Summary:The first homework for EC601 Contributor:Archana Bajaj, Shen Han
This is the repository for Archana and Shen to practice doing teamwork by using GitHub. This repository contains some examples from OpenCV with output changed from the original ones. computes the gray gradient of each pixel of the input picture. And display it in another window. We changed the input as lena.jpg and color.jpg in the repository and made it display the gradient of those pictures. is another example we tried to show all the names of files in a specific folder. The original one showed all the py files in that folder. We changed it to show all the txt files. is example we tried without any changing.
the Archana&Shen _ Trello.pdf is our screen shot for Trello board. Notice that we've tried to build our own example but ended up with failure. Because our OpenCV 3.0 missed the package of SIFT. We didn't take enough time to fix that.