripts to load and play 3D animations inside Minecraft
- nodusclient/gaslight -
- AlexModGuy/AlexsMobs -
- Creators-of-Create/Create - [Forge Mod] Building Tools and Aesthetic Technology
- MrCrayfish/ModelCreator - A program to create JSON models for blocks
- kyrptonaught/Glass-Doors -
- drawdb-io/drawdb - Free, simple, and intuitive online database diagram editor and SQL generator.
- wangrongding/wechat-bot - 🤖一个基于 WeChaty 结合 DeepSeek / ChatGPT / Kimi / 讯飞等Ai服务实现的微信机器人 ,可以用来帮助你自动回复微信消息,或者管理微信群/好友,检测僵尸粉等...
- openlayers/openlayers - OpenLayers
- swagger-api/swagger-ui - Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
- eslint/eslint - Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code.
- lodash/lodash - A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
- OpenSignLabs/OpenSign - 🔥 The free & Open Source DocuSign alternative
- automatisch/automatisch - The open source Zapier alternative. Build workflow automation without spending time and money.
- CodeWithHarry/Sigma-Web-Dev-Course - Source Code for Sigma Web Development Course
- WhiskeySockets/Baileys - Lightweight full-featured typescript/javascript WhatsApp Web API
- plankanban/planka - The realtime kanban board for workgroups built with React and Redux.
- GitSquared/edex-ui - A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
- SillyTavern/SillyTavern - LLM Frontend for Power Users.
- thedevs-network/kutt - Free Modern URL Shortener.
- remoteintech/remote-jobs - A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies (jobs) in tech.
- twbs/bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- sveltejs/kit - web development, streamlined
- songquanpeng/one-api - LLM API 管理 & 分发系统,支持 OpenAI、Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google Gemini、DeepSeek、字节豆包、ChatGLM、文心一言、讯飞星火、通义千问、360 智脑、腾讯混元等主流模型,统一 API 适配,可用于 key 管理与二次分发。单可执行文件,提供 Docker 镜像,一键部署,开箱即用。LLM API management & key
- Mintplex-Labs/anything-llm - The all-in-one Desktop & Docker AI application with built-in RAG, AI agents, No-code agent builder, and more.
- open-webui/open-webui - User-friendly AI Interface (Supports Ollama, OpenAI API, ...)
- bigskysoftware/htmx - </> htmx - high power tools for HTML
- miru-project/repo - Miru Repository
- syxanash/syxanash.github.io - 𝒮𝒾𝓂𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝚍𝚘𝚝 ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕦𝕥𝕖𝕣
- Robbendebiene/Gesturefy - Navigate, operate, and browse faster with mouse gestures! A customizable Firefox mouse gesture add-on with a variety of different commands.
- MediaHarbor/mediaharbor - Cross-platform MediaHarbor
- vogler/free-games-claimer - Automatically claims free games on the Epic Games Store, Amazon Prime Gaming and GOG.
- kyuucr/insert-template-to-editables - Firefox add-on for quickly inserting predefined template into editables (e.g., input box, text area).
- zJohnWick/CLEANFOX-CONFIG - Firefox config for better privacy and security with better user experience.
- NodeBB/NodeBB - Node.js based forum software built for the modern web
- activitypods/activitypods - Brings together two game-changing technologies, ActivityPub and Solid Pods, and empowers developers to create truly decentralized applications
- devxprite/Gitglance - GitGlance is your go-to tool for visualizing GitHub profiles. Gain insights into your contributions, expertise, and community engagement with intuitive visualizations.
- arjpar/WebShield - A new wide-spectrum content blocker for Safari designed to be performant, efficient, and effective.
- ppixiv/ppixiv - Better Pixiv image viewing
- SN-Koarashi/ig-helper - Simple download of photos, videos, stories, reels, or profile pictures from Instagram.
- sienori/simple-translate - WebExtensions for translating text on web pages
- nutbread/t2m - Torrent to magnet converter
- soruly/anilist-crawler - Crawl data from anilist API and store in MariaDB.
- webtorrent/webtorrent - ⚡️ Streaming torrent client for the web
- zen-browser/desktop - A calmer internet, without any gimmicks.
- PranshulGG/WeatherMaster - A Weather app for android 🌦🌞☔
- collidingScopes/shimmer - Turn photos into oscillating wave animations, using javascript / HTML5 canvas
- thedev-me/register - Get your free '{name}.thedev.me' domain
- nitotm/efficient-language-detector-js - Fast and accurate natural language detection. Detector written in Javascript. Nito-ELD, ELD.
- Technicolor-Dreamcoat/Quiblr - Quiblr is an intuitive, accessible, and modern interface to connect users to the fediverse
- jamesgeorge007/github-activity-readme - Updates README with the recent GitHub activity of a user
- chartjs/Chart.js - Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag
- manga-download/hakuneko - Manga & Anime Downloader for Linux, Windows & MacOS
- bartificer/xkpasswd-js - The official JavaScript port of the Crypt::HSXKPasswd Perl module.
- Andrews54757/Anti-Anti-Debug - Be able to use developer tools again on user-hostile websites
- amitbl/blocktube - YouTube™ content blocker
- GithubUserAccountAmazing/Old-Reddit-Redirect - Tampermonkey script to automatically redirect you to old.reddit.com
- Tampermonkey/tampermonkey - Tampermonkey is the most popular userscript manager, with over 10 million users. It's available for Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera Next, and Firefox.
- violentmonkey/violentmonkey - Violentmonkey provides userscripts support for browsers. It works on browsers with WebExtensions support.
- ThomazPom/Moz-Ext-UltimaDark - A web extension that uses aggressive techniques to enable dark mode on every site.
- openspeedtest/Speed-Test - SpeedTest by OpenSpeedTest™ is a Free and Open-Source HTML5 Network Performance Estimation Tool Written in Vanilla Javascript and only uses built-in Web APIs like XMLHttpRequest (XHR), HTML, CSS, JS,
- gnmyt/myspeed - A speed test analysis software that shows your internet speed for up to 30 days
- floccusaddon/floccus - ☁️ Sync your bookmarks privately across browsers and devices
- brookhong/Surfingkeys - Map your keys for web surfing, expand your browser with javascript and keyboard.
- philc/vimium - The hacker's browser.
- micha4w/kde-alt-f4-desktop - KWin Script to show Logout screen when Pressing Alt-F4 on the desktop
- dhowe/AdNauseam - AdNauseam: Fight back against advertising surveillance
- EFForg/privacybadger - Privacy Badger is a browser extension that automatically learns to block invisible trackers.
- is-not-tech/register -
- codenoid/github-roast - Spicy GitHub Roast 🔥
- elbywan/spotify-zeroconf - Spotify Web API authentication, the easy way.
- openstreetmap/iD - 🆔 The easy-to-use OpenStreetMap editor in JavaScript.
- SubZeroPL/cs-rin-ru-enhanced-mod - Enhance your experience at CS.RIN.RU
- mickael-kerjean/filestash - 📁 A file manager / web client for SFTP, S3, FTP, WebDAV, Git, Minio, LDAP, CalDAV, CardDAV, Mysql, Backblaze, ...
- mister-ben/videojs-mobile-ui - Mobile UI for Video.js
- videojs/video.js - Video.js - open source HTML5 video player
- Haroenv/holmes - Fast and easy searching inside a page
- gildas-lormeau/SingleFile - Web Extension for saving a faithful copy of a complete web page in a single HTML file
- ermiyaeskandary/Slither.io-bot - Just for fun and AI. Written in Javascript, this is a project which the aim is to make a computer play against humans inside a human-driven game, which is in this case Slither.io. The goal is simple -
- gf3/IRC-js - The best IRC library for node.js
- pxlsspace/pxls-web - Web client for pxls.space
- lipp/login-with - Stateless login-with microservice for OAuth
- placeAtlas/atlas-2023 - The 2023 r/place Atlas is a project aiming to chart all the artworks created during the r/place April Fools event on Reddit in 2023.
- alexcmgit/lofi-player - Web lofi-player built to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- magenta/lofi-player - 🔥 Virtual room in your browser that lets you play with the Lo-Fi VIBE and relax
- sharukhi/lofi-box - ✨ Relaxing lo-fi tunes directly within your web browser.
- chr15m/rogule.com - A dungeon a day keeps the Balrog away
- tmaiadev/tetra - Tetra Mini Game
- intika/Librefox - Librefox: Firefox with privacy enhancements
- brave/brave-browser - Brave browser for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows.
- segment-boneyard/nightmare - A high-level browser automation library.
- vercel/next.js - The React Framework
- pedroslopez/whatsapp-web.js - A WhatsApp client library for NodeJS that connects through the WhatsApp Web browser app
- imfile-io/imfile-desktop - A full-featured download manager.
- hackclub/sprig - 🍃 Learn to code by making games in a JavaScript web-based game editor.
- farnots/RedditToMarkdown - Export Reddit Post and comments to a markdown format
- gorilla-devs/GDLauncher - GDLauncher is a simple, yet powerful Minecraft custom launcher with a strong focus on the user experience
- Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp - Better Discord App enhances Discord desktop app with new features.
- PrismarineJS/prismarine-web-client - Minecraft web client running in your browser
- xiaoxiaoflood/firefox-scripts - userChromeJS / autoconfig.js and extensions
- svg-beauty/svgomfg - Offline Capable⚡Web GUI for easy and visual 🎛️ Vector Optimization feat. latest⚙️SVGO v3.1.0
- rugk/awesome-emoji-picker - Add-on/WebExtension that provides a modern emoji picker that you can use to find and copy/insert emoji into the active web page.
- Sav22999/emoji - "Emoji" is a Firefox add-on where you can find emojis and copy them with a single click.
- openpgpjs/openpgpjs - OpenPGP implementation for JavaScript
- bfirsh/jsnes - A JavaScript NES emulator.
- mrdoob/three.js - JavaScript 3D Library.
- mozilla/pdf.js - PDF Reader in JavaScript
- iptv-org/iptv - Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
- NaiboWang/EasySpider - A visual no-code/code-free web crawler/spider易采集:一个可视化浏览器自动化测试/数据采集/爬虫软件,可以无代码图形化的设计和执行爬虫任务。别名:ServiceWrapper面向Web应用的智能化服务封装系统。
- yne/dzr - Accountless deezer.com Player (CLI & VSCode)
- Skai256/mapart - Mineflayer flat carpet automation
- filecoffee/filehost - An open source file host that you can easily selfhost.
- soundjester/lemmy_monkey - *monkey scripts for Lemmy
- google/zx - A tool for writing better scripts
- sebastiancarlos/beachpatrol - A CLI tool to replace and automate your daily web browser.
- Ategon/Lemmy-Frank-Bot - A lemmy bot that auto posts threads in communities at given times
- PangoraWeb/remindme-bot - A pangora/lemmy/kbin bot that reminds you after an amount of time
- programming-dot-dev/rss-bot - A lemmy/sublinks bot that watches rss feeds and posts new posts from them in communities
- zloirock/core-js - Standard Library
- dekkerglen/Polychrome -
- victornpb/undiscord - Undiscord - Delete all messages in a Discord server / channel or DM (Easy and fast) Bulk delete
- Batcastle/emoji-selector-for-xfce - This extension provide a popup menu with some emojis ; clicking on an emoji copies it to the clipboard.
- sampotts/plyr - A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player
- WAClient/WALC - An unofficial WhatsApp Desktop client for linux systems.
- howdy-tsc/LemmyTools - A addon script for lemmy to make it a bit better. Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/tschowdy
- notion-enhancer/notion-enhancer - An enhancer/customiser for the all-in-one productivity workspace Notion
- zoo-js/zoo - 🌈 Cute pet zoo. Come and adopt a cute you like. 萌萌乐园,全自动领养自己喜欢的萌物。
- hfreire/get-me-a-date - 😍 Help me get a 💘 date tonight 🌛
- jlobos/instagram-web-api - 🤳 Instagram Private Web API client for Node
- SuperIlu/DOStodon - MS-DOS Mastodon client
- tmhglnd/total-serialism - Toolbox full of Algorithmic Composition methods
- internetarchive/dweb-mirror - Offline Internet Archive project
- Infinite-Null/NekoFlix - Introducing Nekoflix, your all-in-one destination for anime and manga enthusiasts! With Nekoflix, users can seamlessly stream their favorite anime and dive into captivating manga series, all without i
- carbon-app/carbon - 🖤 Create and share beautiful images of your source code
- felixrieseberg/macintosh.js - 🖥 A virtual Apple Macintosh with System 8, running in Electron. I'm sorry.
- copy/v86 - x86 PC emulator and x86-to-wasm JIT, running in the browser
- EFHIII/balatro-calculator - A tool for calculating the score of a hand in Balatro
- blaze33/way-of-life - Conway's game of life implemented in JavaScript & WebAssembly, rendered to canvas.
- cynber/lemmy-instance-assistant - Browser extension to help make Lemmy & Kbin easier to use
- BCgameDev/Kour-Lightweight-Client -
- discordier/sam - Software Automatic Mouth - Tiny Speech Synthesizer
- NotNeelPatel/WallpaperThemeConverter - Change the colour schemes of wallpapers
- QuiteAFancyEmerald/Holy-Unblocker - Holy Unblocker LTS is a web proxy service that helps you access websites that may be blocked by your network or policy extensions all within your browser with no download or setup. It does this secure
- pixelfed/pixelfed-rn - Pixelfed mobile app
- nicholas-ochoa/OpenSC2K - OpenSC2K - An Open Source remake of Sim City 2000 by Maxis
- Fornaxian/pixeldrain_web - Web interface for pixeldrain.com
- junedomingo/movieapp - Discover Movies and TV shows - React Native
- thlorenz/doctoc - 📜 Generates table of contents for markdown files inside local git repository. Links are compatible with anchors generated by github or other sites.
- plibither8/asciinema-player-for-github - 🎬✨ Browser extension to automatically detect asciinema links in a project's README and embed the asciinema player in its place
- j0be/PowerDeleteSuite - Power Delete Suite for Reddit
- semanticdata/notekeeper - 📝 Notekeeper is a Firefox extension that transforms the New Tab into a minimalist, auto-saving text editor.
- adriantache/YARCO - A GreaseMonkey script to allow you to overwrite and delete your Reddit comments in bulk
- alyssaxuu/screenity - The free and privacy-friendly screen recorder with no limits 🎥
- beakerbrowser/beaker - An experimental peer-to-peer Web browser
- Alex313031/beaker-ng - An experimental peer-to-peer Web browser - Compiler optimized, community maintained fork.
- drweissbrot/cs-hud - Custom Counter-Strike Spectator HUD
- JinsoRaj/TorrentConverter - A Telegram bot to convert Torrent files -> magnet links & vice versa.
- insin/control-panel-for-twitter - Browser extension which gives you more control over your Twitter timeline and adds missing features and UI improvements - for desktop and mobile
- gorhill/uBlock - uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.
- SimonAKing/scrcpy-gui - 👻 A simple & beautiful GUI application for scrcpy. QQ群:734330215
- louislam/uptime-kuma - A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
- lucabubi/star-history - Github Star History - A stunning star history widget chart generator for Github Repositories
- journey-ad/Moe-Counter - Moe counter badge with multiple themes! - 多种风格可选的萌萌计数器
- jonan/ForkHub - GitHub client for Android based on the abandoned official app
- Ai2473/8b8t-kitbot -
- styled-components/styled-theming - Create themes for your app using styled-components
- styled-system/styled-system - ⬢ Style props for rapid UI development
- PrismarineJS/minecraft-data - Language independent module providing minecraft data for minecraft clients, servers and libraries.
- Stevertus/mcscript - A programming language for Minecraft Vanilla
- upes-open/OSoC-Swayam-Bazaar - This Web Application connects with local shops for personalized shopping. Help you buy goods from your favorite stores. Shopkeepers add their products, building a complete database. The application w
- urbandroid-team/dont-kill-my-app - Android vendors, don't kill my app!
- jakearchibald/svgomg - Web GUI for SVGO
- sonnyp/OhMySVG - Reduce the size of SVGs
- lovell/sharp - High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP, AVIF and TIFF images. Uses the libvips library.
- juliangarnier/anime - JavaScript animation engine
- svg/svgo - ⚙️ Node.js tool for optimizing SVG files
- tapio/live-server - A simple development http server with live reload capability.
- kubowania/candy-crush - A vanilla JavaScript Game inspired by Candy Crush
- zukahai/confess-crush - Creating a cute website to send to your crush is very simple
- developerrahulofficial/impressingCrush -
- Chalarangelo/30-seconds-of-code - Coding articles to level up your development skills
- showdownjs/showdown - A bidirectional Markdown to HTML to Markdown converter written in Javascript
- movim/movim - Movim - Decentralized social platform
- benweet/stackedit - In-browser Markdown editor
- atom-community/atom -
Community build of the hackable text editor
- pulsar-edit/pulsar - A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor
- vmavromatis/Lemmy-keyboard-navigation - RES-like script that allows you to easily navigate Lemmy with your keyboard
- mishoo/UglifyJS - JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier toolkit
- beautifier/js-beautify - Beautifier for javascript
- Acode-Foundation/Acode - Acode - powerful text/code editor for android
- sveltejs/svelte - web development for the rest of us
- wvffle/mineflayer-dashboard -
- bgstaal/multipleWindow3dScene - A quick example of how one can "synchronize" a 3d scene across multiple windows using three.js and localStorage
- inbasic/turbo-download-manager - a multi-browser download manager with multi-threading support
- wavebox/waveboxapp - Wavebox, the revolutionary and feature-rich Chromium browser that's built for productive working across Google Workspaces, Microsoft Teams, ClickUp, Monday, Atlassian, Asana, AirTable, Slack, and ever
- ytiurin/tetris - 👾 The original TETRIS game simulator
- kubowania/Tetris - A vanilla javascript game
- simonlc/tetr.js - 🕹️ Tetris clone in HTML5 and JavaScript
- sandywalker/Tetris - Html5 Tetris game
- Hextris/hextris - Fast paced HTML5 puzzle game inspired by Tetris!
- Aerolab/blockrain.js - HTML5 Tetris Game for jQuery
- chvin/react-tetris - Use React, Redux, Immutable to code Tetris. 🎮
- ovidiuch/flatris - Fast-paced two-player web game
- delaford/game - ⚔️ An online JavaScript 2D Medieval RPG.
- ewanhowell5195/MinecraftTitleGenerator - Textures and fonts for the Minecraft Title Generator Blockbench plugin
- Pierce01/MinecraftLauncher-core - Lightweight module that downloads and runs Minecraft using javascript / NodeJS
- airbnb/javascript - JavaScript Style Guide
- Tomato6966/Multipurpose-discord-bot - A multipurpose bot, a clan bot, a all in one bot. The one bot u need for ur server originally made as Milrato discord Bot and by Tomato6966.
- forscht/ddrive - Discord as a filesystem.
- is-a-good-dev/register - Register for your is-a-good.dev domain!
- parampatel3/url-shortner -
- Sharkgrammer/clockface.json - VSCode inspired watch face for Sense and Versa 3
- lgbt-sh/lgbt-sh - Free lgbt.sh sub-domain registration service
- tarampampam/domains - 🌐 DNS configuration for some of my domains
- willin/js.cool - 参考新项目: https://github.com/willin/domain Public Archived, See new project.
- kentcdodds/netlify-shortener - Your own free URL shortener with Netlify
- N0-0NE-Dev/NoFasel - A streaming app with no ADs.
- cavi-au/Consent-O-Matic - Browser extension that automatically fills out cookie popups based on your preferences
- microsoft/Web-Dev-For-Beginners - 24 Lessons, 12 Weeks, Get Started as a Web Developer
- js-org/js.org - Dedicated to JavaScript and its awesome community since 2015
- kleampa/not-paid - Client did not pay? Add opacity to the body tag and decrease it every day until their site completely fades away
- riolubruh/YABDP4Nitro - Yet Another BetterDiscord Plugin for Nitro features. Unlock screensharing modes, use cross-server and gif emotes and much more!
- saiteja-madha/discord-js-bot - 🤖 Multipurpose discord bot built using discord.js v14 with moderation, music, ticketing, translation, and much more
- facebook/react - The library for web and native user interfaces.
- imfunniee/gitfolio -
personal website + blog for every github user
- GDColon/GD-Randomizer - a dumb program that randomizes all the geometry dash textures
- nwutils/nw-sample-apps - Sample Apps
- nwutils/nw-builder - Build NW.js applications for Linux, MacOS and Windows
- popcorn-official/popcorn-desktop - Popcorn Time is a multi-platform, free software BitTorrent client that includes an integrated media player ( Windows / Mac / Linux ) A Butter-Project Fork
- nwjs/nw.js - Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM/WebWorker and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies.
- gluon-framework/gluon - A new framework for creating desktop apps from websites, using system installed browsers and NodeJS
- fastify/fastify - Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js
- spencermountain/compromise - modest natural-language processing
- GDColon/URLX - A rhythm game played in your browser's address bar
- GDColon/GD-Pixel-Art - A quick program that imports optimized pixel art into Geometry Dash
- GDColon/GDBrowser - A website that lets you browse all of Geometry Dash's online features, and more!
- andy-portmen/native-client - Native Messaging component for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS that is written in NodeJS.
- conversejs/converse-desktop - Electron-based Desktop client for Converse.js
- cinnyapp/cinny-desktop - Yet another matrix client for desktop
- ksky521/nodeppt - This is probably the best web presentation tool so far!
- pandao/editor.md - The open source embeddable online markdown editor (component).
- mdx-js/mdx - Markdown for the component era
- markdown-it/markdown-it - Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed
- docsifyjs/docsify - 🃏 A magical documentation site generator.
- marktext/marktext - 📝A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows.
- prettier/prettier - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
- gamelab/kiwi.js - Kiwi.js is a blazingly fast mobile & desktop browser based HTML5 game framework. It uses CocoonJS for publishing to the AppStore.
- melonjs/melonJS - a fresh, modern & lightweight HTML5 game engine
- phaserjs/phaser - Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
- walterhiggins/ScriptCraft - Write Minecraft Plugins in JavaScript.
- ovity/octotree - GitHub on steroids
- Kully/pixel-paint - An art tool for making 32x32 Sprites
- pixa-pics/pixa-pics.github.io - Powerful As Photoshop and Simple As Paint... 🖌️🎨 For Pixel Art Only! 🖥️ 🌟 This Open Source Web App Is Pixa.Pics And Yours To Keep!
- rgab1508/PixelCraft - A Pixel Art Editor
- lospec/pixel-editor - An online canvas based Pixel Art creation tool for Lospec.com
- vsmode/pixel8 - A collection of low-res primitives for creating art and games in React
- jackschaedler/goya - Pixel art editor built on Clojurescript + Om
- gmattie/Data-Pixels - Create pixel art programmatically. Includes DataPixels.js and Data Pixels Playground desktop application.
