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Isaac 4.5 Upgrade #2595

Isaac 4.5 Upgrade

Isaac 4.5 Upgrade #2595

GitHub Actions / Test Results succeeded Feb 19, 2025 in 1s

34 passed, 110 failed and 9 skipped

Tests failed

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
test_controllers.xml 1❌ 158ms
test_curobo.xml 1❌ 212ms
test_data_collection.xml 1❌ 183ms
test_dump_load_states.xml 4❌ 563ms
test_envs.xml 5❌ 525ms
test_multiple_envs.xml 8❌ 2⚪ 789ms
test_object_removal.xml 2❌ 207ms
test_object_states.xml 33❌ 3s
test_primitives.xml 1❌ 424ms
test_robot_states_flatcache.xml 3❌ 516ms
test_robot_states_no_flatcache.xml 3❌ 488ms
test_robot_teleoperation.xml 1⚪ 31ms
test_scene_graph.xml 1❌ 200ms
test_sensors.xml 2❌ 489ms
test_symbolic_primitives.xml 14❌ 6⚪ 1s
test_systems.xml 1❌ 137ms
test_transform_utils.xml 34✅ 566ms
test_transition_rules.xml 30❌ 2s

❌ test_controllers.xml

1 tests were completed in 158ms with 0 passed, 1 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 1❌ 158ms

❌ pytest

  ❌ test_arm_control
	def test_arm_control():

❌ test_curobo.xml

1 tests were completed in 212ms with 0 passed, 1 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 1❌ 212ms

❌ pytest

  ❌ test_curobo
	def test_curobo():

❌ test_data_collection.xml

1 tests were completed in 183ms with 0 passed, 1 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 1❌ 183ms

❌ pytest

  ❌ test_data_collect_and_playback
	def test_data_collect_and_playback():

❌ test_dump_load_states.xml

4 tests were completed in 563ms with 0 passed, 4 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 4❌ 563ms

❌ pytest

  ❌ test_dump_load
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_dump_load_serialized
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_save_restore_partial
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_save_restore_full
	def wrapper():

❌ test_envs.xml

5 tests were completed in 525ms with 0 passed, 5 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 5❌ 525ms

❌ pytest

  ❌ test_dummy_task
	def test_dummy_task():
  ❌ test_point_reaching_task
	def test_point_reaching_task():
  ❌ test_point_navigation_task
	def test_point_navigation_task():
  ❌ test_behavior_task
	def test_behavior_task():
  ❌ test_rs_int_full_load
	def test_rs_int_full_load():

❌ test_multiple_envs.xml

10 tests were completed in 789ms with 0 passed, 8 failed and 2 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 8❌ 2⚪ 789ms

❌ pytest

  ❌ test_multi_scene_dump_load_states
	def test_multi_scene_dump_load_states():
  ❌ test_multi_scene_get_local_position
	def test_multi_scene_get_local_position():
  ❌ test_multi_scene_set_local_position
	def test_multi_scene_set_local_position():
  ❌ test_multi_scene_scene_prim
	def test_multi_scene_scene_prim():
  ❌ test_multi_scene_particle_source
	def test_multi_scene_particle_source():
  ❌ test_multi_scene_position_orientation_relative_to_scene
	def test_multi_scene_position_orientation_relative_to_scene():
  ❌ test_tiago_getter
	def test_tiago_getter():
  ❌ test_tiago_setter
	def test_tiago_setter():
  ⚪ test_behavior_getter
  ⚪ test_behavior_setter

❌ test_object_removal.xml

2 tests were completed in 207ms with 0 passed, 2 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 2❌ 207ms

❌ pytest

  ❌ test_removal_and_readdition
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_readdition
	def wrapper():

❌ test_object_states.xml

33 tests were completed in 3s with 0 passed, 33 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 33❌ 3s

❌ pytest

  ❌ test_on_top
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_inside
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_under
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_touching
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_contact_bodies
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_next_to
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_overlaid
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_pose
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_joint
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_aabb
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_adjacency
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_temperature
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_max_temperature
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_heat_source_or_sink
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_cooked
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_burnt
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_frozen
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_heated
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_on_fire
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_toggled_on
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_attached_to
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_particle_source
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_particle_sink
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_particle_applier
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_particle_remover
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_saturated
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_open
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_folded_unfolded
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_draped
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_filled
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_contains
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_covered
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_clear_sim
	def test_clear_sim():

❌ test_primitives.xml

1 tests were completed in 424ms with 0 passed, 1 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 1❌ 424ms

❌ pytest

❌ tests.test_primitives
	tests/ in <module>

❌ test_robot_states_flatcache.xml

3 tests were completed in 516ms with 0 passed, 3 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 3❌ 516ms

❌ pytest

  ❌ test_camera_pose_flatcache_on
	def test_camera_pose_flatcache_on():
  ❌ test_robot_load_drive
	def test_robot_load_drive():
  ❌ test_grasping_mode
	def test_grasping_mode():

❌ test_robot_states_no_flatcache.xml

3 tests were completed in 488ms with 0 passed, 3 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 3❌ 488ms

❌ pytest

  ❌ test_camera_pose_flatcache_off
	def test_camera_pose_flatcache_off():
  ❌ test_camera_semantic_segmentation
	def test_camera_semantic_segmentation():
  ❌ test_object_in_FOV_of_robot
	def test_object_in_FOV_of_robot():

✅ test_robot_teleoperation.xml

1 tests were completed in 31ms with 0 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 1⚪ 31ms

✅ pytest

  ⚪ test_teleop

❌ test_scene_graph.xml

1 tests were completed in 200ms with 0 passed, 1 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 1❌ 200ms

❌ pytest

  ❌ test_scene_graph
	def test_scene_graph():

❌ test_sensors.xml

2 tests were completed in 489ms with 0 passed, 2 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 2❌ 489ms

❌ pytest

  ❌ test_segmentation_modalities
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_bbox_modalities
	def wrapper():

