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#1463, #1461, #1484, #1368, #1468, #1484: Fixes to gloss update retri…
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of original value, normalisation of Boolean values. Omit non-updated values from TO DO in pre-update method.
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susanodd committed Feb 6, 2025
1 parent 5bc7eff commit 0fcde75
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15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions signbank/
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Expand Up @@ -1141,6 +1141,21 @@ def csv_focusgloss_to_minimalpairs(focusgloss, dataset, language_code, csv_rows)
return csv_rows

def normalize_boolean(gloss_field, new_boolean, original_boolean):
# return 'True', 'False', 'None' depending on field type
print('normalize boolean: ', gloss_field, new_boolean, original_boolean)
if in ['weakdrop', 'weakprop'] and new_boolean.lower() in ['neutral']:
return 'None'
elif new_boolean.lower() in ['true', 'ja', 'yes']:
return 'True'
elif new_boolean.lower() in ['false', 'nee', 'no']:
return 'False'
if settings.DEBUG_API:
print('normalize_boolean NO MATCH: ', gloss_field, new_boolean)
return original_boolean

def normalize_field_choice(field_choice):
# add spaces around > and +

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions signbank/dictionary/
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Expand Up @@ -5868,10 +5868,10 @@ def glosslist_ajax_complete(request, gloss_id):

this_gloss = Gloss.objects.get(id=gloss_id, archived=False)
default_language = this_gloss.lemma.dataset.default_language.language_code_2char

# TO DO could use the following method to generate the column values
# but the domain of that method is the column header
# gloss_data = this_gloss.get_fields_dict(display_fields)
# gloss_data = this_gloss.get_fields_dict(display_fields, default_language)
# list_gloss_data = list(gloss_data)
# print(list_gloss_data)

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Expand Up @@ -1399,7 +1399,7 @@ def get_hasothermedia_display(self):
return ", ".join(other_media_paths)

def get_fields_dict(self, fieldnames, language_code='en'):
def get_fields_dict(self, fieldnames, language_code):

from django.utils import translation
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Expand Up @@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ def test_package_function(self):
# this calculates the data retrieved by get_gloss_data for packages
# it shows the format/display of the returned gloss fields
# note that the value of the phonology fields are numerical rather than human readable
result = changed_gloss.get_fields_dict(settings.API_FIELDS)
result = changed_gloss.get_fields_dict(settings.API_FIELDS, 'en')
print('test_package_function: settings.API_FIELDS: ', settings.API_FIELDS)
print('test_package_function: get_fields_dict: ', result)

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100 changes: 66 additions & 34 deletions signbank/
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from signbank.attachments.views import upload_file
from signbank.dictionary.models import *
from django.db.models.fields import BooleanField
from import GlossVideoDescription, GlossVideoNME
from import get_default_annotationidglosstranslation
from django.db.transaction import atomic
Expand All @@ -11,7 +12,7 @@
from django.http import JsonResponse
from guardian.shortcuts import get_objects_for_user
from import get_interface_language_and_default_language_codes
from signbank.csv_interface import normalize_field_choice
from signbank.csv_interface import normalize_field_choice, normalize_boolean
from signbank.api_token import put_api_user_in_request
import datetime as DT
from import get_default_annotationidglosstranslation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,7 +304,10 @@ def detect_type_related_problems_for_gloss_update(changes, dataset, language_cod

language_fields = internal_language_fields(dataset, language_code)
errors = dict()
# in the following loop, field is either a language field as described above
# or a field of model Gloss, not a string
for field, (original_value, new_value) in changes.items():
print('field: ', field, type(field))
if not new_value:
if field in language_fields:
Expand All @@ -319,27 +323,30 @@ def detect_type_related_problems_for_gloss_update(changes, dataset, language_cod
fieldchoice = FieldChoice.objects.get(field=field_choice_category, name__iexact=normalised_choice)
except (ObjectDoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned):
errors[field.verbose_name.title()] = gettext('NOT FOUND: ') + new_value
errors[field.verbose_name.title()] = gettext('Incorrect value')
if isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey) and field.related_model == Handshape:
handshape = Handshape.objects.get(name__iexact=new_value)
except (ObjectDoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned):
errors[field.verbose_name.title()] = gettext('NOT FOUND: ') + new_value
errors[field.verbose_name.title()] = gettext('Incorrect value')
if field.__class__.__name__ == 'BooleanField':
normalised_boolean_string = new_value.lower()
if normalised_boolean_string not in ['true', 'false', 'neutral', 'ja', 'nee']:
errors[field.verbose_name.title()] = gettext('NOT FOUND: ') + new_value
if in ['weakdrop', 'weakprop']:
if new_value not in ['True', 'False', 'None']:
errors[field.verbose_name.title()] = gettext('Incorrect value')
if new_value not in ['True', 'False']:
errors[field.verbose_name.title()] = gettext('Incorrect value')
elif == 'semField':
type_check = type_check_multiselect('SemField', new_value, language_code)
if not type_check:
errors[field.verbose_name.title()] = gettext('NOT FOUND: ') + new_value
errors[field.verbose_name.title()] = gettext('Incorrect value')
elif == 'derivHist':
type_check = type_check_multiselect('derivHist', new_value, language_code)
if not type_check:
errors[field.verbose_name.title()] = gettext('NOT FOUND: ') + new_value
errors[field.verbose_name.title()] = gettext('Incorrect value')
return errors

