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Installation, management, and containers for the SuperNEMO Software


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SuperNEMO-DBD Homebrew

Due to Homebrew's move to only supporting binary installs, removing options, and not allowing core formulae to be overriden in pinned Taps, SuperNEMO is migrating to use of the Spack Package Manager. To provide temporary support during Spack testing, we have forked upstream Linuxbrew to enable restoration of needed build-from-source and changes to core formulae for the SuperNEMO software. The current C++/Python Toolchain comprises GCC 7 (Linux) or Apple LLVM (macOS), Python 3.7, and all C++ binaries compiled against the ISO C++11 Standard. Data persistency uses the ROOT 6 format.

The software may be installed either natively on Linux/macOS, or as a Singularity/Docker Image on any platform supporting Singularity/Docker. A native install simply means that everything is compiled and run directly on your host OS just like all other software on the system. The image, paraphrasing from Docker is " a lightweight, standalone, executable package that includes everything needed to run or develop the SuperNEMO software: runtime, simulation, reconstruction, analysis, system tools and libraries, and settings". Images are somewhat like a small Virtual Machine or Emulator, but practical use is closer to running a shell/interpreter like bash or Python.


For both native and image installs, your system will require 4GB of disk space, plus a working network connection during installation to download sources and binaries. We recommend use of image installs on Linux systems that supply and support Singularity, and native from-source builds otherwise (for example on macOS laptops). Both provide an identical set of software, but images are easier, faster, and more reliable to both install and use.

Native Install Prerequisites

The following Linux or macOS base systems are required for native installs:

  • CentOS/Scientific/RedHat Linux 7

    • At a terminal prompt, run (or ask your friendly neighbourhood sysadmin to run):
    $ sudo yum install curl gcc gcc-c++ git make which libxkbcommon-devel libX11-devel libXext-devel libXft-devel libXpm-devel mesa-libGL-devel mesa-libGLU-devel perl-Data-Dumper perl-Thread-Queue
    • CentOS 8 support is expected once this reaches release
  • Ubuntu Linux 18.04LTS, (20.04LTS once released)

    • At a terminal prompt, run (or ask your friendly neighbourhood sysadmin to run):
    $ sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl file g++ git locales make uuid-runtime libx11-dev libxkbcommon-dev libxpm-dev libxft-dev libxext-dev libglu1-mesa-dev flex texinfo
  • macOS Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina

Linux distributions other than the above are not officially supported or tested. Those derived from CentOS 7 or Ubuntu 18.04 (Debian buster/sid) with the above package sets (or equivalent) should provide the necessary base system.

Image Install Prerequisites

To install images and run them in containers, either Singularity(Linux only) or Docker(Linux, macOS or Windows) is required. For Docker on macOS or Windows, you will also require an X11 server if a graphical interface is needed, or if you are connecting to CC IN2P3. XQuartz works well on macOS. There are no recommendations for Windows yet, but you may try PuTTY as an SSH client with VcXsrv as the X11 server (see also this guide from UW-Madison).

If you are using a centrally managed Linux system, you may have Singularity installed already (for example, it is available on SuperNEMO's Tier 1 at CC-IN2P3). Simply run

$ singularity --version

to see if it is available. Otherwise, installation instructions are available from the Singularity Documentation (note that this does require root/sudo privileges, so speak to your friendly neighbourhood sysadmin if that isn't you).

For Docker, you can similarly check availability on your system using

$ docker --version

Docker is less likely to be present on centrally managed systems as it requires higher permissions than Singularity. For self-managed machines, it can be installed following the Docker CE Guide for your platform. Though Docker is available on Linux, we recommend the use of Singularity on this Platform.


Installing Natively From Scratch

If you do not have an existing install of the SuperNEMO software, then start by doing:

$ git clone snemo-sdk
$ eval $(./snemo-sdk/bin/brew shellenv)
$ brew snemo-doctor

It is likely that you will see some warnings from brew snemo-doctor. Unless this fails with hard errors about missing system packages, you should proceed to the next step:

$ brew snemo-bootstrap

This step will take some time to complete as a full suite of development tools and packages will be built from scratch. If you encounter any errors here, you can run the command again in the case of it failing to download packages, otherwise always raise an Issue and supply the requested information.

Once installation is complete, test the top level falaise package:

$ brew test falaise
Testing falaise
==> <SOMEPATH>/Cellar/falaise/3.3.0/bin/flsimulate -o test.brio
==> <SOMEPATH>/Cellar/falaise/3.3.0/bin/flreconstruct -i test.brio -p urn:snemo:demonstrator:reconstruction:1.0.0 -o test.root

This should run successfully without any error, though some warnings may be expected on Linux. If an error does occur, please raise an Issue.

