A curated list of awesome things related to VuePress
- Docs - Official Guide
- Docs - Config Reference
- Docs - GitHub Repo
- Docs - Release Notes
- Medium - Intro to VuePress 1.x
- 20180518 VueNYC - Introduction to VuePress - Evan You
- 20190107 Twitch Session: Trying to Write a VuePress Plugin
- 20190320 Create a Blog with VuePress on GitLab Pages
- 20190625 Secure GitLab Pages with Let's Encrypt Certificate
- 20200331 Create a multi-language marketing site with Vuepress and TailwindCSS
- davidangel.net - An example of a site running VuePress on Netlify.
- vuepress-login - An example for add authorization with v-dialogs on VuePress
- Vuepress Tools - By @z3by
Maintained by vuejs/vuepress:
- @vuepress/plugin-blog - Blog plugin
- @vuepress/plugin-active-header-links - A plugin of automatically activating sidebar links when page scrolls
- @vuepress/plugin-back-to-top - A plugin for "back to top" button
- @vuepress/plugin-google-analytics - Google analytics plugin
- @vuepress/plugin-i18n-ui - I18N UI plugin
- @vuepress/plugin-last-updated - A plugin for displaying last updated time of pages
- @vuepress/plugin-medium-zoom - medium-zoom plugin
- @vuepress/plugin-nprogress - nprogress plugin
- @vuepress/plugin-pwa - PWA plugin
- @vuepress/plugin-register-components - A plugin for registering Vue components
- @vuepress/plugin-search - Headers-based search plugin
Maintained by vuepress/vuepress-community:
- vuepress-plugin-clean-urls - 💧 Use clean urls in VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-container - 📦 Use markdown containers in VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-copyright - 📋 Handle copy behaviors in VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-dehydrate - 🔥 Dehydrate HTML files in VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-git-log - 💾 Integrate git logs into VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-mathjax - 📃 Use TeX syntax in VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-medium-zoom - 🔍 Make images zoomable in VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-migrate - 🐾 Migrate another website to VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-named-chunks - 📛 Generate named chunks in VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-nprogress - 🏃 Show progress bar in VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-redirect - 🚥 Handle redirection in VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-serve - 🔑 Serve generated files in VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-smooth-scroll - 🎢 Make scrolling smooth in VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-table-of-contents - 🔖 Provides table-of-contents component in VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-typescript - 🌴 Support TypeScript in VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-zooming - 🔍 Make images zoomable in VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-graysite - Plug-ins that gray your site for VuePress.(Generally used for Mourning Day)
- vuepress-plugin-disqus - Register a global Disqus component to add to your layouts
- vuepress-plugin-mailchimp - Simplifies subscribing new email addresses to a Mailchimp email list.
- vuepress-plugin-yuque - Input: Yuque Repo, Output: VuePress Site!
- vuepress-plugin-schema2md - A VuePress plugin to help you generate pages via JSON Schema (HMR ✅)
- vuepress-plugin-docgen - auto docs generation for your components
- vuepress-plugin-check-md - Check dead links of markdown.
- vuepress-plugin-flowchart - Rapid flowchart development plugin for VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-export - Export your VuePress site to a PDF file
- vuepress-plugin-sitemap - Sitemap generator plugin for vuepress.
- vuepress-plugin-seo - 🔌 Generate SEO friendly meta header for every page
- vuepress-plugin-demo-code - Display your demo and code at the same time with one source code.
- @silvanite/vuepress-plugin-markdown-classes - Add unique class names to markdown generated html.
- vuepress-plugin-alias - handling page aliases in Vuepress
- vuepress-plugin-component-docgen - Generate documentation for Vue component
- @vssue/vuepress-plugin-vssue - enable comments for your vuepress sites
- vuepress-plugin-reading-time reading-time plugin to display how long a page takes to read
- vuepress-plugin-minimal-analytics - Minimal Google Analytics plugin for VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-autometa - Auto meta tags plugin for VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-autonav - Auto nav links plugin for VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-feed - RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds generator plugin for VuePress
- vuepress-plugin-permalink-pinyin - A VuePress plugin which convert Chinese title to transliterate permalink
- vuepress-plugin-pangu - A VuePress plugin which automatically inserts whitespace between CJK and half-width characters in markdown files for better readability
- @goy/vuepress-plugin-svg-icons - A VuePress plugin for managing svg icons based on svg sprite icon.