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -461,25 +468,22 @@ def gloss_update_do_changes(user, gloss, changes, language_code):
setattr(gloss,, fieldchoice)
changes_done.append((, original_value, new_value))
elif field.__class__.__name__ == 'BooleanField':
# the new value is a string, do not use a coercion because we want
# to store None as a value
if new_value in ['true', 'True', 'TRUE']:
new_value = True
boolean_value = True
elif new_value in ['false', 'False', 'FALSE']:
new_value = False
boolean_value = False
elif new_value == 'None' or new_value == 'Neutral':
new_value = None
boolean_value = None
new_value = False
setattr(gloss,, new_value)
boolean_value = False
setattr(gloss,, boolean_value)
changes_done.append((, original_value, new_value))
elif isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey) and field.related_model == Handshape:
handshape = Handshape.objects.get(name__iexact=new_value)
setattr(gloss,, handshape)
changes_done.append((, original_value, new_value))
elif field in ["senses", "Senses"]:
original_senses = collect_revision_history_for_senses(gloss)
update_senses(gloss, new_value)
new_senses = collect_revision_history_for_senses(gloss)
changes_done.append((field, original_senses, new_senses))
elif == 'semField':
update_semantic_field(gloss, new_value, language_code)
changes_done.append((, original_value, new_value))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -520,40 +524,62 @@ def get_original_senses_value(gloss):

def gloss_pre_update(gloss, input_fields_dict, language_code):

# this returns a dictionary mapping internal Gloss fields to tuples of original and new values
# for fields of Gloss, this is the internal model field
# for language fields, which are relations, this is an encoding of the field used in many interfaces
# of the templates and the methods
dataset = gloss.lemma.dataset
language_fields, gloss_fields = names_of_update_gloss_fields(dataset, language_code)
human_readable_to_internal, human_readable_to_json = update_gloss_columns_to_value_dict_keys(dataset, language_code)
# initial value of fields is put in combined_fields variable
combined_fields = gloss_fields
for language_field in language_fields:
gloss_dict_language_field = human_readable_to_json[language_field]
package_gloss_language_field = human_readable_to_json[language_field]
# retrieve what the packages knows for these fields
gloss_package_data_dict = gloss.get_fields_dict(combined_fields, language_code)
fields_to_update = dict()
for human_readable_field, new_field_value in input_fields_dict.items():
if not new_field_value:
if human_readable_field not in gloss_package_data_dict.keys():
# ignore the field if it's not visible to the API user
original_value = gloss_package_data_dict[human_readable_field]

if human_readable_field in language_fields:
gloss_language_field = human_readable_to_json[human_readable_field]
package_gloss_language_field = human_readable_to_json[human_readable_field]
original_value = gloss_package_data_dict[package_gloss_language_field]
if original_value == new_field_value:
gloss_field = human_readable_to_internal[human_readable_field]
fields_to_update[gloss_field] = (original_value, new_field_value)
if human_readable_field not in human_readable_to_internal.keys():
# if this field is not available, ignore it
if original_value in ['False'] and new_field_value in ['', 'False']:
# treat empty as False
if settings.DEBUG_API:
print('gloss_pre_update: json field not found in Gloss fields: ', human_readable_field)
internal_field = human_readable_to_internal[human_readable_field]
original_internal_value = getattr(gloss,
if original_internal_value is None and in ['weakdrop', 'weakprop']:
original_value = 'Neutral'
elif isinstance(original_internal_value, bool):
original_value = str(original_internal_value)
elif isinstance(internal_field, FieldChoiceForeignKey):
original_value = if original_internal_value else '-'
elif in ['domhndsh', 'subhndsh',
'semField', 'derivHist', 'dialect', 'signlanguage']:
display_method = 'get_''_display'
original_value = getattr(gloss, display_method)()
# value is a string
original_value = original_internal_value
if new_field_value == original_value:
gloss_field = human_readable_to_internal[human_readable_field]
fields_to_update[gloss_field] = (original_value, new_field_value)
if internal_field.__class__.__name__ == 'BooleanField':
# normalise if this is a Boolean and compare again
normalised_new_boolean = normalize_boolean(internal_field, new_field_value, original_value)
if original_value == normalised_new_boolean:
fields_to_update[internal_field] = (original_value, normalised_new_boolean)
fields_to_update[internal_field] = (original_value, new_field_value)
# return the dictionary of input fields that differ from stored values
return fields_to_update

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -622,7 +648,8 @@ def api_update_gloss(request, datasetid, glossid):
return JsonResponse(results, status=400)

value_dict = get_gloss_update_human_readable_value_dict(request)

if settings.DEBUG_API:
print('api_update_gloss ', glossid, ' input value_dict: ', value_dict)
errors = check_fields_can_be_updated(value_dict, dataset, interface_language_code)
if errors:
# "Field name not found in fields that can be updated."
Expand All @@ -645,10 +672,15 @@ def api_update_gloss(request, datasetid, glossid):
results['updatestatus'] = "Failed"
return JsonResponse(results, status=400)

if settings.DEBUG_API:
# now we are ready to do the update, save the intended update fields to the log
print('api_update_gloss ', glossid, ' fields_to_update: ', fields_to_update)

gloss_update_do_changes(request.user, gloss, fields_to_update, interface_language_code)
except (TransactionManagementError, ValueError, IntegrityError):
errors['Exception'] = "Transaction management error."
errors = dict()
errors[gettext('Exception')] = gettext("Transaction management error.")
results['errors'] = errors
results['updatestatus'] = "Failed"
return JsonResponse(results, status=400)
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Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, EmptyResultSet
from django.db import OperationalError, ProgrammingError
from django.db.models import Q, Count, CharField, TextField, Value as V
from django.db.models.fields import BooleanField, BooleanField
from django.db.models.fields import BooleanField

from django.urls import reverse
from tagging.models import TaggedItem, Tag
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# Set this to True to avoid deleting glosses that are in relations with other glosses

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