Installing Images

Using Singularity:

$ singularity pull docker://supernemo/falaise
WARNING: pull for Docker Hub is not guaranteed to produce the
WARNING: same image on repeated pull. Use Singularity Registry
WARNING: (shub://) to pull exactly equivalent images.
Docker image path:
WARNING: Building container as an unprivileged user. If you run this container as root
WARNING: it may be missing some functionality.
Building Singularity image...
Singularity container built: ./falaise.simg
Cleaning up...
Done. Container is at: ./falaise.simg
$ ls

The resultant falaise.simg image file contains everything you need to run the offline software, and can be stored anywhere on your system. In the following, we assume it is located in the current working directory, but if not simply supply the full path to the image file. To cross check the image is o.k. and your local Singularity setup, run

$ singularity exec falaise.simg brew test falaise

If you are at CC-IN2P3 (Lyon), you will need to run this as

$ singularity exec --home $HOME falaise.simg brew test falaise
error: could not lock config file /opt/supernemo/Homebrew/.git/config: Read-only file system
Testing falaise
==> /opt/supernemo/Cellar/falaise/3.3.0/bin/flsimulate -o test.brio
==> /opt/supernemo/Cellar/falaise/3.3.0/bin/flreconstruct -i test.brio -p urn:snemo:demonstrator:reconstruction:1.0.0 -o test.root

The exact output you see will depend on the local Singularity configuration and the current production release. As long as you see the last three lines and no subsequent errors, things should be o.k. By default, Singularity pulls the latest image tag, which always contains the current production release.

Using Docker:

$ docker pull supernemo/falaise
latest: Pulling from supernemo/falaise
Digest: sha256:cf39166b250e91becf7a0bfcaa1c28152a07afddd8acf788e7d3289f6b5544aa
Status: Downloaded newer image for supernemo/falaise:latest

Docker will manage the image files for you, and their state can be checked at any time by running

$ docker images

As with Singularity, the falaise package should be tested:

$ docker run --rm supernemo/falaise brew test falaise
Testing falaise
==> /opt/supernemo/Cellar/falaise/3.3.0/bin/flsimulate -o test.brio
==> /opt/supernemo/Cellar/falaise/3.3.0/bin/flreconstruct -i test.brio -p urn:snemo:demonstrator:reconstruction:1.0.0 -o test.root

The value you see for the sha256 digest when pulling and the versions on the test output will depend on the current production release. As with Singularity the pull command downloads the default latest tag which always points to the current production release.

Using the SuperNEMO Software Environment

For both native and image installs, the primary way to use the SuperNEMO software is to start a shell session which configures access to the applications and all the tools needed to run or develop them.

We defer instructions on the use and development of the applications themselves to those on the main project page. Here we simply demonstrate how to start up the interactive shell session.

Using a Native Install

With native installs, a new shell session configured with the applications and needed development tools is started using the snemo-shell subcommand of brew:

$ $HOME/snemo-sdk/bin/brew snemo-shell
Homebrew >=1.7.1 (shallow or no git repository)
Supernemo-dbd/homebrew-core (git revision 15b2f; last commit 2019-02-27)
Type "brew ls --versions" to list available software
Type "exit" to deactivate the session
snemo-shell> flsimulate --help

Use exit to close the session and return to a standard environment. Whilst snemo-shell makes every effort to sanitize the environment, you may have issues if you either start it from an already complex setup, or if you further modify environment variables whilst in the shell. It's recommended to add an alias in your shell's configuration file to simplify starting up the shell session, for example

alias snemo-session="$HOME/snemo-sdk/bin/brew snemo-shell"

You can also run commands through snemo-shell without interaction using the -c <command> form:

$ brew snemo-shell -c "flsimulate --version"

The argument to -c must be given as a quoted string to handle arguments and variables correctly, and the command(s) must be present on the PATH.

Using an Image

Images may be used in a similar way, but we start the brew snemo-shell session inside a "container" running the image. For Singularity, we use the exec subcommand to start the container and run the brew snemo-shell session in it:

$ singularity exec falaise.simg brew snemo-shell
Homebrew >=1.7.1 (shallow or no git repository)
Supernemo-dbd/homebrew-core (git revision 15b2f; last commit 2019-02-27)
Type "brew ls --versions" to list available software
Type "exit" to deactivate the session
snemo-shell> flsimulate --help
snemo-shell> exit

Be extremely careful if you have highly custom or complex environment settings, as these will be exported into the running container and may result in errors (for example, you refer to a path which does not exist in the image).

Whilst the exact behaviour inside the Container will depend on how your Singularity install has been set up, you will generally have at least full read-write access to files on your $HOME and $TMP areas on the machine running Singularity, and be able to start graphical programs like ROOT and flvisualize. A notable exception here is the CC-IN2P3 Tier 1 center, where you will need to run Singularity with additional arguments:

ccin2p3> singularity exec --home $HOME --bind /sps falaise.simg brew snemo-shell

These mount your $HOME area and the /sps/ data directory in the running container.

As with native installs, you may wish to add aliases to simplify running, e.g.

alias snemo-session="singularity exec --home $HOME --bind /sps <PATHTO>/falaise.simg brew snemo-shell"

Programs can be executed non-interactively in a container using the run subcommand, e.g.