- maierfelix/poxi - A flat pixel art editor
- jvalen/pixel-art-react - Pixel art animation and drawing web app powered by React
- piskelapp/piskel - A simple web-based tool for Spriting and Pixel art.
- agalwood/Motrix - A full-featured download manager.
- KevinPayravi/indie-wiki-buddy - Browser extension that automatically notifies and redirects you to independent wikis.
- tchx84/Flatseal - Manage Flatpak permissions
- KuroZen/r34-json-api - A simple wrapper for the rule34 api.
- victal/tapas-rss - A Firefox webextension to add RSS Feed buttons on tapas.io webcomic pages
- Alex313031/Mercury - Firefox fork with compiler optimizations and patches from Librewolf, Waterfox, and GNU IceCat.
- user234683/youtube-local - browser-based client for watching Youtube anonymously and with greater page performance
- revoltchat/mutiny - GTK4 Revolt Client. Community-led project.
- FreeTubeApp/FreeTube - An Open Source YouTube app for privacy
- Monochromish/Kalopsia-Bot -
♠️ A Powerful Open-Source Discord,js (v13) Bot written in JavaScript with many moderation, fun, economy, music, utility commands♠️ - remvst/knight - My entry for 2023's js13k competition
- Elanis/web-to-desktop-framework-comparison - An objective comparison of multiple frameworks that allow us to "transform" our web apps to desktop applications.
- vaneenige/zero-distraction-js13k - 🔥A simple (6kb) WebGL game made for the JS13K competition!
- KilledByAPixel/SpaceHuggers - A roguelike platformer with destructible environments in 13KB of JavaScript
- KilledByAPixel/BounceBack - Boomerang Zelda Homage for JS13k
- KilledByAPixel/OS13k - A Tiny OS and Mini Game Engine
- foumart/JS.13kGames - Progressive Web App starter pack for JS13k games
- dogagenc/flying-bubbles - An HTML5 Game
- phoboslab/q1k3 - A tiny FPS for js13k
- jackrugile/radius-raid-js13k - Radius Raid is a space themed shoot 'em up where you must blast away unrelenting enemies before they destroy you. The game features 13 enemy types, 5 powerups, parallax backgrounds, retro sound effect
- owenashurst/agar.io-clone - Agar.io clone written with Socket.IO and HTML5 canvas
- OgarProject/Ogar - An open source Agar.io server implementation, written with Node.js.
- goddtriffin/Oasis - Realtime multiplayer .IO game written in nothing but JavaScript and Socket.IO.
- codergautam/swordbattle.io-v1 - A multiplayer sword fighting IO game.
- lucide-icons/lucide - Beautiful & consistent icon toolkit made by the community. Open-source project and a fork of Feather Icons.
- astrit/css.gg - 700+ Pure CSS, SVG & Figma UI Icons, 6000+ glyphs, patterns, colors and layouts.
- simple-icons/simple-icons - SVG icons for popular brands
- FortAwesome/Font-Awesome - The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit
- feathericons/feather - Simply beautiful open-source icons
- Kristories/awesome-guidelines - A curated list of high quality coding style conventions and standards.
- 1j01/98 - 💿 Web-based Windows 98 desktop recreation █████▓█▓▓▒▓▒▒░▒░░░🗕︎🗗︎🗙︎
- viatsko/awesome-vscode - 🎨 A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources.
- gabrielecirulli/2048 - The source code for 2048
- liuhong1happy/react-native-2048 - React Native 2048 Game
- gd4Ark/2048 - 🎮 2048 game developed using javascript
- devrsi0n/React-2048-game - 🎮 A fancy 2048 game build with react, redux best practices.
- victorqribeiro/isocity - A isometric city builder in JavaScript
- 4ian/GDevelop - 🎮 Open-source, cross-platform 2D/3D/multiplayer game engine designed for everyone.
- tobspr-games/shapez.io - shapez is an open source base building game on Steam inspired by factorio!
- olistic/warriorjs - 🏰 An exciting game of programming and Artificial Intelligence
- michaljaz/webmc - PoC Minecraft client written in Javascript (1.16.5 offline mode working)
- nesaku/BiblioReads - An Alternative Private Goodreads Front-End.
- catppuccin/duckduckgo - 🦆 Soothing pastel theme for DuckDuckGo
- TheWisker/Shikai - Modern lightdm webkit2 theme
- is-a-dev/register - Grab your own sweet-looking '.is-a.dev' subdomain.
- is-probably-gay/is-probably-gay - Self-service is-probably.gay subdomain registration
- fthx/no-overview -
- MakkusuOtaku/minegpt - Minecraft bot controlled with an LLM.
- 1j01/jspaint - 🎨 Classic MS Paint, REVIVED + ✨Extras
- Bugswriter/zest-website -
- Bugswriter/gcontacts-alternative -
- doenerium69/doenerium - Fully Undetected Grabber (Grabs Wallets, Passwords, Cookies, Modifies Discord Client Etc.) Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any damages this software may cause after being acquired. This softwa
- JannisX11/blockbench - Blockbench - A low poly 3D model editor
- doggybootsy/hidden-disc-docs - Notes and hacks relating to Discord and its API.
- yokoffing/Betterfox - Firefox user.js for speed, privacy, and security. Your favorite browser, but better.
- FastForwardTeam/FastForward - Don't waste your time with compliance. FastForward automatically skips annoying link shorteners.
- ewanhowell5195/blockbenchPlugins - My plugins for Blockbench
- etiaro/mineflayer-antiafk -
- chrisJuresh/redditFetch - A simple discord bot to pull various posts from reddit.
- PeralStudio/DiscordJS-V14-Bot-V2 - A Discord bot project made with Discord.js v14 and it handles Prefix, Slash, User, Message commands, and Modals
- LilyAsFlora/reddit-fetch - A simple wrapper for fetching information from reddit posts.
- crafatar/crafatar - A blazing fast API for Minecraft faces
- JustOptimize/ShowHiddenChannels - A BetterDiscord plugin which displays all hidden channels and allows users to view information about them.
- gitlimes/dcbadge - A customizable badge displaying your Discord account, a server invite, or a bot account.
- Zyplos/discord-readme-badge - Show whatever you're working on through your GitHub readme!
- SwitchbladeBot/invidget - SVG invite widgets that look just like the ones on the Discord client!
- Jaysmito101/dynamic-badges - A bunch of dynamic cool badges for your GitHub profile and Readmes!
- omidnikrah/profile-activity-generator - Generate custom profile activity for your profile README
- abhisheknaiidu/todoist-readme - 🚧 Updates README with Todoist Stats of a user
- Faruk-Tutkus/macroaimtrainer - Aim Trainer - Challenge and Tracking
- VincentGarreau/particles.js - A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles
- mattboldt/typed.js - A JavaScript Typing Animation Library
- tmquan2508/Q-bot-console - If you like this Minecraft bot with chat and commands, please give it a 1-star rating.
- Carlox1/SpamBot - Spam bot for 6b6t.org using Mineflayer
- TomPlaneta/SpamBotPlus - Improved version of spam bot for 6b6t.org using Mineflayer
- open-domains/register - Free subdomains for personal sites, open-source projects, and more.
- Beaness/mineflayer-tps - Small mineflayer additional package to get tps
- Scythe-Anticheat/Scythe-Anticheat - Scythe Anticheat - The best Minecraft Bedrock anticheat designed for realms, worlds and servers
- xMdb/simple-discord-minecraft-bot - This bot is a simple bot that takes vanilla Minecraft messages and outputs them to a Discord channel, as well as vice versa. For this you need a Discord bot account and a Minecraft account, as well as
- OBNinjaa/mineflayer-discord-bot - A custom minecraft bot created using mineflayer which you can control using a discord bot
- themoonisacheese/2bored2wait - (archived) A proxy to wait out 2b2t.org's way too long queue. Includes a small webserver and a REST-like API for external control
- nodejs/node - Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨
- RattlesHyper/TrafficerMC - A Minecraft botting tool with Anti-AFK, Chat spammer, Inventory/Chest manager features.
- VeryBigSad/unnamedBot - A minecraft chat bot for anarchy servers (similar to mooomooo)
- OBNinjaa/queue-waiter - A minecraft proxy which can be be used to wait out 2b2t's queue without having to have your game open
- Darthfett/helperbot - A mineflayer bot that helps you do things in minecraft.
- tsukasa/BdBrowser - An unofficial BetterDiscord injector for the web client.
- Cookei/bad-apple-onion-skin -
- JoshnaksPNG/Bad_Apple_Youtube_Page - Script to play Bad Apple in the YouTube Homepage
- PrismarineJS/mineflayer - Create Minecraft bots with a powerful, stable, and high level JavaScript API.
- rebane2001/mapartcraft - A Minecraft custom mapart schematica generator, designed to be feasible in survival in servers like 2b2t
- wayou/t-rex-runner - the t-rex runner game extracted from chromium
- FirefoxCSS-Store/FirefoxCSS-Store.github.io - A collection site of Firefox userchrome themes, mostly from FirefoxCSS Reddit community.
- nordtheme/notepadplusplus - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Notepad++ theme.
- tholman/cursor-effects - Old-school cursor effects for your browser built with modern JavaScript
- catppuccin/firefox - 🦊 Soothing pastel theme for Firefox
- idkr-client/idkr - 🎮 idk, just a Krunker client
- deepjyoti30/startpage - A minimal starpage for Chrome and Firefox
- anuraghazra/github-readme-stats - ⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
- rahuldkjain/github-profile-readme-generator - 🚀 Generate GitHub profile README easily with the latest add-ons like visitors count, GitHub stats, etc using minimal UI.
- shravan20/github-readme-quotes - Dynamic quote generator for your GitHub readmes | Give a poetic touch to readmes
- langchain-ai/open_deep_research -
- NirDiamant/GenAI_Agents - This repository provides tutorials and implementations for various Generative AI Agent techniques, from basic to advanced. It serves as a comprehensive guide for building intelligent, interactive AI s
- datawhalechina/llm-universe - 本项目是一个面向小白开发者的大模型应用开发教程,在线阅读地址:https://datawhalechina.github.io/llm-universe/
- microsoft/OmniParser - A simple screen parsing tool towards pure vision based GUI agent
- QwenLM/Qwen2.5-VL - Qwen2.5-VL is the multimodal large language model series developed by Qwen team, Alibaba Cloud.
- DataExpert-io/data-engineer-handbook - This is a repo with links to everything you'd ever want to learn about data engineering
- thecoder-001/MineColab - Run Minecraft Server on Google Colab.
- zzh8829/yolov3-tf2 - YoloV3 Implemented in Tensorflow 2.0
- fastai/fastpages - An easy to use blogging platform, with enhanced support for Jupyter Notebooks.
- huggingface/notebooks - Notebooks using the Hugging Face libraries 🤗
- bloc97/Anime4K - A High-Quality Real Time Upscaler for Anime Video
- tencent-ailab/IP-Adapter - The image prompt adapter is designed to enable a pretrained text-to-image diffusion model to generate images with image prompt.
- mahmoud/awesome-python-applications - 💿 Free software that works great, and also happens to be open-source Python.
- pop-os/cosmic-epoch - Next generation Cosmic desktop environment
- catppuccin/gitui - 🍴 Soothing pastel theme for GitUI
- catppuccin/tofi - 🪝 Soothing pastel theme for tofi
- catppuccin/qt5ct - 🎨 Soothing pastel theme for qt5ct
- catppuccin/mpv - 📼 Soothing pastel theme for mpv
- catppuccin/starship - 🚀 Soothing pastel theme for Starship
- catppuccin/dark-reader - ✴️ Soothing pastel theme for Dark Reader
- max-kammerer/orion-viewer - Orion Viewer is pdf, djvu, xps, cbz and tiff file viewer for Android devices based on mupdf and DjVuLibre libraries
- adrcotfas/goodtime - A productivity app that combines pomodoro timers and flow techniques to boost focus and efficiency.
- Lambada10/SongSync - Android app to download lyrics for songs in your music library.
- nekomangaorg/Neko - Unofficial MangaDex Reader for Android 7+
- panpf/sketch - Sketch is an image loading library designed for Compose Multiplatform and Android View. It is powerful and rich in functions. In addition to basic functions, it also supports GIF, SVG, video thumbnail
- oblador/react-native-keychain - 🔑 Keychain Access for React Native
- JetBrains/Exposed - Kotlin SQL Framework
- Kotlin/kotlinx.serialization - Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format serialization
- mollyim/mollyim-android - Enhanced and security-focused fork of Signal.
- simplex-chat/simplex-chat - SimpleX - the first messaging network operating without user identifiers of any kind - 100% private by design! iOS, Android and desktop apps 📱!
- Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines - Library support for Kotlin coroutines
- square/leakcanary - A memory leak detection library for Android.
- mshdabiola/Naijaludo - Naija Ludo is a captivating mobile game that brings the classic board game of Ludo into the modern age. Developed by Mshdabiola, this Android game offers stunning graphics, smooth gameplay, and exciti
- zaneschepke/wgtunnel - An alternative Android client app for WireGuard and AmneziaWG
- carlrobertoh/ProxyAI - The leading open-source AI copilot for JetBrains. Connect to any model in any environment, and customize your coding experience in any way you like.
- gedoor/legado - Legado 3.0 Book Reader with powerful controls & full functions❤️阅读3.0, 阅读是一款可以自定义来源阅读网络内容的工具,为广大网络文学爱好者提供一种方便、快捷舒适的试读体验。
- pppscn/SmsForwarder - 短信转发器——监控Android手机短信、来电、APP通知,并根据指定规则转发到其他手机:钉钉群自定义机器人、钉钉企业内机器人、企业微信群机器人、飞书机器人、企业微信应用消息、邮箱、bark、webhook、Telegram机器人、Server酱、PushPlus、手机短信等。包括主动控制服务端与客户端,让你轻松远程发短信、查短信、查通话、查话簿、查电量等。(V3.0 新增)PS.这个APK主要是
- keiyoushi/extensions-source - Source code of extensions for Tachiyomi/Mihon and variants.
- openai/openai-java - The official Java library for the OpenAI API
- unit-mesh/auto-dev - 🧙AutoDev: The AI-powered coding wizard(AI 驱动编程助手)with multilingual support 🌐, auto code generation 🏗️, and a helpful bug-slaying assistant 🐞! Customizable prompts 🎨 and a magic Auto Dev/Testing/Docu
- parallelcc/MiCTS - Trigger Circle to Search on any Android 9–15 device
- rnmapbox/maps - A Mapbox react native module for creating custom maps
- ethereum-lists/chains - provides metadata for chains
- enricocid/Music-Player-GO - 🎶🎼 Very slim music player 👨🎤 100% made in Italy 🍕🌳🌞🍝🌄
- chr56/Phonograph_Plus - A semi-active fork of kabouzeid/Phonograph -- a revived classic material designed music player for Android
- Androidacy/MagiskModuleManager - Previously known as Fox's Magisk Module Manager (FoxMMM), this app helps users find, install "Magisk Modules" - powerful little zips/apps for your device that plug into the Magisk framework.
- re7gog/shizuku_apk_installer - Flutter plugin for installing Android APKs using Shizuku API
- xjunz/AutoSkip - 基于Shizuku授权的安卓"自动跳过"工具
- lizongying/my-tv-0 - 我的電視·〇 電視視頻播放軟件,可以自定義視頻源
- anilbeesetti/nextplayer - An Android native video player
- iSoron/uhabits - Loop Habit Tracker, a mobile app for creating and maintaining long-term positive habits
- breezy-weather/breezy-weather - A Material Design Weather Application
- mobile-dev-inc/Maestro - Painless E2E Automation for Mobile and Web
- SuperMonster003/AutoJs6 - 安卓平台 JavaScript 自动化工具 (Auto.js 二次开发项目)
- komikku-app/komikku - Free and open source manga reader for Android
- OuterTune/OuterTune - A Material 3 Music Player with YouTube Music support for Android. Forked from InnerTune
- tiann/KernelSU - A Kernel based root solution for Android
- mostafaalagamy/Metrolist - YouTube Music client for Android
- Mahmud0808/Iconify - Iconify lets you customize your Android 12+ device easily. Change icons, colors, shapes, and even the notification panel for a personalized look that suits your style.
- oxyroid/M3UAndroid - FOSS Player, which made of jetpack compose. Android 8.0 and above supported.
- toasterofbread/spmp - A YouTube Music client with a focus on customisation of colours and song metadata. Built with Compose Multiplatform for Android and desktop.
- pebble-dev/mobile-app - Cobble: Rebble device companion app for iOS and Android
- PhilKes/NotallyX - Minimalistic Android note taking App | Notally, but eXtended.
- hanjoongcho/aaf-easydiary - 📘 A diary application optimized for user experience.
- sosauce/CuteMusic - CuteMusic is a simple,lightweight and open-source offline music player app for Android.
- syt0r/Kanji-Dojo - A multi-platform application for memorizing Japanese language
- forzzzzz/Calculator-You - Calculator You is a beautiful calculator for solving simple tasks
- square/okhttp - Square’s meticulous HTTP client for the JVM, Android, and GraalVM.
- futo-org/grayjay-android - Read-only mirror of Grayjay repo for issue tracking
- etchdroid/etchdroid - An application to write OS images to USB drives, on Android, no root required.
- gkd-kit/gkd - 基于无障碍,高级选择器,订阅规则的自定义屏幕点击 Android 应用 | An Android APP with custom screen tapping based on Accessibility, Advanced Selectors, and Subscription Rules
- dessalines/habit-maker - A reward-based habit tracker for android.
- daniebeler/pixelix - Android Client for Pixelfed
- umer0586/DroidPad - Android app for creating customizable control interfaces for Bluetooth Low energy,WebSocket, MQTT, TCP, and UDP protocols.
- AChep/PocketMode - Prevent accidential touches on your Android smartphone
- jahirfiquitiva/Blueprint - Free, feature-rich, easily customizable Android dashboard for icon packs
- rozPierog/Cofi - Free and open-source coffee brew timer. Customizable time settings and an easy-to-use interface. Perfect cup every time.
- PaulWoitaschek/Voice - Minimalistic audiobook player
- MrBoomDeveloper/Awery - A mobile app for watching Anime, Movies and TV series based on Dantotsu, which is based on Saikou.
- TJYSunset/Phocid - A modern offline music player with familiar designs for Android 11+.
- IReaderorg/IReader - Free and open source novel reader for Android and Desktop.
- pinterest/ktlint - An anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter
- s7n1ax/711.club -
- spacecowboy/Feeder - Android RSS reader app
- NimaKhajehpour/WikiAnime -
- christiandeange/ozone - Kotlin Multiplatform bindings for Bluesky
- bolteu/screenshotty - A library for programatically capturing screenshots on Android
- Raival-e/File-Explorer-Compose - An Android file explorer written in Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
- amir1376/ab-download-manager - A Download Manager that speeds up your downloads
- michaldrabik/showly - Showly is a modern and slick Movies and TV Shows manager.
- FoedusProgramme/Omni - A useful and handy android minimalist toolbox.
- streetcomplete/StreetComplete - Easy to use OpenStreetMap editor for Android
- RikkaApps/WADB - A simple switch for adb (Android Debug Bridge) over network.
- jherkenhoff/qalculate-android - Powerful and versatile multi-purpose calculator for the Android platform
- slavabarkov/tidy - Offline semantic Text-to-Image and Image-to-Image search on Android powered by quantized state-of-the-art vision-language pretrained CLIP model and ONNX Runtime inference engine
- VREMSoftwareDevelopment/WiFiAnalyzer - Android application to analyze WiFi signals.
- YenalyLiew/Han1meViewer - An Unofficial Hanime1.me Application for Android.
- simondankelmann/Bluetooth-LE-Spam -
- thunderbird/thunderbird-android - Thunderbird for Android – Open Source Email App for Android (fka K-9 Mail)
- signalapp/Signal-Android - A private messenger for Android.
- LawnchairLauncher/lawnicons - Adds themed icons to Lawnchair.
- wordpress-mobile/WordPress-Android - WordPress for Android
- videolan/vlc-android - VLC for Android, Android TV and ChromeOS
- TechbeeAT/jtxBoard - jtx Board allows you to manage your Journals (like meeting minutes), Notes and Tasks in one Android app. The app is compatible with the iCal standard (RFC5545) and is integrated with DAVx5 to allow th
- Bartuzen/qBitController - Control qBittorrent from your Android device
- Crazy-Marvin/FucksGiven - Count How Many Fucks You Give 🖕
- abdallahmehiz/mpvKt - A media player for android, based on mpv-android and built with Jetpack Compose.
- KotatsuApp/Kotatsu - Manga reader for Android
- 2dust/v2rayNG - A V2Ray client for Android, support Xray core and v2fly core
- ankidroid/Anki-Android - AnkiDroid: Anki flashcards on Android. Your secret trick to achieve superhuman information retention.
- nightscout/AndroidAPS - Opensource automated insulin delivery system (closed loop)
- Anthonyy232/Paperize - Paperize is a modern fully offline dynamic wallpaper changer application built for Android using Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, and Material 3
- Nain57/Smart-AutoClicker - An open-source auto clicker on images for Android
- skydoves/Balloon - 🎈 Modernized and sophisticated tooltips, fully customizable with an arrow and animations for Android.
- wikimedia/apps-android-wikipedia - 📱The official Wikipedia app for Android!
- florisboard/florisboard - An open-source keyboard for Android which respects your privacy. Currently in early-beta.
- littlerobots/ytch-android - ytch.xyz on your Android TV
- WSTxda/Google-Shortcuts-Launcher - Easily access essential Google apps features directly from your launcher app drawer.
- aimok04/kitshn - Unofficial Tandoor client for Android, iOS and Desktop devices
- Drumber/Kitsune - Unofficial android app for Kitsu.app (Kitsu.io)
- SpartanB312/Grunt - JVM bytecode obfuscator written in Kotlin
- sdex/ActivityManager - Launch any application activity
- nain-F49FF806/sharepaste.oo - Share pastes privately, with end to end encryption.
- KieronQuinn/PixelLauncherMods - A root app that enables you to add a number of features to the stock Pixel Launcher, without needing Xposed
- LiveFastEatTrashRaccoon/RaccoonForFriendica - A Kotlin Multiplatform client for Friendica
- FooIbar/EhViewer - EhViewer overhauled with Material Design 3 and more, forked from https://github.com/Ehviewer-Overhauled/Ehviewer
- recloudstream/cloudstream - Android app for streaming and downloading media.
- davidtakac/bura - Modern weather app with graphs and thoughtful data visualization
- theolm/WhatsAppNoContact - Start WhatsApp chats without adding numbers to contacts.
- crimera/piko - revanced-patches for twitter
- chenxiaolong/BCR - A Basic Call Recorder for rooted Android devices
- bmax121/APatch - The patching of Android kernel and Android system
- tasks/tasks - Bringing Astrid Tasks back from the dead
- flipperdevices/Flipper-Android-App - Android Mobile app to rule all Flipper's family
- LiveFastEatTrashRaccoon/RaccoonForLemmy - A Kotlin Multiplatform client for Lemmy
- mikepenz/multiplatform-markdown-renderer - Markdown renderer for Kotlin Multiplatform Projects (Android, iOS, Desktop), using Compose.