❌ test_symbolic_primitives.xml

20 tests were completed in 1s with 0 passed, 14 failed and 6 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 14❌ 6⚪ 1s

❌ pytest

  ❌ test_in_hand_state[R1]
	robot_type = 'R1'
  ❌ test_open[R1]
	robot_type = 'R1'
  ❌ test_close[R1]
	robot_type = 'R1'
  ❌ test_place_inside[R1]
	robot_type = 'R1'
  ❌ test_place_ontop[R1]
	robot_type = 'R1'
  ❌ test_toggle_on[R1]
	robot_type = 'R1'
  ⚪ test_soak_under[R1]
  ⚪ test_wipe[R1]
  ⚪ test_cut[R1]
  ❌ test_persistent_sticky_grasping[R1]
	robot_type = 'R1'
  ❌ test_in_hand_state[Tiago]
	robot_type = 'Tiago'
  ❌ test_open[Tiago]
	robot_type = 'Tiago'
  ❌ test_close[Tiago]
	robot_type = 'Tiago'
  ❌ test_place_inside[Tiago]
	robot_type = 'Tiago'
  ❌ test_place_ontop[Tiago]
	robot_type = 'Tiago'
  ❌ test_toggle_on[Tiago]
	robot_type = 'Tiago'
  ⚪ test_soak_under[Tiago]
  ⚪ test_wipe[Tiago]
  ⚪ test_cut[Tiago]
  ❌ test_persistent_sticky_grasping[Tiago]
	robot_type = 'Tiago'

❌ test_systems.xml

1 tests were completed in 137ms with 0 passed, 1 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 1❌ 137ms

❌ pytest

  ❌ test_system_clear
	def wrapper():

✅ test_transform_utils.xml

34 tests were completed in 566ms with 34 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 34✅ 566ms

✅ pytest

  ✅ test_quat2mat_special_cases
  ✅ test_quat_multiply
  ✅ test_quat_conjugate
  ✅ test_quat_inverse
  ✅ test_quat_distance
  ✅ test_normalize
  ✅ test_dot_product
  ✅ test_l2_distance
  ✅ test_rotation_matrix_properties
  ✅ test_rotation_matrix
  ✅ test_transformation_matrix
  ✅ test_transformation_matrix_no_point
  ✅ test_matrix_inverse
  ✅ test_cartesian_to_polar
  ✅ test_pose2mat_and_mat2pose
  ✅ test_pose_inv
  ✅ test_axisangle2quat_and_quat2axisangle
  ✅ test_vecs2axisangle
  ✅ test_vecs2quat
  ✅ test_euler2quat_and_quat2euler
  ✅ test_euler2mat_and_mat2euler
  ✅ test_quat_apply
  ✅ test_quat_slerp
  ✅ test_transform_points_2d
  ✅ test_transform_points_3d
  ✅ test_convert_quat
  ✅ test_random_quaternion
  ✅ test_random_axis_angle
  ✅ test_align_vector_sets
  ✅ test_copysign
  ✅ test_anorm
  ✅ test_check_quat_right_angle
  ✅ test_z_angle_from_quat
  ✅ test_integer_spiral_coordinates

❌ test_transition_rules.xml

30 tests were completed in 2s with 0 passed, 30 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
pytest 30❌ 2s

❌ pytest

  ❌ test_dryer_rule
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_washer_rule
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_slicing_rule
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_dicing_rule_cooked
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_dicing_rule_uncooked
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_melting_rule
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_cooking_physical_particle_rule_failure_recipe_systems
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_cooking_physical_particle_rule_success
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_mixing_rule_failure_recipe_systems
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_mixing_rule_failure_nonrecipe_systems
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_mixing_rule_success
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_cooking_system_rule_failure_recipe_systems
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_cooking_system_rule_failure_nonrecipe_systems
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_cooking_system_rule_failure_nonrecipe_objects
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_cooking_system_rule_success
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_cooking_object_rule_failure_wrong_container
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_cooking_object_rule_failure_recipe_objects
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_cooking_object_rule_failure_unary_states
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_cooking_object_rule_failure_binary_system_states
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_cooking_object_rule_failure_binary_object_states
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_cooking_object_rule_failure_wrong_heat_source
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_cooking_object_rule_success
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_single_toggleable_machine_rule_output_system_failure_wrong_container
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_single_toggleable_machine_rule_output_system_failure_recipe_systems
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_single_toggleable_machine_rule_output_system_failure_recipe_objects
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_single_toggleable_machine_rule_output_system_failure_nonrecipe_systems
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_single_toggleable_machine_rule_output_system_failure_nonrecipe_objects
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_single_toggleable_machine_rule_output_system_success
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_single_toggleable_machine_rule_output_object_failure_unary_states
	def wrapper():
  ❌ test_single_toggleable_machine_rule_output_object_success
	def wrapper():


Check failure on line 0 in test_controllers.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

pytest ► tests.test_controllers ► test_arm_control

Failed test found in:
  def test_arm_control():
Raw output
def test_arm_control():
        # Create env
        cfg = {
            "scene": {
                "type": "Scene",
            "objects": [],
            "robots": [
                    "type": "FrankaPanda",
                    "name": "robot0",
                    "obs_modalities": [],
                    "position": [150, 150, 100],
                    "orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1],
                    "action_normalize": False,
                    "type": "Fetch",
                    "name": "robot1",
                    "obs_modalities": [],
                    "position": [150, 150, 105],
                    "orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1],
                    "action_normalize": False,
                    "type": "Tiago",
                    "name": "robot2",
                    "obs_modalities": [],
                    "position": [150, 150, 110],
                    "orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1],
                    "action_normalize": False,
                    "type": "A1",
                    "name": "robot3",
                    "obs_modalities": [],
                    "position": [150, 150, 115],
                    "orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1],
                    "action_normalize": False,
                    "type": "R1",
                    "name": "robot4",
                    "obs_modalities": [],
                    "position": [150, 150, 120],
                    "orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1],
                    "action_normalize": False,
>       env = og.Environment(configs=cfg)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
omnigibson/utils/ in wrapper
    func(*values.args, **values.kwargs)
omnigibson/envs/ in __init__
omnigibson/ in _launch_simulator = _launch_app()
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

