Aim of Project:
- My goal with this project is to simply replicate that of other apps like and etc. That provide desktop applications which include recommendations etc. for users. Difference is I intend to make mine extremely more performant then others, lightweight, and Ad free. I want it to be an easily to use tool for new players, and a good tool for gathering League data for more experianced players.
Future Plans:
- My end goal with this project is to provide a large range of data to users from the Riot API, as well as the League Client API. I would like to eventually replace the need for a connection with the League Client for my own RSO Authentication because the current League Client is horrendous. Furthermore, I would like to implement AI into my project. Allowing new players to converse with an AI like ChatGpt/OpenAI where I can supply it a knowledge base from a users match history, and give them feedback based on that. I would also like the ability to completely simulate games from a given custom "Scenario" inserted by a user. A user will havet he ability to create a fake game, or use a real game current scenario/gamesate. And my program will be able to completely simulate and predict the outcome of the game. Not just a simple win/lose, but other things like damage numbers, towers taken, gold earnt, items purchase, KDA values, and much more.
Final Comments:
- Overall, this project is just simply a personal fun project I am using to learn and further my C# skills. If anyone has any advice to give me, I would much appreciate it that. And any extra functionality you think could be cool, feel free to let me know!
- Seiori