- kiwix/kiwix-android - Kiwix for Android
- ImaginativeShohag/Why-Not-Compose - A collection of animations, compositions, UIs using Jetpack Compose. You can say Jetpack Compose cookbook, showcase or play-ground if you want!
- odaridavid/WeatherApp - ☁️ ❄️ A KMP weather app built with Jetpack Compose , MVI , Unit Testing , Hilt and Location Services, Github Actions, Firebase + Material 3
- GetStream/twitch-clone-compose - 🎮 Twitch clone project demonstrates modern Android development built with Jetpack Compose and Stream Chat/Video SDK for Compose.
- null2264/yokai - Free and open source manga reader for Android
- aritra-tech/ComposeCards - 💳 ComposeCards is a beautifully designed payment view library for Credit and Debit Card. Made using Jetpack Compose 🎉
- kordlib/kord - Idiomatic Kotlin Wrapper for The Discord API
- iZakirSheikh/Audiofy - Audiofy is a next-generation Android Media player that delivers a simple, lightweight, and high-performance experience. Powered by ExoPlayer, Media3, and Jetpack Compose.
- mhss1/MyBrain - All-in-one productivity app and AI assistant with Tasks, Notes, Calendar, Diary and Bookmarks.
- ismartcoding/plain-app - PlainApp is an open-source application that allows you to manage your phone through a web browser. Access files, videos, music, contacts, sms, calls, and more from your desktop using a secure, easy to
- alorma/Compose-Settings - Compose Multiplatform #Compose Settings library
- m-i-n-a-r/birday - 🎉 A beautiful Kotlin app to remember birthdays and events without having to open Facebook, set alarms or rely on Google Calendar
- gotev/android-upload-service - Easily upload files (Multipart/Binary/FTP out of the box) in the background with progress notification. Support for persistent upload requests, customizations and custom plugins.
- kamgurgul/cpu-info - CPU Info is a KMP application which provides information about device hardware and software
- joelkanyi/Muviz - A Jetpack compose app that consumes the TMDB API to display movie and Tv shows and their details
- jordond/kmpalette - 🎨 A Compose multiplatform port for Androidx Palette. Generate a color palette from an image.
- techlore/Plexus-app - Remove the fear of Android app compatibility on de-Googled devices.
- ZacSweers/CatchUp - An app for catching up on things.
- Exodus-Privacy/exodus-android-app - εxodus Android application
- YiiGuxing/TranslationPlugin - Translation plugin for IntelliJ based IDEs/Android Studio.
- beradeep/whitehole - Simple photo manager on top of Telegram.
- android/nowinandroid - A fully functional Android app built entirely with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
- android/compose-samples - Official Jetpack Compose samples.
- igorwojda/android-showcase - 💎 Android application following best practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, JetPack, Clean Architecture, Feature Modules, Tests, MVVM, DI, Static Analysis...
- skydoves/chatgpt-android - 📲 ChatGPT Android demonstrates a Chatbot application using OpenAI's chat API on Android with Stream Chat SDK for Compose.
- androidx/androidx - Development environment for Android Jetpack extension libraries under the androidx namespace. Synchronized with Android Jetpack's primary development branch on AOSP.
- bitwarden/android - Bitwarden mobile app for Android.
- shub39/Rush - ⭐ Android app to search, save and share lyrics like spotify!
- Mahmud0808/ColorBlendr - An Android app for customizing Material You colors on devices with Android 12+. It lets you tweak accent colors, background saturation, and more for a personalized look.
- svenjacobs/reveal - Reveal effect (coach mark) for Compose Multiplatform targeting Android, iOS, Desktop and Web
- smswithoutborders/RelaySMS-Android - SWOB relies heavily on the security of the messages it transmits. We accomplish this by using tools like Android Apps which posses well tested tools for security
- jellyfin/jellyfin-android - Android Client for Jellyfin
- Wavesonics/hammer-editor - A simple tool for building stories.
- lukaspieper/Gcam-Services-Provider - App faking only the absolute necessary Apis to use Gcam without Play Services
- thomaskioko/tv-maniac - Tv-Maniac is a personalized entertainment tracking and recommendation Multiplatform app (Android & iOS) for tracking TV Shows using TMDB API.
- phansier/Coffeegram - Android, Desktop, iOS apps using Jetpack & Multiplatform Compose
- mr3y-the-programmer/Podcaster - 🎧 Podcast listening app. Showcase of using Jetpack Media 3 in a real, offline-first app
- binayshaw7777/KotStep - 💜 An easy to use Stepper UI library for Jetpack Compose
- wireapp/wire-android - 🤖 The new Wire client for Android
- vipulyaara/Kafka - Read, play, and download millions of books; served by archive.org.
- cliuff/boundo - Boundo is an Android app tailored for Google Android users
- Trendyol/stove - Stove: The easiest way of writing e2e/component tests for your JVM back-end API with Kotlin
- City-Zouitel/JetNote - A simple android note app made by jetpack compose.
- antoinepirlot/Satunes - (Migrated to https://codeberg.org/antoinepirlot/Satunes) Modern MP3 Player to listen your local music files on Android Lollipop 5.1.1+ & compatible with Android Auto made in 🇪🇺.
- cashapp/paparazzi - Render your Android screens without a physical device or emulator
- newhinton/disky - An android filesystem analyzer that can show you the usage of your storage!
- KevinnZou/compose-swipeBox - Swipeable list item with directional swipe actions for Jetpack Compose implemented by anchoredDraggable
- keymapperorg/KeyMapper - An Android app that change what the buttons do on your devices!
- sergio-sastre/ComposablePreviewScanner - A library to help auto-generate screenshot tests from Composable Previews with any screenshot testing library: JVM-based (i.e. Paparazzi, Roborazzi) as well as Instrumentation-based (i.e. Shot, Dropsh
- getsentry/sentry-java - A Sentry SDK for Java, Android and other JVM languages.
- JLindemann42/Atomic-Periodic-Table.Android - Atomic - Periodic Table
- LISTEN-moe/android-app - Official LISTEN.moe Android app
- kiwicom/navigation-compose-typed - Type-safe arguments for Jetpack Navigation Compose using Kotlinx.Serialization
- aniyomiorg/aniyomi-extensions - Source extensions for the Aniyomi app.
- aniyomiorg/aniyomi - An app for manga and anime
- home-assistant/android - 📱 Home Assistant Companion for Android
- duckduckgo/Android - DuckDuckGo Android App
- jellyfin/jellyfin-androidtv - Android TV Client for Jellyfin
- oikvpqya/android-2048-compose - 2048 implemented using Jetpack Compose
- coil-kt/coil - Image loading for Android and Compose Multiplatform.
- 99keshav99/CaptureSposed - Xposed module that effectively disables the newly introduced screenshot detection API in Android 14
- NeoApplications/Neo-Store - An F-Droid client with modern UI and an arsenal of extra features.
- polodarb/GMS-Flags - GMS Flags is a tool for changing parameters in Google services to activate or deactivate certain functionality in Google applications
- Hamza417/Peristyle - Simple wallpaper manager app for Android with awesome UI, tags and multiple folder support and a native live wallpaper picker.
- PierfrancescoSoffritti/android-youtube-player - YouTube Player library for Android and Chromecast, stable and customizable.
- Smooth-E/wireless-adb-switch - An app that allows you to switch Android's Wireless Debugging feature on and off quickly. It provides several widgets and a quick settings tile to do this.
- aryanA101a/2048 - 2048 in Kotlin Android.
- agilanbu/2048-Game - 2048 game in native android using kotlin
- dkim19375/Game2048Android - 2048 for WearOS
- DerTyp7214/RboardThemeManagerV3 -
- MM2-0/Kvaesitso - A search-focused Android launcher
- MMRLApp/MMRL - MMRL is an Android app that helps manage your own modules repository.
- w2sv/FileNavigator - The missing link between Android and a sorted file system.
- octoshrimpy/quik - The most beautiful SMS messenger for Android - Revived
- zhaobozhen/Anywhere- -
- LinkSheet/LinkSheet - Link handling for modern Android
- KieronQuinn/TapTap - Port of the double tap on back of device feature from Android 12 to any Android 7.0+ device
- Angel-Studio/SoundTap - SoundTap is an Android app that enhances your music listening experience by allowing you to control playback using your device's volume buttons. Skip tracks, pause, and resume with ease. Built with Ko
- butzist/ActivityLauncher - Activity launcher creates shortcuts for any installed app and hidden activities to launch them with ease
- legendsayantan/ShizuTools - Contains many tools to control android system via shizuku.
- storeforminecraft/SkinViewAndroid - Shows Minecraft skins in 2D and 3D on Android
- SchizoidDevelopment/schizoid - Elevate your Minecraft gameplay with this free and feature-rich client built with Fabric API and utilizing mixin-based injection techniques.
- MRepoApp/MRepo - A modules manager for Magisk, KernelSU and APatch
- KieronQuinn/AmbientMusicMod - Port of Now Playing from Pixels to other Android devices
- 0xf4b1/motionmate - Simple and lightweight step counter app for Android
- Swordfish90/Lemuroid - All in one emulator on Android!
- tuskyapp/Tusky - An Android client for the microblogging server Mastodon
- TwidereProject/Twidere-Android -
- libktx/ktx - Kotlin extensions for the libGDX game framework
- JetBrains/kotlin - The Kotlin Programming Language.
- Myzel394/NumberHub - ➗ Your Hub for ✖️ Math / 💲 Currency rates / 📆 Date calculations / ⌚ Time zones
- sadellie/unitto - 😎 Calculate and convert, but better
- Skytils/SkytilsMod - Skytils is a Hypixel Skyblock mod! Be careful, malicious copies are distributed across GitHub. Confirm on discord.gg/skytils (807302538558308352)
- afollestad/mnml - 📹 A minimal, beautiful screen recorder for Android.
- axel358/smartdock - A user-friendly desktop mode launcher that offers a modern and customizable user interface
- Alfio010/notification-listener-android - This app saves your Android device`s notifications and allows you not to miss notifications that are accidentally deleted or that are deleted by the apps themselves. Feel free to recommend new feature
- cyb3rko/flashdim - Modern flashlight app with dim functionality on Android 13+
- Sovan22/Tokeii - Movie and TV Streaming Android App
- Floorp-Projects/Floorp-Android -
- hegocre/ScoreCounter - Simple app to keep track of two scores.
- SuhasDissa/RunePad - Character input pad with almost all the useful Unicode symbols for science students
- azuo/another-widget - Watch events, weather and much more at a glance.
- tommasoberlose/another-widget - Watch events, weather and much more at a glance.
- PsiCodes/ktxpy - Python Compiler/ide For Android with Material3
- zacharee/CellReader - Playing around with reading cell stuff on Android
- zhanghai/Untracker - App to help you remove tracking information before sharing links
- KieronQuinn/Smartspacer - Smartspacer is a customisable widget for Android, but with a difference: It can upgrade the built in At a Glance on Pixels - without root!
- kafri8889/Compose-2048 - 2048 game made with Jetpack Compose
- joaomanaia/game-2048-compose - A 2048 game written with compose multiplatform, for Android, Desktop and Web.
- alexjlockwood/compose-multiplatform-2048 - 2048 implemented using Jetpack Compose Multiplatform
- avluis/Hentoid - Doujinshi Android App
- DUpdateSystem/UpgradeAll - Check updates for Android apps, Magisk modules and more!
- IacobIonut01/Gallery - Media Gallery app for Android made with Jetpack Compose
- WirelessAlien/BhagavadGitaApp - A Simple Open-source Android App for Bhagavad Gita
- waseefakhtar/dose-android - 💊⏰ Dose is a medication reminder app for Android, built entirely using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose with MVVM + Clean Architecture
- dokar3/upnext-gpt - GPT powered playlist App for Android. Supports Apple Music, Spotify, and Youtube Music.
- karasevm/PrivateDNSAndroid - Quick settings tile to switch active private DNS server
- Omico/CurrentActivity - A current activity monitor. Currently, become an implementation of Google's recommended Android app architecture.
- zacharee/WiFiList -
- Tetr4/CompassTile - Compass as a tile for the Android quick settings menu
- MuntashirAkon/Metro -
- MobileFirstLLC/irregular-expressions - Android virtual keyboard for expressive typing
- lihenggui/blocker - Utilize an integrated firewall to manage application components.
- DeDiamondPro/Resourcify - In-game resource pack, data pack and shader browser and updater
- Deftu/DeftuDownloadCounter -
- TheClashFruit/Rithle - Android app for Modrinth written in Kotlin.
- quickdesh/Animiru - video player and library manager
- vfsfitvnm/ViMusic - An Android application for streaming music from YouTube Music.
- aistra0528/Hail - Disable / Hide / Suspend / Uninstall Android apps without root.
- rumboalla/apkupdater - APKUpdater is an open source tool that simplifies the process of finding updates for your installed apps.
- UnifiedPush/fcm-distributor - Mirror of https://codeberg.org/UnifiedPush/fcm-distributor
- hexated/cloudstream-extensions-hexated - Julidfisabilillah for Palestine 🇵🇸
- msasikanth/ColorSheet - A color picker bottom sheet 🌈
- simpledotorg/simple-android - An Android app for recording hypertension-related data.
- msasikanth/pinnit - Pin notes and notifications
- GustavoASantos/Noti - Quick glance, clear progress
- msasikanth/twine - Twine: A multiplatform RSS reader built using Kotlin and Compose
- TeamNothingMuch/NothingMuch - An icon pack based on Nothing Brand Colors
- zacharee/InstallWithOptions - Simple-ish app using Shizuku to install APKs on-device with advanced options
- tahaak67/Farhan - An Android app to help you with phone addiction.
- Darkempire78/OpenCalc - A simple and beautiful calculator for Android
- kizitonwose/Calendar - A highly customizable calendar view and compose library for Android and Kotlin Multiplatform.
- zacharee/Tweaker -
- jiesou/Android-Screener - A Shizuku/ROOT tool for easily adjusting screen resolution and frame rate
- samolego/Canta - Uninstall any Android app without root (with power of Shizuku). Debloat your device as you wish, no PC required.
- RikkaApps/Shizuku - Using system APIs directly with adb/root privileges from normal apps through a Java process started with app_process.
- srilakshmikanthanp/clipbirdroid - A Bird that helps you to sync clipboard between devices in your local network - Clipbird Android Version!
- Yash-Garg/qBittorrent-Manager - [WIP] Modern qBittorrent WebUI Client for Android written in Kotlin
- iamr0s/Dhizuku - A Android Application for share DeviceOwner
- you-apps/CalcYou - Privacy focused calculator app built with MD3
- Ruan625Br/FileManagerSphere - Material Design file manager for Android
- Dr-TSNG/Hide-My-Applist - An Xposed module to intercept applist detections
- Project-Based-Learning-IT/e2ee-chat - e2ee-chat
- talosross/SummaryYou - Summarize YouTube-Videos, Articles, Images and Documents with AI
- KieronQuinn/DarQ - DarQ provides a per-app selectable force dark option for Android 10 and above
- iamr0s/InstallerX - A modern and functional Android app installer. (You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.)
- wingio/Logra - Material You logcat viewer for Android
- blocoio/android-template - Android app starter template
- Ma7moud3ly/micro-repl -
- Heapy/awesome-kotlin - A curated list of awesome Kotlin related stuff Inspired by awesome-java.
- SuhasDissa/MemerizeApp - Android app to view Memes
- element-hq/element-android - A Matrix collaboration client for Android.
- FossifyOrg/Commons - Some helper functions and shared resources used by the Fossify apps.
- shxp3/CrossSine - Minecraft 1.8.9 Forge Hack Client
- UrAvgCode/Chooser - An Android app to randomly select fingers on the screen
- WirelessAlien/ZipXtract - A fully open source app to extract rar, zip, tar, bz2, gz, 7z, xz, jar and z etc (encrypted .zip & .7z supported)
- acszo/Redomi - 🎶 Song.link client to open songs from different platforms to your favourite one
- ReVanced/revanced-patches - 🧩 Patches for ReVanced
- CookieJarApps/SmartCookieWeb - A secure, open source web browser for Android.
- CookieJarApps/SmartCookieWeb-Preview - SmartCookieWeb, redesigned using GeckoView
- lighttigerXIV/SimpleMP-Compose - A simple music player with material you in mind.
- mi-g-alex/Telegram-Monet - Create themes for telegram using material 3 colors
- maxkeppeler/sheets-compose-dialogs - ✨ An android Library to enhance UIs, supporting a wide range of common use-cases with Dialogs, Popups, and Bottom Sheets. ✨
- zyrouge/symphony - 🎵 Lightweight, elegant music player for Android 9+.
- T8RIN/ImageToolbox - 🖼️ Image Toolbox is a powerful app for advanced image manipulation. It offers dozens of features, from basic tools like crop and draw to filters, OCR, and a wide range of image processing options
- RetroMusicPlayer/RetroMusicPlayer - Best Material You Design music player for Android
- Ehviewer-Overhauled/Ehviewer - EhViewer overhauled with Material Design 3, Jetpack Compose and more
- therealbush/translator - A simple and free Google Translate library for Kotlin/JVM and Java.
- rebelonion/Dantotsu - Anilist client based on Saikou
- KieronQuinn/ClassicPowerMenu - Power Menu Replacement for Android
- zyw-stu/Andriod_Tetris - Android Tetris + kotlin + jetpack compose
- minecraft-dev/MinecraftDev - Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA that gives special support for Minecraft modding projects.
- VKCOM/vk-android-sdk - Android library for working with VK API, authorization through VK app, using VK functions.
- ni554n/battarang-notifier-android - Get notified on another device when your android's battery is low or full
- mihonapp/mihon - Free and open source manga reader for Android
- hishoot2i/Hishoot2i - Hishoot2i
- beat-feet/beat-feet - Jump your way through cities, each automatically generated from the beat of the music.
- accrescent/accrescent - A novel Android app store focused on security, privacy, and usability
- JoshLudahl/tipuous - A basic, but useful, tipping calculator for Android using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose/XML hybrid
- JoshLudahl/Tokenator - A password generator written in Kotlin for Android.
- JoshLudahl/Warbler-Weather - Android Weather App utilizing the Open Weather API
- Yanndroid/NotiNotes - A Notes app living in your notification panel
- Goodwy/Messages -
- Goodwy/Gallery -
- Goodwy/Dialer -
- Goodwy/Contacts -
- phstudio2/FreeTV - Free TV app
- AfigAliyev/Cinemax - Cinemax is a Movies & TV Shows application for Android.
- stantanasi/streamflix - An Android TV and mobile app to stream movies and TV shows for free
- ejektaflex/Bountiful - A Minecraft mod adding bounties for specific items.
- Droid-ify/client - F-Droid client with Material UI.
- sosauce/CuteCalc - CuteCalc is a simple,lightweight and open-source calculator app for Android.
- char/Koffee - Java bytecode assembler as a Kotlin DSL
- GabrielOlvH/Industrial-Revolution - An Industrial mod made for Fabric.
- mobile-dev-inc/dadb - A Kotlin/Java library to connect directly to an Android device without an adb binary or an ADB server
- tytydraco/LADB - A local ADB shell for Android!
- WSTxda/Lineage-Icons - LineageOS Icon Pack
- AkaneTan/Gramophone - A sane music player built with media3 and material design library that is following android's standard strictly.
- Raival-e/File-Explorer - An Android file explorer
- yausername/dvd - Download videos from anywhere
- SanmerApps/PI - PackageInstaller (Experimental)
- devhyper/open-video-editor - Open source Android video editor, built with Media3 and Jetpack Compose.
- alilotfi/VirusTotalClient - VirusTotal for Android checks the applications installed in your Android phone against VirusTotal (http://www.virustotal.com)
- fast4x/RiMusic - A multilingual Android application for streaming music from YouTube Music.
- FossifyOrg/Flashlight - A simple modern flashlight with SOS, stroboscope & bright display, has no ads.
- FossifyOrg/Thank-You - A warm Thank You for supporting our modern & easy Fossify apps!
- FossifyOrg/App-Launcher - A simple holder for favourite apps for quick & easy app launcher icon management
- FossifyOrg/Launcher - A practical and customizable launcher for launching your favorite apps easily.
- FossifyOrg/Camera - Quick photo and video camera with a flash, customizable aspect ratio.
- FossifyOrg/Keyboard - Easy keyboard for inserting all kinds of texts, special characters and numbers.
- FossifyOrg/Paint - A canvas you can draw on with different colors.
- FossifyOrg/Clock - Combination of a beautiful clock with widget, alarm, stopwatch & timer, no ads
- FossifyOrg/Calculator - A calculator for quick simple calculations with a nice user interface and no ads
- FossifyOrg/Notes - A simple text field for adding quick notes without ads.
- FossifyOrg/Voice-Recorder - An easy way of recording any discussion or sounds without ads or internet access
- FossifyOrg/Contacts - Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.
- FossifyOrg/Music-Player - A clean music player with a customizable widget, stylish interface and no ads.
- FossifyOrg/Messages - An easy and quick way of managing SMS and MMS messages without ads.
- FossifyOrg/File-Manager - Easy app for managing your files without ads, respecting your privacy & security
- FossifyOrg/Phone - A handy phone call manager with phonebook, number blocking and multi-SIM support
- FossifyOrg/Calendar - A simple calendar with events, customizable widgets and no ads.
- FossifyOrg/Gallery - Browse your memories without any interruptions with this photo and video gallery
- BobbyESP/Spowlo - A Spotify songs downloader for Android made with Jetpack Compose, Material You and the spotDL Python library
- LukeNeedham/Vibrator - Simple Android app for starting and stopping the system vibrator
- tanujnotes/Olauncher - Minimal AF Launcher for Android. Reduce your screen time. Daily wallpapers.
- Mufanc/AppLock - 【MIUI】防止应用被侧滑杀死或一键清理
- Slion/Fulguris - ⚡Web Browser
- SchildiChat/SchildiChat-android - Matrix client / Element Android fork
- ouchadam/small-talk - Minimal Android messenger powered by Matrix
- MateriiApps/Dimett - Material You Mastodon/Akkoma/Pleroma client
- MateriiApps/Gloom - GitHub reimagined with Material You
- MateriiApps/OpenCord - An open-source Material You implementation of the Discord Android app
- element-hq/element-x-android - Android Matrix messenger application using the Matrix Rust Sdk and Jetpack Compose
- d4rken-org/octi - A multi-device manager for Android
- d4rken-org/sdmaid-se - SD Maid 2/SE is Android's most thorough cleaning tool.