    def _launch_app():
        log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if gm.DEBUG else logging.INFO)
   "{'-' * 5} Starting {logo_small()}. This will take 10-30 seconds... {'-' * 5}")
        # If multi_gpu is used, og.sim.render() will cause a segfault when called during on_contact callbacks,
        # e.g. when an attachment joint is being created due to contacts (create_joint calls og.sim.render() internally).
        gpu_id = None if gm.GPU_ID is None else int(gm.GPU_ID)
        config_kwargs = {"headless": gm.HEADLESS or bool(gm.REMOTE_STREAMING), "multi_gpu": False}
        if gpu_id is not None:
            config_kwargs["active_gpu"] = gpu_id
            config_kwargs["physics_gpu"] = gpu_id
        # Omni's logging is super annoying and overly verbose, so suppress it by modifying the logging levels
        if not gm.DEBUG:
            import warnings
                from numba.core.errors import NumbaPerformanceWarning
                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
            except ImportError:
            # TODO: Find a more elegant way to prune omni logging
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/level=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/fileLogLevel=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/outputStreamLevel=error")
        # Try to import the isaacsim module that only shows up in Isaac Sim 4.0.0. This ensures that
        # if we are using the pip installed version, all the ISAAC_PATH etc. env vars are set correctly.
        # On the regular omniverse launcher version this should not have any impact.
            os.environ["OMNI_KIT_ACCEPT_EULA"] = "YES"
            import isaacsim  # noqa: F401
        except ImportError:
        # First obtain the Isaac Sim version
        isaac_path = os.environ["ISAAC_PATH"]
        version_file_path = os.path.join(isaac_path, "VERSION")
        assert os.path.exists(version_file_path), f"Isaac Sim version file not found at {version_file_path}"
        with open(version_file_path, "r") as file:
            version_content =
            isaac_version_str = version_content.split("-")[0]
            isaac_version_tuple = tuple(map(int, isaac_version_str.split(".")[:3]))
>           assert isaac_version_tuple in m.KIT_FILES, f"Isaac Sim version must be one of {list(m.KIT_FILES.keys())}"
E           AssertionError: Isaac Sim version must be one of [(4, 5, 0)]

omnigibson/ AssertionError

Check failure on line 0 in test_curobo.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

pytest ► tests.test_curobo ► test_curobo

Failed test found in:
  def test_curobo():
Raw output
def test_curobo():
        # Make sure object states are enabled
        assert gm.ENABLE_OBJECT_STATES
        # Create env
        cfg = {
            "env": {
                "action_frequency": 30,
                "physics_frequency": 300,
            "scene": {
                "type": "Scene",
            "objects": [
                    "type": "PrimitiveObject",
                    "name": "obj0",
                    "primitive_type": "Cube",
                    "scale": [0.4, 0.4, 0.4],
                    "fixed_base": True,
                    "position": [0.5, -0.1, 0.2],
                    "orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1],
                    "type": "PrimitiveObject",
                    "name": "eef_marker_0",
                    "primitive_type": "Sphere",
                    "radius": 0.05,
                    "visual_only": True,
                    "position": [0, 0, 0],
                    "orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1],
                    "rgba": [1, 0, 0, 1],
                    "type": "PrimitiveObject",
                    "name": "eef_marker_1",
                    "primitive_type": "Sphere",
                    "radius": 0.05,
                    "visual_only": True,
                    "position": [0, 0, 0],
                    "orientation": [0, 0, 0, 1],
                    "rgba": [0, 1, 0, 1],
            "robots": [],
        robot_cfgs = [
                "type": "FrankaPanda",
                "obs_modalities": "rgb",
                "position": [0.7, -0.55, 0.0],
                "orientation": [0, 0, 0.707, 0.707],
                "self_collisions": True,
                "action_normalize": False,
                "controller_config": {
                    "arm_0": {
                        "name": "JointController",
                        "motor_type": "position",
                        "command_input_limits": None,
                        "use_delta_commands": False,
                        "use_impedances": False,
                    "gripper_0": {
                        "name": "JointController",
                        "motor_type": "position",
                        "command_input_limits": None,
                        "use_delta_commands": False,
                        "use_impedances": False,
                "type": "R1",
                "obs_modalities": "rgb",
                "position": [0.7, -0.7, 0.056],
                "orientation": [0, 0, 0.707, 0.707],
                "self_collisions": True,
                "action_normalize": False,
                "controller_config": {
                    "base": {
                        "name": "HolonomicBaseJointController",
                        "motor_type": "position",
                        "command_input_limits": None,
                        "use_impedances": False,
                    "trunk": {
                        "name": "JointController",
                        "motor_type": "position",
                        "command_input_limits": None,
                        "use_delta_commands": False,
                        "use_impedances": False,
                    "arm_left": {
                        "name": "JointController",
                        "motor_type": "position",
                        "command_input_limits": None,
                        "use_delta_commands": False,
                        "use_impedances": False,
                    "arm_right": {
                        "name": "JointController",
                        "motor_type": "position",
                        "command_input_limits": None,
                        "use_delta_commands": False,
                        "use_impedances": False,
                    "gripper_left": {
                        "name": "JointController",
                        "motor_type": "position",
                        "command_input_limits": None,
                        "use_delta_commands": False,
                        "use_impedances": False,
                    "gripper_right": {
                        "name": "JointController",
                        "motor_type": "position",
                        "command_input_limits": None,
                        "use_delta_commands": False,
                        "use_impedances": False,
                "type": "Tiago",
                "obs_modalities": "rgb",
                "position": [0.7, -0.85, 0],
                "orientation": [0, 0, 0.707, 0.707],
                "self_collisions": True,
                "action_normalize": False,
                "controller_config": {
                    "base": {
                        "name": "HolonomicBaseJointController",
                        "motor_type": "position",
                        "command_input_limits": None,
                        "use_impedances": False,
                    "trunk": {
                        "name": "JointController",
                        "motor_type": "position",
                        "command_input_limits": None,
                        "use_delta_commands": False,
                        "use_impedances": False,
                    "camera": {
                        "name": "JointController",
                        "motor_type": "position",
                        "command_input_limits": None,
                        "use_delta_commands": False,
                        "use_impedances": False,
                    "arm_left": {
                        "name": "JointController",
                        "motor_type": "position",
                        "command_input_limits": None,
                        "use_delta_commands": False,
                        "use_impedances": False,
                    "arm_right": {
                        "name": "JointController",
                        "motor_type": "position",
                        "command_input_limits": None,
                        "use_delta_commands": False,
                        "use_impedances": False,
                    "gripper_left": {
                        "name": "JointController",
                        "motor_type": "position",
                        "command_input_limits": None,
                        "use_delta_commands": False,
                        "use_impedances": False,
                    "gripper_right": {
                        "name": "JointController",
                        "motor_type": "position",
                        "command_input_limits": None,
                        "use_delta_commands": False,
                        "use_impedances": False,
        for robot_cfg in robot_cfgs:
            cfg["robots"] = [robot_cfg]
>           env = og.Environment(configs=cfg)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
omnigibson/utils/ in wrapper
    func(*values.args, **values.kwargs)
omnigibson/envs/ in __init__
omnigibson/ in _launch_simulator = _launch_app()
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

