This repository comprises the source code I use to generate my academic website. I write the website as a set of Emacs org-mode files, and then use org's publishing capabilities to generate the HTML.
I chose to host this on Github because I really like org-mode and thought that my website provides a nice, non-trivial example of using org's export capabilites. (I also have a repo for my C.V., which is also written in org, which is much simpler.)
- If you're looking for the rendered version of my website, visit it at
- If you want to see the org code used to generate the HTML, see the org subdirectory in this repo.
- If you want to see the HTML files that generated from the .org file, see the .html files in the pub subdirectory of this repo.
I will eventually populate this with instructions on how to publish the HTML files from the .org files; doing so requires non-trivial configuring within Emacs.
Please feel free to copy any part of this repo for your own uses -- although make sure you delete my actual website contents and replace them with your own! See the License for actual legal details.