Please take a look at clean-me.php
We'd like you to spend some time going through this code and refactoring it. The code is functional, but can definietely be improved upon.
To complete the exercise, please fork this repository and work in your fork. Once you've completed your rework create a Pull Request back to this repository so we can view the diff.
You are at liberty to do as much refactoring as you see fit, we only ask that you don't include any frameworks or dependancies via composer. That would make the diff unreadable, but feel free to assume there is one present, just make sure you note that in the comments.
There are one or two bugs in the code, but we would ask you to consider how it could be improved structurally: Can it be more modular? How could it better adhere to SOLID principles? Is stuff in the right place? Is it maintainable and easy to understand? What about design patterns?
Clue: You’ll probably need to refactor the code into a number of new files to do well in this test. We think a couple of hours would be a rough guide to how long it should take… and that includes some thinking time.
Good luck!