    def _launch_app():
        log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if gm.DEBUG else logging.INFO)
   "{'-' * 5} Starting {logo_small()}. This will take 10-30 seconds... {'-' * 5}")
        # If multi_gpu is used, og.sim.render() will cause a segfault when called during on_contact callbacks,
        # e.g. when an attachment joint is being created due to contacts (create_joint calls og.sim.render() internally).
        gpu_id = None if gm.GPU_ID is None else int(gm.GPU_ID)
        config_kwargs = {"headless": gm.HEADLESS or bool(gm.REMOTE_STREAMING), "multi_gpu": False}
        if gpu_id is not None:
            config_kwargs["active_gpu"] = gpu_id
            config_kwargs["physics_gpu"] = gpu_id
        # Omni's logging is super annoying and overly verbose, so suppress it by modifying the logging levels
        if not gm.DEBUG:
            import warnings
                from numba.core.errors import NumbaPerformanceWarning
                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
            except ImportError:
            # TODO: Find a more elegant way to prune omni logging
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/level=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/fileLogLevel=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/outputStreamLevel=error")
        # Try to import the isaacsim module that only shows up in Isaac Sim 4.0.0. This ensures that
        # if we are using the pip installed version, all the ISAAC_PATH etc. env vars are set correctly.
        # On the regular omniverse launcher version this should not have any impact.
            os.environ["OMNI_KIT_ACCEPT_EULA"] = "YES"
            import isaacsim  # noqa: F401
        except ImportError:
        # First obtain the Isaac Sim version
        isaac_path = os.environ["ISAAC_PATH"]
        version_file_path = os.path.join(isaac_path, "VERSION")
        assert os.path.exists(version_file_path), f"Isaac Sim version file not found at {version_file_path}"
        with open(version_file_path, "r") as file:
            version_content =
            isaac_version_str = version_content.split("-")[0]
            isaac_version_tuple = tuple(map(int, isaac_version_str.split(".")[:3]))
>           assert isaac_version_tuple in m.KIT_FILES, f"Isaac Sim version must be one of {list(m.KIT_FILES.keys())}"
E           AssertionError: Isaac Sim version must be one of [(4, 5, 0)]

omnigibson/ AssertionError

Check failure on line 0 in test_data_collection.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

pytest ► tests.test_data_collection ► test_data_collect_and_playback

Failed test found in:
  def test_data_collect_and_playback():
Raw output
def test_data_collect_and_playback():
        cfg = {
            "env": {
                "external_sensors": [],
            "scene": {
                "type": "InteractiveTraversableScene",
                "scene_model": "Rs_int",
                "load_object_categories": ["floors", "breakfast_table"],
            "robots": [
                    "type": "Fetch",
                    "obs_modalities": [],
            # Task kwargs
            "task": {
                "type": "BehaviorTask",
                # BehaviorTask-specific
                "activity_name": "laying_wood_floors",
                "online_object_sampling": True,
        if og.sim is None:
            # Make sure GPU dynamics are enabled (GPU dynamics needed for cloth)
            gm.ENABLE_OBJECT_STATES = True
            gm.USE_GPU_DYNAMICS = True
            gm.ENABLE_TRANSITION_RULES = False
            # Make sure sim is stopped
        # Create temp file to save data
        _, collect_hdf5_path = tempfile.mkstemp("test_data_collection.hdf5", dir=og.tempdir)
        _, playback_hdf5_path = tempfile.mkstemp("test_data_playback.hdf5", dir=og.tempdir)
        # Create the environment (wrapped as a DataCollection env)
>       env = og.Environment(configs=cfg)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
omnigibson/utils/ in wrapper
    func(*values.args, **values.kwargs)
omnigibson/envs/ in __init__
omnigibson/ in _launch_simulator = _launch_app()
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