- zhanghai/MaterialFiles - Material Design file manager for Android
- X1nto/Mauth - A Material You Two-factor Authentication app
- you-apps/VibeYou - Privacy focused music player built with MD3
- you-apps/ConnectYou - Privacy focused contacts and SMS messenger app built with MD3
- you-apps/ClockYou - Privacy focused clock app built with MD3
- you-apps/WallYou - Privacy focused wallpaper app built with MD3
- you-apps/TranslateYou - Privacy focused translator app built with MD3
- you-apps/RecordYou - Privacy focused recorder app built with MD3
- deniscerri/ytdlnis - Full Featured Video/Audio Downloader for Android using yt-dlp
- libre-tube/LibreTube - An alternative frontend for YouTube, for Android.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Launcher - A practical and customizable launcher for launching your favorite apps easily.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Clock - Combination of a beautiful clock with widget, alarm, stopwatch & timer, no ads
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Music-Player - A clean music player with a customizable widget, stylish interface and no ads.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Calculator - A calculator for quick simple calculations with a nice user interface and no ads
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-App-Launcher - A simple holder for favourite apps for quick & easy app launcher icon management
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Notes - A simple textfield for adding quick notes without ads.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-SMS-Messenger - An easy and quick way of managing SMS and MMS messages without ads.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Draw - A canvas you can draw on with different colors.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Keyboard - Easy keyboard for inserting all kinds of texts, special characters and numbers.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Camera - Quick photo and video camera with a flash, customizable aspect ratio.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Gallery - A premium app for managing and editing your photos, videos, GIFs without ads
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Voice-Recorder - An easy way of recording any discussion or sounds without ads or internet access
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Flashlight - A simple modern flashlight with SOS, stroboscope & bright display, has no ads.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Calendar - A simple calendar with events, tasks, customizable colors, widgets and no ads.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Commons - Some helper functions and shared resources to be used only by the simple apps suite.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-File-Manager - Easy app for managing your files without ads, respecting your privacy & security
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Dialer - A handy phone call manager with phonebook, number blocking and multi-SIM support
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Contacts - Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.
- manuel-martos/compose-2048 - Porting 2048 game to Android using Jetpack Compose
- AlmasB/FXGL - Java / JavaFX / Kotlin Game Library (Engine)
- yairm210/Unciv - Open-source Android/Desktop remake of Civ V
- mesmere/RedditLemmyImporter - 🔥 Anti-Reddit Aktion 🔥
- LemmyNet/jerboa - A native android app for Lemmy
- z-huang/InnerTune - A Material 3 YouTube Music client for Android
- andstatus/game2048 - 2048 Open Fun Game - multiplatform implementation in Kotlin and KorGe game engine
- Shabinder/SpotiFlyer - Kotlin Multiplatform Music Downloader, Supports Spotify / Gaana / Youtube Music / Jio Saavn / SoundCloud.
- Sumandora/tarasande - As the golden standard in cheating for Minecraft Competitive Multiplayer, tarasande provides the effective client-side solution to cheating.
- Chaitanya-Pratap-Singh/Meme-Share -
- Ashinch/ReadYou - An Android RSS reader presented in Material You style.
- SpritzLanguage/Spritz - The main repository for the Spritz language
- JunkFood02/Seal - 🦭 Video/Audio Downloader for Android, based on yt-dlp, designed with Material You
- Weave-MC/Weave-Loader - Universal Minecraft Client Mod-Loader, written in Kotlin
- Weave-MC/Weave-Gradle - Gradle build system plugin used to automate the setup of a modding environment.
- ya-ilya/AutoFrameDupePlugin - Plugin for LavaHack
- liquidbounceplusreborn/LiquidbouncePlus-Reborn - Minecraft Forge 1.8.9 hacked client, Based on LiquidBounce+
- Aspw-w/NightX-Client - Minecraft Forge 1.8.9 hacked client, Based on LiquidBounce+
- SooStrator1136/FlightRadar4k - API for FlightRadar24 written in kotlin.
- lambda-plugins/BookBot - Writes to books.
- lambda-plugins/HighwayTools - Advanced highway building bot
- lambda-client/cape-api - Our Cape API
- Toasterbirb/kami-red - KAMI Red: a continuation of 1.12.2 KAMI Blue
- zeroeightysix/KAMI - Minecraft utility mod aimed at anarchy servers
- kami-blue/client - ARCHIVED - KAMI Blue: a continuation of 1.12.2 KAMI
- Luna5ama/TrollHack - Strong utility mod for Minecraft anarchy servers.
- lambda-client/lambda - Minecraft utility mod coded in Kotlin
- SkidderMC/FDPClient - Minecraft 1.8.9 forge hacked client based on LiquidBounce.
- CCBlueX/LiquidBounce - A free Minecraft hacked client (utility mod) for Fabric
- catppuccin/userstyles - 🖌 Soothing pastel userstyles
- rollerozxa/boxsmasher - A fun physics-based puzzle game where you throw balls at boxes to smash them out of the screen.
- larswijn/CardSleeves - CardSleeves Balatro Mod
- koreader/koreader - An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices
- PKGaspi/AsepriteScripts - My collection of Aseprite Scripts. Useful to make repetitive export patterns quicker.
- KaviD-115/Balatro-Jokers-Plus - Adds Vanilla-esque Jokers and Crossover Jokers from other Game Series
- yetone/avante.nvim - Use your Neovim like using Cursor AI IDE!
- beyond-all-reason/Beyond-All-Reason - Main game repository for Beyond All Reason.
- Aurelius7309/BlackHole - Accessibility/Screenreader mod for Balatro
- raexera/yoru - A custom Linux environment built on AwesomeWM
- rxi/lite-plugins - Plugins for the lite text editor
- MathIsFun0/Cryptid - An unbalanced Balatro mod
- betmma/my_balatro_mods - some mods about game Balatro. Use Steamodded (https://github.com/Steamopollys/Steamodded) to load them.
- LazyVim/LazyVim - Neovim config for the lazy
- Gakuto1112/CatMaid - "Cat Maid (猫メイド)" the avatar for Figura, the skin mod for Minecraft.
- Gakuto1112/SenkoSan - "Senko-san (仙狐さん)" the avatar for Figura, the skin mod for Minecraft.
- face-hh/griddycode - A code editor made with Godot. Code has never been more lit!
- nh6574/JokerDisplay - Simple Balatro mod that displays information such as modifiers or relevant hands, ranks or suits under Jokers.
- Firch/Bunco -
- Kooluve/Better-Mouse-And-Gamepad - A Balatro qol (quality of life) mod. Make mouse and gamepad more efficient and easier to use, effectively relieve finger pressure. I guess this maybe one of the most useful mods ;)
- balamod/aseprite-balamod-extension - An extension for the spriting software Asesprite to help make Balatro assets
- CelestialCartographers/Loenn - A Visual Map Maker and Level Editor for the game Celeste but better than the other one
- 3dreamengine/3DreamEngine - 3DreamEngine is an awesome 3d engine for LÖVE.
- MisterDA/love-release - 💌 Lua script that makes LÖVE game release easier
- semyon422/soundsphere - VSRG written in Lua https://discord.gg/ubKMtTk
- IgorTimofeev/MineOS - Home of MineOS and it's software for OpenComputers mod
- Steamodded/smods - A Balatro Modding Framework
- folke/lazy.nvim - 💤 A modern plugin manager for Neovim
- tylerneylon/termtris - A text-based game inspired by tetris.
- dan200/ComputerCraft - Programmable Computers for Minecraft
- nagadomi/waifu2x - Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art
- xmake-io/xmake-repo - 📦 An official xmake package repository
- vsjoqvist/AspMcmeta - An asprite script to help with creating animated textures
- docker/dockercraft - Docker + Minecraft = Dockercraft
- lite-xl/lite-xl-plugin-manager - A Lite XL plugin manager.
- lite-xl/lite-xl-lsp - LSP Plugin for Lite XL editor
- leomick/litexl-catppuccin - 🖥️ Soothing pastel theme for Lite XL
- lite-xl/lite-xl-colors - Themes for the Lite XL editor
- rxi/lite - A lightweight text editor written in Lua
- lite-xl/lite-xl - A lightweight text editor written in Lua
- Uberi/Minetest-WorldEdit - The ultimate in-game world editing tool for Minetest! Tons of functionality to help with building, fixing, and more.
- minetest-mods/technic - Technic mod for Minetest
- luanti-org/minetest_game - Minetest Game - A lightweight and well-maintained base for Luanti, intended for modding
- LunarVim/LunarVim - 🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.
- NvChad/NvChad - Blazing fast Neovim framework providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI, enhancing your neovim experience.
- wbthomason/packer.nvim - A use-package inspired plugin manager for Neovim. Uses native packages, supports Luarocks dependencies, written in Lua, allows for expressive config
- nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons - Provides Nerd Font icons (glyphs) for use by neovim plugins
- inkonchain/docs - Ink Documentation
- Xe/site - The new frontend/backend code for https://xeiaso.net
- denosaurs/mod.land - 📦 Pretty subdomains for you deno project
- jakejarvis/jarv.is - 🏡 My humble abode on the World Wide Web
- golang-standards/project-layout - Standard Go Project Layout
- deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-LLM - DeepSeek LLM: Let there be answers
- Apoorv-cloud/Flutter_Ludo - Basic Ludo Game with Flutter which will run on both iOS and Android without any UI glitches.
- bahmanm/lemmy-synapse - A humble bundle of observability and monitoring for your Lemmy cluster.
- tldr-pages/tldr - 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
- drknzz/GitHub-Achievements - 🔥 A Complete List of GitHub Profile Badges and Achievements 🔥
- trinib/trinib - Don't just be a forker🔱...Hit that 🅂🆃🄰🆁⭐...........( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)-︻デ┳═ー - - - - - - - - - -💥¦̵̱ ̵̱ ̵̱ ̵̱ ̵̱(̢ ̡͇̅└͇̅┘͇̅ (▤8כ−◦My Profile........ Chess♟️ ◉═╬::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::⫸♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞
- alexandresanlim/Badges4-README.md-Profile -
Improve your README.md profile with these amazing badges.
- codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x - Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
- theycallhermax/lemonade - 🍋 Follow discussions on Lemmy
- ekisu/mpv-webm - Simple WebM maker for mpv, with no external dependencies.
- mrgaturus/npainter - fast and simple digital painting software
- PrivacyDevel/nitter - Alternative Twitter front-end
- zedeus/nitter - Alternative Twitter front-end
- fxfactorial/ocaml-emoji - Emojis in OCaml, use them in your CLIs or whatever
- PojavLauncherTeam/PojavLauncher_iOS - A Minecraft: Java Edition Launcher for Android and iOS based on Boardwalk. This repository contains source code for iOS/iPadOS platform.
- danqing/2048 - The iOS version of 2048, made using SpriteKit
- Bohema-developers/VenomHack-leak - VenomHack addon for meteor 1.20.1
- Serilum/.issue-tracker - Tracks all issues for Serilum's Minecraft mods on CurseForge and Modrinth.
- ossu/computer-science - 🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
- yokoffing/filterlists - Collection of blocklists to fill in the gaps
- photopea/photopea - Photopea is online image editor
- deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-Coder-V2 - DeepSeek-Coder-V2: Breaking the Barrier of Closed-Source Models in Code Intelligence
- deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-V2 - DeepSeek-V2: A Strong, Economical, and Efficient Mixture-of-Experts Language Model
- deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration - Integrate the DeepSeek API into popular softwares
- deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-R1 -
- WebBreacher/WhatsMyName - This repository has the JSON file required to perform user enumeration on various websites.
- Rem0o/FanControl.Releases - This is the release repository for Fan Control, a highly customizable fan controlling software for Windows.
- marksard/Keyboards - This repository is warehouse of my keyboard architecture.
- Lecrapouille/gdcef - [Plugin][Version 0.16.1][Functional] Chromium Embedded Framework Webview for Godot 4
- simtrami/posy-improved-cursor-linux - Posy's improved cursors by Michiel de Boer, available as cursor themes.
- An-anonymous-coder/Open-Source-Everything - Open Source Everything: A curated list of the best open source software
- vinegarhq/sober - Runtime for Roblox on Linux
- kickTROLL/awesome-system-design - A curated list of awesome System Design (A.K.A. Distributed Systems) resources.
- trinib/Linux-Bash-Commands -
Ultimate list of Linux bash commands, cheatsheets and resources
- Enchanted-Games/block-place-particles - (Particle Interactions) A Minecraft mod that adds particles to various interactions in the game, such as placing a block or tilling dirt.
- dalisoft/awesome-storage - List of awesome cloud storage providers for individuals and family sorted by minimal plan price
- JemPH/QobuzDL-Browser - Qobuz Downloader Tool for Browser Extension
- bpc-clone/bpc_chrome_support -
- bpc-clone/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean -
- cat-milk/Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books - Anime Girls Holding Programming Books
- blueagler/Grammarly-Unlock - To reveal Grammarly Premium Suggestions and Tone Detector
- NabokD/pockettube - The best way to manage your YouTube subscriptions
- DanganMachin/Fem-Jokers-v.1.1.0 -
- ericytsang/app.android.screenfilter - Official Screen Dimmer app website
- mistrk7/vanillaxbr - Repository for managing updates to my Minecraft resource pack.
- breezy-weather/breezy-weather-icon-packs - A document about icon provider for Breezy Weather
- XForYouX/Suyu-Android-9 - ForYou😘
- AZeC4/TelegramGroup - 2025最新悄咪咪收集的10000+个Telegram群合集,附全网最有趣好用的机器人BOT🤖【电报百科全书】
- johnjago/awesome-free-software - Curated list of free as in freedom software
- mehdihadeli/awesome-software-architecture - 📚 A curated list of awesome articles, videos, and other resources to learn and practice software architecture, patterns, and principles.
- avidseeker/awesome-areweyet - Current adoption status of various technologies
- Kohi-den/extensions - Extensions for the Aniyomi and forks.
- BogdanKlimov11/BogdanKlimov11 -
- Keksuccino/FancyMenu - Source code for FancyMenu.
- pantsufan/Magisk-Ad-Blocking-Module - Magisk module to block ads on android
- YimMenu/YimMenu - YimMenu, a GTA V menu protecting against a wide ranges of the public crashes and improving the overall experience.
- XatzClient/official-skid-list - I was pretty dumb and forked a joke project, enjoy the skid list for minecraft speds ig
- ZtechNetwork/MCBVanillaResourcePack - Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Vanilla Resource Pack
- GeForceLegend/Minecraft-3D-Default - A Minecraft default-look resourcepack with 3D models.
- Rustnot/Trekfetch - A gorgeous neofetch custom config for your Linux terminal
- tleb/awesome-mastodon - Curated list of awesome Mastodon-related stuff!
- kerudion/chunksfadein - A simple mod that adds bedrock-like chunk fade-in animation
- Enchanted-Games/fix-horizontal-camera-lag - A minecraft mod that fixes the horizontal camera lag when riding an entity
- Adrenix/Nostalgic-Tweaks - This mod brings back a plethora of Minecraft Alpha/Beta gameplay elements. This mod is intended for nostalgic enthusiasts who want to relive the glory days of Minecraft by tweaking the mod to their pr
- PythonicBoat/is-a.co - 🌐 Grab your own subdomain for free Follow the steps listed below to get your own subdomain!
- abint7/free-domains - Free subdomains for personal sites, open-source projects, and more.
- Pokymon/foo.ng - Free subdomains for everyone.
- dabochen/spreadsheet-is-all-you-need - A nanoGPT pipeline packed in a spreadsheet
- SagXD/awesome-stars - My Awesome List
- bevyengine/bevy-assets - A collection of Bevy assets, plugins, learning resources, and apps made by the community
- mendel5/alternative-front-ends - Overview of alternative open source front-ends for popular internet platforms (e.g. YouTube, Twitter, etc.)
- FydeOS/openFyde - Chromium OS with or without Google
- ibraheemdev/modern-unix - A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands.
- alebcay/awesome-shell - A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php.
- GOG-Games-com/wallet-addresses -
- vanrez-nez/awesome-glsl - 🎇 Compilation of the best resources to learn programming OpenGL Shaders
- supremegamers/awin-installer-dev - Easily install multiple android-x86 operating systems on Windows in a few clicks.
- tc39/proposals - Tracking ECMAScript Proposals
- rafaskb/awesome-libgdx - 🎮 📝 A curated list of libGDX resources to help developers make awesome games.
- Kazhnuz/awesome-gnome - A curated list of awesome apps, extensions, modules, themes and tools for the Gnome Desktop Environment.
- ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux - Issue tracking for the Steam for Linux beta client
- agrastiOs/Ultimate-TF2-Visual-Fix-Pack - A pack of visual fixes for TF2, to be sent to Valve.
- Amin-Tgz/awesome-tensorflow-2 - 👉 Tensorflow 2.x resources such as tutorial, blog, code and videos
- jie65535/awesome-balatro - A list of Balatro Mods and Tools
- noteflakes/awesome-music - Awesome Music Projects
- ezerear/gog-games.to_backup - gog-games.to games backup
- revoltchat/revolt - Repository for miscellaneous repository management and discussions: https://github.com/revoltchat/revolt/discussions
- Xubuntu/xubuntu-seed - Read-only mirror of lp:~xubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/xubuntu
- ValveSoftware/Source-1-Games - Source 1 based games such as TF2 and Counter-Strike: Source
- imDazui/Tvlist-awesome-m3u-m3u8 - 直播源相关资源汇总 📺 💯 IPTV、M3U —— 勤洗手、戴口罩,祝愿所有人百毒不侵
- WalmartSolutions/Francium-1.20.4 - 1.20.4 Fabric cpvp ghost client. Ablue ran FranciumCrackoredFreeClean(3).jar :skrim:
- modrinth/awesome - A collection of awesome open-source projects which use the Modrinth API
- Goodwy/Discussion - A place for discussing all apps in general + anything else you want to say
- imwaitingnow/WorkshopDL - WorkshopDL - The Best Steam Workshop Downloader
- BrotatoMods/Brotato-Translations - [Blobfish] Official translation CSV files 🧾
- linexjlin/GPTs - leaked prompts of GPTs
- Runixe786/Macified-Windows - Now achieve MacOS look on your windows 11 desktop.
- timschneeb/awesome-shizuku - Curated list of awesome Android apps making use of Shizuku
- warpdotdev/Warp - Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in so you and your team can build great software, faster.
- dailydotdev/daily - daily.dev is a professional network for developers to learn, collaborate, and grow together 👩🏽💻 👨💻
- MoonWalker440/TeleBotList - A cool collection of awesome Telegram bots source code hosted on github
- rishirdua/awesome-code-formatters - A curated list of awesome code formatting tools and libraries
- bmpi-dev/awesome-seo - Google SEO Research and Web Traffic Monetization
- joshbuchea/HEAD - A simple guide to HTML <head> elements
- Levi2288/AdvancedBlockList - Block list for PI hole
- auctors/free-lunch - A curated list of free Windows software, online services and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- DuckOfDisorder/BlobCats - A rich repositery of BlobCat emojis, derived from Google's blob emojis
- Xposed-Modules-Repo/com.simo.tgramhooks - TGɾαɱHσσƙʂ
- mouse0w0/MinecraftDeveloperGuide - 📝Minecraft developer Chinese guide,我的世界开发者中文指南
- zackify/cli.rs - use {yourproject}.cli.rs!
- twente-me/twente.me - 🐎 The Twente domain for the community, get your.twente.me for free
- WaifuPX-DG/WaifuPX - Android App Anime Wallpapers Material Design
- travisgoodspeed/gbrom-tutorial - Tutorial for extracting the GameBoy ROM from photographs of the die.
- github/gitignore - A collection of useful .gitignore templates
- proj-at/subdomains - 🌎 Get your own proj.sbs subdomains, free for open-source developers. Service was ended on October 20th, 2024 (UTC)
- is-amazing/register - Register your is-amaz.ing project domain here!
- sdras/awesome-actions - A curated list of awesome actions to use on GitHub
- MoonWalker440/Music-Megathread - A Comprehensive List For All Music 🎶 Lovers. It's a treasure trove of music resources to enhance your listening experience and discover new music.
- Wircea/TempleCraft - 2D Minecraft clone for TempleOS
- mzlogin/awesome-adb - ADB Usage Complete / ADB 用法大全
- WSTxda/QP-Gallery-Releases - QuickPic Gallery Mod
- WalmartSolutions/GoldGrinder-3.0 - $300.00 1.8.9 Forge Mod. Hypixel kikes are going to lose it rn ☠️
- Arcticons-Team/Arcticons-Font - A semi-condenced monolinear typeface.
- FossifyOrg/General-Discussion - A place for discussing all apps in general plus anything else you want to say.
- hegdepavankumar/VMware-Workstation-Pro-17-Licence-Keys - Free VMware Workstation Pro 17 full license keys. We've meticulously organized thousands of keys, catering to all major versions of VMware Workstation Pro 17 Choose from our curated selection to enhan
- nyas1/Material-You-app-list - 🍦 A well organized & frequently updated collection of apps that supports material you design/theme.
- sorrycc/awesome-javascript - 🐢 A collection of awesome browser-side JavaScript libraries, resources and shiny things.
- nw-cn/awesome-nwjs - Awesome NW.js (node-webkit)
- zhichaoh/catppuccin-wallpapers - 🖼️ Wallpapers to match your Catppuccin setups!
- Syndrizzle/hotfiles - 🏠 A collection of personal configuration files for various rices I have made.
- absolllute/Mega-Hack-Pro-Future - Mega Hack Pro Suggestion & Issue Tracker
- catppuccin/aseprite - 🖍 Soothing pastel theme for Aseprite
- GitHubDaily/GitHubDaily - 坚持分享 GitHub 上高质量、有趣实用的开源技术教程、开发者工具、编程网站、技术资讯。A list cool, interesting projects of GitHub.
- leereilly/hubot-minecraft-skin - Hubot's very own Minecraft skin
- odziom91/libadwaita-themes - Themes for GNOME 42 GTK4.0
- catppuccin/ultrakill - 🩸 Soothing pastel theme for ULTRAKILL
- Alex313031/Thorium-Android - Thorium builds for Android (arm64 and arm32).
- Alex313031/Thorium-MacOS - Thorium builds for MacOS (arm64 and x64).
- Alex313031/Thorium-WOA - Repo to serve ARM64 Windows on Arm builds of Thorium. https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium/
- catppuccin/infinity - 🛸 Soothing pastel theme for Infinity for Reddit
- notable/notable - The Markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.
- ronilan/that-is-impossible - Intro to Impossible.js, an Object Oriented JavaScript library for building cross-platform terminal apps
- schoolpost/CinePI - OpenSource Cinema Camera using Raspberry Pi
- proyecto26/awesome-jsgames - A curated list of awesome JavaScript Games 🎮
- Templarian/MaterialDesign - ✒7000+ Material Design Icons from the Community
- google/material-design-icons - Material Design icons by Google (Material Symbols)
- d4rken-org/sdmaid - SD Maid is an Android app that helps you manage files and apps.
- pluja/awesome-privacy - Awesome Privacy - A curated list of services and alternatives that respect your privacy because PRIVACY MATTERS.
