Manual Analysis of ECG signals is laborious and prone to error , even for specialist with manyy hours of xperience.
1) create and activate virtual environment
python -m venv virtual_env
source virtual_env/bin/activate
2) Then create a new directory and clone this
project files their
mkdir directory_name
cd directory_name
git clone
Cloning will start and all files will be
ready inside your newly created directory
3) Install all the required packages in order to go
pip install -r requirements.txt
4) Then finally migrate the data's
python makemigrations
python migrate
5) After successful migration type the following
python runserver
And you are good to go..
User Needs To Be login/register before using our Diagnostic Portal
Login page of our website
Functionalities of this Login page
1) If the User has Forgotten his/her password
Can reset it again via Email OTP verification
2) If user doesn't want to do the login part
Everytime he opens the website then he can use the
Remember me option which basically stores the
Cookie in that particular browser
3)If user enters invalid entry than a message
Popup will appear saying **"Invalid Credentials"**
After login user will be redirected to home page There then the Predict button will be enabled And shows green colour on hover
- A logout navlink on navbar
2)The profile page will be visible
- and Booking (appointments booking via PayPal) Will be visible on navbar
Registration page We have embedded certain security checks like
Username must be unique and if any previous User exists with that username then immediately a red message will show up saying "Username already exists"
password and confirm password must match
email id should be unique
Note: if any of the above check doesn't satisfy Then the register button will be disabled
Security Features Of while registering
Button Gets Disabled
After successful passing of security check
Button is enabled
Profile demo
**Lots of features is provided in the user Profile page
1)user can view his/ her data with a profile pic
2)user can edit his/her profile data whenever he wants
3)user can update his profile pic
4)user can change his/her password
5)user can sign out from the website
6)user can delete hi/her account whenever he
Wants(once he/she does this that users whole
Data will be removed from our's/admin's database
7)Data safety is fully assured to the users
Edit profile
= All previous entered details will be as it is
On the form inputs which ensures that users doesn't
Have to waste their time filling the whole form
Change password
User needs to enter email id, new password and confirm password
If they are same then only user can submit unless the button will be disabled
prediction history
Here user can check all his heart checkup details
User can log out from here also
User can delete his account if he is not interested in staying
With us anymore all the data will be erased linked by his user id
1)User can view all the details of his payment history
2)All. Details of failed and successful transaction
3)Each Transaction generates a unique token/Invoice id
4) All this info will be present under booking tab
1)User needs to fill the form using his previous Hospital checkup records regarding all the 12 attributes which will be used by our machine learning Model
2)Hints are provided on the " i " buttons besides each labels
2)Taking the 12 attributes our trained model will generate An output predicting the status of heart condition of the user as per his/her entered details
Finally after submission of the form user will be
Redirected to Result page to view his/her results
1)Suppose by chance of user has done any mistake in his
Form fillup so here he can preview his data using the
"Preview your entered data" button
2)There he/she can either edit / save the final time
3) Then he would be able to view the results
4)If the user is safe he/she should move to the safe
Section of this page
5) else he should immediately seek a doctor's
6) No worries we have got our users covered
We have provided their a "locate" button which
Helps them to locate remote cardio doctor
Here we have provided some healthy tips which user can
Apply in their daily life to see a change in their
Heart healthyness
Here user can search based on city / state and get their desired
Results which help them to locate the nearby doctors and can click on
Any of the preferred doctor to book a slot
Now after clicking book slot user will redirected to booking
Page where he would be able to view the whole details of that particular
Selected Doctor including the payment details
We have provided the amount details in INR but a user must have an
PayPal account to go through our payment gateway
Now after clicking on pay now button
User will be redirected to PayPal payment gateway Where he/she had to do the final payment
User can also cancel his/her transaction during the payment If they wanna change their mind
They will be asked to enter their cards last three Digital
Suppose a user forgets his/her password and now wants to Login Not to worry we have got your back covered
1)we have provided the Reset password facility which
enables user to reset their password
2)They will be asked to enter their username
Then in the backend our system will search for that
particular username
3) and if they finds that user then an OTP will be send to
their EMAIL ID and user will be asked to enter the
OTP which he/she recieved in his/her mail
4)But if the user is not present then you will get a red notice
Displaying that user doesn't exist