Improved accuracy of coordinates to 6 decimals (issue #472 )
Platfom updates:
-android v7.0.0
-ios v4.5.4 -
Updated plugins:
- cordova-plugin-camera to v4.0.3
- cordova-plugin-device to v2.0.2
- cordova-plugin-device-motion to v1.2.5
- cordova-plugin-device-orientation to v2.0.1
- cordova-plugin-file to v6.0.1
- cordova-plugin-geolocation to v4.0.1
- cordova-plugin-inappbrowser to v3.0.0
- cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard to v2.1.2
- cordova-plugin-ionic-webview to v1.2.1
- cordova-plugin-network-information to v2.0.1
- cordova-plugin-splashscreen to v5.0.2
- cordova-plugin-statusbar to v2.4.2
- cordova-plugin-whitelist to v1.3.3
- cordova-sqlite-storage to v2.3.2
- Change to cordova-sqlite-evcore-extbuild-free v0.9.7 for PhoneGap Build
Removed deprecated plugins:
- cordova-plugin-compat v1.1.0
- cordova-plugin-console v1.0.2
Other Packages/Libraries updates:
- phonegap to v8.0.0
- ionic cli to v3.2.0
- cordova to v8.0.0
- nodejs to v10.1.0
- npm to v6.1.0
- turf to 5.1.6
- openlayers to v4.6.5
Additional Libraries/Plugins for Web Version:
- jquery to v3.3.1
Fixed bugs resetting emogeos on popup close