    def _launch_app():
        log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if gm.DEBUG else logging.INFO)
   "{'-' * 5} Starting {logo_small()}. This will take 10-30 seconds... {'-' * 5}")
        # If multi_gpu is used, og.sim.render() will cause a segfault when called during on_contact callbacks,
        # e.g. when an attachment joint is being created due to contacts (create_joint calls og.sim.render() internally).
        gpu_id = None if gm.GPU_ID is None else int(gm.GPU_ID)
        config_kwargs = {"headless": gm.HEADLESS or bool(gm.REMOTE_STREAMING), "multi_gpu": False}
        if gpu_id is not None:
            config_kwargs["active_gpu"] = gpu_id
            config_kwargs["physics_gpu"] = gpu_id
        # Omni's logging is super annoying and overly verbose, so suppress it by modifying the logging levels
        if not gm.DEBUG:
            import warnings
                from numba.core.errors import NumbaPerformanceWarning
                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
            except ImportError:
            # TODO: Find a more elegant way to prune omni logging
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/level=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/fileLogLevel=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/outputStreamLevel=error")
        # Try to import the isaacsim module that only shows up in Isaac Sim 4.0.0. This ensures that
        # if we are using the pip installed version, all the ISAAC_PATH etc. env vars are set correctly.
        # On the regular omniverse launcher version this should not have any impact.
            os.environ["OMNI_KIT_ACCEPT_EULA"] = "YES"
            import isaacsim  # noqa: F401
        except ImportError:
        # First obtain the Isaac Sim version
        isaac_path = os.environ["ISAAC_PATH"]
        version_file_path = os.path.join(isaac_path, "VERSION")
        assert os.path.exists(version_file_path), f"Isaac Sim version file not found at {version_file_path}"
        with open(version_file_path, "r") as file:
            version_content =
            isaac_version_str = version_content.split("-")[0]
            isaac_version_tuple = tuple(map(int, isaac_version_str.split(".")[:3]))
>           assert isaac_version_tuple in m.KIT_FILES, f"Isaac Sim version must be one of {list(m.KIT_FILES.keys())}"
E           AssertionError: Isaac Sim version must be one of [(4, 5, 0)]

omnigibson/ AssertionError

Check failure on line 0 in test_dump_load_states.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

pytest ► tests.test_dump_load_states ► test_dump_load

Failed test found in:
  def wrapper():
Raw output
def wrapper():
>       assert_test_env()

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
tests/ in assert_test_env
    env = og.Environment(configs=cfg)
omnigibson/utils/ in wrapper
    func(*values.args, **values.kwargs)
omnigibson/envs/ in __init__
omnigibson/ in _launch_simulator = _launch_app()
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

    def _launch_app():
        log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if gm.DEBUG else logging.INFO)
   "{'-' * 5} Starting {logo_small()}. This will take 10-30 seconds... {'-' * 5}")
        # If multi_gpu is used, og.sim.render() will cause a segfault when called during on_contact callbacks,
        # e.g. when an attachment joint is being created due to contacts (create_joint calls og.sim.render() internally).
        gpu_id = None if gm.GPU_ID is None else int(gm.GPU_ID)
        config_kwargs = {"headless": gm.HEADLESS or bool(gm.REMOTE_STREAMING), "multi_gpu": False}
        if gpu_id is not None:
            config_kwargs["active_gpu"] = gpu_id
            config_kwargs["physics_gpu"] = gpu_id
        # Omni's logging is super annoying and overly verbose, so suppress it by modifying the logging levels
        if not gm.DEBUG:
            import warnings
                from numba.core.errors import NumbaPerformanceWarning
                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
            except ImportError:
            # TODO: Find a more elegant way to prune omni logging
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/level=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/fileLogLevel=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/outputStreamLevel=error")
        # Try to import the isaacsim module that only shows up in Isaac Sim 4.0.0. This ensures that
        # if we are using the pip installed version, all the ISAAC_PATH etc. env vars are set correctly.
        # On the regular omniverse launcher version this should not have any impact.
            os.environ["OMNI_KIT_ACCEPT_EULA"] = "YES"
            import isaacsim  # noqa: F401
        except ImportError:
        # First obtain the Isaac Sim version
        isaac_path = os.environ["ISAAC_PATH"]
        version_file_path = os.path.join(isaac_path, "VERSION")
        assert os.path.exists(version_file_path), f"Isaac Sim version file not found at {version_file_path}"
        with open(version_file_path, "r") as file:
            version_content =
            isaac_version_str = version_content.split("-")[0]
            isaac_version_tuple = tuple(map(int, isaac_version_str.split(".")[:3]))
>           assert isaac_version_tuple in m.KIT_FILES, f"Isaac Sim version must be one of {list(m.KIT_FILES.keys())}"
E           AssertionError: Isaac Sim version must be one of [(4, 5, 0)]

omnigibson/ AssertionError

Check failure on line 0 in test_envs.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

pytest ► tests.test_envs ► test_dummy_task

Failed test found in:
  def test_dummy_task():
Raw output
def test_dummy_task():
>       task_tester("DummyTask")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
tests/ in task_tester
    env = og.Environment(configs=cfg)
omnigibson/utils/ in wrapper
    func(*values.args, **values.kwargs)
omnigibson/envs/ in __init__
omnigibson/ in _launch_simulator = _launch_app()
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

    def _launch_app():
        log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if gm.DEBUG else logging.INFO)
   "{'-' * 5} Starting {logo_small()}. This will take 10-30 seconds... {'-' * 5}")
        # If multi_gpu is used, og.sim.render() will cause a segfault when called during on_contact callbacks,
        # e.g. when an attachment joint is being created due to contacts (create_joint calls og.sim.render() internally).
        gpu_id = None if gm.GPU_ID is None else int(gm.GPU_ID)
        config_kwargs = {"headless": gm.HEADLESS or bool(gm.REMOTE_STREAMING), "multi_gpu": False}
        if gpu_id is not None:
            config_kwargs["active_gpu"] = gpu_id
            config_kwargs["physics_gpu"] = gpu_id
        # Omni's logging is super annoying and overly verbose, so suppress it by modifying the logging levels
        if not gm.DEBUG:
            import warnings
                from numba.core.errors import NumbaPerformanceWarning
                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
            except ImportError:
            # TODO: Find a more elegant way to prune omni logging
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/level=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/fileLogLevel=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/outputStreamLevel=error")
        # Try to import the isaacsim module that only shows up in Isaac Sim 4.0.0. This ensures that
        # if we are using the pip installed version, all the ISAAC_PATH etc. env vars are set correctly.
        # On the regular omniverse launcher version this should not have any impact.
            os.environ["OMNI_KIT_ACCEPT_EULA"] = "YES"
            import isaacsim  # noqa: F401
        except ImportError:
        # First obtain the Isaac Sim version
        isaac_path = os.environ["ISAAC_PATH"]
        version_file_path = os.path.join(isaac_path, "VERSION")
        assert os.path.exists(version_file_path), f"Isaac Sim version file not found at {version_file_path}"
        with open(version_file_path, "r") as file:
            version_content =
            isaac_version_str = version_content.split("-")[0]
            isaac_version_tuple = tuple(map(int, isaac_version_str.split(".")[:3]))
>           assert isaac_version_tuple in m.KIT_FILES, f"Isaac Sim version must be one of {list(m.KIT_FILES.keys())}"
E           AssertionError: Isaac Sim version must be one of [(4, 5, 0)]

