This is a python framwork for training, evaluating and comparing GAN models with different loss functions and hyperparameters.
The goal of the repo and framework is to be able to reproduce the results and methods presented in SISR papers such as SRGAN and Best-Buddy GAN, and to try out how different loss functions affect a GANs performance.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Pepare data
Training data
Download a training dataset containing high-res images. We recommend either the DIV2K or Flickr2K dataset for comparable results. Place the dataset in /data/ -
Evaluation data
Download one or more validation datasets. Set5, Set14, Urban100 or BSDS100 are all good options. Place the dataset(s) in /data/ -
Make train dataset
Create a dataset of smaller equal sized images from the given training dataset by running the following.python data-prep/ --input_dir=/data/original/ --output_dir=/data/train/ --output_size=96
See -h
for more options. -
to reflect the locations of the dataset(s). In particular updateDATA.TRAIN_GT_IMAGES_DIR
Train RResnet
To train a resnet / warmup the generator in GAN, edit relevant training parameters in the
- or keep the default, and run:
Train GAN
To train a GAN edit any relevant parameters in the
file. To initialize the generator with the weights after warmup, set MODEL.G_CONTINUE_FROM_WARMUP
to true and set the path to the weights in MODEL.G_WARMUP_WEIGHTS
. To start training run:
Train RResnet
To evalute a trained model (GAN or resnet), set EXP.NAME
in the config to the name of the model you want to evaluate, then run:
See python -h
for more options
This repo is loosely based on the work of Github user Lornatangs repo for SISR using SRGAN.
Moduler: link
module load python3/3.10.7
module load cuda/11.7
Launch tensorboard fra ssh i vsc:
tensorboard --logdir=tensorboard/ --host localhost --port 3000
fuser -k 3000/tcp
slå processen ned hvis den allerede kører
Kopier filer til og fra hpc link
Find ud hvor meget space er brugt på hpc
du -h --max-depth=1 --apparent $HOME
How to use venv in notebooks link
Kopier filer fra hpc til pc
scp -r -i /Users/sebastianbitsch/.ssh/gbar [email protected]:SRGAN-ST/samples/logs /Users/sebastianbitsch/Desktop/
Scratch ligger på