$ singularity run falaise.simg flsimulate --help

As with the exec command, you will need to use the --home $HOME --bind /sps arguments at CC-IN2P3 to share the /sps data directory and your $HOME area with the container. These, together with run, enable you to run both general and production processing, reconstruction, and analysis tasks at CC-IN2P3, including batch jobs. Please see their dedicated Singularity @ CC-IN2P3 documentation(or in English) for further instructions. It is also possible to run graphical programs such as root or flvisualize in the image.

Much more is possible with Singularity, with a very clear and detailed overview available in its online documentation.

Docker images can be run either interactively:

$ docker run --rm -it supernemo/falaise
Homebrew >=1.7.1 (shallow or no git repository)
Supernemo-dbd/homebrew-core (git revision 15b2f; last commit 2019-02-27)
Type "brew ls --versions" to list available software
Type "exit" to deactivate the session
snemo-shell> flsimulate --help
snemo-shell> exit

or just to execute a command:

$ docker run --rm supernemo/falaise flsimulate --help

The most important distinction from Singularity is that you do not have access to your $HOME area, other filesystems, or graphical connections inside the running container. Various ways are available to share data between the host system and container, and we defer to the Docker documentation on this subject.

Using Graphical Programs over a Remote Connections with X11 Forwarding

If you want to run graphical applications (or that may create graphics) such as ROOT, flsimulate-configure, or python over an SSH connection, some additional steps are needed (and applies whether you run a Native or Image install on the remote side). If you are connecting from a macOS or Windows host, then you will need to have XQuartz installed on macOS, or PuTTY and VcXsrv on Windows (but note that PuTTY+VcXsrv are currently untested).

The minimum requirement is to use X11 forwarding when you start the ssh connection, for example

In some cases, such as for CC-IN2P3, you may need to use trusted X11 forwarding:

In both cases, you can check that graphics are working by running the xeyes program after connecting, e.g.

$ ssh -X [email protected]
...> xeyes

A little Xwindow with eyes that follow your mouse should pop up! If so, all graphical programs in either a Native or (Singularity) Image install should work without issue.

Please note that the speed of getting and updating windows is dependent on the quality of your network connection to the remote side. Most institute networks and even higher end consumer broadband should support most tasks. If you do see significant slowness, you can try enabling compression on the connection using the -C flag, e.g.

$ ssh -X -C [email protected]
...> xeyes

See the ssh manual for more information on X11 forwarding and compression.

Installing Additional Packages

If your work requires software packages not present in the installation, you can install them through brew if Formulae for them exist. Note that at present this functionality is only supported for native installs because Singularity only allows read-only access to the install area. Use the search subcommand to see if the package is available:

$ brew search <string>

If no results are returned, you can request it to be added through an Issue.

If the package you need is Python-based and available through PyPi, then you must install it using virtualenv and pip supplied with the brewed Python. Note here that virtualenv can be used inside a container.

In both cases, please keep your Working Group Coordinators informed so that dependencies and requirements for deployment can be tracked. Failure to do so will result in delays in your work being integrated into the production releases.

Keeping the SuperNEMO Software Updated

All offline software packages are installed using the current release versions approved for production work. These must be used for all simulation, processing, and analysis production tasks. Thus you should in general only update when a new release is announced.

For native installs, updating the software is done with the update command

$ brew update

This will update the Homebrew installation itself, and then upgrade any packages for new versions are available.

For images, simply follow the same procedure as documented for installation. For Singularity, you can either overwrite your existing image file or create a new one.

SuperNEMO Extension Commands for brew

The following subcommands for brew are available for SuperNEMO specific tasks.


Runs a series of checks on the system and installation, warning if anything may cause issues with installing or using packages.


Starts a new shell session in which the environment is configured for using and developing the SuperNEMO software. It can also be used to run commands non-interactively. See brew help snemo-shell for additional information on thisbe used to run commands non-interactively. See brew help snemo-shell for additional information on this..


Installs the software stack from scratch into a clean Homebrew install. It may fail if any Formulae are already installed as it cannot guarantee a clean build otherwise.


SuperNEMO-supplied implementation of the old versions subcommand. It is retained to help in preparing versioned snapshots.

$ brew snemo-formula-history cmake
cmake 3.13.3   8835fde8b77 homebrew/core Formula/cmake.rb
cmake 3.13.2   a712c28df66 homebrew/core Formula/cmake.rb

Each output line shows the formula name, version (including any revisions), last commit to touch the formula at this version, the Tap hosting the Formula, and the path to the Formula relative to the Tap root.

A complete history of the version/commits touching the formula may be viewed by passing the --all argument. This can be useful for resolving potential conflicts caused by version reverts or merges from Homebrew to Linuxbrew as the merge commit may not show as the one where the version changed.


Installation, management, and containers for the SuperNEMO Software



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