omnigibson/ AssertionError

Check failure on line 0 in test_envs.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

pytest ► tests.test_envs ► test_point_reaching_task

Failed test found in:
  def test_point_reaching_task():
Raw output
def test_point_reaching_task():
>       task_tester("PointReachingTask")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
tests/ in task_tester
    env = og.Environment(configs=cfg)
omnigibson/utils/ in wrapper
    func(*values.args, **values.kwargs)
omnigibson/envs/ in __init__
omnigibson/ in _launch_simulator = _launch_app()
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

    def _launch_app():
        log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if gm.DEBUG else logging.INFO)
   "{'-' * 5} Starting {logo_small()}. This will take 10-30 seconds... {'-' * 5}")
        # If multi_gpu is used, og.sim.render() will cause a segfault when called during on_contact callbacks,
        # e.g. when an attachment joint is being created due to contacts (create_joint calls og.sim.render() internally).
        gpu_id = None if gm.GPU_ID is None else int(gm.GPU_ID)
        config_kwargs = {"headless": gm.HEADLESS or bool(gm.REMOTE_STREAMING), "multi_gpu": False}
        if gpu_id is not None:
            config_kwargs["active_gpu"] = gpu_id
            config_kwargs["physics_gpu"] = gpu_id
        # Omni's logging is super annoying and overly verbose, so suppress it by modifying the logging levels
        if not gm.DEBUG:
            import warnings
                from numba.core.errors import NumbaPerformanceWarning
                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
            except ImportError:
            # TODO: Find a more elegant way to prune omni logging
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/level=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/fileLogLevel=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/outputStreamLevel=error")
        # Try to import the isaacsim module that only shows up in Isaac Sim 4.0.0. This ensures that
        # if we are using the pip installed version, all the ISAAC_PATH etc. env vars are set correctly.
        # On the regular omniverse launcher version this should not have any impact.
            os.environ["OMNI_KIT_ACCEPT_EULA"] = "YES"
            import isaacsim  # noqa: F401
        except ImportError:
        # First obtain the Isaac Sim version
        isaac_path = os.environ["ISAAC_PATH"]
        version_file_path = os.path.join(isaac_path, "VERSION")
        assert os.path.exists(version_file_path), f"Isaac Sim version file not found at {version_file_path}"
        with open(version_file_path, "r") as file:
            version_content =
            isaac_version_str = version_content.split("-")[0]
            isaac_version_tuple = tuple(map(int, isaac_version_str.split(".")[:3]))
>           assert isaac_version_tuple in m.KIT_FILES, f"Isaac Sim version must be one of {list(m.KIT_FILES.keys())}"
E           AssertionError: Isaac Sim version must be one of [(4, 5, 0)]

omnigibson/ AssertionError

Check failure on line 0 in test_envs.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

pytest ► tests.test_envs ► test_point_navigation_task

Failed test found in:
  def test_point_navigation_task():
Raw output
def test_point_navigation_task():
>       task_tester("PointNavigationTask")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
tests/ in task_tester
    env = og.Environment(configs=cfg)
omnigibson/utils/ in wrapper
    func(*values.args, **values.kwargs)
omnigibson/envs/ in __init__
omnigibson/ in _launch_simulator = _launch_app()
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

    def _launch_app():
        log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if gm.DEBUG else logging.INFO)
   "{'-' * 5} Starting {logo_small()}. This will take 10-30 seconds... {'-' * 5}")
        # If multi_gpu is used, og.sim.render() will cause a segfault when called during on_contact callbacks,
        # e.g. when an attachment joint is being created due to contacts (create_joint calls og.sim.render() internally).
        gpu_id = None if gm.GPU_ID is None else int(gm.GPU_ID)
        config_kwargs = {"headless": gm.HEADLESS or bool(gm.REMOTE_STREAMING), "multi_gpu": False}
        if gpu_id is not None:
            config_kwargs["active_gpu"] = gpu_id
            config_kwargs["physics_gpu"] = gpu_id
        # Omni's logging is super annoying and overly verbose, so suppress it by modifying the logging levels
        if not gm.DEBUG:
            import warnings
                from numba.core.errors import NumbaPerformanceWarning
                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
            except ImportError:
            # TODO: Find a more elegant way to prune omni logging
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/level=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/fileLogLevel=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/outputStreamLevel=error")
        # Try to import the isaacsim module that only shows up in Isaac Sim 4.0.0. This ensures that
        # if we are using the pip installed version, all the ISAAC_PATH etc. env vars are set correctly.
        # On the regular omniverse launcher version this should not have any impact.
            os.environ["OMNI_KIT_ACCEPT_EULA"] = "YES"
            import isaacsim  # noqa: F401
        except ImportError:
        # First obtain the Isaac Sim version
        isaac_path = os.environ["ISAAC_PATH"]
        version_file_path = os.path.join(isaac_path, "VERSION")
        assert os.path.exists(version_file_path), f"Isaac Sim version file not found at {version_file_path}"
        with open(version_file_path, "r") as file:
            version_content =
            isaac_version_str = version_content.split("-")[0]
            isaac_version_tuple = tuple(map(int, isaac_version_str.split(".")[:3]))
>           assert isaac_version_tuple in m.KIT_FILES, f"Isaac Sim version must be one of {list(m.KIT_FILES.keys())}"
E           AssertionError: Isaac Sim version must be one of [(4, 5, 0)]

