Contains vbscript to automatically check status of SAP systems and java web app links and send email.
First check whether the following files are available in the folder:- i. SystemsBatchFile_AllSystems.bat ii. website_Check_textOutput.vbs iii. newvbs.vbs iv. sapinfo.exe v. systems_status.txt vi. links_status.txt
The order of script execution and each of their functions are as follows:- (a) - SystemsBatchFile_AllSystems.bat must be executed first using task scheduler(or manually) - It checks the status of all SAP ABAP systems and writes them into systems_status.txt - sapinfo.exe is used to retrieve SAP System status information (b) - website_Check_textOutput.vbs is then called to check status of all links - The link statuses get written to links_status.txt (c) - newvbs.vbs is then called to attach files systems_status.txt,links_status.txt and generate the email