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Sykes Cottages CDK Docker Images


We use a variety of CDK containers at Sykes Cottages across most of our platforms, but due to a lack of official and maintained images we have introduced our own. All of our CDK images are based off the Base Sykes image which uses the official Ubuntu Docker image. We opted for this path to utilise aptitude so we could manage packages easier and utilise the package integrity verification that comes with apititude.


All images contain JQ, Docker and the AWS CLI to support various CDK features.


For the AWS CLI features you will need to define your AWS credentials by passing them to the container via the .aws mounts e.g.

docker run \
    -v ~/.aws/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials \
    -v ~/.aws/config:/root/.aws/config \
    sykescottages/cdk:latest \
    aws sts get-caller-identity

The mounting user can be variable depending on what user you run the container with.


CDK allows you to build docker images for ECR repositories and to utilise this you will need docker available. As you can't run docker directly within a container you will need to pass the docker sock to the container through a volume e.g.

docker run \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    sykescottages/cdk:latest \
    docker --version


The addition of JQ was to expand on the AWS CLI's version of JQ which is limited.

docker run \
    sykescottages/cdk:latest \
    jq --version

Architecture Support

All our images have support for:

  • linux/amd64
  • linux/arm64/v8

Obtaining platform specific architectures:

docker pull --platform=<ARCHITECTURE> sykescottages/cdk:<VERSION>

Testing you have the right architecture:

docker run -it --platform=<ARCHITECTURE> sykescottages/cdk:<VERSION> arch

Supported versions and available tags

  • 1.203.0 (Deprecated) - sykescottages/cdk:1
  • 2.1001.0 (Current) - sykescottages/cdk:2

Image Itinerary

For better visibility of packages there is now an included aptitude itinerary with each tag, this is located in the corresponding folder to the tag. This will give better clarity on package version changes and be reflected in the git history.


Pulling an image:

docker pull sykescottages/cdk:version

Running a container:

docker run -it \
    -v ~/.aws/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials \
    -v ~/.aws/config:/root/.aws/config \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    --privileged \
     sykescottages/cdk:latest --version

Building from this image simply reference it as part of your Dockerfile:

FROM sykescottages/cdk:version

# ... Your configuration

Docker Compose

        image: sykescottages/cdk:latest
            - .:/code
            - ~/.aws/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials
            - ~/.aws/config:/root/.aws/config
            - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
        working_dir: /code
        privileged: true


All testing is done in the form of a SUT containers which is run by the Docker Hub (see Automated repository tests for more information) and runs a variety of shell scripts.


Contributions are welcome, but please adhere to the CONTRIBUTION.MD. Also, if you could ensure that there are tests with every modification of the Dockerfiles to verify that your changes work.