Releases: SpigotRCE/ParadiseClient-Fabric
v1.21.4 g3 b14
v1.21.4 g3 b13
What's Changed
- fix: UUID type button showing wrong type by default by @SpigotRCE in #31
- fix: Crashing when resizing window on uuid spoof screen by @SpigotRCE in #33
- Fix/37 by @SpigotRCE in #41
- Fix/42 by @SpigotRCE in #43
Full Changelog: 1.21.4-3-12...1.21.4-3-13
What's Changed
- License issues by @SpigotRCE in #18
- Code cleanup by @SpigotRCE in #21
- feat: top right notification on exploitable channel by @SpigotRCE in #22
- Add new theme, add theme selection button and adjust titlescreen buttons positions by @Zalgo-Dev in #23
- translating comments from french to english by @SpigotRCE in #24
- Fix and update theme by @Zalgo-Dev in #28
- feat: bungee ip dumping by @SpigotRCE in #29
New Contributors
- @Zalgo-Dev made their first contribution in #23
Full Changelog: 1.21.4-3-11...1.21.4-3-12
What's Changed
- Merged all private exploits
- Code cleanup by @SpigotRCE in #15
- Merge exploits by @SpigotRCE in #16
Full Changelog: 1.21.4-3-10...1.21.4-3-11
v1.21.4 g3 b9
quick changes:
Bumped to 1.21.4
removed smooth scrolling
relocated buttons on multiplayer menu
What's Changed
- Bump 1.21.4 by @SpigotRCE in #12
Full Changelog: 1.21.3-3-8...1.21.4-3-9
Quick changes
- Fixed update notification being sent to chat even when there is no new update
What's Changed
- Issue 13 by @SpigotRCE in #14
Full Changelog: 1.21.4-3-9...1.21.4-3-10
Release notes:
Major changes:
Fixed compatibility with VFP Issue#11
Full Changelog: 1.21.3-3-7...1.21.3-3-8
Release notes:
Major changes:
Text field in UUIDSpoofScreen now contains the field name
Added channel notifier
Made hud look better by removing the author name
Removed debug messages in console
resetting color in chat messages sent by the client
All messages are now sent in sync queue
Added plugin message event for API
Added anti kick for large packets
Made purpur crash async
Changed background image with Matrix
Removed unused dependencies
Bump to 1.21.3
Added texture pack URL grabber
Fixed infinite chat
Added say command back
Fixed help command
Removed discord RPC (temp)
Added update checker
Changed ViaFabricPlus download URL
Added Update URL in hud
Added Update URL to chat on game join
Fixed inconsistent spacing in window title
Nerd's talk:
- I don't know why but sure by @SpigotRCE in #7
- Crash 79c6862 fix merge by @SpigotRCE in #8
- Bump to 1.21.1 by @hydrojava in #3
- bump to 1.21.3 by @SpigotRCE in #9
New Contributors
- @SpigotRCE made their first contribution in #7
- @hydrojava made their first contribution in #3
Full Changelog: 1.21-3-6...1.21.3-3-7
Release notes:
Removed the root Paradise command and now all commands are on root
Added way to open command menu with command prefix
Full Changelog: v1.21-3-UPDATE...1.21-3-6
Release Notes:
Fixed RPC crashing Windows 10/11 Users (Milk's silly code)
Added Purpur Crasher
Released AuthMeVelocity bypass publicly!
Changed Prefix to , to not interfere with other mods!
Note: It was meant to be build 6 but hectograms didn't listen to me and putted "UPDATE" I don't know why. Faq you