- JStumpp/awesome-android - A curated list of awesome Android packages and resources.
- rockerBOO/awesome-neovim - Collections of awesome neovim plugins.
- djsime1/awesome-flipperzero - 🐬 A collection of awesome resources for the Flipper Zero device.
- matiassingers/awesome-readme - A curated list of awesome READMEs
- abhisheknaiidu/awesome-github-profile-readme - 😎 A curated list of awesome GitHub Profile which updates in real time
- kdeldycke/awesome-falsehood - 😱 Falsehoods Programmers Believe in
- AllThingsSmitty/css-protips - ⚡️ A collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro 🦾
- veggiemonk/awesome-docker - 🐳 A curated list of Docker resources and projects
- lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job - A curated list of awesome remote jobs and resources. Inspired by https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python
- Psyhackological/AAA - 📱 Curated list of THE BEST FOSS Android apps to maximize your freedom & privacy!
- pcqpcq/open-source-android-apps - Open-Source Android Apps
- akullpp/awesome-java - A curated list of awesome frameworks, libraries and software for the Java programming language.
- tiimgreen/github-cheat-sheet - A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.
- wasabeef/awesome-android-ui - A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries
- binhnguyennus/awesome-scalability - The Patterns of Scalable, Reliable, and Performant Large-Scale Systems
- fffaraz/awesome-cpp - A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
- prakhar1989/awesome-courses - 📚 List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
- sindresorhus/awesome-nodejs - ⚡ Delightful Node.js packages and resources
- enaqx/awesome-react - A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted - A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
- sindresorhus/awesome - 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
- leereilly/games - 🎮 A list of popular/awesome video games, add-ons, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub. Any genre. Any platform. Any engine.
- dkhamsing/open-source-ios-apps - 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- DAMcraft/MeteorServerSeeker - Dead project
- amirzaidi/lemmy - Lemmy - Beginner's Guide for Redditors
- maguowei/awesome-stars - My Awesome List
- Bugswriter/useful-sed - Useful sed scripts & patterns.
- Bugswriter/amptest -
- Bugswriter/metawood -
- Bugswriter/fooddish -
- Bugswriter/bugsnavi -
- Bugswriter/Bugswriter -
- WalmartSolutions/RavenB-Old - $$$ Some random paid paste that everyone hates LMAO $$$
- epicfacethe3rd/BeeBox - Conceptualization of a coordinate exploit for minecraft using, you guessed it, bees (lmao)
- dgibbs64/discord-banners - A reference for the Official Discord banners
- markdown-templates/markdown-emojis - 🔥 All the emojis 🎉
- rzashakeri/beautify-github-profile - This repository will assist you in creating a more beautiful and appealing github profile, and you will have access to a comprehensive range of tools and tutorials for beautifying your github profile.
- auraside/Hone -
- free-domains/register - Free subdomains for personal sites, open-source projects, and more.
- devsyedmohsin/css-tips-tricks - Handmade collection of css tips tricks. Give it a star if you find it useful 🌟
- CoolClientCollectorz/future-for-everyone - Providing Future to everyone, free of charge
- jven123/BreatheClicker - a minecraft clicker (Breathe some air)
- Pickleft/SwiftConfigs -
- Gatohost/gatoclient - Gatoclient Rewritten - What people would have wanted
- 3000IQPlay/obfuscator-list - List of all the somewhat popular and non-popular Java obfuscators on the Internet.
- Gav06/Gav06 -
- adryd325/chat-lag-fix - Fixes Minecraft client lag from receiving chat messages
- McTsts/Minecraft-Shaders-Wiki - A wiki all about glsl shaders in Minecraft.
- eralp232/Eralp232 -
- eralp232/AgalarClient - AgalarClient, utility mod for Oldfag.
- kickTROLL/qca9377 -
- kickTROLL/a21s-boot-vbmeta-recovery -
- TheUsefulLists/UsefulMods - Just a list of useful mods
- nerdsinspace/nocom-explanation - block game military grade radar
- 3arthx/Leux-Backdoor - Leux-Backdoor 0.3 0.9 version
- s7n1ax/Thunderhackplus -
- alimustafa53tr/3arth4ck-Configs - every single 3arth4ck config i have
- s7n1ax/PerryPhobos - Another bush client leaked by me lmao
- stupitdog/bleachhackplus - A minecraft hack client mod so you can cheat in block game, intended for anarchy, I do not recommend using it on hypixel.
- Pickleft/tools - This is a tool provider no Github TOS was violated in the repo & Check Application Source Using Dnspy- For education purposes only.
- Levi2288/Akira-Client - minecraft ghost client
- AntonSofron/oCd-Pack-Vanilla - Minecraft oCd pack 16x
- isuewo/OverimaginedShaders - A Complementary Reimagined edit
- wtsxDev/reverse-engineering - List of awesome reverse engineering resources
- Foxxey/NullClient - Just a krunker.io client :D
- Xyverle/MattPack - The MattPack
- codeSTACKr/codeSTACKr -
- alfaaarex/awesome-tweaks - 💻 List of awesome programs and tweaks for Windows, macOS and Linux.
- FireFox-CSS/FireFox-CSS - My Config
- TehMerow/Blender_Nord_Dark_Theme - A Dark Theme for Blender that uses the Nord Color Palette by Arctic Ice Studio
- FireFox-CSS/Game-Modding-Tools - List Of Some Tools For Game Modding (Unity).
- FireFox-CSS/tweaks - 💻 List of awesome programs and tweaks for Windows
- LISTEN-moe/documentation - Repo that hosts all of our docs
- soruly/trace.moe - Anime Scene Search by Image
- statamic/cms - The core Laravel CMS Composer package
- icculus/inline-reddit - Provide reddit RSS feeds with images inlined.
- nokonoko/Uguu - Uguu is a simple lightweight temporary file host with support for drop, paste, click and API uploading.
- pomf/pomf - Pomf is a simple lightweight file host with support for drop, paste, click and API uploading.
- Ahwxorg/Binternet - A custom Pinterest frontend, made in PHP.
- mdshack/shotshare - Open source image sharing application
- RikudouSage/LemmySchedule - App for scheduling posts, pins/unpins and notifications about new content
- librespeed/speedtest - Self-hosted Speed Test for HTML5 and more. Easy setup, examples, configurable, mobile friendly. Supports PHP, Node, Multiple servers, and more
- luolongfei/freenom - Freenom 域名自动续期。Freenom domain name renews automatically.
- php-telegram-bot/core - PHP Telegram Bot based on the official Telegram Bot API
- Atnode/Minecraft-SkinViewer - Minecraft SkinViewer allows you to display a skin from a web address or from a Minecraft username.
- coollabsio/coolify - An open-source & self-hostable Heroku / Netlify / Vercel alternative.
- pixelfed/pixelfed - Photo Sharing. For Everyone.
- shaarli/Shaarli - The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service - community repo
- anonaddy/anonaddy - Anonymous email forwarding
- DenverCoder1/readme-typing-svg - ⚡ Dynamically generated, customizable SVG that gives the appearance of typing and deleting text for use on your profile page, repositories, or website.
- DenverCoder1/github-readme-youtube-stats - Youtube stats badges for your Github profile README. Displays the total number of subscribers or the view count for your channel.
- pmmp/PocketMine-MP - Custom server software for Minecraft: Bedrock, built from scratch in PHP, C and C++
- aternosorg/mclogs - Paste, share and analyse Minecraft logs
- matthiasmullie/minify - CSS & JavaScript minifier, in PHP. Removes whitespace, strips comments, combines files (incl. @import statements and small assets in CSS files), and optimizes/shortens a few common programming pattern
- mrclay/minify - Combines. minifies, and serves CSS or Javascript files
- RikudouSage/LemmyAutoTldrBot -
- attogram/games - Your own games website, filled with open source goodness! Automated installation of a plethora of open source web games. Fully customizable.
- Cvolton/GMDprivateServer - Geometry Dash Private Server
- nastyox/Repo-Roster - Shout-out supporters in your GitHub README file.
- antonkomarev/github-profile-views-counter - It counts how many times your GitHub profile has been viewed. Free cloud micro-service.
- Runixe786/MD3-Windows - Material you widgets for your windows desktop, adaptable with wallpaper colors with both light & dark modes
- AKotov-dev/warpgui - GUI for Cloudflare ™ WARP
- Kisspeace/NsfwBox - Cross-platform app for search and download porn
- cheat-engine/cheat-engine - Cheat Engine. A development environment focused on modding
- TheDoctor0/CSGOMod - CS:GO Mod for Counter-Strike 1.6 (AMXX 1.8.3 / 1.9 / 1.10).
- anhsirk0/fetch-master-6000 - Simple Dilbert themed system info-fetching tool
- actions/runner-images - GitHub Actions runner images
- Raphire/Win11Debloat - A simple, easy to use PowerShell script to remove pre-installed apps from Windows, disable telemetry, remove Bing from Windows search as well as perform various other changes to declutter and improve
- RocketGod-git/Flipper_Zero - My SD Drive for Flipper Zero
- fgsfds/Blood-Voxel-Pack - Additional voxel models for Blood video game
- janikvonrotz/awesome-powershell - A curated list of delightful PowerShell modules and resources
- ChrisTitusTech/winutil - Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility - Install Programs, Tweaks, Fixes, and Updates
- LeDragoX/Win-Debloat-Tools - Re-imagining Windows like a minimal OS install, already debloated with minimal impact for most functionality.
- Sycnex/Windows10Debloater - Script to remove Windows 10 bloatware.
- Atlas-OS/Atlas - 🚀 An open and lightweight modification to Windows, designed to optimize performance, privacy and usability.
- oumi-ai/oumi - Everything you need to build state-of-the-art foundation models, end-to-end.
- volatilityfoundation/volatility - An advanced memory forensics framework
- sinaptik-ai/pandas-ai - Chat with your database or your datalake (SQL, CSV, parquet). PandasAI makes data analysis conversational using LLMs and RAG.
- hiyouga/LLaMA-Factory - Unified Efficient Fine-Tuning of 100+ LLMs & VLMs (ACL 2024)
- Soulter/AstrBot - ✨ 易上手的多平台 LLM 聊天机器人及开发框架 ✨ 平台支持 QQ、QQ频道、Telegram、微信、企微、飞书 | OpenAI、DeepSeek、Gemini、硅基流动、月之暗面、Ollama、OneAPI、Dify 等。附带 WebUI。
- freddyaboulton/fastrtc - The python library for real-time communication
- allenai/olmocr - Toolkit for linearizing PDFs for LLM datasets/training
- landing-ai/vision-agent - Vision agent
- geekan/MetaGPT - 🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework: First AI Software Company, Towards Natural Language Programming
- harry0703/MoneyPrinterTurbo - 利用AI大模型,一键生成高清短视频 Generate short videos with one click using AI LLM.
- psf/black - The uncompromising Python code formatter
- junyanz/pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix - Image-to-Image Translation in PyTorch
- vllm-project/vllm - A high-throughput and memory-efficient inference and serving engine for LLMs
- xai-org/grok-1 - Grok open release
- agno-agi/agno - Build Multimodal AI Agents with memory, knowledge and tools. Simple, fast and model-agnostic.
- explodinggradients/ragas - Supercharge Your LLM Application Evaluations 🚀
- getzep/graphiti - Build and query dynamic, temporally-aware Knowledge Graphs
- keephq/keep - The open-source AIOps and alert management platform
- QuivrHQ/MegaParse - File Parser optimised for LLM Ingestion with no loss 🧠 Parse PDFs, Docx, PPTx in a format that is ideal for LLMs.
- jingyaogong/minimind - 🚀🚀 「大模型」2小时完全从0训练26M的小参数GPT!🌏 Train a 26M-parameter GPT from scratch in just 2h!
- hummingbot/hummingbot - Open source software that helps you create and deploy high-frequency crypto trading bots
- nvbn/thefuck - Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
- FujiwaraChoki/MoneyPrinterV2 - Automate the process of making money online.
- microsoft/markitdown - Python tool for converting files and office documents to Markdown.
- Shubhamsaboo/awesome-llm-apps - Collection of awesome LLM apps with AI Agents and RAG using OpenAI, Anthropic, Gemini and opensource models.
- albertan017/LLM4Decompile - Reverse Engineering: Decompiling Binary Code with Large Language Models
- unslothai/unsloth - Finetune Llama 3.3, DeepSeek-R1 & Reasoning LLMs 2x faster with 70% less memory! 🦥
- potpie-ai/potpie - Prompt-To-Agent : Create custom engineering agents for your codebase
- fastapi/fastapi - FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
- mrmn2/PdfDing - Selfhosted PDF manager, viewer and editor offering a seamless user experience on multiple devices.
- zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat - 基于大模型搭建的聊天机器人,同时支持 微信公众号、企业微信应用、飞书、钉钉 等接入,可选择GPT3.5/GPT-4o/GPT-o1/ DeepSeek/Claude/文心一言/讯飞星火/通义千问/ Gemini/GLM-4/Claude/Kimi/LinkAI,能处理文本、语音和图片,访问操作系统和互联网,支持基于自有知识库进行定制企业智能客服。
- Physical-Intelligence/openpi -
- assafelovic/gpt-researcher - LLM based autonomous agent that conducts deep local and web research on any topic and generates a long report with citations.
- Huanshere/VideoLingo - Netflix-level subtitle cutting, translation, alignment, and even dubbing - one-click fully automated AI video subtitle team | Netflix级字幕切割、翻译、对齐、甚至加上配音,一键全自动视频搬运AI字幕组
- volcengine/verl - verl: Volcano Engine Reinforcement Learning for LLMs
- ocrmypdf/OCRmyPDF - OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched
- Belval/pdf2image - A python module that wraps the pdftoppm utility to convert PDF to PIL Image object
- browser-use/browser-use - Make websites accessible for AI agents
- oobabooga/text-generation-webui - A Gradio web UI for Large Language Models with support for multiple inference backends.
- paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx - A community-supported supercharged version of paperless: scan, index and archive all your physical documents
- QwenLM/Qwen-Agent - Agent framework and applications built upon Qwen>=2.0, featuring Function Calling, Code Interpreter, RAG, and Chrome extension.
- QwenLM/Qwen2.5-Coder - Qwen2.5-Coder is the code version of Qwen2.5, the large language model series developed by Qwen team, Alibaba Cloud.
- google/meridian - Meridian is an MMM framework that enables advertisers to set up and run their own in-house models.
- NotPrab/.NET-Obfuscator - Lists of .NET Obfuscator (Free, Freemium, Paid and Open Source )
- deepseek-ai/ESFT - Expert Specialized Fine-Tuning
- loxy0dev/RedTiger-Tools - RedTiger-Tools is a free multi-tool with many features in the areas of Cybersecurity, Pentesting, OSINT, Network Scanning, Discord and Hacking.
- unclecode/crawl4ai - 🚀🤖 Crawl4AI: Open-source LLM Friendly Web Crawler & Scraper. Don't be shy, join here: https://discord.gg/mEkkMXFG
- DrewThomasson/ebook2audiobook - Convert ebooks to audiobooks with chapters and metadata using dynamic AI models and voice cloning. Supports 1,107+ languages!
- All-Hands-AI/OpenHands - 🙌 OpenHands: Code Less, Make More
- fixie-ai/ultravox - A fast multimodal LLM for real-time voice
- exo-explore/exo - Run your own AI cluster at home with everyday devices 📱💻 🖥️⌚
- deepseek-ai/Janus - Janus-Series: Unified Multimodal Understanding and Generation Models
- deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-VL - DeepSeek-VL: Towards Real-World Vision-Language Understanding
- deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-Math - DeepSeekMath: Pushing the Limits of Mathematical Reasoning in Open Language Models
- deepseek-ai/DreamCraft3D - [ICLR 2024] Official implementation of DreamCraft3D: Hierarchical 3D Generation with Bootstrapped Diffusion Prior
- TEN-framework/TEN-Agent - TEN Agent is a conversational voice AI agent powered by TEN, integrating Deepseek, Gemini, OpenAI, RTC, and hardware like ESP32. It enables realtime AI capabilities like seeing, hearing, and speaking
- meta-llama/llama-stack - Composable building blocks to build Llama Apps
- dest4590/CollapseLoader - CLI utility for launching minecraft clients
- deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-V3 -
- soxoj/maigret - 🕵️♂️ Collect a dossier on a person by username from thousands of sites
- hacksider/Deep-Live-Cam - real time face swap and one-click video deepfake with only a single image
- pytorch/pytorch - Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
- abdulkadir-gungor/JPGtoMalware - It embeds the executable file or payload inside the jpg file. The method the program uses isn't exactly called one of the steganography methods. For this reason, it does not cause any distortion in t
- laramies/theHarvester - E-mails, subdomains and names Harvester - OSINT
- vietnh1009/ASCII-generator - ASCII generator (image to text, image to image, video to video)
- megadose/ignorant - ignorant allows you to check if a phone number is used on different sites like snapchat, instagram.
- CTalvio/lemmytrixposter - Matrix/Lemmy bot to aid sharing art in posts and automating posting.
- lgor360/catgameGTK - tamagochi but on PyGObject!
- jrnl-org/jrnl - Collect your thoughts and notes without leaving the command line.
- irdc/lmmy.to - Source code for https://lmmy.to
- madox2/vim-ai - AI-powered code assistant for Vim. OpenAI and ChatGPT plugin for Vim and Neovim.
- Yagisan/The-Bustling-Valley - The Bustling Valley is a curated modlist designed for a bigger Stardew Valley experience. It includes new villages, new NPCs, and of course a farming expansion. It is expected that players will not ad
- redditraffler/redditraffler - The raffle system for Reddit submissions.
- RickdeJager/cupshax -
- huggingface/lerobot - 🤗 LeRobot: Making AI for Robotics more accessible with end-to-end learning
- Yepoleb/gogdb - Website that collects data on GOG games
- Cosmicoppai/LiSA - LiSA (Native App to stream/read and download Anime & Manga ❤️ )
- waydroid/waydroid - Waydroid uses a container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system like Ubuntu.
- PaulSonOfLars/tgbot - Modular telegram group management bot
- umutcamliyurt/TextCloak - A tool for concealing writing style using LLM
- s0md3v/roop - one-click face swap
- THUDM/CogVideo - text and image to video generation: CogVideoX (2024) and CogVideo (ICLR 2023)
- syeopite/priviblur - A privacy-focused alternative frontend to Tumblr with a touch of modern design
- pinry/pinry - Pinry, a tiling image board system for people who want to save, tag, and share images, videos and webpages in an easy to skim through format. It's open-source and self-hosted.
- axcore/tartube - A GUI front-end for youtube-dl, partly based on youtube-dl-gui and written in Python 3 / Gtk 3
- Owez/yark - YouTube archiving made simple.
- python-distro/distro - A much more elaborate replacement for removed Python's
method - goauthentik/authentik - The authentication glue you need.
- Nandaka/PixivUtil2 - Download images from Pixiv and more!
- nyaadevs/nyaa - Bittorrent software for cats
- EstrellaXD/Auto_Bangumi - AutoBangumi - 全自动追番工具
- Lemon4ksan/SimpleAutoClicker - A nice and modern auto clicker with everything you need, written on Python
- LPBeaulieu/Handwriting-OCR-ScriptReader - ScriptReader allows you to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on your handwritten notes!
- qutebrowser/qutebrowser - A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on Python and Qt.
- mak448a/Qtcord - Qtcord is a Discord client built with Qt aiming to bring a lightweight, native experience.
- archlinux/archinstall - Arch Linux installer - guided, templates etc.
- slgobinath/SafeEyes - Protect your eyes from eye strain using this simple and beautiful, yet extensible break reminder
- zulip/zulip - Zulip server and web application. Open-source team chat that helps teams stay productive and focused.
- pychess/pychess - PyChess - a chess client for Linux/Windows
- lichess-bot-devs/lichess-bot - A bridge between Lichess bots and chess engines
- thomasahle/sunfish - Sunfish: a Python Chess Engine in 111 lines of code
- hugolabe/Wike - Wikipedia Reader for the GNOME Desktop
- Moo-Ack-Productions/MCprep - Blender python addon to increase workflow for creating minecraft renders and animations
- DevCortez/KaTas - Katana zero TAS scripts
- d4nj1/TLPUI - A GTK user interface for TLP written in Python
- ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox - 🗃 Open source self-hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more...
- WeblateOrg/weblate - Web based localization tool with tight version control integration.
- mem0ai/mem0 - The Memory layer for AI Agents
- googlefonts/science-gothic - Science Gothic, a libre variable font
- pessimistic-io/slitherin - Slither Detectors by Pessimistic.io
- IdreesInc/Miracode - A sharp, readable, vector-y version of Monocraft, the programming font based on Minecraft
- morse-talk/morse-talk - A Python library written for Morse Code
- Heroic-Games-Launcher/heroic-gogdl - GOG Downloading module for Heroic Games Launcher
- DevCraftClub/StreamTape - Unoffical API wrapper for https://streamtape.com
- obfusk/reproducible-apk-tools - reproducible-apk-tools - scripts to make android apks reproducible
- obskyr/khinsider - A script for khinsider mass downloads. Get video game soundtracks quickly and easily! Also a Python interface.
- swingmx/swingmusic - Swing Music is a beautiful, self-hosted music player for your local audio files. Like a cooler Spotify ... but bring your own music.
- KwaiVGI/LivePortrait - Bring portraits to life!
- LonamiWebs/Telethon - Pure Python 3 MTProto API Telegram client library, for bots too!
- TeamUltroid/Ultroid - Advanced Multi-Featured Telegram UserBot, Built in Python Using Telethon lib.
- anasty17/mirror-leech-telegram-bot - Official Repository: Telegram bot which can download direct links, torrents, nzb, google drive, telegram document, any file/folder from rclone supported clouds, all yt-dlp supported sites and jdownloa
- nonebot/nonebot2 - 跨平台 Python 异步聊天机器人框架 / Asynchronous multi-platform chatbot framework written in Python
- eternnoir/pyTelegramBotAPI - Python Telegram bot api.
- tgbot-collection/YYeTsBot - 🎬 人人影视 机器人和网站,包含人人影视全部资源以及众多网友的网盘分享
- freqtrade/freqtrade - Free, open source crypto trading bot
- touilleMan/godot-python - Python support for Godot 🐍🐍🐍
- tor2web/Tor2web - Tor2web is an HTTP proxy software that enables access to Tor Hidden Services by mean of common web browsers
- comfyanonymous/ComfyUI - The most powerful and modular diffusion model GUI, api and backend with a graph/nodes interface.
- tombulled/innertube - Python Client for Google's Private InnerTube API. Works with YouTube, YouTube Music and more!