omnigibson/ AssertionError

Check failure on line 0 in test_envs.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

pytest ► tests.test_envs ► test_behavior_task

Failed test found in:
  def test_behavior_task():
Raw output
def test_behavior_task():
>       task_tester("BehaviorTask")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
tests/ in task_tester
    env = og.Environment(configs=cfg)
omnigibson/utils/ in wrapper
    func(*values.args, **values.kwargs)
omnigibson/envs/ in __init__
omnigibson/ in _launch_simulator = _launch_app()
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

    def _launch_app():
        log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if gm.DEBUG else logging.INFO)
   "{'-' * 5} Starting {logo_small()}. This will take 10-30 seconds... {'-' * 5}")
        # If multi_gpu is used, og.sim.render() will cause a segfault when called during on_contact callbacks,
        # e.g. when an attachment joint is being created due to contacts (create_joint calls og.sim.render() internally).
        gpu_id = None if gm.GPU_ID is None else int(gm.GPU_ID)
        config_kwargs = {"headless": gm.HEADLESS or bool(gm.REMOTE_STREAMING), "multi_gpu": False}
        if gpu_id is not None:
            config_kwargs["active_gpu"] = gpu_id
            config_kwargs["physics_gpu"] = gpu_id
        # Omni's logging is super annoying and overly verbose, so suppress it by modifying the logging levels
        if not gm.DEBUG:
            import warnings
                from numba.core.errors import NumbaPerformanceWarning
                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
            except ImportError:
            # TODO: Find a more elegant way to prune omni logging
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/level=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/fileLogLevel=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/outputStreamLevel=error")
        # Try to import the isaacsim module that only shows up in Isaac Sim 4.0.0. This ensures that
        # if we are using the pip installed version, all the ISAAC_PATH etc. env vars are set correctly.
        # On the regular omniverse launcher version this should not have any impact.
            os.environ["OMNI_KIT_ACCEPT_EULA"] = "YES"
            import isaacsim  # noqa: F401
        except ImportError:
        # First obtain the Isaac Sim version
        isaac_path = os.environ["ISAAC_PATH"]
        version_file_path = os.path.join(isaac_path, "VERSION")
        assert os.path.exists(version_file_path), f"Isaac Sim version file not found at {version_file_path}"
        with open(version_file_path, "r") as file:
            version_content =
            isaac_version_str = version_content.split("-")[0]
            isaac_version_tuple = tuple(map(int, isaac_version_str.split(".")[:3]))
>           assert isaac_version_tuple in m.KIT_FILES, f"Isaac Sim version must be one of {list(m.KIT_FILES.keys())}"
E           AssertionError: Isaac Sim version must be one of [(4, 5, 0)]

omnigibson/ AssertionError

Check failure on line 0 in test_envs.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

pytest ► tests.test_envs ► test_rs_int_full_load

Failed test found in:
  def test_rs_int_full_load():
Raw output
def test_rs_int_full_load():
        cfg = {
            "scene": {
                "type": "InteractiveTraversableScene",
                "scene_model": "Rs_int",
            "robots": [
                    "type": "Fetch",
                    "obs_modalities": [],
            # Task kwargs
            "task": {
                "type": "DummyTask",
        # Make sure sim is stopped
        if og.sim:
        # Create the environment
>       env = og.Environment(configs=cfg)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
omnigibson/utils/ in wrapper
    func(*values.args, **values.kwargs)
omnigibson/envs/ in __init__
omnigibson/ in _launch_simulator = _launch_app()
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

    def _launch_app():
        log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if gm.DEBUG else logging.INFO)
   "{'-' * 5} Starting {logo_small()}. This will take 10-30 seconds... {'-' * 5}")
        # If multi_gpu is used, og.sim.render() will cause a segfault when called during on_contact callbacks,
        # e.g. when an attachment joint is being created due to contacts (create_joint calls og.sim.render() internally).
        gpu_id = None if gm.GPU_ID is None else int(gm.GPU_ID)
        config_kwargs = {"headless": gm.HEADLESS or bool(gm.REMOTE_STREAMING), "multi_gpu": False}
        if gpu_id is not None:
            config_kwargs["active_gpu"] = gpu_id
            config_kwargs["physics_gpu"] = gpu_id
        # Omni's logging is super annoying and overly verbose, so suppress it by modifying the logging levels
        if not gm.DEBUG:
            import warnings
                from numba.core.errors import NumbaPerformanceWarning
                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
            except ImportError:
            # TODO: Find a more elegant way to prune omni logging
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/level=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/fileLogLevel=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/outputStreamLevel=error")
        # Try to import the isaacsim module that only shows up in Isaac Sim 4.0.0. This ensures that
        # if we are using the pip installed version, all the ISAAC_PATH etc. env vars are set correctly.
        # On the regular omniverse launcher version this should not have any impact.
            os.environ["OMNI_KIT_ACCEPT_EULA"] = "YES"
            import isaacsim  # noqa: F401
        except ImportError:
        # First obtain the Isaac Sim version
        isaac_path = os.environ["ISAAC_PATH"]
        version_file_path = os.path.join(isaac_path, "VERSION")
        assert os.path.exists(version_file_path), f"Isaac Sim version file not found at {version_file_path}"
        with open(version_file_path, "r") as file:
            version_content =
            isaac_version_str = version_content.split("-")[0]
            isaac_version_tuple = tuple(map(int, isaac_version_str.split(".")[:3]))
>           assert isaac_version_tuple in m.KIT_FILES, f"Isaac Sim version must be one of {list(m.KIT_FILES.keys())}"
E           AssertionError: Isaac Sim version must be one of [(4, 5, 0)]

omnigibson/ AssertionError

Check failure on line 0 in test_multiple_envs.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

