SparrowDB is an image database that works like an append-only object store. Sparrow has tools that allow image processing and HTTP server to access images.
Sparrow consists of three files – the actual Sparrow store file containing the images data, plus an index file and a bloom filter file.
There is a corresponding data definition record followed by the image bytes for each image in the storage file. The index file provides the offset of the data definition in the storage file.
- Java >= 1.8 (OpenJDK and Oracle JVMS have been tested)
This short guide will walk you through getting a basic one node cluster up and running, and demonstrate some simple reads and writes.
First, download Sparrow repository:
- Extract zip file
- Go to Sparrow directory
- Run: mvn clean install
After that we start the server. Running the startup script; it can be stopped with ctrl-C. Go to sparrowdb root directory.
$ bin/
Running client (default port 8082).
$ bin/ client
Creating a database:
>>create database database_name;
Sending an image to database:
>>insert into database_name ('image_path_with_extension', 'image_key');
Listing all images in database:
>>select from database_name;
key | size| extension| timestamp
key1| 1184791| png| 2016-04-20 00:51:35+0000
key2| 104547| jpg| 2016-04-20 01:04:07+0000
key3| 558001| png| 2016-01-03 22:14:31+0000
key4| 558001| gif| 2016-01-03 22:16:06+0000
key5| 95889| bmp| 2016-01-03 22:14:47+0000
You also can use query like:
>>select from database_name where key = image_key;
Deleting image:
>>delete from database_name where key = image_key;
Accessing image from browser:
This software is under MIT license.