- RebeccaRGB/emojifont-touhou - Touhou Katsujishotai (Touhou Character Emoji Font) v1.0 for Mac OS X, Firefox, Photoshop, Windows 10
- feisuzhu/thbattle - A Sanguosha board game clone, based on Touhou Project
- openfootmanager/openfootmanager - An open source soccer/football manager game
- Cynthion21x/Calcuslugs - An artillery game about slugs killing each other using maths
- LibreTranslate/LibreTranslate - Free and Open Source Machine Translation API. Self-hosted, offline capable and easy to setup.
- mcbeet/beet - The Minecraft pack development kit.
- Godlander/objmc - A tool to bypass Minecraft Java Edition model limits by baking vertex data into texture.
- ademlabs/synckeys - Syncronize your Bluetooth device pairing keys from Windows to Linux. Share your Bluetooth devices between these OSes without having to pair them each time.
- x2es/bt-dualboot - Sync Bluetooth for dualboot Linux and Windows
- Baekalfen/PyBoy - Game Boy emulator written in Python
- budtmo/docker-android - Android in docker solution with noVNC supported and video recording
- the-cult-of-integral/discord-raidkit - An open-source, forever free tool that allows you to raid and destroy Discord servers via Discord bots, compromise Discord accounts, and generate Discord token grabbers.
- severityc/Fake-Vouch - A fully functioning Fake Vouch Python script using Discord API to automate messages to startup servers
- tehskai/godot-unpacker - godot .pck unpacker
- YashGoti/crtsh - A Python Script to Get Subdomain using https://crt.sh
- EdOverflow/can-i-take-over-xyz - "Can I take over XYZ?" — a list of services and how to claim (sub)domains with dangling DNS records.
- aayushdutt/ncert-downloader - Quickly scrape NCERT books to PDFs, organized by classes and subjects
- luong-komorebi/Awesome-Linux-Software - 🐧 A list of awesome Linux softwares
- DNAMcKnight/CloudflareWarpGUI - A Python GUI originally made just for Linux users to use Cloudflare WARP using a GUI since Linux only had a CLI
- mrmoein/warp-cloudflare-gui - A GUI application based on warp-cli for Linux
- justfoolingaround/animdl - A highly efficient, fast, powerful and light-weight anime downloader and streamer for your favorite anime.
- michael-lazar/rtv - Browse Reddit from your terminal
- reddit-archive/reddit - historical code from reddit.com
- mps-youtube/yewtube - yewtube, forked from mps-youtube , is a Terminal based YouTube player and downloader. No Youtube API key required.
- catppuccin/cursors - 🐁 Soothing pastel cursors for GTK/Plasma/Hyprland
- benbusby/whoogle-search - A self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting metasearch engine
- acheong08/ChatGPT - Reverse engineered ChatGPT API
- chubin/cheat.sh - the only cheat sheet you need
- xtekky/gpt4free - The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models | o3 and deepseek r1, gpt-4.5
- derrod/legendary - Legendary - A free and open-source replacement for the Epic Games Launcher
- Matoking/protontricks - A wrapper that does winetricks things for Proton enabled games, requires Winetricks.
- khoj-ai/khoj - Your AI second brain. Self-hostable. Get answers from the web or your docs. Build custom agents, schedule automations, do deep research. Turn any online or local LLM into your personal, autonomous AI
- BigBoiCJ/SteamAutoCracker - An open-source script that automatically Cracks (removes DRM from) Steam games
- datawhores/OF-Scraper - A completely revamped and redesigned fork, reimagined from scratch based on the original onlyfans-scraper
- jrouleau/bluetooth-autoconnect - A linux command line tool to automatically connect to all paired and trusted bluetooth devices.
- rndinfosecguy/Scavenger - Crawler (Bot) searching for credential leaks on paste sites.
- tom-james-watson/Emote - Emoji Picker for Linux written in GTK3
- dewitt/opensearch - OpenSearch is a collection of simple formats for the sharing of search results.
- searxng/searxng - SearXNG is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from various search services and databases. Users are neither tracked nor profiled.
- KurtBestor/Hitomi-Downloader - 🍰 Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more.
- jaxparrow07/Androidx86-Installer-Linux - Advanced Android x86 Installer for Linux
- openzim/zimit - Make a ZIM file from any Web site and surf offline!
- kra-mo/cartridges - Libadwaita game launcher
- shlomif/PySolFC - A comprehensive, feature-rich, open source, and portable, collection of Solitaire games.
- antipatico/balatromobile - Convert Balatro steam version to a version playable on your mobile device
- Open-Wine-Components/umu-launcher -
- hunglc007/tensorflow-yolov4-tflite - YOLOv4, YOLOv4-tiny, YOLOv3, YOLOv3-tiny Implemented in Tensorflow 2.0, Android. Convert YOLO v4 .weights tensorflow, tensorrt and tflite
- satwikkansal/wtfpython - What the f*ck Python? 😱
- henrywoo/kazam - Kazam2 - Linux Screen Recorder, Broadcaster, Capture and OCR with AI in mind
- plbrault/youre-the-os - A game where you are a computer's OS and you have to manage processes, memory and I/O events.
- theAIGuysCode/yolov4-custom-functions - A Wide Range of Custom Functions for YOLOv4, YOLOv4-tiny, YOLOv3, and YOLOv3-tiny Implemented in TensorFlow, TFLite, and TensorRT.
- mastercomfig/mastercomfig - A modern customization framework for Team Fortress 2
- sicara/tf-explain - Interpretability Methods for tf.keras models with Tensorflow 2.x
- lflare/lemmy-subscriber-bot - Lemmy Subscriber Bot (LSB) for easy community federation :)
- GradienceTeam/Gradience - Change the look of Adwaita, with ease
- ahmed-al-balochi/LibreGaming - Python Program that downloads gaming required packages based on your Linux Distribution.
- jc141x/releases-feed - All our releases scraped into various machine readable files (CSV, JSON, RSS)
- sharkwouter/minigalaxy - A simple GOG client for Linux
- casualsnek/waydroid_script - Python Script to add OpenGapps, Magisk, libhoudini translation library and libndk translation library to waydroid !
- couleur-tweak-tips/Smoothie - Smoothie is python is abandonned, please see couleur-tweak-tips/smoothie-rs
- lifeparticle/lifeparticle - 📠 A Self-Updating Public Profile for GitHub
- vetleledaal/game-engine-finder - Find the engine used within a game by it's .exe file (or surrounding files). For use on PCGamingWiki.
- shmilylty/OneForAll - OneForAll是一款功能强大的子域收集工具
- dishapatel010/SnapchatStoriesBot - Snapchat Bot to get Public Stories 👻 on Telegram
- vasusen-code/SaveRestrictedContentBot - Stable telegram bot to save Restricted content with custom thumbnail support.
- X-Gorn/File-Sharing - Telegram bot to share any telegram files and get the shareable link
- Aadhi000/File-To-Link -
- TGExplore/TG-Files-to-Link - A Telegram bot that can stream Telegram files to users over HTTP.
- Sallat-M/FileToLink - A Telegram Bot to generate permanent Stream and Download links for any Telegram file
- hemantapkh/TorrentSeedr - 🌱 Telegram bot client for seedr.cc.
- hemantapkh/TorrentHunt - 🏴☠️ The ultimate torrent bot on telegram
- SilentDemonSD/WZML-X - A Super Enhanced Telegram bot which can download torrents, mega, google drive links, telegram file, direct links and all yt-dlp sites, upload to google drive, telegram cloud, rclone clouds or ddl serv
- gita/gita - Bhagavad Gita in JSON
- srevinsaju/guiscrcpy - A full fledged GUI integration for the award winning open-source android screen mirroring system -- scrcpy located on https://github.com/genymobile/scrcpy/ by @rom1v
- scrapy/scrapy - Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python.
- pdfarranger/pdfarranger - Small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split PDF documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface.
- claytonjhamilton/stackoverflow-badge - Display your stats with this unique StackOverflow Badge
- ziadOUA/m3-Markdown-Badges - 🏅 A Material You inspired markdown badge collection.
- snarfed/bridgy-fed - 🌉 A bridge between decentralized social networks
- amit9838/mousam - Weather at a glance
- overviewer/Minecraft-Overviewer - Render high-resolution maps of a Minecraft world with a Leaflet powered interface
- readthedocs/readthedocs.org - The source code that powers readthedocs.org
- deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-Coder - DeepSeek Coder: Let the Code Write Itself
- Lxtharia/minegrub-theme - A Grub Theme in the style of Minecraft!
- IdreesInc/Monocraft - A monospaced programming font inspired by the Minecraft typeface
- XelXen/GiveawayBot -
- bottlesdevs/Bottles - Run Windows software and games on Linux
- InkboxSoftware/excelCPU - 16-bit CPU for Excel, and related files
- rabilrbl/hugging-tg-chatbot - A Python Telegram bot powered by HuggingFace Chat API.
- Tuxemon/Tuxemon - Open source monster-fighting RPG.
- GloriousEggroll/ULWGL - Unified Linux Wine Game Launcher
- ipython/xkcd-font - The xkcd font
- roanuz/py-cricket -
- LoveDaisy/tetris_game - A Tetris Game with AI
- Amulet-Team/Amulet-Map-Editor - A new Minecraft world editor and converter that supports all versions since Java 1.12 and Bedrock 1.7.
- fogleman/Minecraft - Simple Minecraft-inspired program using Python and Pyglet
- voronind/vk - vk.com API python wrapper
- is-cool-me/register - Free subdomains for personal sites, open-source projects, and more.
- huggingface/accelerate - 🚀 A simple way to launch, train, and use PyTorch models on almost any device and distributed configuration, automatic mixed precision (including fp8), and easy-to-configure FSDP and DeepSpeed support
- huggingface/peft - 🤗 PEFT: State-of-the-art Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning.
- huggingface/diffusers - 🤗 Diffusers: State-of-the-art diffusion models for image, video, and audio generation in PyTorch and FLAX.
- huggingface/pytorch-image-models - The largest collection of PyTorch image encoders / backbones. Including train, eval, inference, export scripts, and pretrained weights -- ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, NFNet, Vision Transformer (ViT)
- huggingface/transformers - 🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
- kantord/LibreLingo - 🐢 🌎 📚 a community-owned language-learning platform
- anime-dl/anime-downloader - A simple but powerful anime downloader and streamer.
- TachibanaYoshino/AnimeGANv2 - [Open Source]. The improved version of AnimeGAN. Landscape photos/videos to anime
- wasi-master/13ft - My own custom 12ft.io replacement
- DiscordGSM/GameServerMonitor - 📺 A discord bot that monitors your game server and tracks the live data of your game servers. Supports over 260 game servers.
- Arcticons-Team/Arcticons-Linux - Arcticons for Linux
- alexandreborges/malwoverview - Malwoverview is a first response tool used for threat hunting and offers intel information from Virus Total, Hybrid Analysis, URLHaus, Polyswarm, Malshare, Alien Vault, Malpedia, Malware Bazaar, Threa
- ivansaul/terabox_downloader - Terabox Downloader
- public-apis/public-apis - A collective list of free APIs
- Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPT - AutoGPT is the vision of accessible AI for everyone, to use and to build on. Our mission is to provide the tools, so that you can focus on what matters.
- TheAlgorithms/Python - All Algorithms implemented in Python
- Schwartzblat/WhatsAppPatcher - A patcher that decompiles WhatsApp APK, patches the smali, recompiles and signs it.
- tubearchivist/tubearchivist - Your self hosted YouTube media server
- persepolisdm/persepolis - Persepolis is a download manager written in Python.
- nwutils/Web2Executable - Uses NW.js to generate "native" apps for already existing web apps.
- GDColon/VVVVVV-Pygame - A recreation of VVVVVV, made from scratch in Pygame!
- Z4nzu/hackingtool - ALL IN ONE Hacking Tool For Hackers
- sherlock-project/sherlock - Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
- kamilburda/gimp-export-layers - Batch layer export and editing for GIMP 2.8/2.10
- r266s/Jump-game -
- mkdocs/mkdocs - Project documentation with Markdown.
- Textualize/rich - Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.
- ViRb3/upscale-win - Workflow for upscaling and interpolating videos with NVIDIA TensorRT acceleration
- volitank/nala - Nala is a front-end for libapt-pkg.
- Abhishek10351/fictional-journey - It is the classic space invaders game , but with modern intuitive UI. The game is developed using the python programming language and uses the arcade game development framework.
- nrxss/Perfect-Circle - Make a perfect circle on neal.fun with ~99% accuracy
- LiLittleCat/awesome-free-chatgpt - 🆓免费的 ChatGPT 镜像网站列表,持续更新。List of free ChatGPT mirror sites, continuously updated.
- 1j01/textual-paint - 🎨 MS Paint in your terminal.
- albertomosconi/foss-apps - a list of 100+ awesome open source android apps 📱
- offa/android-foss - A list of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for Android – saving Freedom and Privacy.
- 521xueweihan/HelloGitHub -
分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目。Share interesting, entry-level open source projects on GitHub.
- vinta/awesome-python - An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- lxgr-linux/pokete - A terminal based Pokemon like game
- CharlesPikachu/Games - Games: Create interesting games in pure python.
- yenchenlin/DeepLearningFlappyBird - Flappy Bird hack using Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep Q-learning).
- rwv/chinese-dos-games - 🎮 Chinese DOS games collections.
- SFTtech/openage - Clone of the Age of Empires II engine 🚀
- Fallen-Breath/PCRC - PyCraft based Replay Client
- dbeley/awesome-lemmy - A community driven list of useful apps, tools and websites for the Lemmy federated social network.
- maltfield/awesome-lemmy-instances - Comparison of different Lemmy Instances
- maguowei/starred - creating your own Awesome List by GitHub stars!
- AntiCope/anticope.ml - Welcome to the AntiCope Website! Here you can find a list of free and open-source Meteor Client addons as well as other client-side Fabric Minecraft mods.
- Bugswriter/bipolar-assignment -
- Bugswriter/corona-death-update - Sasti Siri is a voice program. She tell you how many people died due to corona.
- Bugswriter/offerclub -
- Bugswriter/ffmagic -
- AppImageCrafters/appimage-builder - GNU/Linux packaging solution using the AppImage format
- AppImageCrafters/appimage-builder-docs - appimage-builder project documetnation
- rzashakeri/Instagram-Assistant - Features: 📥 📤 📈 🎲 👤 🆓
- Blank-c/Blank-Grabber - The most powerful stealer written in Python 3 and packed with a lot of features.
- Isaacdelly/Plutus - An automated bitcoin wallet collider that brute forces random wallet addresses
- weapon1337/Discord-Invite-Resolver -
- qwertyquerty/pypresence - A complete Discord IPC and Rich Presence wrapper library in Python!
- searx/searx - Privacy-respecting metasearch engine
- SealedSaucer/Online-Forever - Make Your Discord Account 24/7 Online!
- catppuccin/minecraft - ⛏️ Soothing pastel theme for Minecraft
- catppuccin/gtk - 🪟 Soothing pastel theme for GTK3/4
- LawOff/DiscordServerCloner2.0 - A Discord Server Cloner made using Python
- b3yc0d3/rule34Py - python api wrapper for rule34.xxx rest api
- thucngyyen/random-dev-memer - Random dev meme scraped from Memedroid
- ironmaniiith/Github-profile-name-writer - 😎 Write your name using the github commits and make your profile awesome
- Datalux/Osintgram - Osintgram is a OSINT tool on Instagram. It offers an interactive shell to perform analysis on Instagram account of any users by its nickname
- Sabyasachi-Seal/Sabyasachi-Seal - This is where my profile is located.
- virejdasani/pythOwO - an UwU programming language
- yt-dlp/yt-dlp - A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader
- hermanTenuki/ASCII-Generator.site - Django website for generating ASCII-arts out of images or text 🎨 (closed)
- ytdl-org/youtube-dl - Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
- nang-dev/automated_youtube_channel - Automated youtube that can scrape content, edit a compilation, and upload to youtube daily.
- Levi2288/Anti-Discord-Token-Grab - Protect your discord against shit pasted token loggers
- 3b1b/manim - Animation engine for explanatory math videos
- DavidRomanovizc/DatingBot - ✨A Telegram Bot with open source code, which implemented django and a dating system
- father-bot/chatgpt_telegram_bot - 💬 Telegram bot with ChatGPT, Python-based, using OpenAI's API.
- hoemotion/discord-mass-dm - A discord program that will send a message to nearly every user in a discord server. Only for educational purposes 🥱🚀
- un1cum/Beast_Bomber - The best open source bomber
- AlexFlipnote/GiveMeBadge - Pretty simple Discord bot to get the active developer badge
- elebumm/RedditVideoMakerBot - Create Reddit Videos with just✨ one command ✨
- G-eb/pingr -
- Nikateen/Python-Clicker - Python based auto clicker
- eHonnef/afk-clicker - An AFK clicker that allow to simulate keystrokes (mouse or keyboard) even if the window isn't focused.
- isaychris/python-autoclicker - A simple autoclicker with controls powered by pyautogui
- ewanhowell5195/ewanhowell5195.github.io - My old website
- microsoft/fluentui-emoji - A collection of familiar, friendly, and modern emoji from Microsoft
- kcrca/clarity -
- p1ngul1n0/blackbird - An OSINT tool to search for accounts by username and email in social networks.
- berenm/steam-cli - Command-line interface to install and execute Steam games
- blankRiot96/pyhb - An ASMR keyboard sound effect CLI package
- pystardust/Welearn-bot - A bot that downloads all the necessary files from WeLearn and lists your assignments, filter due assignments, etc.
- PapirusDevelopmentTeam/arc-kde - Arc KDE customization
- xerolinux/xero-layan-git - XeroLinux Layan Rice
- catppuccin/sddm - 🔒 Soothing pastel theme for SDDM
- KDE/tok - Telegram client built using Kirigami
- revery-ui/revery - ⚡ Native, high-performance, cross-platform desktop apps - built with Reason!
- renpy/renpy - The Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine
- Homebrew/homebrew-cask - 🍻 A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries
- zed-0xff/zsteg - detect stegano-hidden data in PNG & BMP
- basecamp/kamal - Deploy web apps anywhere.
- Freika/dawarich - Self-hostable alternative to Google Location History (Google Maps Timeline)
- danbooru/danbooru - A taggable image board written in Rails.
- Homebrew/homebrew-core - 🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
- fastlane/fastlane - 🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
- mastodon/mastodon - Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
- gettalong/kramdown - kramdown is a fast, pure Ruby Markdown superset converter, using a strict syntax definition and supporting several common extensions.
- html2rss/html2rss - 📰 Build RSS 2.0 feeds from websites (and JSON APIs) automatically or with a few CSS selectors.
- kpumuk/meta-tags - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Ruby on Rails applications.
- jekyll/jekyll - 🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby
- flxzt/rnote - Sketch and take handwritten notes.
- moghtech/komodo - 🦎 a tool to build and deploy software on many servers 🦎
- vercel/turborepo - Build system optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust
- cloudflare/pingora - A library for building fast, reliable and evolvable network services.
- apache/arrow-rs - Official Rust implementation of Apache Arrow
- rust-lang/rust-analyzer - A Rust compiler front-end for IDEs
- solana-labs/solana - Web-Scale Blockchain for fast, secure, scalable, decentralized apps and marketplaces.
- wezterm/wezterm - A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust
- influxdata/influxdb - Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
- DioxusLabs/dioxus - Fullstack app framework for web, desktop, mobile, and more.
- paritytech/polkadot-sdk - The Parity Polkadot Blockchain SDK
- jj-vcs/jj - A Git-compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful
- fish-shell/fish-shell - The user-friendly command line shell.
- risingwavelabs/risingwave - Stream processing and management platform.
- eza-community/eza - A modern alternative to ls
- qdrant/qdrant - Qdrant - High-performance, massive-scale Vector Database and Vector Search Engine for the next generation of AI. Also available in the cloud https://cloud.qdrant.io/
- paradedb/paradedb - Postgres for Search and Analytics
- kunai-project/kunai - Threat-hunting tool for Linux
- cot-rs/cot - The Rust web framework for lazy developers.
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-rust - The Rust OpenTelemetry implementation
- lox-space/lox - Oxidized Astrodynamics
- rust-lang/rust-clippy - A bunch of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code. Book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/clippy/
- oxidecomputer/typify - compiler from JSON Schema into idiomatic Rust types
- zellij-org/zellij - A terminal workspace with batteries included
- paradigmxyz/reth - Modular, contributor-friendly and blazing-fast implementation of the Ethereum protocol, in Rust
- nexus-xyz/network-api - High-performance interface for supplying compute to the Nexus network.
- launchbadge/sqlx - 🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.
- signalapp/libsignal - Home to the Signal Protocol as well as other cryptographic primitives which make Signal possible.
- foundry-rs/foundry - Foundry is a blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust.
- maplibre/martin - Blazing fast and lightweight PostGIS, MBtiles and PMtiles tile server, tile generation, and mbtiles tooling.
- greenbone/openvas-scanner - This repository contains the scanner component for Greenbone Community Edition.
- tursodatabase/limbo - Limbo is a project to build the modern evolution of SQLite.
- MystenLabs/sui - Sui, a next-generation smart contract platform with high throughput, low latency, and an asset-oriented programming model powered by the Move programming language
- wasmerio/wasmer - 🚀 Fast, secure, lightweight containers based on WebAssembly
- iffse/pay-respects - Command suggestions, command-not-found and thefuck replacement written in Rust
- mufeedvh/code2prompt - A CLI tool to convert your codebase into a single LLM prompt with source tree, prompt templating, and token counting.
- piotrostr/listen - Solana Swiss Army Knife
- mfontanini/presenterm - A markdown terminal slideshow tool
- typst/typst - A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.
- get-convex/convex-backend - The open-source reactive database for app developers
- spaceandtimelabs/sxt-proof-of-sql - Space and Time | Proof of SQL
- katanemo/archgw - The AI-native (edge and LLM) proxy for agents. Move faster by letting Arch handle the pesky heavy lifting in building agentic apps. Fast ⚡️ task clarification, agent routing, seamless integration of p
- cloud-hypervisor/cloud-hypervisor - A Virtual Machine Monitor for modern Cloud workloads. Features include CPU, memory and device hotplug, support for running Windows and Linux guests, device offload with vhost-user and a minimal compac
- rust-lang/cargo - The Rust package manager
- uutils/coreutils - Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
- firecracker-microvm/firecracker - Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing.
- gfx-rs/wgpu - A cross-platform, safe, pure-Rust graphics API.
- SeaQL/sea-orm - 🐚 An async & dynamic ORM for Rust
- cordx56/rustowl - Visualize Ownership and Lifetimes in Rust
- unionlabs/union - The trust-minimized, zero-knowledge bridging protocol, designed for censorship resistance, extremely high security, and usage in decentralized finance.
- immunant/c2rust - Migrate C code to Rust
- block/goose - an open source, extensible AI agent that goes beyond code suggestions - install, execute, edit, and test with any LLM
- GyulyVGC/sniffnet - Comfortably monitor your Internet traffic 🕵️♂️
- juspay/hyperswitch - An open source payments switch written in Rust to make payments fast, reliable and affordable
- TabbyML/tabby - Self-hosted AI coding assistant
- linera-io/linera-protocol - Main repository for the Linera protocol
- louis-e/arnis - Generate any location from the real world in Minecraft Java Edition with a high level of detail.
