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Windows Bootstrap

DwayneJengSage edited this page Nov 6, 2014 · 12 revisions

This page is defunct. VirtualBox and Vagrant need to be run with admin priveleges on Windows, which is not currently available.

Table of Contents

Software That Needs Admin Priveleges

The following software requires admin priveleges to install. You'll need to contact your administrator to install these software packages on your dev environment:

JDK 7 ( - This is pretty much required for all Java development.

Oracle VirtualBox ( - This is a VM where we will run Bridge. This allows us to develop on any machine, but build and run ona consistent development environment.

  • Important: Download version 4.2.18 ( as newer versions have known compatibility issues.
  • In order to run 64-bit VMs, you may need to turn on hardware virtualization in your BIOS settings. (You don't need admin priveleges to edit BIOS settings.)
    • Do not turn on Trusted Execution, as this will interfere with hardware virtualization.
  • To get Vagrant working with VirtualBox, add the path to VBoxManage.exe to your PATH environment variable. This should be in the root of your VirtualBox installation. (You don't need admin priveleges to update env vars.)
Vagrant ( - Vagrant sets up the development environment on VirtualBox.

Software You Can Install On Your Own

Git ( - You'll want these to get git command-line tools.

IDE of your choice - I like IntelliJ ( Another popular choice is Eclipse.

Play 2.2 ( - Bridge uses Play Framework 2.2. (TODO: Is this needed on the host machine? Will Vagrant install this for us on the VM?)

Initial Setup

In your home directory (check %homedrive% and %homepath% to find your Windows home directory), add a .sbt/bridge.conf file. For more information on the bridge.conf file, see bootstrap#get-a-conf-file.

Go to the root of your BridgePF clone on your dev machine and run "vagrant up". (You don't need to run "vagrant init", because the BridgePF directory already has a Vagrantfile.)

If everything is set up correctly, Vagrant should download and create a virtual box, run the bootstrap script, and set up your dev environment.


If you need to login directly into your VM, the user/pass is vagrant/vagrant.