This smart_alarm project provides an easy to build and program Internet of Things alarm clock. We would love to see you build your own version of it. It is designed, such that you can adapt your needs and improve it easily. Let us know if you want to contribute to this repository or simply want to share your ideas. All kinds of support is appreciated.
If you want to build and code your own smart_alarm please visit the Smala Wiki
Or if you just want to dive into the code, simply clone this repository to your computer / Raspberry Pi Zero:
git clone
Also check out our Video on Youtube:
If you want to 3D-print your case, please follow this link to thingiverse. Note the project page on hackaday.
We recently released the v2 version which includes several new features:
- manage your local mp3 files via the inbuild webinterface
- imrproved 3d printable case
- bugfixes and code improvements ... and for sure we proudly present:
- flashy RGB LEDs - for a smoother wakeup
The v1 version was already born with the following features:
- text to speech synthesizer
- three ways of wake-up sound:
- play local mp3 files
- play internet radio station and
- play latest news as podcast (independent to the alarm time)
- set alarm via smartphone or any other computer
- running apache2 server
- automatic display brightness adjustment due to inbuilt photocell
- audio amplifier volume control
- 3D-printalbe case
- case built-in tactile switch
- alphanumeric display shows text
- 3W speaker definitely wakes you up
We also would like to say thanks to Anthony Terrien for the jQuery Knob Controls! Ihor Kalnytskyi for the jQuery List Box! And also to jQuery UI Touch Punch and jQeury UI.