- imsnif/diskonaut - Terminal disk space navigator 🔭
- AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy-Cloud - AppFlowy is an open-source alternative to Notion. You are in charge of your data and customizations. Built with Flutter and Rust.
- openobserve/openobserve - 🚀 10x easier, 🚀 140x lower storage cost, 🚀 high performance, 🚀 petabyte scale - Elasticsearch/Splunk/Datadog alternative for 🚀 (logs, metrics, traces, RUM, Error tracking, Session replay).
- mainmatter/100-exercises-to-learn-rust - A self-paced course to learn Rust, one exercise at a time.
- qarmin/czkawka - Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
- systeminit/si - The System Initiative software
- opensourcecheemsburgers/RustyTube - A rusty Youtube client.
- ikatson/rqbit - A bittorrent client in Rust
- decipher3114/Capter - A simple cross-platform screenshot tool made in rust
- librespot-org/librespot - Open Source Spotify client library
- luxtorpeda-dev/luxtorpeda - Steam Play compatibility tool to run games using native Linux engines
- glzr-io/glazewm - GlazeWM is a tiling window manager for Windows inspired by i3wm.
- eythaann/Seelen-UI - The Fully Customizable Desktop Environment for Windows 10/11.
- versotile-org/verso - A web browser that plays old world blues to build new world hope
- gitui-org/gitui - Blazing 💥 fast terminal-ui for git written in rust 🦀
- Morganamilo/paru - Feature packed AUR helper
- lichess-org/leroyjenkins - Follow ban logs to manage ipsets
- 19MisterX98/Nether_Bedrock_Cracker - Cracks nether seeds from bedrock. JAVA EDITION ONLY
- tokio-rs/tokio - A runtime for writing reliable asynchronous applications with Rust. Provides I/O, networking, scheduling, timers, ...
- web-infra-dev/rspack - The fast Rust-based web bundler with webpack-compatible API 🦀️
- stellularorg/crangon - Crangon (named after the "Crangon crangon") is a fork of Bundlrs focused on a better user and admin experience.
- imLinguin/comet - Open Source implementation of GOG Galaxy Communication Service for SDK bundled with GOG games.
- jice-nospam/doryen-rs - ascii roguelike library in rust with native and wasm support
- Martichou/rquickshare - Rust implementation of NearbyShare/QuickShare from Android for Linux and macOS.
- Marekkon5/onetagger - Music tagger for Windows, MacOS and Linux with Beatport, Discogs, Musicbrainz, Spotify, Traxsource and many other platforms support.
- godot-rust/gdext - Rust bindings for Godot 4
- godot-rust/gdnative - Rust bindings for Godot 3
- swc-project/swc - Rust-based platform for the Web
- astral-sh/uv - An extremely fast Python package and project manager, written in Rust.
- sxyazi/yazi - 💥 Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O.
- starship/starship - ☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
- cormac-obrien/richter - A modern Quake engine.
- PistonDevelopers/hematite - A simple Minecraft written in Rust with the Piston game engine
- amber-lang/amber - 💎 Amber the programming language compiled to Bash
- cube-js/cube - 📊 Cube — Universal semantic layer platform for AI, BI, spreadsheets, and embedded analytics
- cloudflare/workers-rs - Write Cloudflare Workers in 100% Rust via WebAssembly
- ruffle-rs/ruffle - A Flash Player emulator written in Rust
- astral-sh/ruff - An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
- EricLBuehler/mistral.rs - Blazingly fast LLM inference.
- gtk-rs/gtk4-rs - Rust bindings of GTK 4
- sixpounder/game-of-life - A Conway's Game Of Life application for the gnome desktop
- hwittenborn/celeste - GUI file synchronization client that can sync with any cloud provider
- paper-plane-developers/paper-plane - Chat over Telegram on a modern and elegant client
- valence-rs/valence - A Rust framework for building Minecraft servers.
- joshka/bevy_ratatui - A rust crate to use Ratatui in a Bevy App
- bevyengine/bevy - A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust
- stellularorg/guppy - Guppy is a simple user management system + social platform!
- face-hh/webx - An alternative for the World Wide Web - browse websites such as buss://yippie.rizz made in HTML, CSS and Lua. Custom web browser, custom HTML rendering engine, custom search engine, and more.
- igor-petruk/scriptisto - A language-agnostic "shebang interpreter" that enables you to write scripts in compiled languages.
- libreddit/libreddit - Private front-end for Reddit
- LemmyNet/lemmy-ui-leptos -
- denoland/deno - A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
- LemmyNet/lemmy-client-rs - Rust client for Lemmy
- asudox/lemmy-wikibot-rs - A lemmy bot written in Rust to send summaries of wikipedia articles mentioned in user comments
- serenity-rs/serenity - A Rust library for the Discord API.
- ethangreen-dev/lovely-injector - A runtime lua injector for games built with LÖVE
- timvisee/lazymc - 💤 Put your Minecraft server to rest when idle.
- Fredolx/open-tv - Ultra-fast, simple and powerful cross-platform IPTV app
- balamod/balamod - Modloader/Injector/Decompiler that supports ingame code injection for Balatro (Linux/Windows/Mac)
- jonasrmichel/rudiments - A drum machine written in Rust
- mikeroyal/Steam-Deck-Guide - Steam Deck Guide. Learn all about the Tools, Accessories, Games, Emulators, and Gaming Tips that will make your Steam Deck an awesome Gaming Handheld or a Portable Computer Workstation.
- SeaDve/Kooha - Elegantly record your screen
- tw93/Pake - 🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🤱🏻 利用 Rust 轻松构建轻量级多端桌面应用
- rust-lang/rust - Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
- fishfolk/jumpy - Tactical 2D shooter in fishy pixels style. Made with Rust-lang 🦀 and Bevy 🪶
- redlib-org/redlib - Private front-end for Reddit
- couleur-tweak-tips/smoothie-rs - 🧋 add motion blur to videos, with granular configuration
- emilk/egui - egui: an easy-to-use immediate mode GUI in Rust that runs on both web and native
- Macchina-CLI/macchina - A system information frontend with an emphasis on performance.
- Phate6660/rsfetch - A WIP rewrite of rsfetch from scratch.
- kamui-fin/rfetch - A fast and minimal fetch program
- tyroruyk/ufetch - System fetch tool written in Rust
- Speykious/cve-rs - Blazingly 🔥 fast 🚀 memory vulnerabilities, written in 100% safe Rust. 🦀
- rustdesk/rustdesk - An open-source remote desktop application designed for self-hosting, as an alternative to TeamViewer.
- MobileFirstLLC/social-media-hacker-list - Growing list of apps and tools for enhancing social media experiences.
- gitbutlerapp/gitbutler - The GitButler version control client, backed by Git, powered by Tauri/Rust/Svelte
- vosen/ZLUDA - CUDA on non-NVIDIA GPUs
- modrinth/code - The Modrinth monorepo containing all code which powers Modrinth!
- lapce/floem - A native Rust UI library with fine-grained reactivity
- zed-industries/zed - Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
- lapce/lapce - Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust
- azalea-rs/azalea - A collection of Rust crates for making Minecraft bots, clients, and tools.
- feather-rs/feather - A Minecraft server implementation in Rust
- iceiix/stevenarella - Multi-protocol Minecraft-compatible client written in Rust
- wilsonzlin/minify-html - Extremely fast and smart HTML + JS + CSS minifier, available for Rust, Deno, Java, Node.js, Python, Ruby, and WASM
- huggingface/tokenizers - 💥 Fast State-of-the-Art Tokenizers optimized for Research and Production
- huggingface/candle - Minimalist ML framework for Rust
- spieglt/FlyingCarpet - Cross-platform AirDrop. File transfer between Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows over ad hoc WiFi. No network infrastructure required, just two devices with WiFi chips in close range.
- maestro-os/maestro - Unix-like kernel written in Rust
- Moulberry/Graphite - 1.19.1 high-performance Minecraft server
- opstic/gdclone - An alternative Geometry Dash client built using Bevy
- GitoxideLabs/gitoxide - An idiomatic, lean, fast & safe pure Rust implementation of Git
- lencx/ChatGPT - 🔮 ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)
- alacritty/alacritty - A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.
- mazznoer/colorgrad-rs - Rust color scales library
- cloudhead/rx - 👾 Modern and minimalist pixel editor
- adrienball/2048-rs - A rust implementation of the famous 2048 game
- cristicbz/rust-doom - A Doom Renderer written in Rust.
- veloren/veloren - An open world, open source voxel RPG inspired by Dwarf Fortress and Cube World. This repository is a mirror. Please submit all PRs and issues on our GitLab page.
- DarkZek/RustCraft - Rustcraft is a Voxel game similar to Minecraft, made as a personal hobby project
- IronOxidizer/lemmy-lite - A static, JSless, touch-friendly Lemmy frontend built for legacy web clients and maximum performance
- LemmyNet/activitypub-federation-rust - High-level Rust library for the Activitypub protocol
- lemmygtk/lemoa - Native Gtk client for Lemmy
- kitao/pyxel - A retro game engine for Python
- tauri-apps/tauri - Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop and mobile applications with a web frontend.
- LemmyNet/lemmy - 🐀 A link aggregator and forum for the fediverse
- CMahaff/lasim - Move your Lemmy settings from one account to another
- Daniel-Liu-c0deb0t/uwu - fastest text uwuifier in the west
- Nilsen84/lunar-launcher-inject - Patches the lunar launcher to enable agent attaching & devtools
- Lea-fish/Leafish - A minecraft-like multi version client implemented in Rust.
- Atlas-OS/utilities - Repository for utilities used in Atlas
- edelvarden/material-fox-updated - 🦊 Firefox user CSS theme looks similar to Chrome
- lassekongo83/adw-gtk3 - The theme from libadwaita ported to GTK-3
- nostalgic-css/NES.css - NES-style CSS Framework | ファミコン風CSSフレームワーク
- heysagnik/screenREC - A really simple , ad-free & minimal web based screen recorder 📹
- nana-4/materia-theme - A Material Design theme for GNOME/GTK based desktop environments
- Ileriayo/markdown-badges - Badges for your personal developer branding, profile, and projects.
- cobiwave/simplefolio - ⚡️ A minimal portfolio template for Developers
- rose-pine/gtk - Soho vibes for GTK
- Bugswriter/website-1 - hillhacks website
- Fausto-Korpsvart/Catppuccin-GTK-Theme - GTK Theme with Catppuccin colour scheme
- catppuccin/discord - 🎮 Soothing pastel theme for Discord
- TakosThings/Fluent-Discord - Windows 11 Fluent Discord theme.
- nordtheme/nord - An arctic, north-bluish color palette.
- tandpfun/skill-icons - Showcase your skills on your Github readme or resumé with ease ✨
- gilbarbara/logos - A huge collection of SVG logos
- RoepStoep/lidraughts - lidraughts.org: the forever free, adless and open source draughts server
- veloce/scalachessjs - JavaScript chess library running in a webworker, asynchronous and stateless, with multi variants support
- lichess-org/compression - Chess clock and move compression algorithms for lichess.org
- lichess-org/scalachess - Chess API written in scala. Immutable and free of side effects.
- twitter/the-algorithm - Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
- lichess-org/lila - ♞ lichess.org: the forever free, adless and open source chess server ♞
- TUVIMEN/torge - A shell script for searching for links on torrent sites
- QwenLM/Qwen2.5 - Qwen2.5 is the large language model series developed by Qwen team, Alibaba Cloud.
- sickcodes/Docker-OSX - Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers.
- Unofficial-Life/revanced-gphotos-build - Revanced Gphotos Builds
- ArchiveTeam/warrior-dockerfile - A Dockerfile for the ArchiveTeam Warrior
- ChrisTitusTech/linutil - Chris Titus Tech's Linux Toolbox - Linutil is a distro-agnostic toolbox designed to simplify everyday Linux tasks.
- SuperManito/LinuxMirrors - GNU/Linux 更换系统软件源脚本及 Docker 安装脚本
- adi1090x/polybar-themes - A huge collection of polybar themes with different styles, colors and variants.
- adi1090x/rofi - A huge collection of Rofi based custom Applets, Launchers & Powermenus.
- ublue-os/bazzite - Bazzite is a custom Fedora Atomic image built with cloud native technology that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices - including your favorite handheld.
- git-ftp/git-ftp - Uses Git to upload only changed files to FTP servers.
- sindresorhus/pure - Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt
- linrunner/TLP - TLP - Optimize Linux Laptop Battery Life
- veggiedefender/open-and-shut - Type in Morse code by repeatedly slamming your laptop shut
- DanGLES3/Hide-Navbar - Hide Navbar
- VSCodium/vscodium - binary releases of VS Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing
- quickemu-project/quickemu - Quickly create and run optimised Windows, macOS and Linux virtual machines
- skittles9823/QuickSwitch -
- Magisk-Modules-Repo/HideNavBar -
- mikropsoft/StevenBlock - 🚫 Advanced Ad-Blocking Module for Android | Compatible with Magisk, KernelSU, and APatch 🔒
- gloeyisk/universal-gms-doze - Patches Google Play services app and certain processes/services to be able to use battery optimization
- d3/d3 - Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉
- christopherkobayashi/xfce4-hotcorner-plugin - Xfce4 HotCorner Panel Plugin
- dragoonDorise/EmuDeck - Emulator configurator for Steam Deck
- nvm-sh/nvm - Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
- P3TERX/warp.sh - Cloudflare WARP Installer | WARP 一键安装脚本
- basecamp/omakub - Opinionated Ubuntu Setup
- spxak1/weywot - My notes on using Linux
- WoeUSB/WoeUSB - A Microsoft Windows® USB installation media preparer for GNU+Linux
- albakhtari/photoshop-22-linux - Adobe Photoshop CC 2021 installation script for Linux, using wine.
- isatsam/photoshop-on-linux - Updated setup for wine and winetricks to run modern Adobe Photoshop on Linux.
- 0xf4b1/hearthstone-linux - Play Hearthstone from Blizzard Entertainment natively on Linux without the Battle.net Desktop App and Wine
- Arcticons-Team/Arcticons-OnionOS - Arcticons for Miyoo Mini Plus devices
- adi1090x/plymouth-themes - A huge collection (80+) of plymouth themes ported from android bootanimations
- shvchk/poly-dark - Poly dark GRUB theme
- shvchk/fallout-grub-theme - Fallout GRUB theme
- catppuccin/tmux - 💽 Soothing pastel theme for Tmux
- SteamDatabase/Protobufs - 👑 Automatically tracked Steam, CS2, Dota 2, Deadlock, TF2 protobufs.
- hykilpikonna/hyfetch - 🏳️🌈 🏳️⚧️ Neofetch with LGBTQ+ pride flags!
- mayTermux/myTermux - Make your Termux look better
- prasanthrangan/hyprdots - // Aesthetic, dynamic and minimal dots for Arch hyprland
- dylanaraps/neofetch - 🖼️ A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+
- dbermond/screencast - Interface to record a X11 desktop
- spawnmason/randar-explanation - "Randar" is an exploit for Minecraft which uses LLL lattice reduction to crack the internal state of an incorrectly reused java.util.Random in the Minecraft server, then works backwards from that to l
- d99kris/namp-lite - Console-based audio player for Linux
- Akbar30Bill/DOOM_wads - I collect ClassicDoom WAD files here
- FWDekker/mommy - mommy's here to support you, in any shell, on any system~ ❤️
- brandleesee/ePSXe64Ubuntu - OBSOLETE - ePSXe64Ubuntu is an interactive script that installs ePSXe Linux (x64) & shaders using BIOS HLE and Core Plugins on x86-64 Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and their derivatives.
- 0xf4b1/unify - Automatically port Unity games for macOS or Windows to Linux
- pacstall/pacstall - An AUR-inspired package manager for Ubuntu
- xxczaki/archfetch - 🖼️ Simple CLI system information tool for Arch Linux.
- k4m4/movies-for-hackers - 🎬 A curated list of movies every hacker & cyberpunk must watch.
- PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-folders - a script that lets you change the colors of folders in Papirus icon theme
- JosefZIla/bash2048 - Bash implementation of 2048 game
- MIUI-Monet-Project/Module - Material You wallpaper-based dynamic theme for MIUI & HyperOS system apps on Android 12+
- armbian/build - Armbian Linux build framework generates custom Debian or Ubuntu image for x86, aarch64, riscv64 & armhf
- laserbat/vpnify - vpnify - transparently route traffic of a process through VPN
- Gazler/githug - Git your game on!
- TheRemote/MinecraftBedrockServer - Sets up a Minecraft Bedrock dedicated server on Ubuntu with options for automatic updates and running at startup
- ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh - 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python,
- jakejarvis/jrvs.io - 🔗 Personal URL shortener
- codeage/root-honda -
- tytydraco/KTweak - A no-nonsense kernel tweak script for Linux and Android systems, backed by evidence.
- saitamasahil/APK-Compare-Tool - Discover APK Differences Effortlessly!!
- Gictorbit/illustratorCClinux - Illustrator CC v17 installer for Gnu/Linux
- Gictorbit/photoshopCClinux - Photoshop CC v19 installer for Gnu/Linux
- sonic2kk/steamtinkerlaunch - Linux wrapper tool for use with the Steam client for custom launch options and 3rd party programs
- pi-hole/pi-hole - A black hole for Internet advertisements
- Alex313031/ThoriumOS - ChromiumOS fork with Thorium Browser, x264/x265 codecs, Widevine, Kernel 5.15, Linux firmware/modules support, Nouveau, Intel microcode, and extra packages.
- cancng/fonts -
- ronilan/crumbicon - An SVG favicon editor for your terminal (written in Crumb)
- papers-we-love/papers-we-love - Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss.
- Bugswriter/wal-telegram - 🖌️ A theme for Telegram that, thanks to pywal, adapts its colors according to your computer's wallpaper.
- Bugswriter/pirokit -
- Bugswriter/redyt - Search reddit with CLI
- Bugswriter/arch-linux-magic -
- Bugswriter/notflix - Notflix is a shell script to search and stream torrent.
- Bugswriter/tuxi - Tuxi is a cli assistant. Get answers of your questions instantly.
- lambda-client-unofficial/plugin-repo - Plugins that does not belong to the official organization
- YongSheng109/PingBypassInstaller - ping player.exe
- olauncher/olauncher - A modified version of the old Minecraft Launcher supporting Microsoft authentication and more.
- KygekDev/default-textures - [Please read README] Minecraft Bedrock default vanilla textures library (for references only)
- pystardust/waldl - Browse and download wallhaven.cc using sxiv
- pystardust/ytfzf - A posix script to find and watch youtube videos from the terminal. (Without API)
- pystardust/ani-cli - A cli tool to browse and play anime
- AMXX-pl/BasePack - Base pack for Counter-Strike 1.6 servers.
- Sammy-T/avda - A desktop app for generating and viewing one-time passwords from Aegis Authenticator backups.
- ThaUnknown/miru - Bittorrent streaming software for cats. Stream anime torrents, real-time with no waiting for downloads.
- Xyphyn/photon - An opinionated web client for Lemmy to help users discover the fediverse.
- NatoBoram/Leanish - A lean-ish web client for Lemmy.
- KANAjetzt/BrotatoTwitchExtension - Twitch Overlay for Brotato 🥔 - Get all the information about items, weapons, and stats currently used in a run.
- imputnet/cobalt - best way to save what you love
- HuakunShen/EzUp - Easy File Upload to Cloud Storage
- sheodox/alexandrite - A beautiful and convenient desktop-first alternate web UI for Lemmy.
- whoeevee/EeveeSpotify - A tweak to get Spotify Premium for free, just like Spotilife
- mozilla-mobile/firefox-ios - Firefox for iOS
- hoangsonww/2048-Game - 🎮 New iOS, Android, and web versions of 2048 game! Engage in the addictive puzzle challenge of combining like numbers to reach 2048, crafted for enjoyable, short gameplay sessions on any device!
- SwiftcordApp/Swiftcord - A fully native Discord client for macOS built 100% in Swift!
- avery-pierce/Cavy - Lemmy client for iOS, written in Swift
- OpenEmu/OpenEmu - 🕹 Retro video game emulation for macOS
- rileytestut/Delta - Delta is an all-in-one classic video game emulator for non-jailbroken iOS devices.
- altstoreio/AltStore - AltStore is an alternative app store for non-jailbroken iOS devices.
- theblixguy/DynamicIslandUtilities - A collection of utilities that provides functionality around the Dynamic Island on the iPhone 14 Pro/Max.
- SvenTiigi/ValidatedPropertyKit - Easily validate your Properties with Property Wrappers 👮
- Mijick/Popups - Popups, popovers, sheets, alerts, toasts, banners, (...) presentation made simple. Written with and for SwiftUI.
- pointfreeco/isowords - Open source game built in SwiftUI and the Composable Architecture.
- Whisky-App/Whisky - A modern Wine wrapper for macOS built with SwiftUI
- Athlon007/Leomard - A Lemmy client for macOS
- mlemgroup/mlem - Mlem for Lemmy
- infiniflow/ragflow - RAGFlow is an open-source RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) engine based on deep document understanding.
- docmost/docmost - Docmost is an open-source collaborative wiki and documentation software. It is an open-source alternative to Confluence and Notion.
- treetrum/amazon-kindle-bulk-downloader - Allows you to bulk download all your Kindle eBook in a more automated fashion. This tool allows you to create backup copies of the books you've already purchased.
- mastra-ai/mastra - The TypeScript AI agent framework. ⚡ Assistants, RAG, observability. Supports any LLM: GPT-4, Claude, Gemini, Llama.
- outline/outline - The fastest knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, realtime collaborative, feature packed, and markdown compatible.
- aidenybai/react-scan - Scan for React performance issues and eliminate slow renders in your app
- cypress-io/cypress - Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
- zaidmukaddam/scira - Scira (Formerly MiniPerplx) is a minimalistic AI-powered search engine that helps you find information on the internet. Powered by Vercel AI SDK! Search with models like Grok 2.0.
- microsoft/data-formulator - 🪄 Create rich visualizations with AI
- vercel/ai-chatbot - A full-featured, hackable Next.js AI chatbot built by Vercel
- labring/FastGPT - FastGPT is a knowledge-based platform built on the LLMs, offers a comprehensive suite of out-of-the-box capabilities such as data processing, RAG retrieval, and visual AI workflow orchestration, letti
- lobehub/lobe-chat - 🤯 Lobe Chat - an open-source, modern-design AI chat framework. Supports Multi AI Providers( OpenAI / Claude 3 / Gemini / Ollama / DeepSeek / Qwen), Knowledge Base (file upload / knowledge management /
- langgenius/dify - Dify is an open-source LLM app development platform. Dify's intuitive interface combines AI workflow, RAG pipeline, agent capabilities, model management, observability features and more, letting you q
- n4ze3m/page-assist - Use your locally running AI models to assist you in your web browsing
- jef/streetmerchant - 🤖 The world's easiest, most powerful stock checker
- mifi/lossless-cut - The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing
- cline/cline - Autonomous coding agent right in your IDE, capable of creating/editing files, executing commands, using the browser, and more with your permission every step of the way.
