This space is created for a hands-on experience on SpringBoot app + Docker + Kubernetes, to understand how MicroServices are deployed
- Create a sample Springboot application using Maven
- Host the Dpringboot app on github
- Create a docker image
- Deploy the packaged file to Docker
- Deploy onto Kubernetes
Create a Springboot application using Spring initilaizer with Spring Web as a dependency (so that TomCat can be automatically used to host on localhost).
mvn clean
mvn install
java -jar demo-0.0.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
Maven deploy:
Mvn deploy //to Azure feeds - if already existing, it will check for new changes and push only if new changes are present
Mvn release:prepare —batch-mode //creates a maven release and makes changes in pom.xml like tag and version increment
Mvn release perform// to push to azure feeds
Create a docker image:
docker build -t azdev -f Dockerfile . //azdev - name of docker image, f is for docker file path, context is directory structure sent from local system to docker daemon.
docker run -it -p 3000:9090 azdev //interactive terminal-it, 9090 is the port it runs on Docker container and map it to 3000 on my local machine. This still runs Docker images locally on my system. Push to
Pushing to docker hub:
docker login -u -p
docker tag azdev subhashini9426/firstimage //docker tag SOURCE_IMAGE[:TAG] TARGET_IMAGE[:TAG]
docker push subhashini9426/firstimage // docker push TARGET_IMAGE[:TAG]
Pushing to Azure Container Registry using CLI:
az login
az acr login -n azdev //azdev - name of azure container registry(acr)
docker tag azdev //tag the existing docker image, command from azure, 1.0 is the tag; after this one can see it in acr repositories
mvn deploy
AKS Deployment
az account set --subscription
az aks get-credentials --resource-group azdev --name azdev
ACR_REGISTRY_ID=$(az acr show --name $ACR_NAME --query id --output tsv)
ad sp create-for-rbac --scopes $ACR_REGISTRY_ID --role acrpull
kubectl create secret docker-registry cred --namespace default --docker-username= --docker-password= //username is appId, password is password
kubectl get secrets
kubectl apply -f k8s.yaml //creates a service
kubectl get svc // gives the public endpoints as EXTERNAL-IP
Expose the deployed service to outside world (only if the type of service is LoadBalancer) using Minikube:
minikube start
minikube dashboard
kubectl create -f k8s.yaml
Kubectl get services
minikube service azdev
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