- vuepress-plugin-tabs - A VuePress plugin which renders custom markdown containers as tabs
- vuepress-plugin-baidu-autopush - Inject Baidu url-auto-push script to optimize your site for Baidu SEO.
- vuepress-plugin-element-tabs - markdown custom container to display content in tabs from Element UI
- vuepress-plugin-blog-multidir - A VuePress blog plugin which Support multiple folders
- vuepress-plugin-reading-progress - A reading progress bar plugin for vuepress
- vuepress-plugin-code-switcher - Have code blocks available in multiple languages that you can switch between
- vuepress-plugin-global-toc - An alternative table of contents that covers the entire vuepress website
- vuepress-plugin-social-share - A VuePress plugin which provides social sharing services
- vuepress-plugin-gitalk-maker - modern comment component, base on Gitalk preview
- vuepress-plugin-code-copy - automatically add copy buttons to all code blocks
- vuepress-plugin-img-lazy - A vuepress plugin to better supporting image lazy loading
- vuepress-plugin-merge-pages - Merge markdown files in a single markdown
- vuepress-plugin-authors - ✍️ Get all the authors of a md file in the $page object
- vuepress-plugin-catalog-graph A network graph for your VuePress' documentation
- vuepress-plugin-glossary - 📖 📚 Glossary implementation helping to establish a ubiquitous language within the project
- vuepress-plugin-element-ui - ✨ extend elementui base on markdown-it-container
- vuepress-plugin-auto-sidebar - A vuepress plugin to automatically generate sidebars
- vuepress-plugin-music-bar - 🎼 🎵 A beautiful VuePress music-bar plugin 🎶
- vuepress-plugin-smartlook - A vuepress plugin integrate Smartlook recording & analytics
- vuepress-plugin-meilisearch - Integrate a relevant an powerful search bar using MeiliSearch!
- vuepress-plugin-redirect-frontmatter - 🎉VuePress plugin to handle redirection via frontmatter
- vuepress-plugin-right-anchor - Add anchor navigation bar to the right of the document page written in vuepress
- vuepress-plugin-baidu-tongji-analytics - Baidu tongji analytics plugin
- vuepress-plugin-toolbar - Sidebar display custom toolbar plugin
- vuepress-plugin-plausible-analytics - Add Plausible analytics to the VuePress site
- @kawarimidoll/vuepress-plugin-tailwind - A VuePress plugin to use
easily - spekulatius/vuepress-plugin-web-monetization - Adds the web-monetization metatag to your VuePress site. Works both on page-by-page levels as well as global.
- vuepress-plugin-lastest-version - Get lastest version of artifact for your vuepress doc.
- spekulatius/vuepress-plugin-umami - allows to use privacy-friendly Umami Analytics instead of e.g. Google Analytics.
- vuepress-plugin-vue-demo - Write vue demo in markdown like elementui documents
- vuepress-plugin-vuese-docs - Automatic generation of component documentation via code comments and demo examples
- vuepress-plugin-goatcounter - Easy web analytics. No tracking of personal data
- @adamdehaven/vuepress-plugin-custom-tooltip - A customizable, reactive, and reusable tooltip component for VuePress that supports multiple use-cases, plugin options & props.
- vuepress-plugin-helper-live2d - 😎 VuePress集成Live2D看板娘. | Live2D plugin for VuePress.
- vuepress-plugin-mygitalk - 😇 VuePress集成Gitalk. | Gitalk plugin for VuePress.
- vuepress-plugin-gotop-plus - ☝️ VuePress回到页首插件Plus. | back-to-top plus plugin for VuePress.
- @xiaopanda/vuepress-plugin-code-copy - A VuePress plugin that copies code blocks with one click.
- vuepress-plugin-last-reading - A vuepress plugin to record the last reading.
- vuepress-plugin-qrcode - Display the current URL QR code for mobile devices to scan.
- vuepress-plugin-child-toc - A table of contents that displayed all child pages.
