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Git Metrics

Jimmy Oty edited this page Jun 12, 2023 · 1 revision

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Project Name: Git Metrics

Openings for new Contributors

* 2 Java Devs


Git Metrics is a Java project that can inspect the git history of a project and provide metrics
on contribution by contributor.

This is required for projects that use a license which states something to the effect:

    "In the event of monetisation, monies shall be distributed in proportion to effort
    as measured by git contributions".
The initial version of this software will be a stand alone Java Application.

The software will query a git library to work out metrics such as:

    (i)   characters added
    (ii)  characters edited
    (iii) characters deleted
    (iv)  number of commits
    (v)   etc
It will create reports ranking contributors by the above metrics.

So the result of a report could look like:

Username    Ranking    %_effort   char_added   char_edited  char_deleted  number_commits
JD:            1         100%      10 million    2 million    1 million     1000

Repository / URL

This is a public project:


Project Start Date

@todo - not started - pending people joining project

Project Status


Date Project Owner joined SpaceYaTech

May 2023

About the Project Owner

JD (John Dickerson) is a Brit who has relocated to Kenya and married a Kikuo.  JD has an 
interest in decentralised software that protects the freedoms of people and allows them to 
collaborate to achieve great things.  JD has worked in low latency trading platforms and dot 
com companies in Europe.  JD is currently trying to help young people set up software 
operations; find jobs and build experience.  JD has 20 years plus coding in Java.


    * Software Dev
    * Thought Experiments
    * Kite Surfing
    * Music Production / Promotion
    * Runs a Reggae Sound System

How to contact

Email: [email protected]

Email for Zoom Desktop contact request:  [email protected]

Whatsapp: +254 705 841 834

Project Owner git username


Current Contributors

* John Dickerson (project owner) -  [email protected]

Tech Stack

* Java and Git libraries
* Possible Java Swing / Java FX / Command line

Joining Requirements

You should know:

    * Core Java


Proprietary licence that states that in the event of monetisation, monies shall be distributed 
in proportion to effort contributed as measured by metrics such as  git contributions

Benefits of Joining

* Experience on your CV
* Learning with someone who has 20 years experience in Java
* You will have the optional opportunity to learn how to onboard and manage other devs

What if I do not yet match joining requirements?

* JD can point you to resources that allow you to get up to speed with minimum requirements.  
  If you manage to get up to speed in the required areas, you can join the project.

Planned Revenue Streams

* This project currently has no planned revenue stream but that can change

Funding status and message to prospective investors

Not looking for funding