pytest ► tests.test_multiple_envs ► test_multi_scene_dump_load_states

Failed test found in:
  def test_multi_scene_dump_load_states():
Raw output
def test_multi_scene_dump_load_states():
>       vec_env = setup_multi_environment(3)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
tests/ in setup_multi_environment
    vec_env = og.VectorEnvironment(num_of_envs, cfg)
omnigibson/envs/ in __init__
    self.envs = [
omnigibson/envs/ in <listcomp>
    og.Environment(configs=copy.deepcopy(config), in_vec_env=True)
omnigibson/utils/ in wrapper
    func(*values.args, **values.kwargs)
omnigibson/envs/ in __init__
omnigibson/ in _launch_simulator = _launch_app()
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

    def _launch_app():
        log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if gm.DEBUG else logging.INFO)
   "{'-' * 5} Starting {logo_small()}. This will take 10-30 seconds... {'-' * 5}")
        # If multi_gpu is used, og.sim.render() will cause a segfault when called during on_contact callbacks,
        # e.g. when an attachment joint is being created due to contacts (create_joint calls og.sim.render() internally).
        gpu_id = None if gm.GPU_ID is None else int(gm.GPU_ID)
        config_kwargs = {"headless": gm.HEADLESS or bool(gm.REMOTE_STREAMING), "multi_gpu": False}
        if gpu_id is not None:
            config_kwargs["active_gpu"] = gpu_id
            config_kwargs["physics_gpu"] = gpu_id
        # Omni's logging is super annoying and overly verbose, so suppress it by modifying the logging levels
        if not gm.DEBUG:
            import warnings
                from numba.core.errors import NumbaPerformanceWarning
                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
            except ImportError:
            # TODO: Find a more elegant way to prune omni logging
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/level=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/fileLogLevel=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/outputStreamLevel=error")
        # Try to import the isaacsim module that only shows up in Isaac Sim 4.0.0. This ensures that
        # if we are using the pip installed version, all the ISAAC_PATH etc. env vars are set correctly.
        # On the regular omniverse launcher version this should not have any impact.
            os.environ["OMNI_KIT_ACCEPT_EULA"] = "YES"
            import isaacsim  # noqa: F401
        except ImportError:
        # First obtain the Isaac Sim version
        isaac_path = os.environ["ISAAC_PATH"]
        version_file_path = os.path.join(isaac_path, "VERSION")
        assert os.path.exists(version_file_path), f"Isaac Sim version file not found at {version_file_path}"
        with open(version_file_path, "r") as file:
            version_content =
            isaac_version_str = version_content.split("-")[0]
            isaac_version_tuple = tuple(map(int, isaac_version_str.split(".")[:3]))
>           assert isaac_version_tuple in m.KIT_FILES, f"Isaac Sim version must be one of {list(m.KIT_FILES.keys())}"
E           AssertionError: Isaac Sim version must be one of [(4, 5, 0)]

omnigibson/ AssertionError

Check failure on line 0 in test_multiple_envs.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

pytest ► tests.test_multiple_envs ► test_multi_scene_get_local_position

Failed test found in:
  def test_multi_scene_get_local_position():
Raw output
def test_multi_scene_get_local_position():
>       vec_env = setup_multi_environment(3)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
tests/ in setup_multi_environment
    vec_env = og.VectorEnvironment(num_of_envs, cfg)
omnigibson/envs/ in __init__
    self.envs = [
omnigibson/envs/ in <listcomp>
    og.Environment(configs=copy.deepcopy(config), in_vec_env=True)
omnigibson/utils/ in wrapper
    func(*values.args, **values.kwargs)
omnigibson/envs/ in __init__
omnigibson/ in _launch_simulator = _launch_app()
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

    def _launch_app():
        log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if gm.DEBUG else logging.INFO)
   "{'-' * 5} Starting {logo_small()}. This will take 10-30 seconds... {'-' * 5}")
        # If multi_gpu is used, og.sim.render() will cause a segfault when called during on_contact callbacks,
        # e.g. when an attachment joint is being created due to contacts (create_joint calls og.sim.render() internally).
        gpu_id = None if gm.GPU_ID is None else int(gm.GPU_ID)
        config_kwargs = {"headless": gm.HEADLESS or bool(gm.REMOTE_STREAMING), "multi_gpu": False}
        if gpu_id is not None:
            config_kwargs["active_gpu"] = gpu_id
            config_kwargs["physics_gpu"] = gpu_id
        # Omni's logging is super annoying and overly verbose, so suppress it by modifying the logging levels
        if not gm.DEBUG:
            import warnings
                from numba.core.errors import NumbaPerformanceWarning
                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaPerformanceWarning)
            except ImportError:
            # TODO: Find a more elegant way to prune omni logging
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/level=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/fileLogLevel=warning")
            # sys.argv.append("--/log/outputStreamLevel=error")
        # Try to import the isaacsim module that only shows up in Isaac Sim 4.0.0. This ensures that
        # if we are using the pip installed version, all the ISAAC_PATH etc. env vars are set correctly.
        # On the regular omniverse launcher version this should not have any impact.
            os.environ["OMNI_KIT_ACCEPT_EULA"] = "YES"
            import isaacsim  # noqa: F401
        except ImportError:
        # First obtain the Isaac Sim version
        isaac_path = os.environ["ISAAC_PATH"]
        version_file_path = os.path.join(isaac_path, "VERSION")
        assert os.path.exists(version_file_path), f"Isaac Sim version file not found at {version_file_path}"
        with open(version_file_path, "r") as file:
            version_content =
            isaac_version_str = version_content.split("-")[0]
            isaac_version_tuple = tuple(map(int, isaac_version_str.split(".")[:3]))
>           assert isaac_version_tuple in m.KIT_FILES, f"Isaac Sim version must be one of {list(m.KIT_FILES.keys())}"
E           AssertionError: Isaac Sim version must be one of [(4, 5, 0)]

omnigibson/ AssertionError