Metadata Tube SDK in Golang.
- Supported platforms
- Linux
- Darwin
- Windows
- BSD(s)
- Supported Databases
- Image processing
- Auto cropping
- Badge support
- Face detection
- Image hashing
- 20+ providers
- Text translation
To install this package, you first need Go installed (version 1.21+ is required), then you can use the below Go command to install SDK.
go get -u
# assume the following codes in example.go file
$ cat example.go
package main
import (
func main() {
app := engine.Default()
results, err := app.SearchMovieAll("<movie_id>", false)
if err != nil {
for _, result := range results {
fmt.Println(result.Provider, result.ID, result.Number, result.Title)
# run example.go and see output on console
$ go run example.go
You can find detailed examples in examples folder or specific implementations in cmd folder.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Open database using in-memory SQLite.
db, _ := database.Open(&database.Config{
DSN: ":memory:",
PreparedStmt: false,
// Allocate app engine with request timeout set to one minute.
app := engine.New(db, time.Minute)
// Initiate DB tables, only required at the first time.
if err := app.AutoMigrate(true); err != nil {
func main() {
app := engine.Default()
// Search actor from Xs/List with fallback enabled.
app.SearchActor("<actor_name>", xslist.Name, true)
// Search actor from all available providers with fallback enabled.
app.SearchActorAll("<actor_name>", true)
// Get actor metadata id from Xs/List with lazy enabled.
app.GetActorInfoByProviderID(xslist.Name, "<id>", true)
// Get actor metadata from given URL with lazy enabled.
app.GetActorInfoByURL("https://<actor_page_url>", true)
func main() {
app := engine.Default()
// Search movie from JavBus with fallback enabled.
app.SearchMovie("<movie_id>", javbus.Name, true)
// Search movie from all available providers with fallback enabled.
// Option fallback will search the database for movie info if the corresponding providers
// fail to return valid metadata.
app.SearchMovieAll("<movie_id>", true)
// Get movie metadata id from ARZON with lazy enable.
// With the lazy option set to true, it will first try to search the database and return
// the info directly if it exists. If the lazy option is set to false, it will fetch info
// from the given provider and update the database.
app.GetMovieInfoByProviderID(arzon.Name, "<id>", true)
// Get movie metadata from given URL with lazy enabled.
app.GetMovieInfoByURL("https://<movie_page_url>", true)
func main() {
app := engine.Default()
// Get actor primary image id from Xs/List.
app.GetActorPrimaryImage(xslist.Name, "<id>")
// Get movie primary image id from FANZA with aspect ratio and pos set to default.
app.GetMoviePrimaryImage(fanza.Name, "<id>", -1, -1)
// Get movie primary image id from FANZA with aspect ratio set to 7:10 and pos
// set to the center.
app.GetMoviePrimaryImage(fanza.Name, "<id>", 0.70, 0.5)
// Get movie backdrop image id from SOD.
app.GetMovieBackdropImage(sod.Name, "<id>")
package main
import (
func main() {
var (
appId = "XXX"
appKey = "XXX"
// Translate `Hello` from auto to Japanese by Baidu.
translate.BaiduTranslate("Hello", "auto", "ja", appId, appKey)
var apiKey = "XXX"
// Translate `Hello` from auto to simplified Chinese by Google.
translate.GoogleTranslate("Hello", "auto", "zh-cn", apiKey)
Library | Description |
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