Trilhei is an app for Android - available on Play Store - to record tracks where you can insert photos, videos and audios. The track can be shared by a web map.
Trilhei emerged from a graduation project - 2015/2 - conducted by members of LPRM - Laboratório de Pesquisa em Redes e Multimídia da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Research Laboratory on Networking and Multimedia - Federal University of Espírito Santo - Brazil).
Use to record your tracks, either on foot, by car or bicicle. Your track can be seen on Trilhei using Google Maps or you can send it to the server and see it on: (only photos).
Every media taken is inserted on markers on the map, just click on it and see. You can insert several media on the same position. markers with video content moves according to the original recorded trail.
Make sure the smartphone settings is with high precision GPS enabled. Don't minimize the app for a long time.
- Cordova - The mobile framework used
- Searchlight - The framework used for map organization and visualization