- browserbase/stagehand - An AI web browsing framework focused on simplicity and extensibility.
- n8n-io/n8n - Fair-code workflow automation platform with native AI capabilities. Combine visual building with custom code, self-host or cloud, 400+ integrations.
- Bin-Huang/chatbox - User-friendly Desktop Client App for AI Models/LLMs (GPT, Claude, Gemini, Ollama...)
- yamadashy/repomix - 📦 Repomix (formerly Repopack) is a powerful tool that packs your entire repository into a single, AI-friendly file. Perfect for when you need to feed your codebase to Large Language Models (LLMs) or o
- nextjs/saas-starter - Get started quickly with Next.js, Postgres, Stripe, and shadcn/ui.
- AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume - A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today!
- mendableai/firecrawl - 🔥 Turn entire websites into LLM-ready markdown or structured data. Scrape, crawl and extract with a single API.
- elizaOS/eliza - Autonomous agents for everyone
- Dokploy/dokploy - Open Source Alternative to Vercel, Netlify and Heroku.
- getmaxun/maxun - Open-source no-code web data extraction platform. Turn websites to APIs & spreadsheets with no-code robots in minutes.
- teableio/teable - ✨ The Next Gen Airtable Alternative: No-Code Postgres
- burhancodes/dreddit - React Native Client for Reddit
- bugsdev2/bookaccio - Book Tracker App
- Androz2091/discord-backup - 📦 Complete framework to facilitate server backup using discord.js v13
- bluesky-social/social-app - The Bluesky Social application for Web, iOS, and Android
- mozzius/graysky - a bluesky client for ios and android
- codestoryai/aide - The open-source AI-native IDE
- eikowagenknecht/lootscraper - RSS feeds and Telegram bot for free game and loot offers. Supports Steam, Epic, Amazon Games, GOG, Humble and more.
- communitycenter/stardew.me - 👕 Generate Stardew Valley player sprites from save files
- web-scrobbler/web-scrobbler - Scrobble music all around the web!
- RezaRafia/Speedy - Combine multiple internet connections to maximize your speed
- angular/angular - Deliver web apps with confidence 🚀
- nukeop/nuclear - Streaming music player that finds free music for you
- tulir/gomuks - A Matrix client written in Go.
- The-Enthusiast-404/text-bin-frontend - Frontend For TextBin (Open Source Alternative to PasteBin)
- Zenda-Cross/vega-app - App for streaming media.
- anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts - A collection of projects designed to help developers quickly get started with building deployable applications using the Anthropic API
- getumbrel/umbrel - A beautiful home server OS for self-hosting with an app store. Buy a pre-built Umbrel Home with umbrelOS, or install on a Raspberry Pi or any x86 system.
- ViewTube/viewtube -
▶️ ViewTube: The open source, privacy-conscious way to enjoy your favorite YouTube content. Docs: https://viewtube.wiki, Status: https://uptime.viewtube.io - badlogic/skyview - Thread reader for Bluesky
- m-khvoinitsky/dark-background-light-text-extension - Firefox addon that turns every page colors into "light text on dark background"
- signalapp/Signal-Desktop - A private messenger for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
- tejas-git64/LowKey-player - A spotify+soundcloud inspired music player
- CaramelFur/Picsur - An easy to use, selfhostable image sharing service like Imgur with built in converting
- hedgedoc/hedgedoc - HedgeDoc - Ideas grow better together
- Raiza-Hub/globe - Discover valuable information about countries worldwide, focusing on their unique climates and currencies with detailed insights into the weather patterns and monetary systems of nations around the gl
- Tohrusky/Final2x - 2^x Image Super-Resolution
- memfreeme/memfree - MemFree - Hybrid AI Search Engine & AI Page Generator
- ajayyy/DeArrow - Crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube
- ajayyy/SponsorBlock - Skip YouTube video sponsors (browser extension)
- MALSync/MALSync - Integrates MyAnimeList/AniList/Kitsu/Simkl into various sites, with auto episode tracking.
- tridactyl/tridactyl - A Vim-like interface for Firefox, inspired by Vimperator/Pentadactyl.
- gdh1995/vimium-c - A keyboard shortcut browser extension for keyboard-based navigation and tab operations with an advanced omnibar
- matrix-org/mjolnir - A moderation tool for Matrix
- ansh/jiffyreader.com - A Browser Extension for faster reading on ANY website!
- DIYgod/RSSHub-Radar - 🧡 Browser extension that simplifies finding and subscribing RSS and RSSHub
- refined-github/refined-github -
Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
- basedcount/defed-investigator - A website mapping federation activity throughout the Fediverse. Quickly found out who has defederated your instance.
- Xe/praise-me - Praise my GitHub profile!
- RSSNext/Follow - 🧡 Follow everything in one place
- suvam0451/dhaaga - Dhaaga - An indie SNS app that blends sleek design 💅, useful features ✨ and fun ways to discover and connect 🎉
- TheRealMonte/therealmonte.github.io -
- jhlywa/chess.js - A TypeScript chess library for chess move generation/validation, piece placement/movement, and check/checkmate/draw detection
- lichess-org/pgn-viewer - PGN viewer widget
- lichess-org/chessground - Mobile/Web chess UI for lichess.org
- niklasf/chessops - Chess and chess variant rules and operations in TypeScript
- BabylonJS/Babylon.js - Babylon.js is a powerful, beautiful, simple, and open game and rendering engine packed into a friendly JavaScript framework.
- koishijs/koishi - Cross-platform chatbot framework made with love
- lichess-org/lichobile - lichess.org mobile application
- Nickersoft/cityhop.cafe - Aesthetic walks and drives from around the world to help you unwind ☀️🌃☕
- kiran-venugopal/lofi-fm - Online LoFi music player web app
- jacbz/Lofi - ML-supported lo-fi music generator
- Sandakan/Nora - An elegant music player built using Electron and React. Inspired from Oto Music for Android by Piyush Mamidwar.
- honkit/honkit - 📖 HonKit is building beautiful books using Markdown - Fork of GitBook
- gitwonk/gitwonk - The open source GitBook, Confluence, and Archbee alternative. Write technical docs like never before 🐙
- GitbookIO/gitbook - The open source frontend for GitBook doc sites
- hiaaryan/wora - 🎧 A beautiful player for audiophiles.
- telegraf/telegraf - Modern Telegram Bot Framework for Node.js
- nestrilabs/nestri - [Experimental] An open-source Geforce Now alternative
- rivet-gg/actor-core - 🎭 Stateful serverless framework for Rivet, Cloudflare Workers, Bun, and Node.js. Build AI agents, realtime apps, game servers, and more.
- fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs - The most advanced browser fingerprinting library.
- LuanRT/YouTube.js - A JavaScript client for YouTube's private API, known as InnerTube.
- BoringBoredom/UEFI-Editor - Aptio V UEFI Editor: an alternative to AMIBCP
- MCSManager/MCSManager - Free, Secure, Distributed, Modern Control Panel for Minecraft and most Steam Game Servers.
- danny-avila/LibreChat - Enhanced ChatGPT Clone: Features Agents, DeepSeek, Anthropic, AWS, OpenAI, Assistants API, Azure, Groq, o1, GPT-4o, Mistral, OpenRouter, Vertex AI, Gemini, Artifacts, AI model switching, message searc
- openai-translator/openai-translator - 基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API.
- th-ch/youtube-music - YouTube Music Desktop App bundled with custom plugins (and built-in ad blocker / downloader)
- AykutSarac/jsoncrack.com - ✨ Innovative and open-source visualization application that transforms various data formats, such as JSON, YAML, XML, CSV and more, into interactive graphs.
- cinnyapp/cinny - Yet another matrix client
- Chocobozzz/PeerTube - ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser
- immich-app/immich - High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
- ItzCrazyKns/Perplexica - Perplexica is an AI-powered search engine. It is an Open source alternative to Perplexity AI
- ScathachGrip/merahputih.moe - Are you weeb developer looking for free webspace to host your project? Get free subdomain merahputih.moe UwU
- vixalien/sticky - A simple sticky notes app for GNOME
- dvx/lofi - 🎵🔉 A mini Spotify player with WebGL visualizations.
- bepass-org/oblivion-desktop - Oblivion Desktop - Unofficial Warp Client for Windows/Mac/Linux
- DnsChanger/dnsChanger-desktop - DNS Changer for Windows, Linux, Mac operating systems
- bs-community/skinview3d - Three.js powered Minecraft skin viewer.
- Advik555wastaken/6b6twiki - The main source of 6b6t related information!
- raikasdev/mastopoet - 🐘 Create beautiful screenshots of Mastodon posts
- consumet/api.consumet.org - A Modern Search Engine API for Anime, Movies/TVShows, Books, Light Novels, Manga, etc.
- consumet/consumet.ts - Nodejs library that provides high-level APIs for obtaining information on various entertainment media such as books, movies, comic books, anime, manga, and so on.
- akuse-app/akuse - 🌸 Simple and easy to use anime streaming desktop app without ads.
- keerthivasansa/animos - Animos - Clean and minimal Anime-streaming desktop application without any ads.
- FackJox/lemmy-link - Chrome and Firefox extension for opening lemmy style links in your instance for ease of interactions
- dilaouid/FandomScraper - 📓 [TS] A NodeJS package to scrap fandoms wikis characters page. Only scraps the characters info section and the list of all repertoried characters.
- cr4yfish/nemmy - Nemmy: The Neat Lemmy App for the Web (and phones later on) This project is focused on building an App with the best possible User Experience.
- TeamPiped/lemmy-piped-link-bot -
- misskey-dev/misskey - 🌎 A completely free and open interplanetary microblogging platform 🚀
- DanielPower/balacord - Discord bot for displaying information about Balatro Jokers
- watchlonelil/extension -
- kleinfreund/balatrolator - Score calculator for Balatro
- OzymandiasTheGreat/emoji-keyboard - Type emoji easily! Virtual keyboard-like emoji palette for Linux with [fewer] of features.
- DIYgod/RSSHub - 🧡 Everything is RSSible
- ligmajohn/mw -
- sussy-code/smov - Sudo-flix's source code (Allegedly)
- saurabhnemade/will-you-be-my-valentine - A simple application to impress your loved ones on valentines day!!
- Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher - A games launcher for GOG, Amazon and Epic Games for Linux, Windows and macOS.
- pawelgrzybek/snippet-generator - Snippet generator for Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text and Atom
- mixn/carbon-now-cli - 🎨 Beautiful images of your code — from right inside your terminal.
- wulkano/Kap - An open-source screen recorder built with web technology
- excalidraw/excalidraw - Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
- FreezingMoon/AncientBeast - The Turn Based Strategy Game/eSport. Master your beasts! 🐺
- TF2Autobot/tf2autobot - tf2autobot: an Improved version from tf2-automatic
- SleeplessOne1917/lemmy-bot - A bot library for Lemmy, the fediverse link aggregator.
- Memmy-App/memmy - An Apollo inspired open-source iOS and Android client for Lemmy built with React-Native. Find us on the App Store and Google Play!
- sunaurus/lemmy-ui-next - Alternative frontend for Lemmy. Built with Next.js.
- Moebits/Moepictures.moe - Moepictures is an anime image board organized by tags.
- bunny-mod/Bunny - A Discord mobile app client modification.
- revenge-mod/revenge-bundle - 👊 Discord, your way. Revenge is a client modification for Discord mobile.
- caiiiycuk/js-dos - The best API for running dos programs in browser
- MadeWithLoveInIndia/MadeWithLoveInIndia -
♥️ A movement to celebrate, promote, and build a brand — India - turt2live/matrix-bot-sdk - TypeScript/JavaScript SDK for Matrix bots
- matrix-org/matrix-js-sdk - Matrix Client-Server SDK for JavaScript
- revoltchat/revolt.js - Modern Typescript library for interacting with Revolt.
- revoltchat/desktop - Revolt Desktop App
- upryzing/clerotri - React Native client for Upryzing and Revolt. Community-led project.
- taskyland/snowbin - ❄️ Delightfully crafted markdown pastebin with <3
- VadimDez/Counter-Strike-JS - Counter Strike implementation with Javascript/Typescript
- kern/filepizza - 🍕 Peer-to-peer file transfers in your browser
- appwrite/appwrite - Build like a team of hundreds_
- laurent22/joplin - Joplin - the privacy-focused note taking app with sync capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
- facebook/docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
- hoppscotch/hoppscotch - Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
- grafana/grafana - The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more.
- V3L0C1T13S/reflectcord - REST and Websocket compatibility layer for Discord->Revolt
- eugustavo/github-badges - Application made to create badges for your readme 📑
- qkrdmstlr3/techstack-generator - 🕹Techstack generator that can show dynamic technology stack.
- itchio/itch - 🎮 The best way to play your itch.io games
- Lanred-Dev/justreddit - A simple package for getting random posts, random images, random SubReddits, and SubReddit info.
- relagit/relagit - The elegant solution to graphical version control.
- microsoft/pxt - Microsoft MakeCode (PXT - Programming eXperience Toolkit)
- agentcoinorg/evo.ninja - A versatile generalist agent.
- Unibeautify/unibeautify - One Beautifier to rule them all, One Beautifier to clean them, One Beautifier to bring them all and in the darkness sheen them
- zsmatrix62/echoo.app - A cross-platform toolbox for developers in web and native
- fosslife/devtools-x - Collection of offline first developer utilities available as non-electron desktop application. all in one place, cross-platform, 10MB app!
- goenning/google-indexing-script - Script to get your site indexed on Google in less than 48 hours
- zdhxiong/mdui - Material Design 3(Material You) UI components using Web Components.
- material-components/material-web - Material Design Web Components
- conventional-changelog/commitlint - 📓 Lint commit messages
- kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
- face-hh/bussin - An esolang in TypeScript, for heaven's sake.
- illust-bio/illust.bio - Free domains for illustrators (or anyone related to illustrations).
- willin/domain - Free Domains 免费域名申请:js.cool/sh.gg/憨憨.我爱你/kaiyuan.fund/css.fund/log.lu/v0.chat etc. The only free one supports Vercel (js.cool).
- vixalien/muzika - Elegant music streaming app
- vuejs/vue - This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to https://github.com/vuejs/core
- sereneblue/chameleon - WebExtension port of Random Agent Spoofer
- emilkowalski/sonner - An opinionated toast component for React.
- microsoft/vscode - Visual Studio Code
- apache/echarts - Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser
- spacedriveapp/spacedrive - Spacedrive is an open source cross-platform file explorer, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem written in Rust.
- Loeffeldude/my-chat-gpt - MyChatGPT is a ChatGPT UI clone with some extra features.
- Tzahi12345/YoutubeDL-Material - Self-hosted YouTube downloader built on Material Design
- nativefier/nativefier - Make any web page a desktop application
- dubisdev/quickgpt - A chatGPT tool for Windows
- ruralad/notedown - Note taking with react + rust. For windows, mac and linux.
- marcincodes/taurine - Tauri + Node.js stater - electron alternative packed with some goodies
- karitham/catpaper - catppuccin wallpapers
- vercel/hyper - A terminal built on web technologies
- alariej/quadrix -
- element-hq/hydrogen-web - Lightweight matrix client with legacy and mobile browser support
- Zettlr/Zettlr - Your One-Stop Publication Workbench
- ikatyang/emoji-cheat-sheet - A markdown version emoji cheat sheet
- discordjs/discord.js - A powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API
- mermaid-js/mermaid - Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown
- siyuan-note/siyuan - A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.
- kurozenzen/r34-react - A modern tag-based rule 34 browsing site focused on simplicity and user experience.
- vendetta-mod/Vendetta - A mod for Discord's mobile apps.
- Vencord/Vesktop - Vesktop is a custom Discord App aiming to give you better performance and improve linux support
- xtermjs/xterm.js - A terminal for the web
- catppuccin/catppuccin - 😸 Soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited!
- catppuccin/toolbox - 🧰 Soothing pastel tools for development
- streetwriters/notesnook - A fully open source & end-to-end encrypted note taking alternative to Evernote.
- t2bot/matrix-appservice-discord - A bridge between Matrix and Discord. This is t2bot.io's custom version of the bridge - use the upstream if you're looking for a stable option.
- freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp - freeCodeCamp.org's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
- eliasku/13 - Fast-action P2P multiplayer game 13 (js13k-2022)
- danprince/norman-the-necromancer - 💀 Entry for JS13k 2022
- HasangerGames/survivreloaded-server - An open source server for the defunct online game surviv.io. Work in progress.
- HasangerGames/suroi - An open-source 2D battle royale game inspired by surviv.io. Work in progress.
- bytedance/IconPark - 🍎Transform an SVG icon into multiple themes, and generate React icons,Vue icons,svg icons
- element-hq/element-web - A glossy Matrix collaboration client for the web.
- avin/2048-game - 2048 Game implementation based on Preact+Redux
- piqnt/stage.js - 2D HTML5 rendering and layout engine for game development
- pixijs/pixijs - The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.
- tgxn/lemmy-explorer - Instance and Community Explorer for Lemmy
- GeorgeSG/sub.rehab - A list of subreddit alternatives
- aeharding/voyager - Voyager — a beautiful app for Lemmy
- halftheopposite/TOSIOS - The Open-Source IO Shooter is an open-source multiplayer game in the browser
- radian628/desmoscript - Desmos scripting language and successor to LISPsmos.
- conaticus/FileExplorer - Fast file explorer written with Tauri and React.
- aidendotgg/aiden.gg - Personal site
- Tarikul-Islam-Anik/Animated-Fluent-Emojis - All the Microsoft animated fluent emojis are available in one place and ready to use in your next project or README file.
- maurodesouza/profile-readme-generator - 🎨 Enhance your GitHub profile with this amazing tool, which allows you to create a personalized README quickly and easily. This profile README generator is the best you'll find 🚀
- DenverCoder1/custom-icon-badges - 🛡 Allows users to more easily use Octicons and their own icons and logos on shields.io badges
- Vendicated/Vencord - The cutest Discord client mod
- ojoanalogo/issuetron-3000 - 🚨 Trigger a MQTT alert when someone opens an issue in one of your repositories
- fireship-io/flamethrower - A blazingly fast router for static sites
- Anarios/return-youtube-dislike - Chrome extension to return youtube dislikes
- cnrad/lanyard-profile-readme - 🏷️ Discord Presence in your GitHub Profile
- FireFox-CSS/lanyard-profile-readme - 🏷️ Utilize Lanyard to display your Discord Presence in your GitHub Profile
- PiyushSuthar/github-readme-quotes - 🔥 Add Programming Quotes To Your GitHub Readme
- ATypescriptEnjoyer/Docker-Radio - Radio station built in NodeJS & React, all contained within a nice docker package!
- ryonakano/pinit - Pin portable apps to the launcher
- linuxmint/timeshift - System restore tool for Linux. Creates filesystem snapshots using rsync+hardlinks, or BTRFS snapshots. Supports scheduled snapshots, multiple backup levels, and exclude filters. Snapshots can be resto
- gabutakut/gabutdm - Gabut Download Manager
- tkashkin/GameHub - All your games in one place
- CriticalFlaw/flawhud - Custom HUD for Team Fortress 2
- kristijanhusak/vim-carbon-now-sh - Open selected text in https://carbon.now.sh
- mhinz/vim-galore - 🎓 All things Vim!
- vim/vim - The official Vim repository
- neovim/neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
- ChrisAnd1998/TaskbarX - Center Windows taskbar icons with a variety of animations and options.
- frk1/hazedumper - up to date csgo offsets and hazedumper config
- xlmnxp/extractify.zip - Extract and Explore compressed files online and securely
- MattKevan/minimal-reader - Simple browser-based ebook reader.
- VueTorrent/VueTorrent - The sleekest looking WEBUI for qBittorrent made with Vuejs!
- kaangiray26/geddit-app - An open-source Reddit client for Android using the public JSON feed
- BewlyBewly/BewlyBewly - Just make a few small changes to your Bilibili homepage. (English | 简体中文 | 正體中文 | 廣東話)
- Moosync/Moosync-electron - Music player capable of playing local audio or from Youtube, Spotify and many more
- deptyped/notepher-bot - Note-taking Telegram Mini App
- 4xmen/anubias - Developed mobile apps so easy and native with GUI 📱
- elk-zone/elk - A nimble Mastodon web client
- Idered/chalk.ist - 📷 Create beautiful images of your source code
- subins2000/WebDrop - Easiest group P2P File & Message transfer in browser with WebRTC 🔥. Cross-platform alternative to Apple's AirDrop, Xender, ShareIT with the same speed over LAN. No installation, just a website :)
- lookscanned/lookscanned.io - 📚 LookScanned.io - Make your PDFs look scanned
- lostdesign/webgems - A curated list of resources for devs and designers. Join me on devcord.com if you are up for a chit chat :)
- requarks/wiki - Wiki.js | A modern and powerful wiki app built on Node.js
- Rule-34/App - Browse the most popular Boorus with the Rule 34 App.
- Lissy93/dashy - 🚀 A self-hostable personal dashboard built for you. Includes status-checking, widgets, themes, icon packs, a UI editor and tons more!
- Bugswriter/contact-app -
- Bugswriter/vuelocker -
- Faithful-Resource-Pack/Website - The official website for the Faithful Project.
- zhanziyang/vue-croppa - A simple straightforward customizable mobile-friendly image cropper for Vue 2.0.
- LISTEN-moe/desktop-app - Official LISTEN.moe Desktop Client
- tobykurien/WebApps - DEPRECATED ⛔️ Android app to provide sandboxed (private) browsing of webapps
- EnigmaticaModpacks/Enigmatica2Expert - The official repository and issue-tracker for the modpack Enigmatica 2: Expert for Minecraft 1.12.2
- pa1nki113r/Project_Brutality - This is the primary repository for collaborative efforts between Doom developers on Project Brutality. This is the bleeding-edge version that is constantly being developed on, and not meant in any way
- ziglang/zig - General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.
- lightpanda-io/browser - Lightpanda: the headless browser designed for AI and automation
- oven-sh/bun - Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, test runner, and package manager – all in one
- Stardust-Labs-MC/Terralith - A popular Minecraft worldgen datapack for the Overworld
- BigPapi13/Delta - Explosion-based player motion library for Minecraft
- Ivaynn/TurtleCraft - A Minecraft data pack that adds programmable turtles
- Elemend/Vein-Miner-Unified - The One Vein-Miner-Datapack: Minecraft Java Versions 1.13/1.14/1.15/1.16/1.17
- oOBoomberOo/veinminer - Unoriginal veinminer datapack
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