- vuepress-plugin-tags - tags plugin: Use the tags in the "front matter" provided by the built-in search to generate a tag list under the main title
- vuepress-plugin-facebook-pixel - A VuePress plugin to use Facebook Pixel
- vuepress-plugin-ackee - Adds the Ackuee tracking code to vuePress (privacy-friendly)
- @snippetors/vuepress-plugin-tabs - A VuePress plugin which renders custom markdown containers as tabs, for vuepress v2.x
- @snippetors/vuepress-plugin-code-copy - A VuePress plugin which provides a button to copy code block, for vuepress v2.x
- vuepress-theme-antdocs - 🔥🎨 An Ant Design style theme for VuePress.
- vuepress-theme-reco - 💥 A simple and beautiful vuepress blog theme
- vuepress-theme-thindark - A dark theme for VuePress.
- vuepress-theme-egoist - A blog theme for @EGOIST and a mirror of egoist/blog, but powered by VuePress.
- vuepress-theme-yubisaki - ✨ A blog theme for vuepress
- vuepress-theme-meteorlxy - 💖 VuePress Blog Theme - Meteorlxy
- vuepress-theme-macgs - 💫 A vuepress theme for easyhexo.com
- vuepress-theme-simple - ✏️ Very Simple Blog Theme for VuePress
- vuepress-theme-melody - A simple & beautiful blog theme for vuepress. https://molunerfinn.com/hexo-theme-melody-doc/
- vuepress-theme-api - 📦📝🎨 A api-friendly theme for VuePress. https://blog.sqrtthree.com/vuepress-theme-api/
- vuepress-theme-ktquez - A blog theme for VuePress by Ktquez 🤘 - https://ktquez-play.web.app/en/
- vuepress-theme-ououe - A blog theme for VuePress preview
- vuepress-theme-yuicer - A vuepress blog theme for otaku - https://blog.yuicer.com/
- vuepress-theme-craftdocs - A technical documentation / API reference theme for VuePress. https://docs.craftcms.com/
- vuepress-theme-resume - 🐈 Write and generate a markdown resume by VuePress.
- vuepress-theme-default-prefers-color-scheme - add dark theme for vuepress default theme, base on prefers-color-scheme preview
- vuepress-theme-yur - 💞 A minimalistic but not simple blog theme by cnguu - Preview
- vuepress-theme-modern-blog - 💖 Vuepress Blog Modern Theme Demo
- vuepress-theme-yuu - A VuePress theme that supports a dark theme, multiple color themes, and other useful features.
- vuepress-theme-seeker - 🌈 A colorful and simple blog theme - https://iwenson.com
- vuepress-theme-onen - 🎈 A vuepress theme for oneN - Preview
- vuepress-theme-typewriter - Blog theme focusing on Korean Typography. - Preview
- vuepress-theme-britecore - 🤩Vuepress documentation theme using BriteCore design system. Demo
- vuepress-theme-terminal - 💻 A portfolio theme modeled as a terminal - Preview
- vuepress-theme-ting - 🐸 🌵 小清新风格-A simple and fresh style of vuepress theme. Demo
- vuepress-theme-succinct - Vuepress theme with support for custom fonts, and light and dark themes. Demo
- vuepress-theme-medium - 🥁A medium-like vuepress blog theme DEMO
- vuepress-theme-vuetify - 🥰Vuepress documentation theme using Vuetify and google material design DEMO
- vuepress-theme-blog-vuetify - 💥The world's most simple, beautiful and customizable 2 columns VuePress blog theme built with Vuetify Demo
- vuepress-theme-note - A vuepress theme for notes vuepress-theme-note
- vuepress-theme-vdoing - 🚀A simple and efficient VuePress knowledge management & blog theme. 知识管理&博客 主题。 Demo
- vuepress-theme-carbon - Vuepress default theme with support for Carbon Ads.
