Openapphack is an attempt to enable end to end automation of Application Development using opensource tools for provisioning , code authoring and scaffolding.
Openapphack leverages vagrant, ansible and yeoman to do this.
The goal is to get a collection of fully functional , customizable apps working on the openapphack-vm from a set of plain yaml
The broader purpose is to provide a simplified path for full stack developers to quickly get started on opensource technologies and experiment freely.
- What is OpenAppHack Project?
- Openapphack repositories
- Contributing to this project
- How do you start your openapphack-project?
An OpenAppHack Project is a repository forked from the openapphack-vm to your github organization or individual namespace.
You need to make use of the openapphack ansible roles and openapphack yeoman generators and build an impressive fully functional opensource application.
The others repositories used by the openapphack project are:
Openapphack-vm : Main repository which participants have to fork and will submit their pull requests.
Openapphack-ansible-roles : Repository for ansible roles that can be used by openapphack projects, You can also add your own ansible roles that work on openapphack-vm
Openapphack-yeoman-generators : Repository for the generators. You can also add your own yeoman generators that work on openapphack-vm, more info
You can start contributing to this project by starting your own openapphack project as mentioned below.
You begin by forking an openapphack-vm and follow the instructions mentioned here
You are free to tweak the vm configurations as long as the base vagrant box and the openapphack vm folder structure is maintained. Any additional customization must be done only in the yaml
You are also free to add (only add) and include your own yeoman generator and ansible roles as long as they work together on the openapphack-vm.
Please take a look here , on how to add your own openapphack ansible role
Please take a look here , on how to add your own openapphack yeoman generator
clone your openapphack-vm
associated with your githubid or org and run vagrant up , vagrant provision.
You should be able to validate and test your vm.
You will have to submit a pull request to openapphack repository to do so.
If you are unsure on how to make a pull request. Please refer github's guide on creating a pull request
Do mention your github repository url and details of any ansible or yeoman generators you have included to get your openapphack project working.
Please join the community @!forum/openapphack.
If you have any questions/suggestions please email to [email protected]
If you want to contribute to the development of openapphack main project please do take a look at the issues
You can get details on the branching model that will be followed [here] ( ,
This project is licensed under the MIT open source license.
Still compiling this.. Lot of Folks to thank, we are standing on the shoulders of a lot of excellant programmers and a lot of opensource projects.
here is a list..