###React/React-native/Vue developer 👋
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- Side project (part-time) (Nuxt, Vee validate, RadixVue, ) - volunteering project - working according to SCRUM methodology, using Nuxt for SEO, choosing appropriate tools for Ui, validation, and applying them in project 2024 -01 - present time
- React-native developer (startup in rent property PRentals) (Nextjs, TanStak Query, ReactHookForm, Typescript, React-native, Formik, Storybook, RadixUi, Tailwind, Framer motion, I18, Yup) - developing user interface with Radix, creating forms using React Hook Forms and Yup validation with complicated logic for logging, filtering, and creating objects without using state manager. Using Tanstack query for caching data from the server 2023 -06 - 2024-01
- React-native-developer Epam Systems 2021-10 - 2022-04
- React/Node.js-developer LTD Pulkovo-Express 2021-07 - 2021-08
- JavaScript (ES6), HTML, CSS, Typescript
- React, React-native, Next.js frameworks,
- Vue, Nuxt,
- Node.js(Express)
- MySQL, MongoDB, WatermelonDB
- GitHub/GitLab/
- notes - application for mobile phones - create notes for your needs(react native, firebase as a backend).
- burgersale - app for selling burgers (react/redux)
- Barbershop - app for making appointments for haircuts (js)
- ListTasks - app for writing notes to do/learn (react/typescript/tailwind/firebase)
- backend - my experiments
- [live-chat] (https://dojo-blog-f8767.web.app/) - (Vue, authentification, firebase)
- [live-chat code] (https://github.com/Sinamon-maker/live-chat) - (Vue, authentification, firebase)