- vuepress-theme-material-free - Blog theme inspired in Google Material Design - Preview
- vuepress-theme-hope - A light vuepress blog / doc theme with lots of enhance modes Doc DEMO | Blog DEMO
- vuepress-theme-solarized - Solarized Dark and Light themes for your Vuepress docs Demo
- vuepress-theme-book - 📘 A VuePress theme inspired by Gitbook Demo
- vuepress-theme-ic 🎉🎉🎉 A note-style vuepress blog theme with simple, clear and practical features for the purpose. The palest ink is better than the best memory. DEMO
- vuepress-theme-mustom - Simple design theme for VuePress - PREVIEW
- @qcyblm/vuepress-theme-vpx - A theme developed based on VuePress
- vuepress-theme-yilia-plus - 🔥🔥🔥 一款简洁优雅的VuePress主题 A simple and elegant theme for VuePress. Blog Preview
- vuepress-theme-maker - 🐉 A flat and clean Blog Theme for VuePress site. Preview
- vuepress-theme-mini - 🎨 A minimal blogging theme of VuePress. Preview
- vue-cli
- vuex
- vue-server-renderer
- vue-router
- vue-test-utils
- vue-loader
- vetur
- rollup-plugin-vue
- events
Blog websites that use VuePress.
- thuycom.studio (VuePress × Netlify)
- Nobi.dev (VuePress with AMP)
- Howar31 Blog (VuePress with GitLab Pages)
- meteorlxy
- 维维博客
- cnguu's blog
- Ahmad Mostafa
- znote (VuePress with GitHub Pages)
- ariona.net (VuePress × Netlify) – Open Sourced
- ChungZH's blog (VuePress theme-blog with Netlify)
- mrsessions blog (VuePress with Azure Static Web Apps)
- wxsm's space
- NyanDev Blog (VuePress x Github Pages x Cloudflare)
- dt.in.th (VuePress × Netlify) - Open Sourced
- Reflections (VuePress with Github Pages)
- 1980's Maker
Documentation websites that use VuePress.
- CodeceptJS - CodeceptJS ‐ supercharged End 2 End Testing
- discordjs.guide - The official guide for discord.js, created and maintained by core members of its community.
- vue-i18n - Vue I18n is internationalization plugin for Vue.js
- vuesax - New Framework Components for Vue.js 2
- cr-vue - 基礎から学ぶ Vue.js サポートページ
- vuemeetups - A place to centralize all Vue.js community efforts
- umi - 🌋 Pluggable enterprise-level react application framework.
- dva - 🌱 React and redux based, lightweight and elm-style framework. (Inspired by elm and choo)
- macaca - Automation test solution for native, hybrid, mobile web and web application on mobile and desktop platforms.
- macaca-datahub - Just enjoy the data out-of-the-box.
- app-inspector - Mobile UI viewer in browser, view the UI in a tree view, and generate XPath automatically
- form-wrapper-js - A lightweight library that creates forms systems in a convenient and easy way, without dependencies and magic code.
- lin-cms-vue - A simple and practical CMS implemented by Vue
- openhab - an open source, technology agnostic home automation platform which runs as the center of your smart home!
- ms-design - Vue components that implement Microsoft Design Language
- archcheatsheet - Offline dual boot/no desktop environment
- zaobao - 每日时报,以前端技术体系为主要分享课题。根据:文章、工具、新闻、视频几大板块作为主要分类。
- vue-cli-plugin-apollo - @vue/cli plugin for Vue Apollo
- vue-cli-plugin-ssr - ✨ Simple SSR plugin for Vue CLI
- vue-concise-slider - vue-concise-slider,A simple vue sliding component
- vue-mapbox - Combine powers of Mapbox GL JS and Vue.js
- xstate - State machines and statecharts for the modern web
- lighthouse - Laravel GraphQL Server
- vue-glide - Vue component on top of the Glide.js
- chartjs-plugin-datalabels - Chart.js plugin to display labels on data elements
- Bocadillo - 🥙 A modern Python web framework filled with asynchronous salsa
- vue-styleguidist - Created from react styleguidist for Vue Components with a living style guide
- vue-chartjs - ⚡ Easy and beautiful charts with Chart.js and Vue.js
- shadow - Gradle Shadow Plugin
- Craft CMS - Craft is a flexible, user-friendly CMS for creating custom digital experiences on the web and beyond.
- open-wc - Open Web Component Recommendations
- pywebview - Build GUI for your Python program with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- nuxt-beginners-guide - Japan's first book that corresponds to Nuxt.js v2 and focuses on deep content.
- vue-a11y-utils - Utilities for accessibility (a11y) in Vue.js
- statusfy - A marvelous open source Status Page system
- autogit - Define commands, using plugins, to execute across all your repositories.
- mpvue-weui - 基于 mpvue 的 weui 框架
- open-autonomous-safety - Open Autonomous Safety
- twill - Twill is an open source CMS toolkit for Laravel that helps developers rapidly create a custom admin console that is intuitive, powerful and flexible.
- pandora - A Manageable, Measurable and Traceable Node.js Application Manager
- css_tricks - Some CSS tricks
- markwon - Android markdown library (no WebView)
- vue-infinite-loading - An infinite scroll plugin for Vue.js.
- typescript-book-chinese - TypeScript Deep Dive 中文版
- vue-patterns - Useful Vue patterns, techniques, tips and tricks and helpful curated links.
- v8n - ☑️ JavaScript fluent validation library
- PicGo-Core - A tool for picture uploading. Both CLI & api supports.
- EasyHexo - 🤘 Build your own website with Hexo, the easy way. | 轻松使用 Hexo 建站。
- d2-daily - D2 日报。
- SorryPress - Vuepress version of xtyxtyx/sorry
- vue-showdown - Use showdown.js in Vue
- vssue - 📫 A Vue-powered Issue-based Comment Plugin
- codemirror-colorpicker - Colorpicker manual site
- mtgjson - An open‐source project that catalogues all Magic: The Gathering cards in a portable format.
- Leon - 🧠 Your open-source personal assistant.
- Vuepress Theme Cool Starter
- vuesion - The most complete boilerplate for production-ready PWAs. With focus on performance, development speed, and best practices
- blessing-skin-plugin-docs - Blessing Skin Server 插件开发文档
- Mevn-CLI - Light Speed setup for MEVN stack based apps.
- teachcode - A tool to develop and improve a student’s programming skills by introducing the earliest lessons of coding.
- Docker 绿皮书 - Help beginners get started quickly with docker, and show docker's power through a few simple small examples.
- idea 快捷键速查文档 - Help Intellij IDEA users write code without mouse. And also supply Chinese translation of official keymap PDF(Mac/Win/Linux), it's available on webpage!
- SiteWhere Documentation - SiteWhere is the open platform for the Internet of Things. Source.
- Pomerium - Pomerium is the open-source identity-aware access proxy.
- Wasabi Wallet – An archive of knowledge about the open-source, non-custodial and privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet for desktop.
- kriry开发者网络 - kriry开发者网络 (kriry developer net).
- GROWI Docs - Open Source Markdown x Wiki. Real-time preview on left and right screens is possible.
- Java 全栈知识体系 - Java 全栈知识体系 (Java full stack knowledge system).
- MeiliSearch - Open Source instant search engine
- DBKangaroo - Database admin and management tool for popular DBMS
- LLStack - 轻量、高性能的 (Open)LiteSpeed+PHP+MySQL 运行环境
- SuperAgent 中文文档 - SuperAgent 中文文档
- Remote Work Encyclopedia
- Open Source guide to remote work
- Vuepress.tools - A Vuepress Awesome tools list.
- Azure中文精选 - Microsoft Azure developer content localization resources.
- PBST Handbook - Open Source
- PET Handbook - Open Source
- TMS Handbook - Open Source
- PB Website - Open Source
- VuePress Homepage - Elegant and friendly homepage (bio, tech portfolio, resume, doc) template
- soonspacejs - Simple and easy to learn webgl plug-in through threejs.
- @nuxtjs/firebase Docs - Documentation for the Firebase module for Nuxt.
- Firewings Docs - Documentation for the Firewings module for Vue.
- The Wise Opportunist - Learn how to exploit the system to your own interest
- BTCPay Server - BTCPay Server is an open-source, self-hosted payment processor for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
- PHPScraper - Scraper library for PHP using VuePress for its documentation.
- 試毅-思伟_技术笔记 – 🎉🎉🎉 VuePress记录技术开发笔记
- MyBatis-Plus - An powerful enhanced toolkit of MyBatis for simplify development.
- VIZ Docs - VIZ blockchain documentation.
- vue-grid-layout - Documentation for vue-grid-layout, a grid layout system for Vue.js
- uiv - Bootstrap 3 Components implemented by Vue 2.
- line-bot-sdk-nodejs - LINE Messaging API SDK for nodejs
- Alibaba
- Ant Financial
- Tencent
- BriteCore
To the extent possible under law, ULIVZ has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.